
Ertugrul's Esra Bilgic responds to love from Pakistani fans

Ertugrul's Esra Bilgic responds to love from Pakistani fans

See what happens when you say nice things instead of trolling?
Updated 19 May, 2020

Pakistan is obsessed with Dirilis Ertugrul and its cast.

One of the cast members frequently is the spotlight is Esra Bilgic, known for her role as Halime Sultan. And for some trolls, known as Halime Sultan.

Esra made quite a few headlines here when screenshots of Pakistani fans moral policing her pictures on Instagram started spreading across social media. However, not only were those troll called out by Pakistani fans, there were also genuine comments of love and admiration on her posts by the latter.

And guess what? Esra has responded to those genuinely positive messages.

Looks like the appreciation left an impact on the actor, who expressed her interest in visiting Pakistan.

See what happens when you're truly nice instead of being a hater? Let's all be kinder on the internet from now on.


bhaRAT© May 18, 2020 03:16pm
Pakistanis will love her when she visits with legendary hospitality.
Laila May 18, 2020 04:21pm
After this whole incident wit Pakistanis males rushing to her Instagram to judge her and tell her what to wear and how to behave, I did sneak a peek at her Instagram. Not only is she drop dead gorgeous, but also seems to be a sweetheart with how she graceful handled these trolls by not answering. I wish her all the best. Maybe this exposure can open the narrow closed minds of any Pakistanis who seem to think all Muslims dress, think, behave identically. Muslims are not homogenous. Just enjoy the show.
P K THAKUR May 18, 2020 06:04pm
She is a talented beuty.
Supriya May 18, 2020 06:19pm
She is a beautiful actress.
faizan abbasi May 18, 2020 06:23pm
esra, you have done a fantastic job. you rightfully deserve a standing ovation. i have seen many series of this nature but ertugrul is beyond anyones imagination. you have performed so well that you deserve a medal. keep it on
MSA May 18, 2020 09:02pm
Bravo Turkey, well done, almost in all fields of life......
Reality check May 18, 2020 09:33pm
Our fascination with Arabs and Turks will be the end of us.
Faseeh May 18, 2020 10:22pm
We welcome her in advance. Also I hope the 'moral police' and 'immoral police' never gets close her when she gets soon. I hope She stays in Pakistan and will get love and never gets to see a debate between 'gairat brigade' and begairat brigade'
Shahid May 18, 2020 11:37pm
Let's see if our media industry can match this fabulous work with some of our own historical drama in the future. For me, the best performance in Dirilis Ertugrul is by Serdar Gökhan who played Sulyman Shah, father of Ertugrul.
Zak May 19, 2020 06:20am
The drama was fantastic and showed blood and cultural ties to our brother turks. All the actors were brilliant. Hope more Turk dramas are shown and our dramas are shown in turkey.
Zak May 19, 2020 06:30am
Pakistani dramas and movies are coming up to a high standard. I am sure ' zarrar' will be dubbed and shown in turkey and they will love it.
Raza May 19, 2020 08:36am
Beauty has following in the world.
Md Haroon May 19, 2020 04:29pm
But she should be in same clothes as she is in Drama
deccan.hyderabadi May 19, 2020 06:14pm
I saw all of Dirilis Ertugrul a very long time ago in Turkish itself. 3rd and 1st season were the best, 4th was fine and 2nd, 5th were just dragging it... As a person who understands Turkish and Hindi (and therefore understands most of Urdu), I think that the urdu version has been dubbed to sound a little more religious. It almost seems like they have tried to bring out that aspect very deliberately. I mean, nothing wrong with it but people should be aware of that. I feel that a lot of actors in the cast have been thrown in a bad spotlight as a result of this and are frequently attacked on twitter or instagram. Remember that it's just a tv story. It may be the true story but a heavily fictitious version of a true story.
Zadd May 20, 2020 12:21am
Imran khan recomended drama for people to know the history of Muslim ruler while our nation all intrest is in Halima. Lol
Ali Zulfiqar May 20, 2020 01:00am
Hi I like too good
INDEPENDENT May 20, 2020 07:32am
Turks are beautiful, charming and wonderful. Ertugrul has proved it.
isma May 20, 2020 08:49am
I love ertugrul drama
Ismail Gul May 20, 2020 02:30pm
Love ur role in ertugral dirilis. Turk zindabad
Ismail Gul May 20, 2020 02:33pm
Love ur unforgetable role in Ertugral Dirilis. V million of pakistani r watching this drama on PTV nd u tube as will. Stay safe nd live long dear
mesuna yussif de-Liman May 20, 2020 03:56pm
Esra Bilgic,an intelligent actor with much charisma,I urge you Bilgic to maintain keep your talents up and doing,thank you
mdali May 23, 2020 12:28am
love you from riyadh
Laila May 24, 2020 04:33am
@Zak We Pakistanis do not have blood or cultural ties with Turkey. Fact. We have cultural ties and ethnic similarities with the Bengalis, and India (South East Asia) There are scientific studies and history to verify this. Is there a particular reason you want to claim Turkish heritage and ethnicity? Do you speak Turkish? No. What Turkish cultural traditions do you observe? None. Our cuisine, our dress, our traditions (rukhsati, joint family system, jahez), our language verything is South Asian and linked to modern day India. No surprise, as we used to share all that once before partition etc. Turkey is between Europe and Asia, actually Western Asia and they even look different than us. I don't understand why many of Pakistanis want to rewrite history and facts and claim other people's history and lineage. Is there something shameful in being desi, and South Asian? Is our own culture vibrant and interesting enough?