
The latest Parey Hut Love song is what happens when you don't rehearse a dance number

The latest Parey Hut Love song is what happens when you don't rehearse a dance number

Don't even get us started on the highly unnecessary and amateur graphics.
Updated 05 Aug, 2019

We've been enjoying all the Parey Hut Love songs so far but we can't say that for the latest one.

The movie's party track 'Balma Bhagora' is out and all it did was leave us with questions. Many, many questions.

Sung by Aima Baig along with Sheheryar Munawar and Ahmed Ali Butt rapping a few verses, the song features the cast of PHL dancing away in an...interesting setting.

Why does it sound so familiar?

Is it inspired by 'Chingum Chabake'? 'Razia Gundo Mai Phas Gayi'? Honey Singh music? Or is it the classic 'Hulle Hallare'? The similarities go on.

The track sounds like way too many Bollywood songs meshed into one and instead of having a original tune, just reminds us of all the tracks we've heard before.

What's with the graphics?

Was the star of the show Maya Ali? Nope, it was the peacock in the back. And the umbrellas, and flowers and fireworks, all on a green screen.

PHL so far has shown it's production value and we enjoyed the cinematography and visuals we've seen so far. But that changes with this song because the graphics are too much to bear.

'Balma Bhagora' looks amateurish and has a bad shaadi video vibe throughout. We want to remain optimistic and say there's a purpose to it in the movie but for now, it's just plain odd.

Who is the stylist for this video

We understand that every character has their own personality and dresses accordingly but in a song that features many, there should be an overall theme that connects their sartorial style together. Why is Zara Noor Abbas heavily dressed complete with heavy jewellery while Maya Ali wears a halter top with knee high boots under a lehnga?

And more importantly, what is that fur coat Sheheryar has on? Although we didn't mind Ahmed Ali Butt's glasses; why couldn't everyone follow that lead?

Were there no rehearsals?

Let's not even talk about the choreography of the track.

If you're going to have [badly dressed] backup dancers in a music video, the least you can do is make sure they're all in sync. That's why you want them there, don't you? Or was it to show off the pompoms in their hair?

Even the stars aren't performing the track in synchronisation, and the result looks sloppy.

PHL is one of the bigger film releases this Eid with a monster budget, a gazillion cameos and all-star cast. Tracks and videos like 'Balma Bhagora' are the kind of weak creations we don't want to see at this stage. Come on guys, we can do better.


shahzad Aug 05, 2019 03:03pm
Another DUD in the making. If you actors can't dance then dont have a dance sequence in the film. Try to follow Hollywood not Bollywood
Zaeema Aug 05, 2019 07:42pm
The song was actually ruined by Zara Noor Abbas, it is the Film Industry for heaven's sake why is she ill dressed in every song? Babra Sharif also had revealing outfit in her time, it's a part of the art and artistic feal. Her clothes are extremely misfit and she seems to be dressed in a shopping bag in every song. Maya is a stunner.. absolutely loved her nose ring , her halter top ,her look was absolutely spot on and killer and matched perfectly with Shehryar.. Zara totally ruined the theme of the song . She should learn something from her mom and aunt!!!
Sameen Aug 06, 2019 06:36am
Producer has invested a lot of money in producing this piece of entertainment which reflects only an inspiration from Bollywood. Why the investor didn’t make an effort to find some creative people who could have produced a genuine piece of art , as Pakistan has creative people in every field. Such pathetic song, with simply low class music and Indian inspired dance sequence.