
Public hangings do not stop rapes, the answer lies elsewhere

Public hangings do not stop rapes, the answer lies elsewhere

Public hangings only lead to further brutalisation of a society.
Updated 12 Sep, 2020

The horrifying assault and gang rape of a woman driving on the Lahore-Sialkot motorway has shaken Pakistanis to the core. People want to see accountability carried out and justice done in the case and they want the country's law enforcement to ensure that all members of the public will be provided with adequate protection, irrespective of what hour of the day they decide to venture outside of their homes.

At the same time, many have also been making calls for public hangings of rapists in this case and in rape cases in general. However, do public hangings ever serve as a deterrent? Or do they only lead to further brutalisation of a society? Did the hanging of six-year-old Zainab Ansari's rapist stop further similar crimes? Is a call for public hangings an expression of fury and not in fact an actual solution to the problem?

Public hangings do nothing for victims and survivors

Violence is not the answer

The problem is bigger than we think

Nothing will change unless the mindset changes

Public hangings further brutalise societies

Teach men basic human decency and respect


Iqbal carrim Sep 12, 2020 11:27am
Public hangings may not stop rapes but permanent corporal punishments will reduce them greatly.
Zuk Sep 12, 2020 11:50am
The problem about rape crime is that exceptional low number of perpetrators are convicted. Overwhelming cases are not reported. Then most of the reported rapists in our country are influentials compared to victims so they are never prosecuted. Very few out of the tiny number who are prosecuted are punished. Unless we simplify the reporting, make the investigation process humane, prosecute the influentials and punish all perpetrators this menace is not going away.
Taimur Sep 12, 2020 12:52pm
Years back there was another narrative that teaching Islamiat in all classes will make all Pakistanis good Muslims and good humans. Now Islamiat is compulsory but crime rate is as high as never before
Wolf Sep 12, 2020 01:46pm
This menace of rape has become widespread after open access to porn over Internet. Society and government should think on strategies to control access to part Internet to the level that our society is minimally exposed negative influences of Internet.
M. Saeed Sep 12, 2020 02:00pm
In a similar experiment in Nigeria in early 80's, a notorious armed robber was executed in a football stadium by firing squad, after extensive publicity through media for people to come and observe the execution. But, there no reduction in the armed robberies there after and they continued without a slightest reduction.
M. Emad Sep 12, 2020 02:01pm
Pakistan should abolish capital punishment.
Seth Sep 12, 2020 02:03pm
Well I ask all these people who are against the death penalty in rape, let me see them comment if their mothers, sisters and daughters were raped and killed. These so called ignorant modernists.
Critic Sep 12, 2020 02:52pm
Don’t show the nation fake accountabilities which only applies to common people? Where is accountability for Rehman Malik for sexually harassing Cynthia Ritchie?
Critic Sep 12, 2020 03:04pm
Accountability only exists for poor and common people, don’t fool nation. System is a joke
SMI Sep 12, 2020 03:04pm
@Wolf absolutely correct
Omer Sep 12, 2020 04:09pm
Actually they do stop....
Ibrahim S Sep 12, 2020 04:12pm
Are we obsessed with violence . The guilty should be punished according to the law of the land behind walls . It’s not a public show , we are not living in Stone Age
Pakistani Sep 12, 2020 07:42pm
On the contrary they do stop such hineous acts.
Sami Sep 12, 2020 07:54pm
Why saudia has lower crime rate than Pakistan ? Answer is public punishment.
Farooqui Sep 12, 2020 08:27pm
Public hangings for rape will help reduce the crime only if ALL (100%) perpetrators of rape (male/female) are hanged after due fair, honest and quick legal proceedings, not a selected 0.01 percent are hanged due to public outcry. In addition Education (Tarbiat) has to be introduced in schools and from mosques specially Juma Khutba etc. Even though this disease is rampant in many institutions.
Reality Check Sep 12, 2020 09:19pm
Don't worry PMIK will solve everything.
Sobia Sep 12, 2020 09:32pm
