
Pakistani fans are moral policing Ertugrul's Esra Bilgic on Instagram

Pakistani fans are moral policing Ertugrul's Esra Bilgic on Instagram

Is the fact that they believe she's actually the character Halime Sultan a testament to her acting skills, or their IQ?
11 May, 2020

We've had this inkling for a while now, judging from our comments section but it has finally been confirmed: desi trolls, have in fact, become worse human beings in isolation.

When they're not harassing female doctors during a pandemic, they can be found hurling abuses at women online. Forget about being a nuisance to the women of this country, they're going international; they didn't even spare Dirilis Ertugrul's Esra Bilgic.

The Turkish actor, who plays Halime Sultan in the popular drama which has gained major traction here thanks to PM Imran Khan, had hoards of Pakistani men descend on her Instagram to moral police her on this post from six weeks ago when they couldn't find anything else:

A photo posted by Instagram (@instagram) on

They seem to be under the impression that Bilgic is actually Halime. Do they also think Ertugrul is a documentary? A deep dive into the comments would suggest so.

We can't believe we have to say this but repeat after us slowly: Esra Bilgic is Halime Sultan in reel life, not real life

The entitlement

Thank you to all the ladies doing damage control!

She's not the only Ertugrul actor they're shaming...

Leave this queen alone!


Babu Ram May 11, 2020 04:13pm
Pakistani audiences are not fit to watch anything that does not fit their narrow views. These people may have the latest gadgets and technologies but they haven't left their villages and mountains.
Furrukh Rao May 11, 2020 04:16pm
Human 10000000000 KM Distance Pakistan.
A. R. May 11, 2020 04:32pm
It all boils down to the lack of education and the misplaced notion that "pious" Pakistanis have a monopoly over Islam. The Turkish word for jahil by the way is the same, aka cahil.
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