
Dear Cannoli, poking fun at an employee over their English is not 'banter' — a privilege check is overdue

Dear Cannoli, poking fun at an employee over their English is not 'banter' — a privilege check is overdue

The women may downplay the video as "gup shup" among colleagues but the undertones of a crucial power dynamic are all too obvious.
Updated 22 Jan, 2021

The video of two female owners of a high-end cafe in Islamabad apparently mocking the English language skills of their manager appears to have struck a nerve with Pakistanis on social media. And it should.

While the incident reflects belittling behaviour on part of those more privileged, it says so much more about Pakistan as a society and its fault lines of inequality, class divide and linguistic 'otherism'.

The one minute or so video begins with the two women introducing themselves as the owners of Cannoli. Because they are "bored", the women proceed to introduce their restaurant's team. The camera turns straight towards Awais, the cafe's manager.

"How many classes have you taken for English?" one of the two owners asks Awais, to which he responds that he has been learning the language for 1.5 years.

At this, the owners ask the manager to "say a sentence" in English and introduce himself. Complying immediately, Awais says: "Hi, my name is Awais. And ... I job there ... manager."

The camera then returns to the first owner who, visibly struggling to contain her laugh, says: "So this is our manager who's been with us for nine years. This is the beautiful English he speaks. This is at a very good salary, mind you."

The second owner chimes in to say: "This is what we pay for."

And so, unsurprisingly, the floodgates of criticism opened on social media. There were proclamations of "class privilege" and "colonial hangover" and "elitism", while #BoycottCannoli remained the top trend in Pakistan throughout on Thursday.

It drew the attention of celebrities...

And even foreigners acquainted with Pakistan...

What didn't help at all was the half-hearted apology issued by the restaurant.

"We are saddened and appalled by the reaction of the people, how they have misconstrued our banter with a team member," they said in a note on Instagram.

"This video depicts the gup shup between us as a team, and is never meant or taken in a hurtful or negative way. If anyone was hurt or offended we apologise, however that was never our intention."

A photo posted by Instagram (@instagram) on

The owners went on to say they were "not required to prove or defend ourselves as kind employers", saying their team had been with them for a decade, which "should speak for itself".

"We are proud Pakistanis who love our language and our culture," they concluded.

The "apology" may only have served as fuel to the fire, but since things tend to get ugly on social media (people resorting to character assassinations and name-calling, I am looking at you), let's focus on what went wrong here.

First things first.

The women's behaviour does not appear to be intentionally spiteful or driven by malice — at least on the face of it. The women are not directly abusive towards the manager and even tell him shabash (good job) in Urdu when he attempts to speak English.

What they are being, however, is utterly and unabashedly patronising. Their level of entitlement is such that they are making fun of their employee in their definitely-not-Pakistani English accents on camera while he is standing right in front of them. Awais may not be able to articulate grammatically perfect sentences, but did his owners assume he also would not understand them so clearly poking fun at him?

Even if we were to believe their argument that this was mere "banter" with a team member, do the women not realise it is extremely in bad taste? Also, if it was really just banter, we would see the manager laughing in the video along with the women.

Instead, we see him nervously and self-consciously answering their questions and not challenging the women despite being put on the spot in this manner and laughed at.

"Gup shup" takes two — this was clearly one-sided.

So while the women may be trying to downplay the recording as some innocuous "gup shup" among colleagues, the undertones of a crucial power dynamic are all too obvious: that of an employer-employee relationship. The manager knows he cannot confront the women and must try to pass what is effectively a test because they are his bosses. They can fire him in an instant if they want to and the salary they pay him may just be running his household.

And now some fundamental questions.

Why test his English in the first place? Does a cafe in Islamabad receive so many foreign customers that communication would be a problem if the manager doesn't have full command on a language that is not his first? And okay, even if it IS crucial somehow to his job, was this some sort of training? And was the manager asked for his permission before being tested for his language skills in this manner on camera?

AND, why bring in money and his salary?

The two women appear ignorant of the fact that in Pakistan, the language a person speaks isn't just a medium of communication but an aspect that dovetails with the harsher realities of systemic and societal exclusion, class discrimination and the chasm between the haves and the have-nots.

