
Motorway rape case: Twitter shames CCPO Lahore for victim-blaming

Motorway rape case: Twitter shames CCPO Lahore for victim-blaming

A woman was raped on the motorway. The police blamed her. Twitter was enraged.
Updated 11 Sep, 2020

This is a dangerous country for women. And anyone who says otherwise is probably living in a parallel universe with no connection to ground realities.

But what makes everything worse is when officers who are hired and paid to protect the public — we believe that does include women as well? — not only fail to do their jobs but instead blame and shame rape victims.

Yesterday, two men raped a woman at gunpoint while she was waiting for help on the motorway after her car — in which her children were also present — developed a fault. Reports say the woman crossed the toll plaza on the Lahore-Sialkot motorway when her car stalled.

When that happened, she called a relative in Gujranwala who asked her to call the police helpline for assistance as he also left from home to reach her. When he arrived at the location, he found the woman terrified with her clothes stained with blood.

Armed men had taken the woman and her children to a nearby field at gunpoint and had gang-raped her.

And then came Lahore Capital City Police Officer (CCPO) Umar Sheikh, who is set to lead the investigation of the heinous incident, saying the victim was at fault for "choosing the route she took and not checking her petrol tank" before heading out. Pakistanis were not going to take kindly to this kind of victim-blaming and victim-shaming.

Clearly, our 'protectors' are not interested in doing their jobs and then blaming us for crimes committed against us.

Women are at risk and this is a systemic problem — reinforced by those in power

Shireen Mazari, Hina Rabbani Khar condemn CCPO's remarks

For those who say 'strong is safe'— we know, but that's really not the issue here...

The problem is that apparently EVERYTHING works against women

And It seems the 'private sphere' isn't always the safest option either...

