
Uks Research Centre announces campaign for women's rights

Uks Research Centre announces campaign for women's rights

They will touch upon subjects like what's the best way to introduce and familiarise youth with the concept of feminism.
Updated 12 Feb, 2020

On the eve of National Women’s Day, Uks Research Centre annou­nced a month-long campaign on ‘Women’s Rights and the Feminist Movement in Pakistan’ at its office here on Tuesday.

February 12 is a reminder of the historical struggle initiated in the 1980s by women’s rights activists under the banner of the Women’s Action Forum (WAF) against anti-women policies and legislation introduced by military dictator Gen Ziaul Haq. On the day in 1983, hundreds of protesters of WAF were arrested, baton-charged, tear-gassed, water-cannoned and brutally manhandled.

“Uks realises that the struggle is not yet over as there are many obstacles that continue to impede women’s progress and empowerment in our country. By celebrating this day, Uks pays tribute to all rights activists and vows to continue in the same spirit,” said the organisation’s director.

The campaign began with a dialogue for change on ‘Understanding Women’s Rights and the Feminist Movement in Pakistan’, featuring a series of comments and reflections of women and men, young and old, to bring forward a variety of ideas and thoughts on questions around the theme.

Each day, between National Women’s Day and International Women’s Day, which falls on March 8, Uks will bring an assortment of quotes, opinions and its media productions on issues ranging from ‘What is feminism?’ to ‘What’s the best way to introduce and familiarise youth with the concept of feminism?’.

Originally published in Dawn, February 12th, 2020


Solomon The King Feb 12, 2020 10:05pm
the same level of quality education for all and all problems are solved. In this society on the rich has access to quality education and more than 98 percent dont so what the feminism will do
wsyed Feb 13, 2020 03:04am
The first step towards freedom for woman would be to seek changes in Nikah Nama and divorce process. There should be no monetary value, and agreement to be between husband and wife not parents. Any protection for children and wife or husband must be provided equally by statue. Multiple marriages at the same time must be outlawed. People should have equal right to divorce and remarry. There is no need to reinvent the wheel, it makes sense to use the same law as in UK/USA. Millions of Muslims live and happily obey the same law as developed over decades in socially mature societies and is fair.
Usman Ahmed Feb 13, 2020 09:54am
for all these movements to be taken seriously they should be kept apolitical. Having a politician as cover photo makes it a political stunt.