
If I become president in 2020, it was God's appointment, says Kanye West

If I become president in 2020, it was God's appointment, says Kanye West

The rapper no longer supports Trump and will decide about running in 30 days.
09 Jul, 2020

Kanye West believes God told him to run for president, the rapper reveals in an interview published Wednesday in which he claims no longer to support Donald Trump and voices doubt over Democrat challenger Joe Biden´s ability to unite black voters.

In a wide-ranging phone conversation with Forbes magazine, the billionaire entertainment mogul acknowledges that he has missed the deadline to be on the ballot in multiple states, but says he will make a final decision about running within 30 days.

“We've been talking about this for years,” West said of his presidential ambitions, referring to two main supporters, wife Kim Kardashian-West and technology entrepreneur Elon Musk. Less than four months ahead of November´s election, West raised eyebrows Saturday when he announced on Twitter that he would challenge Trump.

"Let´s see if the appointing is at 2020 or if it´s 2024 — because God appoints the president,” West told Forbes. “If I win in 2020 then it was God´s appointment."


GreenOracle Jul 09, 2020 11:53am
He does not know what to do with money! So why not try to become president!
Tariq Jul 09, 2020 12:59pm
I think USA seems to struggle in finding more competent and charismatic leadership needed to deal with present and future situation. Mr. West ambition might be noble but running a country is way beyond his ability.
Sajjad Jul 09, 2020 02:08pm
This man is pushing the United States to the era of King James one.
Faisal Jul 09, 2020 02:58pm
Given the intellect level of American people, as demonstrated in the last election, by voting for Trump, we should not be surprised if they reelect either Trump or elect Kanye West.
Brownflower Jul 09, 2020 03:20pm
Well if a man like Trump can become one, why not him.
Chandra Jul 09, 2020 09:08pm
Let's see if Kim Kardashian votes for him
Laila Jul 09, 2020 11:45pm
The US is huge. So why isn't there new fresh political candidates in play? Why do they only have old people and the same old faces available? Where is the new generation of Sanders, Bush, Clinton, Trump, Obama, Biden, Romney, Gore etc?
Nazir Gilani Jul 09, 2020 11:57pm
He has a few screws loose and does not know it.
THE MORNING STAR, MD. Jul 10, 2020 12:27am
Yea he has a good chance.
ukasha rajpoot Jul 10, 2020 12:37am
His decision to run might benefit Trump a little bit and if he intends to run which is almost 1% will be definitely in collaboration with Trump.
Changez Khan Jul 10, 2020 02:00am
Wonder if his own wife will vote for him, he may have only 1 vote, his own.
Wake-Up Jul 10, 2020 02:43am
Whatever votes he would get, Biden will lose those - Trump would be the beneficiary.
Salman Syed Jul 10, 2020 09:54am
I believe, if Trump can become, President of USA, then anyone can. He got a shot.
Salman Syed Jul 10, 2020 09:58am
@Changez Khan I humbly disagree. He can have 1 vote, only if he goes and votes for himself.
S P Mukherji Jul 10, 2020 11:45pm
WE all need to start repenting immediately. Yeezy is no gods gift.
LgbtqX Jul 11, 2020 05:15am
Too much pott.