Maybe it's time the roles are reversed

Being a woman in Pakistan

And this is why we need Aurat March, every single day of the year


DR. KAKA Sep 10, 2020 10:14pm
CCPO is great man as he has got backing of Sehzad Akbar
Ishtiaque Sep 10, 2020 10:16pm
What a good selection of CCPO by the PTI government.
Anti-Corruption_Pakistani Sep 10, 2020 10:18pm
Silly statement by a silly man.
Thinking Sep 10, 2020 10:27pm
Ik s favourite pick mr.sheikh
Drone Sep 10, 2020 10:30pm
CCPO is just a reflection of the leadership at state and national level. All are experts in passing off the buck to others.
Jamal Anjum Sep 10, 2020 10:30pm
CCPO Lahore, Omar Sheikh blames victim for traveling at 12.00 on that famous road. He is the officer who is heading the investigation. This man appears to be mentally retarded as well as mentally corrupt. We all have read reports about him. He must not only be terminated but should also be sued for his senseless and shameful comments. He has hurt the feelings of not only the victim but millions of Pakistanis who have read his comments.
naha Sep 10, 2020 10:31pm
He could have said women are not supposed to live in Pakistan. Police too busy collecting bribes.
Sami Sep 10, 2020 10:33pm
Police chief is blaming women for this, because this incident is disturbing peace in his life. He has to get up off his rear end and do some work. That is the only issue- nothing else.
Tariq Abbasi Sep 10, 2020 10:36pm
This man has got no control of his tongue!
Changez Khan Sep 10, 2020 10:41pm
Shame on this guy. He doesn't deserve to be a Police Officer, he must be fired immediately.
Umer Khawaja Sep 10, 2020 10:48pm
And therefore the problem in our society!!
Amir Sep 10, 2020 10:48pm
and this is why the IG who left wanted him out.
Qasim Sep 10, 2020 11:13pm
We are very sad to hear such shameful comments by a senior police officer.
Ahmed Sep 10, 2020 11:20pm
Unfortunate words but nothing new. Blaming the victim has happened in the past and the record of law-enforcement in fighting crime is not the best.
Party Sep 10, 2020 11:27pm
This is why sexual victims do not report the crimes.
A. Din Sep 10, 2020 11:28pm
CCPO should resign, failing which he should be fired. Criminals should be rounded up, maybe a huge reward for information leading to their arrest should be offered. At least 25 years of hard labour in prison to prevent future such crimes.
Arij Khan Sep 10, 2020 11:33pm
Send him back to training school
Ifti Malik Sep 10, 2020 11:35pm
@Sami how do you know? I wonder what your motives are to try to defame this officer?
Ifti Malik Sep 10, 2020 11:38pm
@Amir , the IG who left seems to have been involved in even more nefarious activities.
Picacho Sep 10, 2020 11:45pm
And this is the gem imran khan thought Lahoris deserve. This is the person for whom ik let the IG go. Was buzdar not enough? Why is ik doing this to Punjab?
jg Sep 10, 2020 11:54pm
if u finish police all together. rime will be halved and half the corruption will finish .
Qaisar Sep 11, 2020 12:04am
He was the choice of Waseem Akram plus that's why he is Waseem Akram plus plus.
Historical Memories Sep 11, 2020 12:07am
The yanks after their 911 have made pakistan a weak state. This would never happen in the time of General Zia. Apply the laws of Islam and crime will disappear as if it never existed.
Brownflower Sep 11, 2020 12:13am
Another glorious selection by the selected.
Ibrahim S Sep 11, 2020 12:16am
Just to make a first step to bring culprits to justice. First and foremost, Lahore Capital City Police Officer (CCPO) Umar Sheikh should RESIGN . I let you decide if it would be a first step towards a corrective path.
Irfan ul Huq Sep 11, 2020 12:19am
This person should be fired immediately. He who appointed him should be severely censured .his record which prevented him from promotion should be made public as it is a public safety issue . he should not be working where he is in charge of other people. He should be demoted to a desk somewhere in the office. The previous IG was right in opposing his appointment to such a responsible and important position.
shamshad Sep 11, 2020 12:27am
Lahore Capital City Police Officer (CCPO) Umar Sheikh, by this statement he exposed himself he not capable to investigate ,knowing his capability the IG refused to work with him and preferred to be transfer
AZAM AKBAR Sep 11, 2020 12:33am
The statement of CCPO, Lahore is horror, shock and disgusting. Who can reform the police? The majority of the police officials in Pakistan from top to bottom or bottom to top is corrupt, incompetent, uneducated, backward, inefficient, uncivilised, etc. This is a bitter truth, accepted or not accepted. But truth can't be changed.
ALEY S RAZA Sep 11, 2020 12:38am