To all the social media warriors, boycotting Cannoli and affecting someone's business and the workers' salaries isn't a solution; we need to realise this is a symptom of a much bigger problem and as a nation, we need to really tackle it at ground level.

Begin with yourself.

Have you judged a person's manners, desirability or how educated they are based on their English proficiency? Were you proud of going to a school that "fined" students for not speaking English? Have you looked down upon people who attended a public school or university? If you are an employer, did you automatically find yourself inclined to hire the person 'speaking better English' even when the job itself had nothing to do with the language?

Now, be the customer and think over if at any point, YOU have been part of the problem; did the two women feel their manager needed to speak fluent English because their customers expect that from a 'good eatery'? Here's a harmless one: have you sniggered at a 'well come' typo or similar ones at a restaurant?

Have you consciously felt a restaurant manager/shop salesperson/salon receptionist (the list goes on) pay more heed to your complaint if you speak English — and do you use that to your advantage?

If your answers to any of the above questions are yes, you may be — even unintentionally — part of the problem. If we are to progress into a more egalitarian society and truly move past the colonial hangover, we must stop instrumentalising the English language to exploit the emotions of our people in order to serve our own ends — and stop using it as some litmus test to judge people's capabilities for xyz professional position for where language doesn't even matter.

It's time for some soul-searching and meaningful actions that go beyond a boycott.