@Seth How strange is this empathy and sympathy that comes into play for rapist and not the victim.
NK Sep 12, 2020 09:39pm
After all what do we as a nation want? Now when it comes to capital punishment voice are raised against it. Why are we existing on two poles? Capital punishment is a must. We also have to stop all those activities that has and is destroying our society. We as a society is in a steep decline.
Mazhar.A.Khan Sep 13, 2020 12:05am
Offcourse they do! Unfortunately we never implement such punishment in true spirit.
Syed Wasif Ali Sep 13, 2020 04:25am
It's better to implement Islamic law as Saudia following. Its only solution.
SA Saqlain Sep 13, 2020 05:46am
The argument that public hanging does not reduce crime has no basis as data that is being reported is affected by so many other factors. Intuitively, public hanging by itself will probably not reduce the crime but it does achieve two major objectives. It satiates the appetite for vengeance and thus, discourages public from taking law in their own hands, and it sets the measure of the gravity of the crime. I was a bit disappointed that many comments were essentially anti hanging rather than anti rape. Suggestions to educate children about living a good life is not specific to rape.
Khalid iqbal Sep 13, 2020 07:24am
Public hanging may not stop rape , but exemplary punishment must be given for exemplary crimes , please do not try to justify the rape , nor seek clemency for the rapist.
Waseem, Canada Sep 13, 2020 07:34am
It’s parents and teachers responsibility to educate them. If they didn’t learn moral values as kids, they won’t learn it as adults. So society needs to eradicate them. Not by taking law in own hands but by pressing the elected government to enforce extreme punishment including execution.
Iqra Mubeen Sep 13, 2020 08:48am
As far as the rising rape cases in the country are concerned the only way towards their eradication is deterrence . Those who gave the examples of West that how West has dealt with such cases don't know that the" societal dynamics" of South Asian society are far different from west . Here the literacy rate is far below from West , the idea of bringing change through education is the best long term investment but it might take centuries to make South Asian society civilized . What can be done right now is ensuring the punishment in every rape crime along with educating men the importance of consent.
David Khan Sep 13, 2020 09:50am
Education against rape via TV and Radio. Hanging will not cure; flogging and jail time may help.
Ghayur Baig Sep 13, 2020 10:30am
Who are opposing public hanging are the supporters for criminals
Taimoor khan Sep 13, 2020 03:49pm
Can these pseudo intellects tell us, how is rape situation in western countries like America? Education and effort for behavioral changes alone cannot stop this crime, like any other crime, deterrence is absolutely necessary.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Sep 13, 2020 05:11pm
If that's so then why in those countries of the world including the U.S., where capital punishment still exists, rape crimes are on the decline?
Khalid iqbal Sep 13, 2020 09:14pm
Maybe public hanging may not be the answer , maybe public flogging every week , with 20 years of imprisonment , may be a better deal For the rapist.
Khalid iqbal Sep 13, 2020 09:16pm
There is need to start a subject on social ethics, to b
Pathanoo Sep 14, 2020 02:21am
Rapes were happening since men and women were created and they will continue. But, we can reduce them by quickly, efficiently and fairly by convicting the guilty and extend punishment that is a detriment to other would be perpetrators. Another most important part of the solution is to eliminate the misogynistic culture from the society and educate people on the evil and sinfulness of rape.
Ibrahim S Sep 14, 2020 04:24am
We need to know who is behind such calls . The answer may not surprise you . Those elements are dividing the nation for their own selfish reasons
Syed Ali Sep 14, 2020 06:19am
Gondas, thieves, robbers are part of feudal system in Pakistan. Police is corrupt and inefficient that encourage all sort of crimes. The facilities available to rich and influential criminals in jail encourages crime Main reason for purdah in Pakistan is due to failure of society, specially religious leaders to teach respect to weak and ladies. Unless these are overcome, hanging seems to be only option.