
Riz Ahmed and Jameela Jamil opt out of ceremony awarding Modi

Riz Ahmed and Jameela Jamil opt out of ceremony awarding Modi

The Gates Foundation is sticking by their decision to award the Indian PM despite receiving sharp criticism.
Updated 17 Sep, 2019

British-Pakistani actors Riz Ahmed and Jameela Jamil have pulled out of the Gates Foundation ceremony where Indian PM Narendra Modi will be receiving the Global Goalkeeper Award.

"Jameela Jamil and Riz Ahmed are no longer participating in Goalkeepers," the foundation revealed to the Huffington Post.

While it's being speculated that the two actors have opted out of the ceremony in response to the ongoing situation in Jammu and Kashmir, they have not made any statements of their own.

Wile Riz hasn't made any public statement, Jameela did take to Twitter to make it known that she will not "be commenting on any of this".

The Gates Foundation has already been receiving criticism for their decision to award Modi by peers and critics alike, with the South Asian Americans and Allies in Philanthropy writing an open letter regarding the matter.

"Given the Gates Foundation’s global influence and impact on the needs of vulnerable communities, the decision to honor PM Modi sends the message that the lives of Kashmiris, Muslims, Sikhs, Dalits, Christians, and other minority populations in India who are under siege are of less value."

The Gates Foundation, however, is sticking by their decision, saying the Indian PM is receiving the award for "the progress India is making in improving sanitation, as part of its drive toward achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals."

According to their statement, "Before the Swachh Bharat mission, over 500 million people in India did not have access to safe sanitation, and now, the majority do. There is still a long way to go, but the impacts of access to sanitation in India are already being realized. The Swachh Bharat Mission can serve as a model for other countries around the world that urgently need to improve access to sanitation for the world’s poorest."


Khan Sep 17, 2019 03:46pm
All world peace awards are just for own gains or some agenda.
M. Saeed Sep 17, 2019 03:56pm
This award to today's Hitler Modi will herald the downfall of Gates' Foundation.
CanadianT Sep 17, 2019 04:36pm
Bravo for both
Dilli Wali Sep 17, 2019 04:40pm
"Cannot have toilet in one room and torture in the other." Brilliantly said.
Atif Sep 17, 2019 04:49pm
Such an unfortunate thing to see Gates Foundation not backing off from awarding 'The Butcher of Gujrat' Clearly shows that today money is everything!!
Malik Sep 17, 2019 04:57pm
Say what you want the west always wants to be in the middle of everything. Divide and rule, the Puritans, one's who preach love and get along, just ask the Incas and the Africans.
Sheikh Waqar ul Hassan Sep 17, 2019 04:59pm
Bill Gated is intelligent enough to understand why there's so much opposition for the upcoming award ceremony. Going against will prove how STUPID he is.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Sep 17, 2019 05:08pm
Salute to Riz Ahmed and Jameela Jamil for listening to their conscience and correctly choosing to use their democratic "right to protest" in a tolerant and true democratic country like Britian. Had they been living as a minority in some other fake and false democracies like India and Israel, things would have been much nastier for them by now. As a freedom loving and equality adoring mortal person, my message for both of them at this crucial juncture in time and history is to "Keep it up and hang on tough."
Habib Sep 17, 2019 05:31pm
International organizations have their own reasons for their actions and take into account all theories and repurcussions before they announce their decision. Protest by other individuals or organizations not prevy to their reasons don't matter.
Insaafian Sep 17, 2019 06:06pm
Well done riz and jameela.... though nothing will come off it because of the MS ceo, you guys are standing for justice. The day when kashmiris ask where were you when we were being killed maimed tortured and raped ... you will be able to say "I was standing amongst you". Fruit for thought
Khalid Toronto Sep 17, 2019 06:19pm
It takes guts. Well Done...
Majeed at Thani Sep 17, 2019 06:26pm
A brave step. My hats off to the two young people for taking a bold stand.
Pak uk Sep 17, 2019 06:44pm
Great stand.. that’s being human.
Amjad Durrani Engineer USA Sep 17, 2019 06:46pm
It is gratifying to see such consciously based reaction by these two young people, against awarding the architect of ongoing atrocities against more than 8 millions Muslim poor and hapless Kashmiris.
Ehsan Sep 17, 2019 07:33pm
Very gutsy
Ahsan Gul Sep 17, 2019 07:34pm
Good decision. A person like Modi who inflicts psychological or physical wounds on innocent doesn't deserve any praise.
AZAM AKBAR Sep 17, 2019 07:40pm
Good step. Humanity first. Mr. Bill Gates should think over this. Mr. Narendra Modi is butcher of human beings.
Expat (usa) Sep 17, 2019 07:58pm
A fascist being honored ironically by a philanthropist who fights for good causes.
Nick NY Sep 17, 2019 08:30pm
What happened to Bill Gates? Ignoring humanity over fame/PR! What a shame!
Reality Sep 17, 2019 09:46pm
Seems that public opinion will drag Modi down very soon. A good end to a fanatic.
Khalid73 Sep 18, 2019 01:02am
So the Gates Foundations cares more about sanitation than innocent people dying?! Nice to see the west has it's priorities in order. Is it just me or is it funny that the so called "strongman" of "superpower" India is receiving a pat on the back for building toilets in 2019? I mean if they can't build sanitation for India why take on more responsibility in Kashmir when no sanitation is required in Kashmir.
Shan Sep 18, 2019 03:12am
Riz and Jameela are true Modern Hero. very proud of you both Shan from USA
Akil Akhtar Sep 18, 2019 05:10am
Shame on Bill seems profits come before anything......
khan Sep 18, 2019 05:14am
for bill gates inspire of his philanthropy , money is the only thing that matters. shame on him. next on his list for awards are kim il jong and the recently departed mugabe and gadafi?
Sandip Bhattacharya Sep 18, 2019 06:42am
Who cares about them?
Captain Sep 18, 2019 06:51am
Does improving sanitation deserve award? They should be kicked instead for not improving same for so many years while bringing the lives to a miserable state...... Bill Gates think please.......
A Sep 18, 2019 08:47am
Feel sorry for you.
Anonymouseee Sep 18, 2019 10:18am
The gates family only knows the language of money. Shame shame bill gates.
Pakistani Sep 18, 2019 05:15pm
Proud of them.
Bono Sep 19, 2019 07:18am
Good recognition.. great job gates foundations
irfan Sep 19, 2019 03:23pm
Gates is going to repent on giving award to a serpent like mr Moodi will lead to sownfall of gates foundation where people will not accept his rudy donations. Its an award of mutual intrests,nothing more. shame on Gates foundation.
Umaira Sep 19, 2019 03:24pm
If one man is dying due to lack of food and other is suffering from poor sanitation,, who first needs care and attention???? Dollar oppressed mind#Bill gates
ALI Sep 19, 2019 03:43pm
Oh its ok then, he is being awarded for sanitation ! what more does a janitor do anyway ? organizing latrines.