
Shehzad Roy thinks all of Pakistan should go into lockdown to curb coronavirus

Shehzad Roy thinks all of Pakistan should go into lockdown to curb coronavirus

A lockdown will be imposed throughout Sindh and the singer supports the decision.
Updated 22 Mar, 2020

Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah on Sunday announced that a lockdown will be imposed throughout the province starting midnight for the next 15 days in order to control the spread of coronavirus.

Shehzad Roy took to Instagram to speak in favour of the decision as according to him, this action should be taken country-wide.

A photo posted by Instagram (@instagram) on

Said Roy about the lockdown in Sindh, "In Sindh, I have a feeling that from tonight, army, rangers and police will take strict action and if a person is caught outdoors for no valid reason, [they] will go to jail. The officer will decide if the person is out for a valid reason, and if not, will be taken to task."

In the video he says, "Like Sindh, we should have all of Pakistan in lockdown for a few days and can save lives."

While the highest number of confirmed Covid-19 cases are in Sindh, the virus is rapidly spreading across the country. At this time social distancing and self-isolation are the best preventative measures to flatten the curve for the coronavirus.


M. Saeed Mar 22, 2020 06:58pm
Lockdown is not a cure but a good precaution for stopping the spread of the virus. It should be immediately enforced for such period, when virus dies out due to it's natural inhabitation.
Ibrahim S Mar 22, 2020 07:15pm
Simple minds think of simple and quick solution in haste.
ivehadit Mar 22, 2020 07:18pm
how in the world are the vast majority of Pakistanis feed themselves in a lockdown. The elite are just going crazy.
Jamil Soomro, New York City Mar 22, 2020 07:24pm
Shehzad Roy whose Sindhi song,"Dil Barochal Barochal Pai Kare"moved me emotionally which he has sung so well.I fully agree with you on your advice for complete lockdown of Pakistan for combating the deadly virus called Corona.
AKB Mar 22, 2020 08:17pm
There is no second opinion to taking all possible measures to prevent the spread of disease but at the same time we should not get scared to the extent to let the people die of hunger and thirst by locking every nook and corner of the country. Wealthy people would love to get themselves locked because they have the resources and facilitiies available at homes. Just think of the poor people who have lost the sources of income and already on the verge of starvation. We should not follow others who can afford blocking and isolating their countries for the benefits of their elite. Government should make arrangements for tackling and treatment of disease and also advise and help people so that they can take precautionary measures at individual level instead of scaring them.
Nadeem Khan Mar 22, 2020 08:23pm
not i dont disagree with him,,,,,, but,,,,and where did he get his medical degree?????
Furrukh Rao Mar 22, 2020 10:37pm
He himself live in USA.
Zeeshan Mar 22, 2020 11:30pm
Im a daily wage worker , how will I survive ?
Mukhtar Khan Mar 22, 2020 11:55pm
Yes indeed. Self lock down Until government imposes nation wide state of emergency, no one constitutionally can lock down any one. Every one should self isolate as best as they can, don’t ask the government
jaredlee007 Mar 23, 2020 12:41am
S. Roy 'THINKS'. We all 'think', but the the govt. make the final decision. S. Roy should stay at home and focus on his own isolation. Don't use media to impose your own 'thoughts'. S. Roy, perhaps, does not know the context of rural areas in Pakistan. And in Sindh if you arrest people then corona will spread in jails. So, S. Roy should 'THINK' again.
wsyed Mar 23, 2020 04:27am
Why is this a news, what does he know about epidemics? Restricting movement without a plan to test and treat patients is only adding to misery to people's lives.
Illawarrior Mar 23, 2020 05:26am
COMPLETE lockdown? Who will look after patients in hospitals? How will these staff get to/from work? Will electricity generate itself without human monitoring/input? Who will put out fires? Enforce the law? How will people get food and medical supplies?
Khalid iqbal Mar 23, 2020 06:38am
He is absolutely right , if this thing gets out of hand people will die in large numbers , there are not enough vetilators for the elites of the society,what will rest of the population do .Lock down the whole country , and let the tandoors work all day and night so that no one goes hungry.
Laila Mar 23, 2020 07:36am
Witty shehzad roy! Correct message!
Pervez Mar 23, 2020 08:24am
@Nadeem Khan You dont need a Medical Degree in this case just some good Common Sense.
Shafi Mar 23, 2020 08:28am
The government and leadership in Pakistan has to take a very difficult decision in the coming weeks, if they should bring the country to a lock down or risk infections to millions. I believe that it is a choice between either risking being infected and having more than a 98% chance of recovery or facing rioting and possible mass murder in three to four week's time in what pretty much would be civil war/civil unrest situation. We are a nation that survives on daily wage. The sad reality is that we have to find ways to minimize death of the infected by Covid-19 and continue to try to minimize spread of infection while keeping the country operating. By no means can we afford a lock down situation. Hope my message finds its way to the decision makers and hope my fellow citizens will understand and agree. Shafi
HBJ Mar 23, 2020 09:05am
SR is 100% correct. All of you who are trying to find fault in his argument, will realize it when it is too late to do anything. Lockdown is ESSENTIAL. TThe rest of the battle begins AFTER Lockdown.
Fahad Mar 23, 2020 10:08am
Guys it is easy for those to say who has tons of money in their bank accounts and a lot supplies at home. Think about who works on daily wages
Fahad Mar 23, 2020 10:10am
@Zeeshan That is what exactly PM's point. these celebrities have tons of money and a lot of supplies so they can say it.
Karachiite Mar 23, 2020 11:29am
@Zeeshan if u survived the virus u can earn later on. but if u die who will look after ur family? the federal govt which is incompetent and useless to our resources. besides, there are countless organizations in the country which feed people three times a day like sailani and JDA karachi. plus, u can use social media for help if u need. but at this time of viral epidemic i urge u to stay home. hunger is better than death. and no one dies in 15 days. pakistan is an agriculture country. i have never heard any one died of hunger here.