Indian Jan 22, 2021 01:26pm
That was so sad and to then post it was worse. Canolli owners your English was heavily accented. More of a put on than a natural unaccented English that so many good speakers of the language speak in our part of the world.
Toni Jan 22, 2021 01:46pm
Cheap shot by owners, who are lucky to have him, if he has been there 9 years, must be good but this is NOT the way to talk about staff and laugh at them; nothing was amusing in it, he does his job, is in Pakistan and does not need Perfect English.
Nick, NY Jan 22, 2021 01:49pm
Clearly shows a class divide getting wider and out of control!
Yasir Jan 22, 2021 01:52pm
Your article was worth reading. Beautiful piece of writing
Akram Jan 22, 2021 01:53pm
These ladies should offer an apology in Urdu. Proper Urdu.
alli Jan 22, 2021 01:59pm
Manager is the victim of this elite system! need a reset...?
Khaled Jan 22, 2021 02:15pm
Syed A. Mateen Jan 22, 2021 02:26pm
People who can speak English language in Pakistan are categorise as they are from privileged class. Though speaking Urdu language is preferred in the country as it is the national language of Pakistan and secondly it is also understood by the people whose mother tongue is not Urdu language. The majority of the customers who walk-in in any restaurant order food in Urdu language rather than English language, except in the case where any foreigner step in, therefore, it is necessary for the restaurant manger and the serving staff that they should speak Urdu language rather than English. The video footage circulating on social media is of a restaurant is located in Islamabad not in London where it is a must to speak in English language. We need to change our perception that any one who can speak in English language is more superior than people who speak or understand Urdu or any other local language. People have called the manager of restaurant as hero and have criticised the owners.
Chrís Dăn Jan 22, 2021 02:30pm
A very sad video .A schocking one for anyone from some civilized country where one can NOT simply dare to challange someone on lack of fluency in foreign-I mean other than national and mother language of the citizen. In Europe,these ladies would have been called by community police forthwith as the guy speaks his national& mother language obviously well and ladies are mocking him for not knowing a foreign language. A straight case of discrimination and violation of human rights. English is the 3rd language of Pakistan and these 2 women seem to have internal inferiority complex when facing British &Americans. Do these two human rights violators are aware that in science,technology, scientific research 96% of Nobel Prizes are gone to non-English speakers.
Akmal Jan 22, 2021 02:40pm
The apology has a few errors. Whoever wrote the apology does not know how to use punctuations.
Kas Jan 22, 2021 02:48pm
Just like everyone else you guys also jumping on the band wagon and criticizing the owners. 1. First of all our privileged class treat others alot worse, there is actually slave system working in kiln factories. 2. Secondly I do not think the video should have attracted a lot criticism. Yes someone will find it offending but bear in mind the manager is an employee for 9 years and that itself is a proof that Owners did not hire him on his English skills. And if (assuming) owners are paying for his English classes for last 1.5 years, then they are right to ask if his English language has improved or not ? Whether English is job requirement or not that is up to the owners to decide not public.
Bol Ke Lab Azaad Hain Tere Jan 22, 2021 03:06pm
Well, looks like they won't be bored again for a long time to come! I hope so....
Ahmed Jan 22, 2021 03:07pm
This is knowingly or unknowingly disrespectful and disgusting, perhaps just for sake of getting a toll in the social media. Such cheap tactics to raise in social media is alarming. If they were that concerned about him or the "decade-old" staff, they could have given them perks of training classes, well being and spoken sessions besides raising salaries instead of such taunting in so called "gup shup" or banter.
Quid pro Quid Jan 22, 2021 03:20pm
Usma and Dia, the cafe owners should be ashamed of themselves. Please leave Pakistan and open your shop in UK where you'll be happy as everyone speaks in beautiful Queen's English.
Free Soul Jan 22, 2021 03:22pm
Well written !!!!! Good.
Khatri Jan 22, 2021 03:24pm
Unfortunately English is our complex. As someone depicted it beautifully in Urdu: "Angraizi hamara complex hai aur Urdu hamari pehchan. Kabhi hamain pehchan ka complex ho jata to kabhi complex ki pehchan."
Quid pro Quid Jan 22, 2021 03:26pm
The owners went on to say they were "not required to prove or defend ourselves as kind employers", saying their team had been with them for a decade, which "should speak for itself". Dear owners - have you even considered that your employees don't really love you but work with you only because they have families to take care of ?
Raza Jan 22, 2021 04:00pm
