
So many women trapped in abusive marriages have reached out to me, says Fatima Sohail

So many women trapped in abusive marriages have reached out to me, says Fatima Sohail

Mohsin Abbas Haider's wife responds to his press conference in which he denied her domestic violence allegations.
Updated 26 Sep, 2019

Actor Mohsin Abbas Haider's wife, Fatima Sohail has responded to what he had to say during his press conference yesterday, in which he denied the domestic abuse allegations levelled against him.

Fatima then also placed her hand on the Holy Quran and said: "My pictures are real; Mohsin had hit me when I was 3 months pregnant. I had never thought I'd get a police case registered, I waited until the birth of my son. He would not only abuse me physically but also mentally by talking to his girlfriend, by swearing at me. I left to go to my mother's house to save my life and he's deeming that as a separation."

"I got slapped on the third or fourth day of our marriage and Dua Malik is a witness to that. I was enduring it all quietly, I was keeping the people from within the industry who knew like Gohar Rasheed and Hamza Ali Abbasi silent because it was a love marriage, I wanted to save my home. He says I fell down the stairs. Why did I not go to a doctor if I fell down the stairs during pregnancy? I was slapped so hard, I couldn't even open my mouth to speak."

Fatima started off her press conference saying that Mohsin, who had mentioned in his presser that he had just come from giving his statement at the police station, did not do so. She said she spoke to the SHO who told her that Mohsin had recorded no statement at the station.

"He is now twisting his words around, saying I was sitting in the car and my lawyers went inside. When he came to the station today, for the first time in my life, I wasn't scared of this man. Otherwise, I would be sitting in fear, that he'd start beating me."

Read: Mohsin Abbas Haider accused of domestic abuse by wife Fatima

She also shared her medical report from the November 2018 incident on her Instagram stories:

"Now that Mohsin sees he’s got no way out, no evidence, he is trying to patch up with me but that is not going to happen. I can not have my baby around such a dangerous man nor do I want to live with him anymore."

Also read: Pakistani celebs speak out after Mohsin Abbas Haider is accused of domestic abuse

Fatima added that the situation has now become bigger than just her case: "I've received numerous calls and messages from other women saying they are in my shoes but don't know how to take a stand against their abusive husbands. Women are forced to leave work so they're scared because of the financial dependence on men."

At the meeting, the chairperson of Punjab Women Protection Authority, Fatima Chaddar said that Sohail would get all the legal protection that she needed, adding that her case has reached the chief minister and she would receive justice.


