
Model Farwa Ali Kazmi reveals she's Covid positive

Model Farwa Ali Kazmi reveals she's Covid positive

Adding that she had initially ignored symptoms during Hussain Rehar's show over the weekend, she regretted her decision instantly
29 Oct, 2020

It's officially the world premiere of 'Do I have coronavirus or am I just suffering from seasonal flu?'

Model Farwa Ali Kazmi recently announced that she had tested positive for Covid-19, requesting everyone who has come in recent contact with her, to isolate themselves.

"I am Covid positive. Everyone who has been in touch with me or Ali in the past week please quarantine yourself," she asked.

Adding that she had initially ignored the symptoms mistaking them for a common flu, Kazmi regretted her decision instantly.

"All those with cough, body-aches and headaches but no fever; please get yourself tested. I had delayed it thinking its seasonal cold, but its not."

She then proceeded to list down her symptoms including migraine, severe body-aches, slight nausea, as well as loss of taste, smell and appetite.

Receiving backlash for attending the Hussain Rehar solo show and exposing herself to countless other names from the industry, Farwa responded to angry users saying she was only coughing at the time of the show, which wasn't enough of a scare to go get tested.

Super spreader event, but make it fashion, people criticised.

"I showed only one symptom a week back at the show which was cough and is not enough for anybody to go and get themselves tested for corona," protested Kazmi. "Stop blaming people for something they're not aware of. If I had flu-like symptoms I would have gotten myself tested before."

Adding that work is not more important than health, Farwa objected that she had been in strict quarantine for months, and therefore missing one show would not have been an issue for her.

"I am very well aware of my responsibility towards others," she dismissed, saying that having had two cases in the previous wave, she knows exactly how the protocol works.


babu Oct 29, 2020 02:02pm
Get well soon Ms Kami the beautiful carrier.
D’Souza Oct 29, 2020 05:50pm
Take rest and get well sister.
Sami khan Oct 29, 2020 07:28pm
Now virus is already spread.
well-wisher Oct 29, 2020 08:23pm
Farwa you are honest. Thanks for warning people who might have had contact with you.
Amal Oct 29, 2020 10:59pm
Is this Pakistani culture? BTW get well soon
Rehan Oct 29, 2020 11:39pm
Should have wore mask, symptoms or no symptoms !!!
Abdur R. Talukder Oct 30, 2020 01:33am
Drink lot of lime/lemon mixed warm water every hour. Hold your courage and pray to the Almighty for quick overcome.
ambreen Oct 30, 2020 09:28am
Pakistani people are thinking covids gone and ignore minor symptoms as a cold or cough infecting others !
Zak Oct 30, 2020 11:09am
We pray for your quick recovery.
Zak Oct 30, 2020 11:10am
@Rehan 'Should have wore mask, symptoms or no symptoms !!!' Its old photo before covid 19 days.
Zak Oct 30, 2020 11:11am
@Amal 'Is this Pakistani culture? BTW get well soon' What a question to ask of a unwell person.
HashBrown® Oct 30, 2020 01:31pm
@Amal "Is this Pakistani culture? " This is very much Pakistani culture. Mullah culture is the one that's been imported, but fashion and the arts are very much a part of our society. Get well soon, Farwa...
RationalBabu Oct 30, 2020 06:36pm
@HashBrown® Sadly not many of your brethren will agree with you!
Malik Oct 31, 2020 08:15am
This virus is getting weaker moving body to body made it weak. At its peak 10months ago it was deadly & now it had gotten weak. Hopefully it will die off soon.
Dannish Oct 31, 2020 10:33am
looks like an eating disorder too