
PM Imran Khan says Aurat March is a result of cultural differences like it's a bad thing

PM Imran Khan says Aurat March is a result of cultural differences like it's a bad thing

If asking for equal rights is against our culture, then maybe our culture is what needs to evolve and not feminism?
Updated 14 Mar, 2020

"It was evident at the Aurat March that people stand divided and there were distinct cultures in the same country. This is a cultural issue and it arises from the schooling system; this will be our first step towards synthesising our education system so that it is equal for everyone and socio-economic class differences are eliminated."

On the face of it, Prime Minister Imran Khan's comments during a recent press conference seem fine; after all, inclusive policy-making for access to education is one of the demands of Aurat March.

That said, knowing IK's history calling feminism a "western concept", his comments drew ire on social media for criticising cultural diversity and painting off the movement as an elitist affair. Who's going to tell him that those with privilege march for all those without?

Read: Imran Khan knows nothing about motherhood and feminism, so we wrote him a cheat sheet

"By next year, we're launching one core syllabus for each school. Everyone will have to study one core subject, and on top of that schools are free to choose extra subjects of their own. This is so that we can contribute to nation building, and distinct cultures are eliminated," he added.

Nowhere in the vague statement does he mention what this one core subject will be but here's hoping it's gender studies or life skills based education!

Our differences should be celebrated, not stifled

Culture evolves, as it should

Some great questions here...

Priorities though

Did someone scream mood?


