
Ushna Shah questions doctors taking breaks while saving lives

Ushna Shah questions doctors taking breaks while saving lives

Is it really so bizarre to take a breather while being on the frontlines of a global pandemic?
Updated 11 Apr, 2020

Worldwide, people have been saluting and commending medical professionals for being on the frontlines of a they should be.

Doctors, nurses and all staffers in each hospital are risking their lives to save others. And while it already sounds harder than it looks, it is much much more difficult than we can possibly imagine.

So many have quarantined themselves from their own families, working without proper medical protective gear and are spending several sleepless nights at the hospital. All to give the world a fighting chance at survival. Make them join the Justice League and Avengers already.

Such isolation and stress can take a toll, so it makes sense that these hard workers take a little break now and then to unwind; they're not robots. And should their hard work pay off and they see improvements in their patients, they can definitely celebrate, right?

Several videos of medical professionals taking dance breaks have made rounds on the internet and while many appreciate and adore the content, there are those who do not approve.

While Ushna Shah doesn't disapprove, she did share her concerns for these very short videos in a now deleted tweet. And it was sad to read.

Said Ushna, "I'm curious to know people's thoughts on doctors/nurses creating choreographed dances in hospitals. I'm conflicted: on one hand I understand they need uplifting breaks, but on the other, these dances seem quite time consuming, precious time consuming. Thoughts? "

Okay, first of all, it's a three minute video, not a mehndi dance rehearsal at the Ambani's. If a person were to take a 10 minute break everyday to rehearse a performance, they'd have a small dance performance ready in a week. Repeat. 10 minute break in 24 hours. We're certainly sure they deserve more than that, don't you?

Also, if you truly understand that they need uplifting breaks, there's nothing 'on the other hand.'

As we mentioned before, we can't begin to imagine what it's like to work in that environment, let alone saving lives while risking one's own in a world that does not even have enough medical gear and equipment for them to do their job properly.

Countries are out of ventilators, random buildings are being turned into makeshift hospitals just so there are more beds for patients and many of those patients are dying in their arms. No amount of training can make such a huge death count easy to handle.

So is it really so bizarre to let them have a little routine to keep themselves sane and motivated during these incredibly difficult times? They know what they're doing, better than any of us. Let the doctors dance.

Update: Shah has issued a clarification for her tweet on Instagram:

