
Mahira Khan calls out Khalil Ur Rehman Qamar for his blatant misogyny

Mahira Khan calls out Khalil Ur Rehman Qamar for his blatant misogyny

Celebrities like OKB, Mawra Hocane and Sarmad Khoosat are speaking out after Qamar abused a woman on live television.
Updated 05 Mar, 2020

In today's bizarre news, Khalil Ur Rehman Qamar decided to go on national television and curse and swear at a woman.

While it is surprising us why he has become the leading voice for misogy- sorry, meninists, this time we were really wondering how he got away with using abusive language during a live show.

And how he continues to get away with this behaviour and still make it in the industry that should really be watchful of who is representing it. Where's Pemra when you need them?

Mahira Khan is one of the very rare celebrities to have spoken out against the writer. The actor, who's previously worked with Qamar in Sadqay Tumhare took to Twitter to express her shock over his behaviour.

"I am shocked at what I have just heard and seen!" wrote Mahira. "Sick to the core. This same man who abused a woman on TV is revered and given project after project because of what?"

She added, "We are as much to blame if not more for perpetuating this thinking!"

Her Sadqay co-star, Adnan Malik also spoke out:

Just by the way, Khalil ur Rehman has signed on with 7th Sky Entertainment of Geo Entertainment to write four drama serials and a feature film, so much more sexist content coming our way.

Mahira was followed by more celebs, who also, have finally had enough of the writer's rants. Filmmaker Nabeel Qureshi was extremely infuriated by everything that unfolded on the show:

Shehzad Roy was another to express his thoughts and also attempt to explain Mera jism, meri marzi, a concept many have been trying to explain for the past two years but no one wants to understand.

Roy shared, "Don't understand the problem so many are having with #MeraJismMeriMarzi - Mera jism meri marzi nahi toh kis ki marzi ho gi? 'My body is mine' is a critical component of the Life Skills Based Education classes we teach to help children protect themselves from abuse & harassment."

Sarmad Khoosat made a comment about the very industry that led to a voice like Khalil Ur Rehman's to be highlighted as such. According to him, the writer's words, "reflect what lies beneath the shoddy structure of our so called industry."

"That includes our consumers too, the viewers (the reviewers too)," said Khoosat. "We are to be blamed, all of us! And what needs to be done to rectify or re-mould this will have to be beyond and much more than just us typing away our anger on our keyboards."

Sanam Saeed had a similar view, talking about what really is scary about this behaviour and toxic words.

According to Saeed, "What's scarier than Khalil ur Rehman's temper, insecurities and mysogonistic attitude, is us who continue to encourage and engage him."

Osman Khalid Butt had a rather grim approach to the matter, reminding us all that this backlash will be short lived while questioning if accountability will ever be placed on anyone.

Said OKB, "We've already moved on from PISA, from Zindagi Tamasha. No one has truly been held accountable in both cases. In fact, next year we'll probably see 90 percent of the industry at that award show."

Mawra Hocane shared that "anyone who works with him is equally responsible for his behaviour":

Bilal Ashraf has also made the call to out the writer from all platforms.

This is a developing story.