Solomon The King Mar 13, 2020 01:36pm
thanks to media, it has played its card by zooming in on a couple of placards to make the March look like in conflict with the culture when it is not, and by the way why only one day it is all about women, why in any other day and every day.
Thomas Mar 13, 2020 01:42pm
Very well spoken. Names of naysayers (read arch enemies of Khan) endorses that he talked good for Pakistan.
Indian Muslim Mar 13, 2020 01:43pm
While IK talks of inclusiveness, Modi only spews hate and rejection of communities.
Laila Mar 13, 2020 01:46pm
Sure. Misogyny and patriarchy are indeed different cultures from equality and sanity.
Fastrack Mar 13, 2020 01:49pm
Love the part where you say, "on the surface", his comments are fine. Hate blinds one, truly and completely. Keep it up, Khan.
Fastrack Mar 13, 2020 01:50pm
Unbelievable. You can find faults in such a beautiful message too? Hate. Nothing incurable hate.
M. Saeed Mar 13, 2020 02:17pm
Aurat March was the result of highly polarized educational differences between the English Medium private schools and the Urdu Medium Government schools. It is a divide, that would require 4 generations of efforts to eradicate, even if we start efforts in earnest today.
taka master Mar 13, 2020 02:20pm
Yet somehow IK gets the plurality of the Pakistani female voter in the last election. He said and promised exactly the things he is doing now.
Cris Dan Mar 13, 2020 02:24pm
IK has disappointed the people who wish a life of 21st century. I liked the comment of Shiza Malik above as this is the reality on ground but IK is trying to suppress it. Since 1980s, all leaders have denied to move forward socially and pushing the people of country backward in medieval times. People and specifically women need to be steadfast to have full civic rights.
Toni Mar 13, 2020 02:34pm
"Who's going to tell him that those with privilege march for all those without?" Marching one day in the year so you privileged feel privileged to have contributed and those without should say thank you to you and then you sit for the next 364 days and do nothing by not participating in the political forums or becoming active in raising as a parliamentary bill through your women representatives, to correct those womens' rights for those without... what are you doing, everyday of that next 364 days?
Manga Mar 13, 2020 02:35pm
It sounds quite reasonable to me to recognize that we need to give equal education opportunities to all children to deal with such divisive issues. Is it not obvious that there is a clear cultural dived in our society; there's our upper class and the rest who are worlds apart in their respective views of the world.
Haris Mar 13, 2020 03:35pm
PM rightly highlighted the root cause of this event. What do these activits want from him?
A Mar 13, 2020 03:38pm
It starts with demand for equality
Ghani K Mar 13, 2020 03:43pm
Why bring provocative slogan & poster like 'Mera jissam merey marzi '. Ok go ahead demonstrate for equal rights you truly deserve.
Sobia Mar 13, 2020 04:01pm
Whenever Imran Khan talks, he talks sense.
anil sahu Mar 13, 2020 04:01pm
@Indian Muslim i think you have commented before reading the article.
Patel D Mar 13, 2020 04:01pm
@Indian Muslim Please stay on topic of Women's movement. As Indian citizen, you should know better. about Modi. On this year of Women's Dat 2020, Modi has given voice to women and has established 7 new institutions all given names of women in that particular field. All but one are already passed away, to show that women's were equal to or better than men in India long before women's movement started.
BAXAR Mar 13, 2020 04:35pm
@Laila "Misogyny and patriarchy are indeed different cultures from equality " Are men from lower class are treated better than women from upper class? If not, you don't need to bring misogyny and patriarchy in debate supposedly for equality for all. If yes, you don't live in Pakistan.
Big John Mar 13, 2020 04:58pm
What poor woman wanted to attend the march and be beaten by her husband on returning home? That would not happen?
LAHORI KID Mar 13, 2020 05:00pm
More talk, still Luke warm action. Thanks
Singhisking Mar 13, 2020 05:40pm
Modi has done his bit for Muslim women in India by liberating them from curse of Tripple Talaq, Halla, Mutha.
hussain Mar 13, 2020 05:52pm
there are those who espouse a total western concept in culture, it seems a select number of western orientated individuals and groups have an agenda not in line with the 99% of the population. Far too many NGO's and foreign countries are interfering in our country, this must be stopped by the government. In relation to the rights of women there shouldn't be a compromise in applying the law to protect their rights, but these rights are determined by our society, parliament and judiciary not by those who are eurocentric.
Haider Mar 13, 2020 06:28pm
The people with hate comments do not understand the motive behind the idea. He is hinting at a uniform curriculum for all (elite, middle-class, lower class) economic classes so that no one feels superior or inferior to others. If every school (Madrassas, Urdu medium, English medium) teaches the same curriculum, uniformity in people's views will emerge. This uniformity is necessary to survive as a nation. This doesn't mean that different cultures in Pakistan would cease to exist. I hope people understand the concept of a nation and stop being so intolerant towards others.