I don't know when will the situation ever improve. Ladies, if you are driving alone, keep a male mannequin on the passenger's side. This may be helpful. You can make a mannequin yourself at home.
M. Saeed Sep 11, 2020 12:52am
This rotten head of new CCPO must roll. But, where is the Notice Taking CM who made this unique selection of indifferent CCPO?
Recommend Sep 11, 2020 12:57am
Zahid Abbasi Sep 11, 2020 01:25am
merit is not a criteria in police recruitment...for this ppl have been suffering for long. We don’t shout until we get hit.
Qazi Habib Sep 11, 2020 01:34am
The new CCPO said in Shahzeb's program that he is the best police officer. That's why handpicked by IK.
NACParis Sep 11, 2020 01:38am
The inspector was being honest if she really ran out of fuel but he put it up in a very crude language which is normal amongst police personnel
Zahid Sep 11, 2020 01:38am
Shahzad akber!!!!!!
Anwar Syed, ST. LOUIS, MO. US Sep 11, 2020 01:49am
CCPO should be ashamed for his statement. Regardless what route she took to reach where ever she was going, should not be issue, rather gang rape should be the subject. All highways and street must be safe to travel regardless the time of day. CCPO must apologized and should be removed from his position as CCPO.
Waheed UK Sep 11, 2020 01:50am
The Police officers comments unfortunately came at a wrong time but they do carry merit as prevention is better than cure. We all irrespective of gender and travelling anywhere in the world must take necessary and prudent precautions to safeguard our security wellbeing as criminals are ubiquitous. Please do not pursue narrow minded objectives and misconstrue sensible advice for personal safety. If you wish to pursue your rights and freedom irrespective of security implications then don’t blame the law enforcement ‘s failure to protect and perhaps employ personnel bodyguards wherever you go!!!
Contradiction Sep 11, 2020 02:09am
believe me or not! all the people who criticized the CCPO in the comments below, agreed within their hearts that "yes, Mr. CCPO is true".... although outrageous but true!!!
Expat (usa) Sep 11, 2020 02:12am
CCPO should have said as an advice, as a general statement, " Ladies please check the fuel tank before you leave home late at night" No more no less. Would have been no fuss.
Yawar Sep 11, 2020 02:33am
Insensitive CCPO. If he has any shame left in him, he should resign. If not he needs to be sacked immediately.
Yawar Sep 11, 2020 02:44am
CCPO saheb, shame on you!
Yawar Sep 11, 2020 02:45am
CCPO saheb, we dont pay your salary to listen to you justify the act of armed rape. We pay your salary to find the animals who commit such heinous crimes and put them behind bars. And if you cannot or do not want to do that, then you have no right to hold the CCPO position.
ijaz Sep 11, 2020 02:46am
So this is the great man for whom Buzdar was prepared to lose another IGP. Wow!!! This says it all
Zak Sep 11, 2020 02:51am
PTI needs to clean up the 'shabaz police' force and bring in new educated honest public service oriented policemen.
Zak Sep 11, 2020 02:52am
@Ishtiaque 'What a good selection of CCPO by the PTI government.' He was recruited in PML N time under shabaz Sharif.
Khawar Sep 11, 2020 03:10am
The lady who went through this trauma should not be blamed - agreed. Law enforcement should protect citizens - agreed. But the idea of women not travelling after midnight seems totally logical, no matter which country you reside in. Even men should not do that. If a vulnerable women is spotted by men, there is no way to know when their motives change. Happens in all societies all over the world, and people should make necessary adjustments if they are practical.
Jo Sep 11, 2020 03:12am
Sack the police establishment. Bring in fresh blood. Caring and empathetic people. Also change judges who are blind and allow killers to roam free as they could not the justice for themselves clearly as the world is able to see.
Al Marzook Sep 11, 2020 03:26am
Pakistan has the most corrupt Police in the world, if only this department become become honest and prompt over half of country problem are solved...
Aamir Alvi Sep 11, 2020 04:02am
This is the police chief?????no wonder police force is in a dump!!!
Santosh Sep 11, 2020 04:15am
Unfortunately women always suffers but this should stop. Society, women should raise their voice. The CCP is not the only problem, the mentality and judiciary is. Be it India or Pakistan.
Ali Sep 11, 2020 04:39am
In Dubai or Abu Dhabi, a female receptionist at a hotel gets off her evening shift at midnight goes out , stops a taxi and gets home without being raped. Alhamdolillah.
Ali Sep 11, 2020 04:45am
In metropolis cities , at least, please keep enlightened police officers who have adequate knowledge of Humanities and Civil Rights. Do not select the so called “educated” who are uneducated to serve the police the senior positions in metropolitan cities.