Sara Mar 04, 2020 11:09am
It is a mans world out there. This guy needs to be shamed. I wonder if he is like this with female members of his family including his mother.
jaredlee Mar 04, 2020 11:23am
As an educated male, I'd say that our society is very generous towards men and equally UNforgiving of females. Educating men is important, but media should use COMMON SENSE and not let emotionally UNSTABLE people (including men) say whatever they want.
Queen Mar 04, 2020 11:53am
I wonder Khalilur Rehman Qamar treats women at his home.
Parvez Mar 04, 2020 12:02pm
Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar is a disgrace to men ..... he needs to be called out. Well done Mahira.
Adnan Mazher Khan Mar 04, 2020 12:07pm
Excellent comment and thought process by Ms. Mahira Khan. I admire her clear-headedness.
ur mom Mar 04, 2020 12:08pm
Thank you so much Mahira!
Tariq Mar 04, 2020 12:26pm
Its democracy and what we are to decide for other. KR has his own vision either we like it or not. Others don't agree with him is OK but asking to shut him down is extremism.
Bhains Jounalist Mar 04, 2020 12:28pm
Well why has 2 point answer 1. Because he is more creative with words then many other so called writers out there. Try to watch darams on any network. There are exceptions like Umaira Ahmed but there are few. And no, there is no gender bias. 2. Publicity man! badnam huay to kia naam na hoga.
UFO Mar 04, 2020 12:54pm
All of a sudden, Marwi Sirmed became a woman deserving the feminine privilege of being respected as a woman that our society offers.
Sab Se Pehle Pakistan Mar 04, 2020 12:58pm
@Sara: During the talk show Marvi Sarmad Sahiba was constantly interrupting Kahlil Ur Rehman Qamar Sahab. It was then he got provoked and lost his cool which he shouldn't have. Yes he should have selected his words wisely but you should look at the situation in entirety.
Thinking Mar 04, 2020 01:12pm
What was she waiting for for so long, since his first mysigonist interview on tv? And to say tht she didn't know his view for so long, both being same part of the industry for ages
Abdul Rauf Mar 04, 2020 01:12pm
I apologize to madam Marvi. No one has right to use such degraded language against any one. These channels keep it like that for their TRPs. PEMRA should ban him for life on TV screen.
oldhabibian Mar 04, 2020 01:26pm
As a child and a young man I remember, one day I said to my father that I want equality! Why do we have to wait while women march up the queue? Why do we stand behind while the women get preferential treatment? We stand when they come and give up our seats when they are standing. He laughed! I think we should focus our energies are more pressing issues.
Mahmood Saeed Mar 04, 2020 01:51pm
Disgraceful behavior and disgraceful attitude. What an excuse for disrespecting women. Do you treat men who do not follow Islamic way of life the same ? Hypocrisy of the highest order. One should try to become a better person himself rather than judging others. Unfortunately the misery for women in our society will continue for long if the so called educated have this attitude.
Wajahat Ali Khan Mar 04, 2020 01:51pm
@Sara it definitely is a MAN's World out there. no doubt about that.
Tariq Awan Mar 04, 2020 02:05pm
This was a most unfortunate incident! The language used is totally unacceptable! This is the reflection of poison of his mind than how men perceive women in society. Women are forced to take extreme positions to prove their point. Us men we welcome women at the workplace and we acknowledge their contribution to the society as well as the workplace. This narrative should also be promoted through talk shows and such men should also be invited who are knowledgeable about changing dynamics in gender roles and can support women dignity and protection at the workplace and in society at large.
rafiq Mar 04, 2020 02:07pm
Khalil -ur-Rehman your comments about Ladies march are sadly immature and of a spoiled child. I bet if you were a lady instead of a spoiled male , you would be leading the march.
Akram Mar 04, 2020 02:38pm
Geo what are you doing signing this person on? shame on you!
Irfan UK Mar 04, 2020 02:47pm
I really think he needs to be stopped and then taken to a psychiatrist because he needs help.
Akbar Ali QAU Mar 04, 2020 02:49pm
I have heard the interview but I am surprised why only Khalil is being targated by the media. To me both Sarmad and Qamar had crossed the limit and both should be cursed and banned by the govt.
Asif Kashmiri Mar 04, 2020 02:53pm
You are a brave man Mr Qamar!
Asad Mar 04, 2020 02:58pm
@Sara Khalil ur rehman is totally right.
khalid Mar 04, 2020 03:39pm
I wonder how this man speaks to the women who have to "obey" him?. Perhaps he doesn't have any sisters or a daughter or a wife but he must have had a mother!!. Absolutely astonishing. Ashamed to be a man as long as people like him are around in Pakistan.
