
Punjab government is cracking down on fake cosmetics

Punjab government is cracking down on fake cosmetics

The cabinet has given approval to The Punjab Drug and Cosmetics Amendment Act 2019.
05 Feb, 2020

The Punjab government on Tuesday decided to take action against those involved in business of fake cosmetics and the cabinet also gave approval to The Punjab Drug and Cosmetics Amendment Act 2019.

Speaking at the meeting, Chief Minister Usman Buzdar said the cabinet had approved the act to ensure production of cosmetics according to international standards.

He said the purpose of licensing of cosmetics sale points was to ensure the provision of genuine products through the original supply chain.

Originally published in Dawn, February 5th, 2020


M. Saeed Feb 05, 2020 05:41pm
Fake cosmetics are being sold in every nook and corner of the country without any fear. Government should also stop advertisement of unbranded fake cosmetics and quack doctors' wonder treatments.
M. Emad Feb 05, 2020 06:07pm
Pakistan government should crack down on toxic Skin/face-Whitening cosmetic products and also the Skin-Whitening 'obsessive' advertisements.
Syed A. Mateen Feb 05, 2020 07:59pm
A similar action is needed in the province of Sindh. There are too many cosmetics which are available for sale whether quality products or home made cosmetics and a large number of girls and women are using these cosmetics without knowing the repercussions that what will happen to their skins, more particularly the skin on the face and its ultimate reaction. The health department of govt. of Sindh should prepare list of all international and home made cosmetics and inform through its website and announcements on print and electronic media for awareness at large scale for the information of the girls and women. There are too many 'Mashwara Bi's' / 'Cosmetic Advisors' who advise the young age girls and ignorant women as which cosmetics they should use to look like fair skin and colour after using particular cosmetics in order to promote the sale of newly introduced cosmetics. The provincial govt. of Sindh should move fast before it is too late to act to in the interest of people.
KHK Feb 05, 2020 10:02pm
Thank you Mr: Premier for paying attention to the most important thing needed at this time, while people are crying against the high prices in the country.
Shahid Feb 06, 2020 04:05am
Fake cosmetics,fake medicines,fake food, fake milk, poor education,poor health facilities for the poor, hypocrats and corrupt leadership in our Assemblies who are running thier own private schools and private hospitals . None of the business community or transportation Mafia wants to pay taxes, double standards in Justice and Police system. Unless we introduce strict punishment and death sentences for adulteration in food, acid attack items , robbery, and white collar crime, etc I don't think PM Imran will succeed in controlling the crime. He will be forced to quit and leave the ship being controlled by immoral, shameless, ruthless and corrupt politicians.
HKG Feb 06, 2020 08:52am
Fake cosmetics coming from China
SS Feb 06, 2020 12:30pm
At last!. Many shops sell expired or counterfeit cosmetics, fragrances, shampoos, hair dyes, hair oils, and other hair products etc Kindly also certify which common local brands like Medora, Sweet Touch, etc are safe for use. Pls share fake brands so public is aware of its dangers, alerted and refrains from buying unsafe products.