People who feel proud of mastering the language of their colonial master's are entitled to our empathy and a prayer for their solace nothing more ,wish they could speak their own language as well as they claim to speak the adoptive language. Putting it out for all to see is pure humiliation for that individual.
Browngirl Jan 22, 2021 04:15pm
The only way to punish a business is to stop going there.
Aziza Jan 22, 2021 04:15pm
The video is just a sad reminder of how pathetic and prevalent the colonial hangover stil is in Pakistan. When will our own language Urdu be good enough for us?
Nasir Khan Jan 22, 2021 04:27pm
When you say "If anyone was hurt or offended we apologise", this shows your mindset. If you are sorry then simply say "We apologise for what we have done".
Gowri Jan 22, 2021 04:33pm
It is an high-end cafe and owners should have employed an English-speaking manager right from the beginning. Pakistan is a confused nation with its culture and language.Citizens does not show respect to her heritage. This is a just an incident to highlight the issue. Learn from Japanese or French-They don't have any doubt as to who they are.
Gau Jan 22, 2021 04:42pm
Same, as, Ind?
naeem Jan 22, 2021 04:45pm
these aunties are still mentally enslaved of our colonial past
Lahori Jan 22, 2021 04:53pm
English is just a language, it is funny how people feel privileged having known this particular language and feel entitled to belittle others for not knowing it well. These very same people want to forget all about their roots and want to settle in the West trying to be more Western than the native Westerners. Funny yet sad
Ali Mehdi Jan 22, 2021 04:59pm
Ppl have bigger problems. We can’t be touch me not. Criticism n insult is all good. It’s there to make you a stronger person.
Xyz Jan 22, 2021 05:41pm
The manager must sue the owners. This harassment is unacceptable. People should boycott that cafe. Shame on the owners.
Gaurav Shukla Jan 22, 2021 05:54pm
There is just one word in hindi/ Urdu which is appropriate for this cringe worthy video - “chhi”
Saad Abbasi Jan 22, 2021 05:56pm
I feel that the manager's stock has gone up , he was confident , not knowing what these two middle aged women were up to he gave an answer in line with what was asked , there was nothing wrong with what he said . But I will also give the women a pass , as it does not appear to me, that they intentionally wanted to embarrass the guy , but if I were them I will go the manager and apologize to him, as it may have hurt his feelings. For the Pakistani nation grow up English is just a language , be proud of your own language .
Zeeshan Jan 22, 2021 05:58pm
Canoli getting a free publicity worth tens of millions of rupees. Their clientele is similar to their owners and all those who are criticizing and vowing never to go there wouldn't have originally gone there. This free publicity ought to end
Adil Jadoon Jan 22, 2021 06:03pm
Won’t be going to Canoli, ever. Wonder what is the background of the 2 owners? Using parents I’ll gotten money to make fun of others......lack basic up bringing!
Ga Jan 22, 2021 06:06pm
Deport these ladies to France and let them rub some English into the French. We will see what they do to these 2 Brown Sahibas
CU Jan 22, 2021 06:07pm
This is just how people are and it's no excuse. Language is not the issue. My Urdu is poor and I get made fun of all the time especially from 'desis'. So it goes both ways. Pulling the privilege card as an employer was a low. But even we do that with our domestic help starting with the low pay. Makes me wonder what exactly are we discussing then?
Hasan Mahmood Jan 22, 2021 06:23pm
I understand the sentiments and yes more is needed, but boycott is absolutely a must (not just an option). The apology itself was abhorrent.
Bashir George Jan 22, 2021 06:27pm
This is absolutely sad to see behaviour towards an employee. Mastery in any language is not a prerequisite for jobs until it is specifically stated in the job description.
Skeptic Jan 22, 2021 06:29pm
As we needed a reason to stay away from an outfit owned by snobs! If they treat their employees, who work hard to generate their profits for these priviliged ones with such disdain, imagine what they say about their customers - after they've paid their bill??
Syed Junaid Pirzada Jan 22, 2021 06:31pm
A simple case of sparkling chianti going to the head. Would she mind explaining what she was drinking?
Mustafa Jan 22, 2021 06:46pm
Would love to see how good the owners are at their own mother tongue.
Iftikhar Ali Jan 22, 2021 06:56pm
Arrogance always catchup one day to everyone.
Hassan Jan 22, 2021 06:56pm
Irony is that we love our language coded in english
NYS Jan 22, 2021 07:11pm
No comment Period!
Turkish slave Jan 22, 2021 07:35pm
Slavery is in their blood .
saksci Jan 22, 2021 07:40pm
Someone should check how these elite women were able to open this restaurant where the cash came from; also how much taxes they pay.
Tariq Jan 22, 2021 07:50pm
