
Feroze Khan announces he's quitting showbiz, with a few exceptions

Feroze Khan announces he's quitting showbiz, with a few exceptions

"Will only act and provide services for teachings of Islam," he told followers.
Updated 07 Mar, 2020

Feroze Khan has put an end to rumours as he finally revealed to the media that he'll be quitting acting for religion reasons.

Putting an end to the banter surrounding reasons why he deleted his Instagram account a couple of weeks ago, the actor took to Twitter to issue a statement for his fans:

"My fans have been waiting for a statement from me. I announce that I quit the showbiz industry and will only act and provide my services for the teaching of Islam through this platform if needed else anything but this InshAllah, Request you all to pray for me and my loved ones," he tweeted.

Also read: Feroze Khan has deactivated his Instagram once again

The Tich Button star, which is set to release this year, recently embarked on a different path:

His wife had wished him all the best. “May this spiritual journey bring more faith in your life and serve the purpose - a proud wife” read the caption on her Instagram story.

Just by the way, he's back on Instagram now as well:

A photo posted by Instagram (@instagram) on


Andrew Mar 07, 2020 12:14pm
Fantastic! From the caterpilar to the butterfly. I wish him the absolute best in every possible way.
Zak Mar 07, 2020 12:17pm
We wish him Well.
Cris Dan Mar 07, 2020 12:23pm
What such people are really upto? The country needs workers for human rights and the country needs to move forward collectively as one force with self belief and determination to bring mitherland to progress and income to starving poor people. People like Feroze Khan seem to be victims of their individual ego which is keeping them in cells and not as effective and useful person for a country in various economic and social problems. They are contributing nithing to civic set up for 21st century. Why they are retreating to ego shells?
Tariq Islam Mar 07, 2020 01:16pm
and who is he?
Shariq Mar 07, 2020 02:07pm
Yet another one!
Rashid Basra Mar 07, 2020 02:09pm
Good decision, this third class and cheap actor better stay out of showbiz!
Mazhar Hussain Mar 07, 2020 02:09pm
Why we have to announce that we are going to serve Islam, just do it. Such announcements make feel bad for people who are associated with showbiz.
abubakar Mar 07, 2020 02:12pm
sherry saleem Mar 07, 2020 02:38pm
at least some people are getting hidayat !!!
Saira Mar 07, 2020 02:39pm
Haramullah Mar 07, 2020 02:42pm
If you fail to compete in one field, more easy field is already available. Anyway easiest way to survive.
Laila Mar 07, 2020 02:43pm
Good for him!
Andrew Mar 07, 2020 02:50pm
@Tariq Islam Err maybe try reading the article. It clearly states who he is.
Tzaman Mar 07, 2020 02:50pm
So when the acting business is in decline, use religious card. Good show. People of other professions also the send this card. But trivializing your own religion is stooping to low.
Neo Mar 07, 2020 06:12pm
@Tariq Islam. If you read the article and were bothered enough to make a comment then you should know. No need for childish behaviour.
Rashqa Mar 07, 2020 06:15pm
Wow!!! That's great ...he's on the right path...alhumdulilah...but his fans are gonna miss him...
Rashqa Mar 07, 2020 06:16pm
Arsalan Tariq Mar 07, 2020 08:49pm
He will also disclaim from his decision as HaMza Ali Abbas did...
Humanity Mar 07, 2020 09:00pm
As if religion and life are two opposite things
Sami Mar 07, 2020 10:42pm
He can also follow Islam by keeping in showbiz. JJ was a good example.
Javed Qamer Engineer Washington DC Mar 07, 2020 10:59pm
I think this is great. I however have a suggestion. Just by quitting films is not enough. Why not have your bear grow at least 6 to 7 inches and in addition wear your pants or shalwars at least four inches above ankle. Would be a great idea if you could wear a topi with flaps to hide your ears. Wear Chappals as they used to wear in olden times and use camels for transport. I think that would show people that you mean business.
Yawar Mar 08, 2020 12:16am
It was clear Feroze Khan would make this exemplary and noble choice from his video in which he and a couple of others could be seen intently listening to Maulana Tariq Jamil about a year ago.
Robby Mar 08, 2020 01:25am
Good move