Aziz Mar 13, 2020 06:51pm
Your poll is biased. You have put gender vs religion. The core subject in principle should be ethics in this context.
Al Mar 13, 2020 06:55pm
@Indian Muslim It's a generational difference. Modi grew up after partition when the hate for Pakistan for breaking up Bharat Mataa was feverishly high. IK grew up later, when we had wars with India and nobody benefitted from them. Modi will spew hate and IK will talk about inclusion.
Sri Mar 13, 2020 07:04pm
@Indian Muslim he talks about cutting down on diversity, that's quite the opposite
Taj Mar 13, 2020 07:19pm
What an incompetent guy
THE MORNING STAR Mar 13, 2020 07:20pm
I have 2 boys and 2 girls all of them have doctorate degrees, and I have lived abroad for almost 45 years and I am a US Board Certified MD, and I agree with Imran Khan.
Daskalos Mar 13, 2020 07:30pm
@Manga upper and lower social divides have nothing to do with womens rights. In fact womens rights cuts across these divides and seek common benefits for all women.
Wasif Mar 13, 2020 09:43pm
Apparently he did not say Aurat March was a bad thing.. He said that reaction to Aurat March was because different parts of Pakistan were living in entirely different world views.. Which to me is a logical conclusion..
Mazdayasna Mar 13, 2020 10:34pm
IK doesn’t understand equal rights, or anything else for that matter.
Mazdayasna Mar 13, 2020 10:39pm
@M. Saeed When it comes to patriarchy and misogyny all segments of the population are guilty of exercising this abhorrent behavior, which tries to dominate women.
Mazdayasna Mar 13, 2020 10:47pm
@Toni If the government didn’t fear and oppress NGO’s and political activists that advocate equal rights for all, perhaps these people would be busy working 365 days.
Thinker Mar 14, 2020 12:05am
Aap Kya Kya karenge janaab???
Ali da Malanga Mar 14, 2020 01:19am
So, what is wrong with teaching a common core curriculum to everyone in schools? Are these people not happy because they thing that they might loose the "edge" that they believe they have over those who study in Urdu Medium? I didn't see anyone talking about Dawry. Is that not a women's issue?
JK Mar 14, 2020 01:37am
@Indian Muslim I think you didn't understand this article or you didn't read article before commenting.
The Truth Teller Mar 14, 2020 03:06am
Why not simply support the "Aurat March" and not spin it in to some thing political. Acknowledge that women in Paksitan are held back, do not have equal rights, are not treated fairly, are not independent and free to do what they choose to do. That would be the right thing to do.
Junaid Ali Mar 14, 2020 04:14am
Wellsaid PM Imran Khan
Morning Star Mar 14, 2020 07:01am
Why are you so confused? He clearly said that difference in opinions is clearly due to structure of education in Pakistan. This is the real fact. If government was against the March then they would have stopped it one way or the other. Government have filed cases against those who have tried to disrupt the March.
Riaz khan Mar 14, 2020 07:29am
IK s overview on ourat march is wonderful and confusable
kums Mar 14, 2020 08:41am
Nothing wrong in the statement. Culture changes with time and location. There could be diversity with respect for all. Discrimination cannot be called diversity of views.
Another Indian muslim Mar 14, 2020 08:54am
@Indian Muslim You daughter, sister or mother can't even ride a scooter by herself and run a cycle dealership on busy street of Peshawar the way they do in India. Also, read the article again, it isn't saying what you are thinking.
Shailender Chohan Mar 14, 2020 08:59am
@Indian Muslim I'm not sure if you read the article.
AJ Mar 14, 2020 10:10am
Totally agree with IK in terms of his stance on feminism and Aurat March. Essentially, Aurat March has been hijacked by a few elite women who have transformed it into a male-bashing platform. No wonder, there were counter-protests by women who didn't agree with the idea of vilifying all men while absolving all women of any wrong-doing. Hope to see more counter-protests next year to expose the issues with Aurat March.
ZAFAR KAZMI Mar 14, 2020 10:43am
When,if. ever this gentleman though Oxford educated will grow up to be able to appreciate that today's world celebrates diversity of culture, language, color and creed. Why doesn't he for a moment stop and try to reflect before speaking how out of touch with modern world his ideas are.
Jehanzeb Idrees Mar 14, 2020 11:15am
Nipping in the bud! Good going Khan, hit them where it hurts the most.
Siddharth chandigarh Mar 14, 2020 12:38pm
So as always pakistani should say imran khan is 100% right.
Yawar Mar 15, 2020 01:59am
I have generally supported IK in the past. But his constant talk of "one core syllabus," without elaborating what that one core syllabus is, scares me. This lack of clarification indicates he himself does not know what that one core syllabus is. But if I follow my common sense, his idea would result in downgrading the students of O/A Levels, and upgrading the madrassah students to our more common matric system. Whereas instead he should be striving towards upgrading the madrassah and matric system to the O/A Levels over time so all students of Pakistan have the ability to compete internationally. Pakistan is not technologically advanced like China, Japan or South Korea to be able to grow and compete on the same footing internationally if our O/A Levels are abolished in favor of the matric system.
