
Bushra Ansari won't return to Pakistan until we take the pandemic seriously

Bushra Ansari won't return to Pakistan until we take the pandemic seriously

"I miss Pakistan but I can't return because you are treating all this as a joke," said the actor.
Updated 04 Jun, 2020

Bushra Ansari is pleading with Pakistanis to take the coronavirus pandemic seriously.

The actor shared a video message to her fans and followers, revealing she's in Toronto and can't return to Pakistan until we get our act together.

"I can't help but miss Pakistan. And I can't return because you all are roaming the bazaars," said the actor.

"You all are not understanding, you're treating this as fake or a joke. And because of that, it's spread so much and we are stuck here wondering when and how to return. We're scared, people are telling us not to go back. I can't return because of you."

She added a request saying, "Please, stop this spread, save lives. Stay home, stay safe."

Recently, several videos and pictures have been circulating on social media showing many people denying the pandemic even exists and ignoring the rules of social distancing. Pakistan is now nearing over 80,000 cases with several cases being reported each night.


Fastrack Jun 02, 2020 03:29pm
Nice excuse. We say, start there.
Safir Ahmad Siddiqui Jun 02, 2020 03:36pm
By staying in Pakistan she could motivate people in a better way.If she does not come back it won’t hurt anybody.People will say she has chosen to stay in a safe heaven.
JustSaying Jun 02, 2020 03:50pm
She spoke her mind...the ground truth...
Bilal Jun 02, 2020 03:56pm
Who in canada wants to return to pakistan
SMI Jun 02, 2020 04:30pm
Does anyone requested her to comeback ?
Ahmed Jun 02, 2020 04:31pm
Smart move against a "smart lockdown".
Mindshare Jun 02, 2020 04:47pm
It’s fine as long as you are safe wherever you’re.
Saleem Jun 02, 2020 04:56pm
We are good so please don't come and enjoy your paradise.
Tariq Awan Jun 02, 2020 05:12pm
Not that we are dying to have Bushra Ansari back but it is important to take Corona seriously and necessary protective measures are taken into consideration. We have to somehow survive until remedy/ vaccine is found.
kp Jun 02, 2020 05:50pm
Pragmatic and realistic approach. No need of emotions here.
Chirag Jun 02, 2020 06:00pm
People of Pakistan made you star, You are a part of the crowd if you are not a star.
Brownflower Jun 02, 2020 06:20pm
And Pakistan will not take it seriously until she returns
M. Emad Jun 02, 2020 06:41pm
Bushra Ansari's good decision.
Anas Iqbal Jun 02, 2020 07:00pm
Madam Bushra, I hope you don't get into the list of paranoids. I live in the same vicinity as you in Canada and I cannot deny the fact how many people are still on the roads and even on the beaches. If we cannot stop here, I don't if I can stop anything in Pakistan which is more than 6 times the population of Canada. Being careful is good but but when we talk about bigger populations there is always going to be someone outside of their house. People cannot be caged in. Just look at what is going on in Minnesota, USA. So given that, I find your comment to Pakistan a bit unfair. Pakistan is not there yet where Amazon or Walmart will deliver groceries or you can call someone using Google Home Mini or have Alexa turn down your house temperatures because electricity breakdowns still happen and people live in joint family systems which, after a while, can have their own frustrations. This pushes people to sometimes be outside. The important thing is that NOT the entire nation is outside.
Bold truth Jun 02, 2020 07:44pm
Good advice from Miss Pak.
HumanA Jun 02, 2020 08:17pm
Sounds good! Take your time.
Taj Ahmad Jun 02, 2020 08:48pm
Bushra, good advice to all Pakistanis and I'm positive, all Pakistanis will listen to your good advice in how to protect themselves from COVID-19 by wearing mask, keep social distancing and stay at home as much as they can.
Ibrahim S Jun 02, 2020 09:56pm
Not sure if I read the news correctly. Which foreign country is she currently residing.
Besharum Jun 02, 2020 10:04pm
So you are never planning to come back?
tipu Jun 02, 2020 10:18pm
