
I did not want to divorce Syra, says Shahroz Sabzwari

I did not want to divorce Syra, says Shahroz Sabzwari

"My separation with Syra happened in August 2019 and the reason for that is not a woman, is not Sadaf, is not infidelity," he shared.
Updated 02 Jun, 2020

After news broke over the weekend of Shahroz Sabzwari and Sadaf Kanwal’s nikkah, the reactions that followed on social media were a little surprising.

Fans and followers accused Sabzwari, whose divorce with former wife, Syra Yusuf was finalised in February this year, of being a cheater and Sadaf, a homewrecker.

To put rumours to rest once again, the Chain Aye Na actor released an explainer video clarifying that infidelity was not what led to the dissolution of his marriage with Syra.

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In the four minute long IGTV clip, he laid down a timeline of his separation with Syra, and his marriage to Kanwal - saying there was no cheating involved.

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"I stand in front of God as my witness, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) and our Holy Quran, and state that my separation with Syra happened in August 2019, and the reason for that is not a woman, is not Sadaf, is not infidelity."

"However, if anyone thinks otherwise, thinks we separated because of cheating, I challenge them to come with proof. Because I cannot tolerate such gossip about my family.”

The actor goes on to insist that he met Sadaf through work three or four months after his separation and the two were only colleagues (something he previously recorded in a video back in December and according to him, is now being twisted and used against them both).

"At the time, Sadaf was only my colleague, and Syra was my wife who I was separated from. After that video was recorded, Syra and I tried to save our relationship and reconcile, but the reason we separated, which is a very personal matter between us both, couldn't be resolved."

"I did not want to divorce Syra, not at all," he added. "But because the issue could not be resolved, and the process for khula involved going to court, we mutually decided to divorce each other, and go our own way with a lot of dignity. At that time, I had no illicit relationship with Sadaf," he reiterated.

Being a father to Nooreh, he said he did not want his daughter to grow up and come across this on the internet in the future.

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"Five, six years later she might look at what is being said and question me saying, 'Baba, what is this?' And at that time, I will have this video as an answer for her. She can proudly say, my father challenged people to prove what was being said. I swear on the Holy Book and I will be able to say, 'Beta, look what I said in return.'

"Anyone who speaks ill against my family, and my wife Sadaf, I again challenge you to come at me with proof of my infidelity" said Sabzwari. "Forget proof, just come in front of me and say it."

"Many people wanted me to remain quiet, but in today's world, you get nothing out of staying silent. I will protect the honour of my family and my life till my last breath."


Pure ind Jun 02, 2020 02:04pm
dr Kashif Habib Jun 02, 2020 02:29pm
in Pakistan people who not have their own respect .. try to interupt others privacy.. only nation made in name of islam.. not following it
Reality Bites Jun 02, 2020 02:37pm
You shouldn't have to explain it to anyone. It's no one's business.
Khurram Jun 02, 2020 02:52pm
We like to comment on others personnel lives which has no concern to us, in the name of free speech. But don't like others to comment on us. Mind your own business
Raja Jun 02, 2020 03:01pm
Who is this guy and what is his accomplishments?
Click Jun 02, 2020 03:51pm
What does a man give a women, apart from making her a servant doing house chores, looking after his kids and listening to his rubbish?
J Ahsan Jun 02, 2020 04:02pm
Who is this guy and why did Syra Yusuf divorce him?
Ksyed Jun 02, 2020 05:06pm
Why so much explanation of your private life? If you have not done anything wrong. No one is interested!!!
isha Jun 02, 2020 05:08pm
yup he wanted two wives
Weq Jan Jun 02, 2020 06:01pm
He seems to be a genuine person speaking truth
Malik Jun 02, 2020 06:09pm
Why do we start judging others as soon as I hear something happening bad in their lives?
Malik Jun 02, 2020 06:12pm
The couple has complete liberty to decide their future. Relations are made by hearts no one can compel someone to remain in a relation. The best thing in this case is that they have separated very decently without accusing each other.
Robby Jun 02, 2020 06:20pm
Who cares what you do in ur life???
Nadia Neely Jun 02, 2020 07:30pm
Good on him...
Shah Jun 02, 2020 07:32pm
Just Leave Them Alone
Airaj Masood Jun 02, 2020 08:06pm
Let this matter be personal between them and people mind their own businesses
Zufliqar Jun 02, 2020 08:57pm
He did the right thing, by divorcing when it wasn't working out and then marrying someone who he feels is compatible with him. There is nothing to explain here. This is an honorable way of going about such situations.
Hamid Shafiq Jun 02, 2020 09:47pm
Yes you are so innocent
M. Saeed Jun 02, 2020 10:34pm
Talaaq no doubt is the last of all allowable acts in our religion. But, it has it's stigma lasting generations.
N abidai Jun 03, 2020 12:07am
How does it's affects to any one's else , if these people are married or divorce ? Get your own life people,marriage is overrated !
Syed Waqar Ali Jun 03, 2020 03:27am
Normally, we should not comment on anybody’s family life, but when somebody comes out with his version then we have the right to comment. The fact remains, you divorced one and married another girl. You achieved your goal, that’s it. I wish Syra best of luck.
Laila Jun 03, 2020 06:22am
This nation is deeply involved in starting rumours, conspiracy theories, slander og have no concept of privacy. Believe it or not, celebrities don't owe us any explanation. Their life. A marriage failed. He remarried. No big deal.
Navin Jun 03, 2020 09:10am
Good that you cleared the air. I feel a lot better now and so do all your fans. Infidelity is not a good thing and it’s good that you were not having an extra marital affair. Also what was the reason of the divorce by the way?
sukhera Jun 03, 2020 11:51am
please don,t open up the old wounds by saying you did not want to divorce Syra. This marriage is over after seven years. just move on with your life and let Syra live in peace. If you love your daughter and cares about her, you should be paying child support until she turns eighteen. you are worried about what she is going to think when she grows up. You are not concerned that you are absent from her life and when was the last time you saw her or played with her? These are the things she will remember for the rest of her life.
Naveed Jun 03, 2020 12:19pm
@sukhera hahahahhaa. Thats too much emotion
Hamza Javed Jun 03, 2020 12:31pm
So sad. Maybe we are completely failed in our personal life but we will get satisfaction by blaming other how they live or what they are doing in their lives.
Pervaiz Iqbaĺ Jun 03, 2020 02:53pm
If he is truthful, he should come out with the actual reason of the divorce, rather than citing Sadaf as not being the cause.
Sukhera Jun 05, 2020 04:01am
@Click, The woman needs a wife to do all the chores, cooking and taking care of the kids.
Sami Jun 05, 2020 04:11am
Very immature man.
karli Jun 05, 2020 08:01pm
Sad, but happened, and yes it is strictly a personal matter between you and your ex-wife. Wish you all the best with your new marriage, may you both have a long, loving and caring marriage. You make a great couple.
Laila Jun 06, 2020 04:05pm
@Sukhera you talk as if you know him, Syra and their daughter personally. How do you know there are old wounds? What wounds? He divorced his wife as they were unable to work out their issues, issues we don't know. How do you know he is away from his daughter? How do you know he is not co-parenting his daughter with Syra and supporting her financially (not that Syra is dependent on him)? Lots of assumptions. Also you should acquaint yourself with Pakistani and Islamic laws stance on child support. We don't have this concept of support until age of 18 in the same fashion as in Western countries. But a man who is responsible will naturally support his child until they are dependent, have completed their education and are married. Remarriage is allowed in Islam for men and women. He has done nothing wrong. Live and let live.