A photo posted by Instagram (@instagram) on


M. Saeed Apr 09, 2020 03:32pm
Such actions of doctors and their staff to offset the stress of working in very difficult and dangerous surroundings with no social life even for a recess, if they remove their stress by such few minutes of exercise like dance that gives them some vent to dispel their stress, what is the harm?
Khalid Saeed Apr 09, 2020 03:41pm
Good Question
Sadiqain Apr 09, 2020 03:43pm
Doctors are humans too
Haris Apr 09, 2020 03:47pm
It is important to take a refreshing break. because a doctor under stress may prescribe wrong and cause more damage. Having seen so many in pain, deaths around them, people screaming for their loved ones doctors need some thing to cherish. Secondly, doctors are intelligent, they learn fast, I assume they don't take as much time as actors.
A. ALI Apr 09, 2020 04:18pm
Sheer seriously asked this question ????
Hassan Apr 09, 2020 04:22pm
If you are acting then it takes time but as a stress buster it does not. Let them do their bit you do yours.
Gamal Apr 09, 2020 04:29pm
Taking a break can yield benefits to refresh one's mind and avoid making mistakes due to stress/over-work. No issues in posing a question, but i think it is quite beneficial to take short-breaks rather than making lethal mistakes due to fatigue/stress.
John. Apr 09, 2020 04:35pm
It is unnecessary distraction, someone’s life is at stake and you dance, waste time, doctors took oath, they must live by it, breaks for eating only.
Sehrish Manzoor Apr 09, 2020 04:44pm
Don't forget they are doctors, but humans too.
Tanit Apr 09, 2020 04:44pm
@Khalid Saeed Really? Any other idea how doctors should get away with stress of seeing so many patients daily and working in this difficult time? Why do you dance, listen music and do other things when you are stressed?
Dr. Khurram Baig Apr 09, 2020 04:54pm
And we used to joke around while having long sessions in operation theater, and these were critical in relieving stress and got us going. Perfectly fine, rather recommended to this, while not loosing focus of work!
Imran Shabbir Apr 09, 2020 05:02pm
Sometimes these doctors are in wards for straight 36 or 48 hours. Please don t criticize them while you re comfortabley and saftely quarantined in your villa while they re risking their lives. O madam please stop being hypocritical and make actual contribution to society .
aslam khan Apr 09, 2020 05:32pm
Unprofessional. Loss of confidence to the sick fighting for their life.
yasir Apr 09, 2020 05:32pm
very saddening.. doctors are not robots .. they are humans after all..they have every right to cheer in their hard times... we must appreciate their efforts.. i guess most ppl have nothing to do in their self isolation so they just switch to twitter to share some rubbish
Ali Apr 09, 2020 05:37pm
We should acknowledge and be grateful for the work done by the doctors, nurses, paramedics, police, store workers and all those on the front lines who are risking their health for our safety. We have no idea how stressed they are so if they are relieving it in any way should not be a question. Ms. Ushna should get a life and reporters should not even be posting such things to begin with.
Shahzad Akbar Shaikh Apr 09, 2020 05:40pm
Proud of doctors and nurses in Pakistan. Good stress relief. Who is Ushna Shah?
Tokyo Apr 09, 2020 05:48pm
People should make one thing absolutely clear: doctors are professionals. They are under no moral obligation to treat you, and they are sure as hell not your servants. They are doing a job and are getting paid for it. Keep the same level of expectations from them as you do with your accountant or mechanic, and you will do fine. Otherwise, sit at home and get better on your own. They can do whatever the hell they want in their free time, as long as it doesn't affect what they are getting paid for. This is the same lady who demeaned a hard-working delivery guy, so take her moral policing comment with a pinch of salt.
Aamir Apr 09, 2020 05:51pm
If she so concerned about Medical staff taking a break, maybe she should volunteer to help them out, instead of mindlessly tweeting this nonsense...
Shahid Apr 09, 2020 06:19pm
Ushna ji, some people dance for living and some others do it to stress out. Both are ok in my opinion.
Waleed Yousaf Apr 09, 2020 06:33pm
she should spend a day in one such hospital and then read her tweet again. Shame on her for her ignorance. Shame on her for calling out the folks who are risking their lives to save others.
N_Saq Apr 09, 2020 06:36pm
Instead of criticizing them she should join them on this fight/war. I will like to see how long she will last before she will come out screaming and crying. Please stay out of healthcare personnel hair and let them do their job. They are putting their lives in danger to save yours. Like armed forces they have taken no wow to put their lives at risk. They can simple walk away and you can do nothing about it. It time to support them and salute them for their efforts.
Imtiaz Sheikh Apr 09, 2020 06:40pm
Human body cannot work 24/7, tired body and brain can make costly mistakes. Our front line health workers need well deserve appreciation not undue criticism.
Tahir Raouf Apr 09, 2020 07:03pm
Did she know how much stress they have to face while saving human lives, if a doctor remains constantly under pressure their might be chances for a wrongdoing in mentioned SOPs, breaks are necessary to relieve themselves from stresses
Shez Apr 09, 2020 07:22pm
Very thoughtful indeed. doctors like circus animals are trained to work 30 hours without questioning if its reasonable or not or if it affects their efficiency or not and actionslike dancing makes them look more human which definitely is not permissible under the grave covid circumstances. its scay for the human race that creatures labelled as doctors are evolving human like characteristics
ExMohajirInUK Apr 09, 2020 07:31pm
Why don't these so called celebrities join the Doctors and help them treat these patients rather than giving these shallow comments to be in limelight?
Imran khan Apr 09, 2020 07:50pm