Sara Sep 11, 2020 05:02am
Merely being a female in countries like Pakistan and India is a sin. Shame to police for blaming the women who got raped.
Sara Sep 11, 2020 05:04am
For these countries female are inviting rape if they are not within their four walls of the house. Female are not supposed to be independent in the minds of loser men
Ali Mehdi Sep 11, 2020 05:06am
Why did the CCPO said these words. We should think of the probable reason behind his staging this drama right when people were expecting to pass a statement to condemn the perpetrators and the assurance that soon they will catch the criminals to give them exemplary punishment. Why did he said the exact opposite of it.
Patel D Sep 11, 2020 05:10am
Wow! What a powerful women of Pakistan. They are stronger than the police. Kudos to Pakistani bold women.
Adil Jadoon Sep 11, 2020 05:31am
CCPO should go! Why is he so important??
Banglamitra Sep 11, 2020 06:02am
He is with ground realities. Real Pakistan. Those opposing are ultra optimistic.
Akil Akhtar Sep 11, 2020 06:16am
CCPO needs to be removed for making such a statement...
skb Sep 11, 2020 06:16am
Some people have no idea what not to say when... he is one of those idiots... Shameful when you are given the post of responsibility, You failed us CCPO Lahore. Resign.
Akil Akhtar Sep 11, 2020 06:17am
Same CCPO is the reason IG punjab was removed...seems like same political culture exists that we have seen with previous govts....favouring their lackeys rather than promoting merit....
Governornwfp Sep 11, 2020 06:25am
Poor cpo is 100% right, society is thoroughly corrupt and over all worse than animals.
Akil Akhtar Sep 11, 2020 06:28am
IK needs to do something about the CM and CCPO of Punjab else he will loose all support....Both are light weight...
Fast comment Sep 11, 2020 06:32am
CCPO has not blamed the affected woman. He has drawn attention of people to take precautions at night traveling.
Adil Jadoon Sep 11, 2020 07:15am
If the country is dangerous then that is your failure. Quit and stay at home.
Tariq Sep 11, 2020 07:36am
Very sad and terrible incident indeed. I hope the culprits are caught and justice be done in weeks not years.This incident could have happened even in western countries. Even in Australia we have been advise by University/security to avoid going alone at night time or travel in groups. Unfortunately we have a complexion to blame Pakistan for everything and quick to start gender war.
Asif A. Shah Sep 11, 2020 07:37am
Tragic incident! The victim and her children will never be able to recover fully from this trauma.
Iqbal Sep 11, 2020 07:58am
The officer was wrong to blame the victim but he was highlighting the facts for others to be safe. I think people should take some precautions and at the same time suspects are to blame for their criminal behavior!
Asim Sep 11, 2020 08:32am
Enjoy IK’s promised merit We get rulers we deserve
NK Sep 11, 2020 08:41am
People are coming on to a conclusion without thinking that we are in Pakistan not in US. Even in US women with children will avoid driving at midnight. I am not blaming the victim here but that is not a norm in our country. Social Media does not means to express your sentiments without thinking. It is very interesting that a lot of people did not knew that this incident happened at night time until they heard on TV or like me learned in this third article about this horrible incident. She may be a very gutsy woman driving at night time on motorway. This cannot happen that police be present at every place where crime occurs. I bet it will be very difficult for the police in our country to apprehend these perpetrators,
NK Sep 11, 2020 08:55am
In the US there is a warning for women driving, walking at night for their safety. It is said that most criminals target women at night.
NK Sep 11, 2020 09:03am
The wrong person the wrong place and the wrong time. This is not France. Even in western countries women are warned to be out at night.
GM Sep 11, 2020 09:13am
In gender based security incidents; we never expect from a senior ranking police officer to issue such a cheap and vulgar statement. We ordinary citizens pay taxes and police receive their salaries. How dare officer was making victim of incident responsible of the incident. If there is an iota of shame'' CCPO should resign from his job or go for a training institute to learn how to deal with GBSI in this modern era. Sheikh is never deserved to become a CCPO of Lahore and call himself a officer of police service of Pakistan. A big question on CCPO's integrity, professionalism and respect for women.
INDEPENDENT Sep 11, 2020 09:25am
