
Another foreign traveller is in Pakistan and she wants you to know our country is 'safe'

Another foreign traveller is in Pakistan and she wants you to know our country is 'safe'

Rosie Gabrielle writes, "It’s just me walking the streets here at night alone, to show you - just how SAFE it is here."
22 Feb, 2019

There's a new foreigner in town and her name is Rosie Gabrielle - you best remember it, because she's not going anywhere anytime soon.

The Canadian solo traveler has been biking her way across Pakistan and she says that although "everyone told me it was too dangerous to come to Pakistan as a single female, let alone ride a motorcycle across the country," she has been treated with nothing but love and kindness.

She decided to share, "the true heart of Pakistan," as she said in her post. "The PEOPLE. I hope to change the mindsets that have been conditioned and indoctrinated to think negative views on this country."

Speaking to Images, Gabrielle shared her story: "I’m from Canada, I travel all over the world by motorcycle solo. A couple years ago, I started a YouTube and social media pages to capture my experiences and to inspire people. I made videos of my personal encounters with the people and what it was like to travel as a solo female."

"After my series in Oman went viral, I saw what a difference my videos could make especially for the Muslim community on an international level. This really inspired me to want to come to Pakistan because I knew what a negative view the media has on the country, and I wanted to change that. There was a group called 'Pakistan Awaits', an initiative started in Oman who invited me to come to Pakistan for one week with them on a project."

Also read: Comedian Shehzad Ghias trolls Pakistanis with fake Twitter account of a US vlogger

"After that, I decided to stay, get a bike sponsored by SA Gardens and cross the country and document my experiences to share with the world. Hoping to shed a positive light on the people and country."

"I’m staying with friends of friends here. I also get invited into homes along the way, Pakistan is great like that!"

She added, "Apart from the bike, nothing in my trip was sponsored. I've been here two months and have another month to go. I might even extend the one month and just stay here and not go to India, it’s not certain yet. Because of a delay due to some issues, the plan is a bit tossed at the moment. But I’m loving Pakistan, and can’t wait to do the north!"

Right now, Rosie is headed to Karachi from where she will move on to Gwadar before heading back up north. But will that be the end of Rosie's trip to Pakistan?

"I'm already planning on returning to Pakistan in the summers to move across the mountains."

Like Cynthia's experience of riding a bike on the streets of Peshawar, Rosie too sensed a warm welcome when Pakistanis saw that a female was riding a motorbike in this country.

"I can tell you first hand what it’s like to travel Pakistan as a solo female and what I’ve experienced so far. Countless smiles and cheers of joy as I pass people and they realise it’s a female riding."

She added in her post, "Basically it’s just me walking the streets here at night alone, to show you - just how SAFE it is here. And now, 5 days solo on the road and I can’t tell you how amazing everyone has been along the way, and just how safe I really feel traveling alone here and how well cared for I am."

Also read: This photo highlights how we apply different standards to desi women versus foreign women

Having been treated as family since she came to Pakistan in December 2018, she has been overwhelmed by the love she has received by the Pakistani people.

"I, as a non Muslim foreign female, have been so accepted into this culture. Without judgment, without question. I’ve been treated as family knowing that this world, has such a negative view on Muslim people and of Pakistan. That they have NO idea what Islam is actually about or the true heart of these people. That THEY are the ones terrorizing these beautiful peaceful souls. If they only knew. That Muslims, and Pakistani people, are model citizens for the entire WORLD. For all of humanity."

Rosie is making waves on social media with her travels and wholesome posts and as many times before, desi men have found a new hero. While we admire Rosie for her travels and adventurous spirit, we find it ridiculous that desi men on social media, who cry shame at desi women travellers like Zenith Irfan or go in rage mode at Sohai Ali Abro for her character in Motorcycle Girl are full of praises and calling her their "hero."

Also, remember when a women's bike rally in Peshawar was cancelled after religious parties threatened to protest against the event?. Yeah, we can go on...

Also read: This photo highlights how we apply different standards to desi women versus foreign women


Xenia Feb 22, 2019 02:22pm
Welcome to the Land of Hospitality!
Pakind Feb 22, 2019 02:30pm
Let Pakistan free their own womenfolk if it is really a safe country.
Umair Ahmed Feb 22, 2019 02:32pm
Good Sign for #Tourism / #Traveler / #Tourist
ALFA ZULU Feb 22, 2019 03:01pm
Thanks Rosie for being our true Ambassador. You will be one of many who will travel to Pakistan and fall in love with our land and our loving people.
Saad Khan Feb 22, 2019 03:09pm
@Pakind Pakistani women are free, how you want to see your mother and sisters and wife that's up to you, ours have no problems, nor any complaints.
braingain Feb 22, 2019 03:27pm
Wonderful outfit in the first image
citizen Feb 22, 2019 04:16pm
Our government has to arrange for more such people for international audience....
HaKiM Feb 22, 2019 04:39pm
You are welcome. Have a nice trip and keep coming.
Shahid Feb 22, 2019 04:43pm
I think, Eva Zu Beck inspired many foreign vloggers and fun travellers to visit Pakistan. And just see how every one who visits Pakistan, loves the hospitality, the smiles on people's faces and the wonderful landscape. I am proud of the nation for the positivity and hospitality towards foreign visitors.
Tabassum Feb 22, 2019 05:26pm
She looks like Gigi Hadid!!
Reader Feb 22, 2019 06:39pm
When will a Pakistani woman travel solo on a motorbike, like this young lady has.
Subha Feb 22, 2019 06:40pm
Pakistan is safe
Ali Feb 22, 2019 07:10pm
Pakistani people are known for their genuine warmth and hospitality which is unmatched in the world. Pakistan also has most beautiful and spectacular mountains not to be found anywhere else. PM Imran Khan's government is developing world class facilities for tourists. Pakistan welcomes the world.
Pervez Feb 22, 2019 07:16pm
Do we really need foreigners to tell us Pakistan is safe. I know its safe
Zora Feb 22, 2019 10:59pm
Welcome to the new emerging adventure tourism, Pakistan! Here you will find the most loving and generous people on earth!
Pak uk Feb 23, 2019 12:54am
Algoritmi Feb 23, 2019 03:45am
@Reader Please google Zenith Irfan or Motorcycle Girl.
Bongo Feb 23, 2019 05:15am
@Reader go ahead.
Faz Feb 23, 2019 06:15am
@Reader - Pakistani women already do. In fact there was a movie released last year on one such inspiring story of a young girl (age around 20 I believe) who travels across Pakistan's northern areas on a motorcycle to fulfill her late fathers dream! You should check it out. The movie is called: The morotcylcle girl. I believe it's on Netflix!
Patel Feb 23, 2019 07:34am
Third female tourist in last 2 years. Wow! Pakistan is the ultimate destination.
SD Feb 23, 2019 07:50am
Let ICC know that Pakistan is safe so that cricket teams can visit Pakistan
Anonymouseee Feb 23, 2019 12:28pm
Welcome to Pakistan Miss Rosie. I hope and pray that you have a great time in my beloved homeland.
Laila Feb 23, 2019 12:57pm
@Reader Judging from majority if the comments apparently Pakistani women can nor represent their countrys "hospitality". Western women, however, can. You see, we have two standards. One for pretty young foreign visitors abd one for local Pakistani women.
Waqar Khan Feb 24, 2019 10:56am
Pakistan was beautiful and very much a safe place. I loved the Natiya Gali
S Feb 25, 2019 12:22am
@Reader Zenith Irfan already did
Citizen Feb 25, 2019 10:58am
She is cool