This lady should be asked her contributions in these tough times for humanity before she can raise questions about professionals.
imran Apr 09, 2020 07:55pm
so they should stop taking breaks and kill themselves out of stress...
Iqbal Zaman Apr 09, 2020 08:00pm
??? Ushna Shah, is she worth the attention???
Danish Apr 09, 2020 08:01pm
They can also do congregational prayer.
Dr.Sadaf Apr 09, 2020 08:16pm
@yasir , agreed.
babar Apr 09, 2020 08:26pm
no matter how stressful and/or grim the situation may be, a little bit of physical exercise and/or recreation never hurts. I have no doubts that these highly stressed out medical professionals know what comes first, when, and how to prioritise things in their environment and I trust them. keep up the good work guys and gals and have as much fun as this difficult situation allows.
N abidai Apr 09, 2020 08:35pm
Everyone needs breaks to recharge their energy , even in normal days, more so in time of covid 19 ,uncertainty !
Usman Apr 09, 2020 08:40pm
This is what happens when these "actors" start thinking of themselves as intellectuals
tQ Apr 09, 2020 09:13pm
I am a Critical Care Specialist for 20 yrs. Corona is a new phenomenon but we have been dealing with all sorts of seen and un-seen diseases with almost negligible protection day in and day out. Never expected a praise for my or other colleagues work, as we are professionals and do our job. Ms Ushna is just an attention seeker, plz ignore her as Medical Community doesn't require any appreciation from empty souls!
Sameer Apr 09, 2020 09:32pm
Ushna trying hard to stay relevant. Volunteer at a hospital to see what the country is going through...not sit tight in your luxurious flats for a change.
Dr.Amjad Pervez Apr 09, 2020 10:22pm
Dance or related activity related to stress ease is essential for doctors.No harm ....
Imran Apr 09, 2020 10:31pm
Ushna, I think you had the answer, "they need uplifting breaks" in a tough situation. Give'em a break, will you?
Ahsan Gul Apr 09, 2020 10:32pm
She has easygoing life what she know about medicine? Please forgive her ignorance as she just wants to stay in limelight. Thanks
Shehzad Apr 09, 2020 10:43pm
Miss Shah seems to me an ignorant and proud type person.
Maham Irshad Apr 09, 2020 11:35pm
I can't believe somebody actually had the audacity to ask this question.
Parvez Apr 09, 2020 11:41pm
Little minds produce little thoughts ..... the girl needs to grow up.
Raj Apr 09, 2020 11:53pm
Hey Ushna or whatever your name is. If you are so concerned, why don't you put on mask or protective gear and do some volunteering at a hospital?
SaneMind Apr 10, 2020 12:17am
It's ok, She's (Ushna Shah) a blonde. Expected from her.
Mohsin Alim Qazi Apr 10, 2020 12:44am
Perhaps these "celebrities" can one day descend from their ethereal and magical instagramland and show the doctors & nurses the proper conduct by volunteering in a hospital for a day.
ambreen Apr 10, 2020 01:03am
OK Ushna Shah how r u helping the world ???
Click Apr 10, 2020 01:05am
Doctors are not your servants, come down from your high horse.
MA Apr 10, 2020 05:05am
Are they taking away your entertainment space :)
hussain Apr 10, 2020 06:26am
who is Ushna Shah?
Vijay Apr 10, 2020 07:06am
Madam with all due respect have ever been in a stressful location like an emergency room? Please step out of your ivory tower.
nk Apr 10, 2020 07:14am
Stop being preachy! people do different things to get stress relief. ever heard of people go dancing on weekends? can't go boating or fishing while they are saving lives, so some use dancing as stress reliever!
Ramesh Apr 10, 2020 07:25am
I believe that a doctor's job is the most stressful as a doctor may have to get up in the middle of the night and start prescribing treatment of an emergency case. Even in hospital, they cannot work 9-5, BUT sometimes work 36 hours straight. They take breaks as and when possible or when needed. A stressed doctor is not fully functional and hence a danger to the patients.
Bunny response Apr 10, 2020 08:39am
@M. Saeed : I am scandalized that the issue was even raised--unless it was to answer someone else's trepidations of cultural decline in hospitals!
Bunny response Apr 10, 2020 08:45am
@Dr. Khurram Baig: Please don't "loose" focus! I know what stress can do! Keep up the GREAT work, Drs. and Nurses!
Bunny response Apr 10, 2020 08:49am
@Ali :TRUE!
ABC$ Apr 10, 2020 09:47am
@Tokyo Totally agree with you
ABC$ Apr 10, 2020 09:56am
Doctors need to take a break for their own well being and for patients safety whenever they need to, it is a high pressure job demanding long hours,in fact they should even have a lounge or a well equipped staff room to facilitate their break time.
amir Apr 10, 2020 09:59am
I am curious to know if you have anything else to do other then being critical of our doctors and nurses.
Roomi Apr 10, 2020 10:05am
Doctors have a gruelling task ...long hour shifts and are exposed to dangers...a 3 minute stretch or dance to refresh themselves should not be judged so harshly. It probably happened in history but only in this age people are making videos about it and making moral judgements. Everyone needs a break to do their job better.
shoaib Apr 10, 2020 10:54am
It is probably none of her business.
propakistani Apr 10, 2020 12:20pm
The videos showed patients joining in. So it wasn't for their benefit only . Second the comment on aren't doctors patients too
Dr Vikas Jamwal Apr 10, 2020 01:15pm
Doctors and nurses are not respected in Pakistan.
Dr Saman Zehra Apr 10, 2020 01:21pm
@Dr. Khurram Baig true
Robby Apr 10, 2020 01:38pm
Who is she to talk on this topic
khamkhwa Apr 10, 2020 01:49pm
Is she for real. working under extreme conditions including the threay of contacting vid19, if these doctors and medical care workers steal a few moments to get back to reality, she is casting aspersion on these noble people. Shame.
Skeptic Apr 10, 2020 03:52pm
Oh Please! Give me a break! I don't have time for your silliness! A Doctor
Anonymous Apr 10, 2020 07:07pm
Bibi, aap sirf acting karo. Yeh sub sochna aap k bus ki baat nahi.
akif Apr 11, 2020 06:09pm
girl knows how to be in the news