Ladies seem to be in complex that they are proficient in English by disrespecting their manager. I hope Owais ends up with better offer somewhere else through media awareness.
saeed Jan 22, 2021 07:54pm
For Women Its not intentionally but by instinct . Than its Cleary shows the lack of decency due to upbringing or by nature . It was a shameful act and lesson for all us.
Jahan Ara Jan 22, 2021 07:54pm
Boycott their restaurant.
Concerned Jan 22, 2021 07:54pm
Seriously! they are making fun of their employee with such a heavy accent. I am pretty sure both women will be unable to articulate a proper sentence in English when taken out of their comfort zone. Just pathetic.
DEVKANT SOMANI Jan 22, 2021 08:03pm
After spending what seemed to be a lifetime learning and speaking English, I somehow find it more convenient to speak Hindi whenever I can to Indians and Pakistanis irrespective of the place or situation.
Ifti Malik Jan 22, 2021 08:32pm
Is this a serious topic ?
R9b Jan 22, 2021 08:34pm
Absolutely poor and shoddy entitled behaviour, Crass and cringe at its best, Making fun of your employee who has been your first, loyal and trustworthy worker is utterly shameful.
well-wisher Jan 22, 2021 08:46pm
Apologize and honor all employees because they help your business, profession, etc.
Nasiroski Jan 22, 2021 09:10pm
This is all great good to see the response, will this remain an isolated event or society is going to change their attitude towards elite privileges??
Zain Jan 22, 2021 09:14pm
Why don’t we test the owners on their spoken and written Urdu? After all, it’s the national language.
Kris Jan 22, 2021 09:17pm
Why does that man even work there? It looked like hazing more than an interview or Q&A. Very shameful.
JOY Jan 22, 2021 09:19pm
Angry aunties are still in denial mode.
Memon Abdul Jan 22, 2021 09:21pm
I have a BA in English from a reputable institution abroad and have a better than average understanding of the language, yet, when I interact in the market place or at a restaurant, I prefer to communicate in Urdu, I do not wish to forget or abandon my mother tongue... Why did they not send him to take urdu classes to improve his pronunciation and vocabulary?
salman hasan Jan 22, 2021 09:23pm
so much so if an employee can't speak english..... we have school bosses that know no english too!!!
Aa Jan 22, 2021 09:47pm
This is what happens when paindu ppl get money.
Aa Jan 22, 2021 09:57pm
@Akram thats the problem they are Punjabis they can not speak proper urdu
Omar Khan Jan 22, 2021 10:06pm
@Nasir Khan Not only Urdu, But our other Beautiful Languages such as Baluchi, Sindhi, Pashto, Seraiki, Hindko, Punjabi and other are Looked down upon. I am a Punjabi and I strictly speak Punjabi when I am in Punjab and most of the people Look Down upon me for speaking in Punjabi and answer me back in Urdu or English. In Punjab, Punjabi is considered a "Paindoo" language of the Labourers.
ABCD$ Jan 22, 2021 10:06pm
Would the owners have the guts to ask the same question to a customer,they are lucky he is performing his job and they are making money off his labour,by the way the two owners were giggling more and talking less in order to hide their own defective accent.
Agha Asad Raza Jan 22, 2021 10:10pm
Brainless and classless women.
SHAHLA Jan 22, 2021 10:22pm
What does good food have to do with good english???
Ali Dar Jan 22, 2021 10:30pm
Cheap stunt to get free publicity for cafe, don’t fall for it.
Pak Patriot Jan 22, 2021 10:53pm
Ok People ! you have made your point, let's move on, bigger issues to solve in Pak.
raheel Jan 22, 2021 11:01pm
These ladies are the lowest of the low. Shameful behaviour indeed.
MEDUSA Jan 22, 2021 11:16pm
Thank you Adeel and Dawn for this sad episode re the owners of Cannoli and their uncalled for ethnocentric attitude towards their long time loyal manager. As a female business owner myself, I was raised far better than this and treat all my employees with respect and dignity - from top level executives in my company to the very hard-working ones who keep our offices clean and organized. Perhaps these two owners should follow President Joe Biden‘s advice to his political appointees when he very sternly and in no uncertain terms told them “ that he'd fire them on the spot if he heard they treated others with disrespect. ”
saksci Jan 22, 2021 11:20pm
Finally article that reflects the ruling class of Pakistan; best example is Bilawal Bhutto Zardari who soon will be the prime minister of Pakistan still a slave mentality left behind by British rule.
Mahmood Jan 22, 2021 11:29pm
@Zeeshan And you are, no doubt a frequent visitor to this joint?? If you still visit this outfit, despite their snobery towards lesser- beings, what does that say about your level of self-respect?
jaredlee007 Jan 22, 2021 11:31pm
Are the arrogant, rude, and disrespectful owners of Canolli reading this? Sadly, you do not have any idea of what you have done. Aristotle was right saying that it is sad when people do not know what they do not know. Height of ignorance in our society. The least we all can do is boycott Canolli and all those who are like minded businesses and people.
