
I love my father [Adnan Sami] but Pakistan is my home, says Azaan Sami

I love my father [Adnan Sami] but Pakistan is my home, says Azaan Sami

The singer opened up about his relationship with his father.
Updated 03 Sep, 2019

Azaan Sami has opened up about his relationship with his father.

Adnan Sami has on many occasions stirred up controversy post attaining his Indian citizenship, with inappropriate tweets and unsolicited comments about Pakistan amidst rift between the two countries.

How does that affect the son who chose to stay in Pakistan?

In a recent interview with BBC Asian Network, the artist addressed his father's stance and how it affects him.

"As far as I'm concerned, the reason why I've never really spoken about it before has been because he's my father. I love him, I respect him," said Azaan. "He's made certain decisions of where he wants to live and which country he chooses to call home and I respect that. What I choose to call home is now my choice and I want to work in Pakistan."

He went on to describe his relationship with Adnan Sami, saying, "My father is more of a mentor, somebody with whom I seek advice from about my work. We had a strange topsy turvy relationship, I haven’t spent much time with him and for that reason, our relationship is more of a friend or a mentor."

He added, "I have amazing friends [in India]. I've lived a lot of my life there - my teen years particularly - but Pakistan is my home. I feel like the industry in Pakistan is my family. There's an immense pride for me and hope and ambition, that I could contribute to an industry which I call home."

Azaan Sami also mentioned that people around him don't bring up his father's comments or posts, respecting his relationship.

"Its very interesting how people around me react when stuff like that happens because he's my father so a lot of the time, there's just silence."

He added, "Normally you keep getting messages for different things and there have been days when stuff has happened and it's just been silence. They respect the fact that 'okay he's your father so we don't know what to say.' And they don't know how I'm feeling."

Azaan also credited his mother, Zeba Bakhtiar for the patriotism he has for his country.

“My mother is a very disciplined, true and patriotic woman. Whatever I am today, is because of her,” said Azaan.


Dims Sep 03, 2019 12:51pm
Very good
Ahmed khan lehri Sep 03, 2019 12:52pm
Wise words of a son of unwise man. I must say Adnan Sami should learn from his son.
Sambasiva Rao Tammeneni Sep 03, 2019 12:57pm
his words are sensible and very responsible in his words.
Zarak Sep 03, 2019 01:10pm
times may get tough in Pakistan but it doesn't mean you leave the place where you belong
WasimBhatti Sep 03, 2019 02:07pm
Nice young man, comes across quite well. What could easily have been a very awkward interview, he manages to address it articulately. Brave of him to actually address it as well where most of us would have chosen not to ever talk about the elephant in the room.
Sameer Sep 03, 2019 02:20pm
What a wonderful soul. No worries Azaan. Your father is a patriot too but deep under cover.
Ashfaq Haider Sep 03, 2019 02:27pm
I have relatives on both sides of border, I can appreciate his sentiments.
Yasir Sep 03, 2019 02:48pm
Very good parenting reflected in him, and that's his mother.
gulzaman Sep 03, 2019 04:06pm
He has a beautiful name "Azaan".
Aditya Sep 03, 2019 04:11pm
wow, very sensible!
Salim Badruddin Sep 03, 2019 07:14pm
Azaan are you coming on any TV drama? We would love to see you in Pakistani plays..
CanadianT Sep 03, 2019 07:53pm
Our new gen kids are atleast better than us
Imran Khan Sep 04, 2019 04:26am
Good Boy to respect his father....
Amit Sep 04, 2019 06:14am
People on either side of the border are not bad. But the hatred for each other is increasing by the day.
Talha Sep 04, 2019 07:27am
Very nice person he has turned out to be. Being value-oriented and respectful of others views is a feat of its own.
Naseem Sep 04, 2019 07:43am
He is not responsible for the choices his father made. Everyone has a right to live where they want.
rajkumar Sep 04, 2019 10:11am
appreciate his views and that of his father.
Babu Sep 04, 2019 12:02pm
Good that he has chosen for Pakistan.
Warwin Thinker Sep 04, 2019 02:54pm
The lad is absolutely articulate in his thoughts. And it's his choice where he wants to be.
Iqbal Khan Sep 04, 2019 09:37pm
good luck young man,
Surinder Gill Sep 05, 2019 03:10am
Very honest and wise words. Every one has his own priorities. He seems to be wise young man.
ALI Sep 05, 2019 12:26pm
What a brilliant Lad Azaan Sami ! we are proud of you, you have inherited just the right genes & you will never regret your decision. It is always the mothers training that glows & glitters you no doubt. Good luck to you Azaan & Keep it up, we will await good news coming from your end regularly.
NK Sep 06, 2019 01:24am
The mothers teaching has been stamped. Zeba Bakhtiar is one of the most respectful person in the showbiz industry.