
A Pakistani woman called out Priyanka Chopra for being a warmonger

A Pakistani woman called out Priyanka Chopra for being a warmonger

Chopra gave a bizarre response to being called hypocritical and questioned about THAT 'Jai Hind' tweet from February.
Updated 13 Aug, 2019

At a BeautyCon appearance on Saturday, of all places, Priyanka Chopra got an earful from an audience member.

A Pakistani woman, who identified herself on Twitter later as Ayesha Malik, called out the Dostana actor regarding a questionable tweet she sent out earlier this year when tensions were at an all time high between Pakistan and India.

Read: Narendra Modi wants everyone to know he went to Priyanka Chopra's wedding

In a video that started circulating on social media, we see Ayesha saying, "It was hard hearing you talk about humanity, because as your neighbour, a Pakistani, I know you're a bit of a hypocrite, you tweeted on February 26: 'Jai Hind! #IndianArmedForces.' You are a UNICEF ambassador for peace and you are encouraging nuclear war against Pakistan."

"There is no winner in this. As a Pakistani, millions of people, like, me, have supported you in your business...”

The tweet Ayesha was referring to, from back in February
The tweet Ayesha was referring to, from back in February

At this point, security takes away the mic from Ayesha and Chopra responds, "Whenever you're done venting. Got it, done? Okay cool."

Instead of properly replying to a legitimate question, the actor went on to patronise the woman, saying: "I have many, many friends from Pakistan and I am from India and war is not something I'm really fond of but I am patriotic so I'm sorry if I hurt sentiments of people who do love me and have loved me.

But I think all of us have a sort of middle ground that we have to walk, just like you probably have to as well, the way you just came at me...Girl, don't yell, we're all here for love. You're embarrassing yourself.

"Well, we all walk that middle ground. Thank you for your enthusiasm, your question and your voice," she added.

Yikes, someone tell her that there are no ifs and buts when it comes to war.

Putting the cattiness of her replies aside, the actor never really addressed the question at hand

For someone who talks a lot about empowering women, Priyanka sure didn't speak up when security snatched the mic from Ayesha.