Hyra Jan 22, 2021 11:34pm
So sick to read what happened. Didn't feel like watching video. Salute to this hardworking manager.english is just a language not a talent or skill.. i m sure this guy has far better brain n heart than these snobs
Dr. Farhan Jan 22, 2021 11:39pm
Despicable I could not watch more then a few seconds. Speaking English doesn't make you.more polished. I wonder if the owners can speak humanity
M. Saeed Jan 22, 2021 11:41pm
If I speak in broken English that a foreign customer understands and is satisfied, what harm will it bring to the Queen of England?
Shahzad Jan 23, 2021 12:08am
@Omar Khan i am from a privilege class from Pakistan we only speak punjabi or seraiki when in punjab. I speak urdu if and when needed. I avoid speaking English wheni hang out with my friends. That does not mean we don't know english. If anyone wants to call me Paindoo fine by me. I wear that label as a badge of honor. As far as going to Canolli, never going there as fake food does not impress me.
Tango Tango Jan 23, 2021 12:21am
So why are most restaurant menus in English?
Saeeds Jan 23, 2021 12:39am
@Pak Patriot I think this one of the important topic for present. Don’t ignore it ,think about seriously
Syed Alam Jan 23, 2021 12:53am
What should I label it...class complex, British Raj hangover or just plain & simple ignorance at its peak.
Quid pro Quid Jan 23, 2021 12:59am
@Kas - Why did the owners decide to put this video out in public space on Instagram ? Why are you defending the owners ? It's their mess, let them clean it up.
Asad Jan 23, 2021 01:14am
Typical colonial inspired mindset. Urdu is our national language, dont copy goras in every way, learn to identify yourselves, if you cant then it’s really a sad sad reality. This incident was outrageously shameful. Sharam sy doob maro dono.
Humayra Jan 23, 2021 01:42am
This is something common in both india and Pakistan, refusal to get over the colonial hangover. English is just a language, it should not equate to intelligence or hard work. Unfortunately speaking English is considered an indication of class, education and all things nice. All it represents is our inferiority complex as a nation.
MM Jan 23, 2021 02:43am
This is extremely humiliating especially for the manager who has made that restaurant successful for the owners. My sincere respects to the gentleman. He should hold his head high and be proud of being a genuine human being. Now to the owners, why don’t you come out on a public forum and try to speak English that you think you are extremely proficient in. Let us see how English linguistics sort you out with your phoney accent and poor grammar. So shameful.
N_Saq Jan 23, 2021 03:01am
It is a societal problem and Feudal/colonial mindset (remember Feudals are and British were masters and Indians were slaves) plus education in the educational institutions problem. By having English medium in private schools and Urdu medium in public schools, Pak has ensured that the poor will remain poor and rich will remain rich forever. If Pak wants to move forward then Pak must introduce English medium in all schools, so tomorrow the kids of a poor man can also dream of becoming a General, PM, Judge etc English is the reason Indians are so far ahead of Pak in every field and in every country around the globe. Time to wake up.
Jamshed Qutabshahi Jan 23, 2021 03:23am
Seriously this is about being insecure in one’s own skin. These two will be drooling over had the server been an Italian butchering English in in his ‘oh so sexy accent’. A Gofundme page should be started for these ladies so they can go see the world. Or at a minimum get out of their little Islamabad.
Glen D'Abreo Jan 23, 2021 04:22am
Can anyone provide the twitter addresses of these fine social upper class owner. Pakistani Americans can give their feed back to these two!
Outsiders Perspective Jan 23, 2021 05:30am
And the maximum of the criticism on this is coming from the people who themselves prefer to communicate that in English :)
Humza Jan 23, 2021 06:23am
@Quid pro Quid The problem for them is if they spoke their South Asian accented English in the UK, looking visibly ethnic, others would make fun of them and they would soon cry to come back and complain why should we be judged when English isn't our first language !
pakOne Jan 23, 2021 07:18am
This was written in english, the language of the elites.
Amjad Durrani Engineer USA Jan 23, 2021 08:33am
The most important political competition over the next decades will not be between various groups representing treasury benches or the opposition, but between a majority of Pakistanis who have been losing ground and an economic elite that refuses to recognize or respond to the majority’s growing distress. This system is created by people representing 15% urbanized rich and politically connected elites. The question is, 'Which people?' The central issue is not more or less government. It’s 'Who is government for?'. In other words, it’s all a question of power — who has it and who doesn’t.