Yawar Mar 15, 2020 02:06am
@Patel D Oh wow! I had no idea Modi had done so much for Indian women. Would that be Hindu women or also Muslim women?
Dr.Habib A. Zuberi Mar 15, 2020 03:37am
@ZAFAR KAZMI Fairly good observation, but a little harsh.
Dr.Habib A. Zuberi Mar 15, 2020 03:40am
@AJ In a free society people have a rifght to express their views openly.
Laila Mar 15, 2020 09:32am
@Toni you cant assume the do nothing. This question was actually raised to one of the dounders/organizers of the Aurat March on a TV debate but I don't recall her name. Look it upon YouTube. They dolots of things apparent kt. The only reason 8th of March is significant is because wits International Women's Day across the world. That doesn't mean activists, womens organizations and movements don't do anything.
Laila Mar 15, 2020 09:40am
@Ghani K provocative is a subject and relative adjective. Just because you feel provoked personally, doesn't render provoking. I see. Othinf provocative about it. They af etalking about women's rights, rights to need be married by force, right to not be a child bride, right to no be harassed, raped, or oppressed, right to make their own choice in life, right to have a say in giving birth (many women are impregnated repeatedly in pursuit of a male heir). A woman's body means her physical body, but also her heart and mind. It's not just sexual or about abortion rights.
Laila Mar 15, 2020 09:44am
@hussain do you have even a shred of evidence of to support your claims? No. But go on and ask the PM to to accepting funds fromChina, Saudi Arabia and that's a fyally documented. Do you ever get tired of conspiracy theories, made up statistics (how do you known hat 99% of Pakistan thinks or wants?)?
Laila Mar 15, 2020 09:48am
@BAXAR patriarchy and misogyny are real and deep rooted issues in our society andre root cause of women lacking fundamental rights and protection. If you don't know that then you don't live in Pakistan. Do stop conflating it with poverty. We are talking about the institutionalised and systematic abuse of women, which happens on every level of society. There is a pattern. The issues are well documented. Denial or deflection wont resolve anything.
N abidai Mar 15, 2020 05:45pm
PM IK is on the side of truth, western solgan do not work with majority of Pakistani mind sets. There is big difference that exist between being educated in English medium and no education that is provided in other school systems,plus lack of schools!
AbdulHaque Shaikh Mar 16, 2020 01:03am
He is right. Dissatisfaction majority of young female comes from their feeling that women in other countries of world are better off than they are in Pakistan. It is difference in how you want to live. No body has said that their view point is wrong or right. final judge is you and you only and you will know if you lived your life fulfilled. The slogan " Mera Jism Meri Marzi" certainly gives away that the Aurat March is inspired by Western cultural influence.
Laila Mar 16, 2020 07:44am
@Fastrack how is it hate when his record on women's rights and addressing their issues (or rather lack of) is a matter of public record? Efter his election he assured the village councils (also known as jirgas/panchayats) that they could carry on, instead of implementing one rule of law for all Pakistanis and doing away with such misogynistic and jahil village councils, where women and children make up the majority, if not all, of the victims with backward practices such kari kari, vani, forced marriages, etc. I don't think he knows or even cares much about womens issues. Criticism is not hate. Kindly go and read up on his comments and actions with regards to women.
Laila Mar 16, 2020 07:51am
@AbdulHaque Shaikh this constant division of the world and its close to 200 soverign nations into East and West is really getting tiring. Maybe you should ask the March organizers or participants, what they meant with that slogan and also understand nobody owns a slogan. In Europe Muslim females have been saying the same more or less, that its their body and their choice (referring to wearing or not wearing headscarves). Anybody can take a slogan and make it their own. Just like Obamas slogan 'yes we can' can be used by others too. The world is not as black and white as you would like to believe. All things western aren't bad and all things Eastern aren't good. West is also home to millions of Muslims. Both migrants and converts? Did you think about that?
Simanjit Singh Mann Mar 17, 2020 01:55am
He doesn't remember his culture when he married a gori?
Laila Mar 17, 2020 11:16am
@Fastrack not sure, how it is "hate", when his views (or silence) on women's rights and lack of addressing their issues are a matter of public record? Efter his election he assured the village councils (also known as jirgas/panchayats) that they could carry on, instead of implementing one rule of law and legal system for all Pakistanis and doing away with such misogynistic and jahil village councils, where women and children make up the majority, if not all, of the victims with backward practices such kari kari, vani, forced marriages, under aged marriages etc. I don't think he knows or even cares much about womens issues. Criticism is not hate. Kindly go and read up on his comments and actions with regards to women. It leaves much to be desired for.