People were quick to point out how problematic her response was

Sorry Priyanka, you can't be a feminist and a warmonger

So maybe it's time to accept it


Faraz Aug 12, 2019 12:40pm
Ban her content in Pakistan and all Bollywood. Promote Pakistani industry.
Asif Kashmiri Aug 12, 2019 12:53pm
PC is fake - not worth talking about!
M. Saeed Aug 12, 2019 12:54pm
Priyanka must be removed from her role of UN ambassador for peace.
harcharan bains Aug 12, 2019 12:55pm
I guess a lot of anger here against is fundamentally justified but overstated. I agree she should have said I am patriotic - we all are - but that I am opposed to war - every sane person is - especially war between brothers, though estranged, as Indians and Pakistanis are. And there is no middle ground in war, yes. That said, the anger against her too is no sign of tolerance and is, in fact, vastly out of proportion to her mistake. ( Mistake she did commit, no doubt about that.) This is the very mindset that promotes the sentiments which finally lead to war. So peace , both sides, please. Let us work together to prevent the war which shsould never even be thought about.
Samia Aug 12, 2019 12:56pm
Very revealing! Questionable if she is suitable for the UN ambassador title with her warmongering and jingoistic attitude. Salute to the young lady who stood up for peace and real women's rights.
Gaurav Aug 12, 2019 01:13pm
The difference is...She is on the stage and you are in audience
Manu Anantpadma Aug 12, 2019 01:41pm
Hailing armed forces doesn't mean that war is being promoted. All people of one country will praise their army, it doesn't mean they want war.
Taimoor Aug 12, 2019 02:07pm
Saying Pakistan Armed Forces zindabad or Pakistan Zindabad doesnt make me war monger, same with her hailing her army and nation doesnt make her war monger. She never called for war, or hate. That was bullying. Priyanka handled it well.
Uzay Yazdani Aug 12, 2019 02:09pm
.... Aside from the entertainment business most of these movie stars do not know what they are talking about.
Chandra Shekhar Aug 12, 2019 02:19pm
As an Indian citizen, she is as right in saying Jai Hind, as you can say Pak Zindabad. What is wrong? I didn't see Priyanka posting any negative comments on Kashmir.
Zak Aug 12, 2019 02:35pm
Ayesha Malik you are a hero to all women around the world. You called a spade a spade. A UN ambassador tweeting warmongering. That is a hypocrite.
woke dude Aug 12, 2019 02:51pm
So ironic that a bunch of beauty and celebrity obsessed superficial people should have a falling out over political posturing. Sad! Move on with your life.
Fastrack Aug 12, 2019 02:57pm
The mask came off sooner than you can say UN Peace Ambassador. Enough said. And Ayesha, incredible courage there!
Samir Aug 12, 2019 03:05pm
Wow, what a classy response by Prianka.
HashBrown® Aug 12, 2019 03:48pm
I lost all respect for her the day she sent out her tweet last february. She represents nothing more than the West's need to grab a handful of acceptable minority women as a means of showcasing diversity. A despicable, degenerate character. Pakistan offered the world the teenage inspiration Malala, and this washed out bollywood reject is the best response Hindustan could manage...
Imtiaz Ali Khan Aug 12, 2019 04:02pm
Prinyanka If you are a UN ambassadress of peace than we she must not say Long live Indian Armed Forces or Pakistan Armed Forces Zindabad! That's how you say linearity. Priyanka was in trouble recently when Indian nationalist were hating her for playing a role which showed Indian Agencies causing harm to make Pakistan look bad. She is a bit trouble lady and we love her because of that bit spice is always good but not when you are UN Ambassador of Peace. Case closed wish you well if you are talking bout peace.
Striver Aug 12, 2019 04:04pm
Well done Aysha Malik. Full marks for being a patriotic Pakistani.
Munawar Abbas Kanwal Aug 12, 2019 05:47pm
You just can't play double role when its all about fanning your charm all around international community. Priyanka Chopara can clearly be seen that she got grilled by that brave girl. Kudos to courageous girl who stood out when all of the hall full of light-tailing sheep chose to remain calm and silent over her tweet. Also , it's so gloomy on Prianka's part that whereas she is the ambassador of peace and women rights, she didn't let a woman speak in front of her by showing her power in form of those two gargantuan bodyguards. Now it's about her fans and followers that after all that gimmick of her how logical they thing about themselves to unfollow her or choose to remain hypocrite.
Abhi Non Done Aug 12, 2019 06:14pm
The whole world dont like Priyanka.
Rf Aug 12, 2019 06:24pm
Remove Priyanka as goodwill ambassador.
Rahul Aug 12, 2019 06:34pm
Agreed Priyanka Chopra's response was very bad, rude & like a bully. But "Jai Hind" means long live India. How is that calling for a nuclear war?
Dr. Rafiq Khan Aug 12, 2019 06:37pm
Pariah of South Asia has produced many pariahs. Salute to Ayesha Malik for exposing one such pariah.
Indie Guy Aug 12, 2019 06:53pm
I am not a fan of Priyanka Chopra but she is an actor doing her PR thing. I wouldn’t pay much attention to what she says or does. It has no impact on anything. Likes of Angelina Jolie and Priyanka Chopra are appointed as UN ambassadors of peace because of their fan following, not because they are well informed about world politics.
Blue Knight Aug 12, 2019 07:00pm
@M. Saeed If you can, you remove her from her role of UN ambassador for peace. HYPOCRITES
Kumar(Varanasi) Aug 12, 2019 07:05pm
She said ,I support my armed forces. What is wrong in that? Do Pakistani not support their armed forces?
Yawar Aug 12, 2019 09:31pm
The disdain Priyanka showed towards the young Pakistani girl Aisha was quite apparent and one sided by her phrase "When you are done venting, got it?" And that too after the mike was taken away from Aisha who seems to reply "go ahead" and nods her head, as in "yes." To which Priyanka responds "Cool!" As though she has won some big argument. And then "war is not something I am really fond of..." Priyanka could have very easily taken the "high road." But she did not.
Yawar Aug 12, 2019 09:34pm
Its unfortunate that someone representing the UN can openly ridicule a young girl in favor of a country which itself does not respect UN resolutions
Sid Aug 13, 2019 06:19am
Chill guys, don't take her seriously. We don't take her seriously in India either, she's equally disliked here ;-)
RogerKhan Aug 13, 2019 06:56am
Priyanka's derogatory posture towards the girl was only indictive of her failing to conjure up a measured response to the girl's factual observations. I would say Prianka really needs to grow up, but don't we all know that ship has long sailed.
Ali Aug 13, 2019 09:05am
No matter what country was in question she did not handle it well. She should have taken the high road and be more respectable instead, she came across as rude and arrogant. I hope it's a learning curve.
Lena Aug 13, 2019 12:27pm
Only Angelina Jolie is worth the position of UN peace AMBASSADOR.alot of genuine hard work to her credit .I have seen her visiting some flood stricken areas in kpk at a time when even none of our own celebrities bothered to do it .she even draped herself in kameez shalwar with her head covered in a scarf sitting next to common ppl who were not even aware of her celebrity status.even bradpitt has been seen unloading big sacks of food supplies of a truck in some troubled part of the world.They r the genuine ppl unlike this plastic babe who is in news for how much she spent on her different wedding parties and what she wore at different occasions. A shallow average bimbo with nothing at her credit.those who r arguing that she was just being patriotic when she said Jai hind.the point is that she should have stayed neutral bcoz of the position she was awarded.ur roots don't matter when u r in a position where peace is ur only objective.
Tahera Aug 13, 2019 05:47pm
I dont think a UN Ambassador for Peace should be cheering to ANY army!!! And if for her patriotism means showing support for her country´s army then she should NOT be a UN Ambassador for PEACE! And by the way, the same holds true for a Pakistani celebrity, an American one or a Singaporean one or anyone!
Tariq Aug 13, 2019 11:28pm
UNICEF and any other humanitarian body who had no political agenda must not nominate any figure who has political inclination. Definitely Ms Chopra is not fit to carry her as representative of any humanitarian body of world class.