Anonymous Mar 04, 2020 03:45pm
@Queen He said he helps out in household chores.
SM Mar 04, 2020 03:51pm
@Tariq He is only being asked to be civil. That is not extremism.
SM Mar 04, 2020 03:53pm
@oldhabibian You are so clueless!
Shabbir Mar 04, 2020 03:53pm
Unfortunately, this is the mindset of our outdated society which needs a serious attention to its core values. Unless we start to live in time and stop living in stone ages, we are bound to demise. Such issues need a full voice of the intellectuals and celebrities alike to differentiate between the right and wrong. Women are equal to Men and must have the same space in any society.
Saeed Mar 04, 2020 04:01pm
Khalil should have picked his words more cautiously and objectively instead of losing his temper and his tongue. At the same time, a big thumbs down to Ms. Sarmad too for constantly abusing Khalil instead of letting him speak when it was HIS turn. Both should be condemned; the former for his choice of words and the later for her attitude & intrusion. And it is indeed a sexist world; women at organizations get preferential parking, get to leave at 5:00 while men leave around 7:00, women are allowed holidays at their whim while men have to plead, women are additionally selected to meet minimum quota if they cannot compete on merit, women's complaint are resolved and they also get their own rest and prayer area; after all that, women are then treated equally when it is time for yearly evaluation or promotion whereas they are sometimes given undue advantage over men just because of their gender. There is indeed discrimination, however it is entirely against MEN! Be Objective, please.
M. Saeed Mar 04, 2020 04:29pm
KU Qamar is not the last man on earth to write saleable material. He should be boycotted and fully proscribed form the public media.
M. Saeed Mar 04, 2020 04:31pm
@Sab Se Pehle Pakistan nobody would support the behavior of Sarmad Marvi but, the man should have shown a bigger heart.
Asif Mar 04, 2020 05:37pm
Maria Khan is right. This man deserves a total boycott by TV channels and TV artists.
Ibrahim S Mar 04, 2020 06:58pm
@Sara do you know his family or mother. He is just a reflection of a common desi man. Regarding his sisters and mother , they are educated, one of the finest and very down to earth .
Khalil Mar 04, 2020 07:00pm
Good writer but he certainly lacks people skills and that is where it's going wrong for him. He finds it hard to reason with females and his reaction on the show clearly illustrates his inability to confront a women.....he loses it almost immediately. He is a great talent but needs to be able to control and manage the monster within otherwise he will be remembered for the wrong reasons.
Mujtaba Mar 04, 2020 07:02pm
What a miserable life! He needs help.
ukasha rajpoot Mar 04, 2020 07:12pm
Khalil and others with the same mentality should be cornered. Weinstein and Epstein have no place in our world.
Ehsan Mar 04, 2020 07:35pm
No more kQ
Sayed Mar 04, 2020 07:47pm
Pakistan drama produced and written by Khalilur Rehman is an open challenge to PEMRA. In Khalils drama the nudity is exposed in story not physically. The day is not far away when physical nudity will gradually will come into play. Then it will become impossible for the Pakistani young generation to keep away. Drama is made to teach people not to destroy them mentally and psychologically and physically.
Majeed at Thani Mar 04, 2020 07:59pm
Are we forgetting that we live in a Muslim country?
Shefran Mar 04, 2020 08:00pm
TV channels and shows are still continuing with this guy. They have not banned him. That’s the biggest problem. We all can tweet and comment but the TV channels are all about publicity and making money. They should be punished.
Daskalos Mar 05, 2020 12:31am
Shameful behaviour by yet another narrow minded chauvinist Pakistani. I'm glad that Mahira and other actors and TV people have stood up to him. I think enough is enough and all decent people , civil society itself must now stand up against this nonsense. The vast ignorant majority needs to be educated , from childhood onwards, Pakistani boys-men must be taught lessons of respect and equality for all women no matter who or where. Parents - mothers, specially - need to also stop differentiating between boys and girls and must raise sensitive and compassionate human beings.
Daskalos Mar 05, 2020 12:36am
@UFO all women deserve respect automatically. Don't you know? Didn't your mother teach you that?
Daskalos Mar 05, 2020 12:37am
@Sara I fully agree.
Daskalos Mar 05, 2020 12:38am
@Sab Se Pehle Pakistan what a shameless excuse for bad manners.
mahmood anwar Mar 05, 2020 02:54am