CCPO Umar Sheikh you are coward, shame and disaster for a nation. Shame on you.
Zulfiqar Sep 11, 2020 09:37am
CCPO has an unprofessional attitude. Perhaps lacks communication skills also. Police reforms are need of the hour.
SlowTrack Sep 11, 2020 09:50am
Time and Again it is proved that indians and pakistanis are of the same DNA.
Illawarrior Sep 11, 2020 09:54am
Yes the woman could have done MANY things differently, the men only needed to do ONE, behave like decent human beings!
A Khan Sep 11, 2020 10:01am
What the officer said was clearly wrong. But what's more important to discuss right now is how to stop this growing menace of sex crimes. Until the liberal left leaning moral police doesn't withdraw it's opposition to the death penalty, we can't make progress. Strong punishments are necessary for the progress of a society. I don't know what kind of moral standards these people subscribe to, but the simple requirement of justice is the punishments must be commensurate to the crime.
KSYED Sep 11, 2020 11:25am
Naya pakistan is following the trend of INDIA. !!!!! GUTTER CULTURE
Danish Kazmi Sep 11, 2020 11:45am
If he has no sense about what should be commented about such a heinous incident then clearly he is not eligible to such a responsible position. He should be immediately removed and a sensible person must be posted. Very Shame
Balaji Kothandaram Sep 11, 2020 12:52pm
Please, PAKISTAN, never show mercy to Rapists.
Kaiser Sep 11, 2020 01:36pm
The least that the govt can do is to ask the CCPO to publicly apologize
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Sep 11, 2020 01:55pm
What a gigantic, grave, gruesome, gross, grim and great tragedy?
Atta Sep 11, 2020 02:05pm
In light of this man's statement, this policeman is not fit for the job.
Akbar Sep 11, 2020 02:20pm
PTI need to find culprits and make an example out of them and fire these officials , if not then Imrans time is over !
Ahmed Saeed Sep 11, 2020 03:17pm
CCPO is a typical third rater
Ahmed Saeed Sep 11, 2020 03:19pm
Interestingly the CCPO is also a proclaimed offender too. His record speaks of that.
faisal Sep 11, 2020 04:58pm
He must be remove from his position immediately .
Zartaz Gul Sep 11, 2020 06:46pm
@KSYED This is typical Pakistani culture..own it !!
junaid Sep 11, 2020 07:16pm
what is the mistake of CCPO and how could he solve this matter within the seconds, this type of matter needs time to solve.
RationalBabu Sep 11, 2020 07:32pm
@KSYED it’s hardly a new trend, this gutter has always flowed unabated in Pakistan!
Asim Sep 11, 2020 08:47pm
His wording is unprofessional. But what I think the officer tried to say is the woman (victim) took a risky journey and the route and timing of the journey and preparation could have been better. But then, maybe she had to travel at that time. He should have mentioned this professionally AFTER briefing about chasing the animals who did this. And should I mention, in this case, it's not about women. I would have avoided such a journey too.
Loyal Pakistani Sep 11, 2020 09:16pm
He must be removed on failing to protect citizens and making mockery of the incident !
Loyal Pakistani Sep 11, 2020 09:16pm
@Drone Very True !
Parvez Sep 11, 2020 11:23pm
This person does not deserve to hold the post he has.
Syed Raza Sep 12, 2020 12:01am
Ladies & Gentleman we have to carry AK47 with us while going anywhere even bathroom nothing is safe now days.
Chrís Dăn Sep 12, 2020 01:11am
@NACParis I suppise so. I myself can not think to drive on motorway without checking fuel so actually for me too, the woman can not be absolved of taking care of her personal responsibility . Everyone knows it is not a perfect country. We owe respinsibility to ourselves therefore.
Chrís Dăn Sep 12, 2020 01:16am
@INDEPENDENT we all know,Pakistan is not a safe ciuntry even for young boys if seen alone what to talk about women. This woman could avoud this tragedy if took her responsibility to get fuel before starting a long journey
victor sagar Sep 12, 2020 06:43am
This CCPO set an example of indifference and incompetence. This CCPO must be told to not to blame the victim. You can't run away from your duty. You are not doing any favor to the society, you are paid for it, understand.
Zubair Syed Sep 12, 2020 07:53am
CCPO Lahore should be immediately removed for making irresponsible and foolish comments
Zain Sep 12, 2020 04:06pm
He should be terminated.
Khawaja Ikram Ul Haq Sep 15, 2020 06:37pm
the CCPO has been successful for diverting everyones attention from the actual crime / should focus on reality and urge the police to get the criminals...changing somebodies mindset is really not necessary or even possible
Shahid Manto Sep 15, 2020 10:17pm
Its okay, let CCPO work. He made a mistake, asked for pardon. Take it easy.