gv Jan 23, 2021 09:38am
Bikas happy soul Jan 23, 2021 10:07am
Definitely the video shows class divisiveness mentality of the cafe owner. Even if there is no Malice in their intent the fact that mocking someone for its inability or incapacity is utterly shameful and does shows shadow of racism in their banter. Knowledge is not a slave to language and certainly not of English. So stop admiring English and yearn to learn the language you love to speak.
Attorney Rana Jan 23, 2021 11:04am
"Gup shup" It represents poor taste, lack of class and down right unkind and cruel mindset. Yes the employer don't have to be kind, but they have no right to have some fun at his expense. You pay him to manage the cafe, not to make and publish humiliating video. It reflects on employer's poor judgment and lack of grace. Hope they learn and grow from this experience.
Bilal Bashir Jan 23, 2021 12:42pm
This is story of almost all businesses in Pakistan, it has a very well know word " Saith Culture" most of business owners in Pakistan are not well educated and professional, they treat employees like slaves. Its very common for employees to go to office on time, while owners join late in the afternoon or even in evening and their day starts then, thus employees have to sit in office pretty late. I think due to the ignorant business owners Pakistan have almost no competitive advantage in international market. Its a very very rare sight when we see a Pakistani name in international business.
Nadir S. Jan 23, 2021 01:18pm
It's nothing but an attempt to gain cheap publicity. The manager might be in on it as well. Surely he must be doing a stellar job if they had him for 9 years and is manager. But it's so poor for people like these to try and make a video like this. Shows their shallowness and poor social skills.
Asian guy Jan 23, 2021 03:06pm
Why the fascination for English? Is that a test of eliteness, high society and acumen. Similar trend in India. But in some places a India has woken up
Jo Jan 23, 2021 03:23pm
We're suffering from our vulnerability and deflect these to others Pathetic!
Green Jan 23, 2021 04:36pm
Moral disaster at the very deeper level of our society. Irreparable.
Sam Jan 23, 2021 05:13pm
I was in Switzerland at a beautiful cafe and that manager didn't speak English either. What's worse is that he couldn't speak Urdu either.
Javed Qamer Engineer Washington DC Jan 23, 2021 08:10pm
This video made me sick to my stomach. How can anybody treat another human being like this. I hope these two young ladies are ashamed of themselves.
Atif Jan 23, 2021 09:45pm
Where is this cannoli oil resturant. Hifi people huhh..inferior low level offence these ladies couldnt get a job so opened a restaurant :) how is that for your english .. Though i studied and stayed for 6 years outside Pakistan but still prefer anday walla burger..
Ghost who walks Jan 23, 2021 11:56pm
Class does not come by the language you speak but with the way you think. These two ladies, insulting an employee who has worked for them for 9 years and contributed to their success, are classless. Kudos to this guy who spent year and half learning a foreign language. Making fun of your compatriot’s English just shows how much inferiority complex we have. Be proud of your culture. Love from India.
Janjua Jan 24, 2021 12:57am
Lacking English communication skills is laughable, so they should have been told that they should be able to withstand a laughter for lacking good appearance and that English aspect of beautiful faces.
Kamran Waheed Jan 24, 2021 03:17am
Sad and disappointing to see an employer getting a few seconds of high at the cost of humiliating their employee and that too on social media. Shame on you ladies.
Hussein Jan 24, 2021 03:28am
Speaks to the culture of Pakistani enterprise to some extent.
Robby Jan 24, 2021 04:40am
Well written and with logic and I support Awais
Deepak Jan 24, 2021 05:00am
Uncool and not required at all
Rizwan Khoso Jan 24, 2021 07:04am
@Indian Paisa and English does not prove that you are a good human. Think, how such people would be in their daily life.
King Jan 24, 2021 07:12am
@Kas I too acknowledged the fact that they paid for his English classes and thought that is very nice of them, however this does not give them the right to mock him on video and then publicise it. Their accents were horrible, as an English person I’d rather them speak Urdu than hear those accents. This preference is relative to the type of people they are, I do not mind accents of decent, educated (in manners not necessarily literacy) and down to earth people.
Dr. Arun Kochar Jan 24, 2021 07:45am
That is so awful. People like these exist in this part of the world. They know some English, nothing about their mother tongue and feel privileged that they are like that. Uncultured literate louts. Feeling proud of the country that slaved them. Manager is our hero.
Shahid Haneef Jan 24, 2021 08:15am
The women have no class...
Sami Jan 24, 2021 01:30pm
Useless uperclass lot dominanting private sector.