He MUST be boycotted and banned on tv. Also he should apologize to the lady and all the women. The anchor woman should have told him to not talk like this too.
Zahida Mar 05, 2020 03:15am
He is the one who is shaming beautiful ladies in industry then why he doesn't believe in MERA JISM MERI MARZI..such a hypocrite
Sid Mar 05, 2020 04:09am
It’s fine for mr Rahman to disagree with the slogan which I do as well, but his behaviour on TV was terrible. He needs to learn to control his anger and should apologise immediately. Meri Zindagi - Meri Marzi is more appropriate I think.
Awaz.... Mar 05, 2020 05:08am
Mahira Khan Rocks.... I Salute you.... You are a courageous and a very honest human being. There was a sure chance that one day you are going to sign Khalil Ur Rehman Qamar's next film and for that reason you could have shut your mouth like Hamayun Saeed and Mehwish Hayat but rather you speak up, that shows your honesty and courage.
Awaz.... Mar 05, 2020 05:25am
Geo.... Shame On You!!!!!!
Taj Mar 05, 2020 06:10am
Who is Mahira Khan?
Ahsan Mar 05, 2020 11:07am
Marvi provoked him all the way. She does this all the time. And KUQ did not abuse the womankind . His words were for Marvi and only for her. He should not have used bad language but I will blame Marvi equally.
Ahsan Mar 05, 2020 11:08am
@Asif who js Maria khan???
Salman Mar 05, 2020 05:02pm
Mahira Khan has taken her words back on account of Ms.Marvi's abusive language on Twitter. To me, both Khaleel ur Rahman and Marvi Sirmed are two faces of the same coin, one suffers from misogyny while the other from misandry. Both spreading hatred. Kudos to Mahira Khan for her mature attitude, she's a star for a reason.
BAXAR Mar 05, 2020 05:24pm
@jaredlee "As an educated male, I'd say that our society is very generous towards men and equally UNforgiving of females." As an educated POWERFUL male, I'd say that our society is very generous towards POWERFUL people (male or female) and equally UNforgiving of common people (male or female). If you don't believe me, visit any jail and count the percentage of POWERFUL people and compare with crimes committed in the society. Would you say that POWERFUL people never commit crimes. Of course they do, but they are on bail, sometimes abroad.
Shahzad Mar 05, 2020 07:02pm
This guy should be outcast and banned from all media houses. Media should show some teeth to ignorant and illiterate ,uncouth people like this.
Chooran Man Mar 06, 2020 11:25am
Khalil Sahab is getting more than he deserves in hate. Ms. Marvi is not an angel either!
Ishtiaque Mar 06, 2020 05:46pm
Why to ignore Marvi behavior, she started it first. The mass population of Pakistan men and women are against Marvi behavior and using bad slogan at TV to corrupt our culture, see who are opposing KRQ majority of them do not follow our culture and want other girls to follow them. I also say KRQ should not have to use that language, but Marvi irritated him.
Ridiculous Mar 06, 2020 10:42pm
Get the United Nations to pass a resolution against this man.
Humayun Mirza Mar 07, 2020 06:01pm
Simple analysis tells us its a case of one's saner self being taken over by his instinct. No one has noticed utter lack of manners\etiquettes by the female highly insolent and provocative. Khalil did the right thing in slightly wrong way under a spell of emotions no fault of his.
Humayun Mirza Mar 07, 2020 06:08pm
@jaredlee Ill mannered and lacking basic know how of common etiquettes females should also not be invited on talk shows. Patience is an excellent virtue but it also has its limits.
Humayun Mirza Mar 07, 2020 06:12pm
@Sab Se Pehle Pakistan patience is a good virtue but it also has its limits after this it the instinct that takes over ones saner self.
Humayun Mirza Mar 07, 2020 06:17pm
@Akram well it's GEO that needs him more than the other way round.
Perwaiz Ahmad Mar 11, 2020 03:06pm
I think Khalil Ur Rehman behavior was despicable. He has taken the entire slogan out of context and countless others who have supported him on social media. His abusive langauage should not be tolerated on National TV. I wonder what he does in private to women who work in his production. He needs to give an apology to the entire world on TV. Anytime he wants to defend his pathetic behavior he and others say , Islam gives more rights to women than any other religion . what good is it if women aren't given those rights.
Laila Mar 12, 2020 05:45am
@Sara I have a feeling they may be victims of Stockholm Syndrome and more inclined to agree with him.
Laila Mar 12, 2020 05:47am
@Asad no he is not totally right. He is a misogynist. The posters are vulgar but his tongue isn't? Who talks like that to a woman or an even? What about etiquette and mannerisms? Are we living in a civilized society or a jungle?