Agreed, people are not taking Covid 19 serious
Awaz.... Jun 03, 2020 01:07am
She is 100% correct... Very upfront courageous statement.
Mujtaba Iqbal Jun 03, 2020 01:34am
Yes, I too love and miss Pakistan. But unfortunately due to the difficult cicurcumstances the world is in we will have to wait. Usually I spent the time watching Pakistani dramas with ammi.
jdshami Jun 03, 2020 01:36am
Who needs her, let her stay over there for good...... Thanks Bushra
Sami Jun 03, 2020 03:36am
Actually she is afraid to contract Corona in Pakistan thats whynot coming back.
Zak Jun 03, 2020 03:57am
Bushra is a real patriot and cares for Pakistanis. Her advice should be heeded. Salute to you.
Shahid Tanweer Jun 03, 2020 05:44am
Knowing Pakistani culture and style, and if Bushraji stick to her words, I am assuming her staying permanently in Canada.
LgbtqX Jun 03, 2020 05:56am
We are about to cry because you not coming.
Hassan Saleem Jun 03, 2020 06:27am
Bushra Jee, please do not change your mind when the winter comes, and since the situation is the same South, also avoid visiting friends/relatives there. Best of Luck at your new home.
Khadija Jun 03, 2020 07:43am
She should say this to IK.
Jehengir khan Jun 03, 2020 08:22am
Stay in will be in pakistan situation is grim ...about to explode with lockdown lifted....nobody is taking any precaution....
Jamal Jun 03, 2020 09:51am
Stay there auntie, we won't miss you
Yasir Jun 03, 2020 10:20am
You all need to take this seriously or she won't come. This is not a drill people.
Anonymous Jun 03, 2020 11:25am
Good decision. She should stay there. This nation is filled up with idiots and fools. Khanay ko roti nae aur chalay shopping karnay.
THE Jun 03, 2020 11:37am
@Khadija : Yes, IK will come , stop you from going to Phoppo's eid party, wash your hands and cover your mouth/nose. Be realistic !
OH Jun 03, 2020 12:15pm
We pray for her quick recovery. She is a national asset.
Nizamuddin Ahmad Aali Jun 03, 2020 12:49pm
Smart lady. She is confused like Pakistani policy makers.
Shahid Khalid Jun 03, 2020 01:18pm
People in Pakistan are not listening to more powerful personalities who are constantly reminding people to use preventative measures to avoid the virus, and yet they are going in bazaars with their young children without masks without regard for social distancing. Sorry to say that Smart lock down is only for "smart" people.
Pervaiz Iqbaĺ Jun 03, 2020 03:20pm
So Bushra Ansari may be gone for quite some time as Pakistanis and their government are not at all inclined to take Corona seriously.
Abdulmalick Ismail Jun 03, 2020 03:51pm
@Anonymous why are you so upset about how other people live their lives, carry on with your life and be happy, life is too short to be criticizing others.
Murtaza I. Jun 03, 2020 06:26pm
What else she can do? Tweet on twitter and people will start religiously follow her whatever she says? I think she's right. People here don't follow SOP's. You can't fight her on this if she doesn't want to return only people to be blamed because they're just stupid walking without masks like a headless chicken. Everyday shopper: Social distance what the heck is this thing?
Danish Jun 04, 2020 03:08am
Stay safe and live in a beautiful country,there in nothing return in a country with ugly uncivilized people.
Fasiha Kiran Jun 04, 2020 03:50am
You are absolutely right Bushra ji. Stay where you are as this nation is beyond limits. They do not understand the seriousness. They are arrogant and ignorant. Their behaviour has made this virus spread so rapidly. Everyone went for Eid prayers, shopping and everyone visited their families on Eid, full eid parties, gatherings, hand shakes and hugs. Ahhh please you need to be 2 meter away , social distancing makes no sense to our nation. Even people with symptoms are neglecting and saying it's common cold , viral infection but not agreeing its Corona despite it spreading to whole house hold. Huge frustration, have no words. Jahalat aur ghaflat both embedded in their personality.
Babar Azam Jun 04, 2020 04:19am
No point in taking risks for a careless government.
Laila Jun 04, 2020 05:44am
Stay there. Bye!
Saeed Jun 04, 2020 03:56pm
No one asked her to return