Tarique Mahmood Jul 23, 2019 03:00pm
Cruelty against women should end . Character of Mohsin Abbas seems dubious and he should be punished for his deeds.
M. Saeed Jul 23, 2019 03:01pm
The Nikahnama of this estranged couple must be seen. Do they have special conditions mentioned in the Nikah documents about such an eventuality? Do the have any conditions made in Items 17, 18 and 19 of the Nikahnama? These items are very explicit about such matters.
JustSaying Jul 23, 2019 03:20pm
Tip of the Iceberg...
Hamid Javed Jul 23, 2019 03:22pm
MH should be punished for his acts..
Aman Jul 23, 2019 03:47pm
shame on you Mohsin Abbas raising hands on a woman also happen to be your wife ?
amjad Jul 23, 2019 03:56pm
why Chief minister should be involved in such cases? It means police department does not work as an independent institution? Now police department and the judiciary should grow up.
Helping Hands Jul 23, 2019 04:07pm
Put that beast to task!
Waqar Khan Jul 23, 2019 04:59pm
Half truth and half lie and the hitting might be real but taking her words on face value shouldn't be. Marriage is not easy and it's work on both parties. Time will pass, but after the kid and love marriage this endings seem to have further caught fire by calling in Media. I'm from New York and this is the scary truth about the Western Culture, they will call the Cops on you and eventually the main goal is to live as an individual alone with all the problems. This issue could easily be resolved if the families elder were allowed to involve. I am married and I'm not sure a man would just hit his wife for no reason.
onetwo Jul 23, 2019 06:00pm
Pakistan woman are amazing.. very sacrificing. her husband is lyer.
N abidai Jul 23, 2019 06:59pm
This moshin, his career is toast,,now is the time to get depressed !
N_Saq Jul 23, 2019 07:20pm
She should file for divorce and the courts should award 75% of Mohsin assets and current and future earnings to Fatema i.e. 50% to Fatema and 25% to the kid, who should be living with her mother and not an abusive father because Mohsin is danger to his own son. The courts need to set an example and send a clear message to let everyone in Pak know that it is not okay to physically harm or threaten anyone i.e. an adult or a kid. The message should be clear that in a civilized society you can scream all you want, you can jump up and down, you can leave but under no circumstances one should try to lay a hand on another but if you then you will face the wrath of the courts. Here in US if someone dare physically harm or threaten anyone, he/she automatically end up in jail even if the person getting threatened forgive him, the because the law will not (police will file the case as State ). This is the first step Pak needs to take to get itself rid of Feudalism and Mullahism mentality.
Ali Awan Jul 23, 2019 07:24pm
Just wondering how did these women who approached her get hold of her contact number???? What a liar she is!!!!! Furthermore, the 50 lacs she claims she has given to Mohsin, can she at least provide any bank withdrawal receipt - if she does this, we will believe her to some all media requests yesterday for showing some proof she claims she has, she simply said “acha kehaty ho tu dekha doonge” but till now didn't show a single 1....
Mrs.khalil Jul 23, 2019 08:09pm
People from showbiz makes a habit , wash their dirty linen on social media. Why this lady is sharing her medical reports on Instagram, she should go to the concerned authorities. Our social systems has some values and ethics, please don't ruin them. It is very unfortunate , that we always believe that female side of the story is always true
Khalil Jul 23, 2019 08:34pm
Put him behind bars! I was a fan of his but I have no respect for him now. Loser.
S.Ahmad Jul 23, 2019 09:02pm
Very shocking .it does not Behove an outstanding voice like Mohsin!
S.Ahmad Jul 23, 2019 09:06pm
It does not Behove a Distinguished artist like Mosin!
Abis Jul 23, 2019 09:27pm
ok fair enough but what about the "so" many guys who are trapped in a abusive relation ?
Shami Jul 23, 2019 09:40pm
Catch this man and give him exemplary punishment. He should not hide behind actor mask.!
Ali (Indian) Jul 23, 2019 10:22pm
@Waqar Khan A man should NOT hit a woman for ANY reason ... your response seems to suggest that he must have had a reason .. as if that is justification for hitting her??!!!
Abhijit Kubal Jul 23, 2019 10:24pm
In no circumstances violence can be justified. If he has slapped her, she should register case against him. Let the law punishes him, he’ll never in his life resort to violence. This applies to every marriage, irrespective of the religion, cast, nationality or even gender.
Washington's Views Jul 23, 2019 10:30pm
Mohsin Abbas Haider & Fatema Sohail allegations are 'HE SAID, SHE SAID' and now they all Said. For doing their dirty laundry in public, both should be punished. In all seriousness Mohsin and his wife Fatema should seek Psychiatric help. It could be that some or both are having bipolar disorder, postpartum depression or plain anger management issue. In any case Psychiatric help and counseling is needed.
Alex Iqbal Jul 23, 2019 11:07pm
there is a mindset that somehow the women"s are the victims all the time but it can be the other way around,some women"s have sworn to make there husbands life like hell on earth no matter what.
Tariq Rasheed Jul 23, 2019 11:12pm
Boycott all the channels who airs this person
M. Emad Jul 23, 2019 11:49pm
It's little wonder that in recent years hundreds of Pakistani beautiful girls prefer to marry (gentle) Chinese man.
Imtiaz Faruqui Jul 24, 2019 12:28am
Domestic abuse is a story of very second home in Pakistan and also other Muslim countries, women is suppressed by in-laws and the husband , Its a shame that nothing is done about it. When will they learn, when will they ever learn.
Salman Chippa Jul 24, 2019 12:36am
I think Mohsin should be punished hard and locked down forever!
Lord Abbott of Abbottabad Jul 24, 2019 01:01am
@ Waqar Khan "...I'm from New York ......I am married and I'm not sure a man would just hit his wife for no reason..." So you hit your wife only for a reason? And more serious the reason, the more the hitting? Please move from New York to a cave. Congratulations sir !
Shakil Khan GB Jul 24, 2019 01:26am
"He would not only abuse me physically but also mentally by talking to his girlfriend", I am a bicultural and linguist. I believe you. I have observed your treatment as narrated by your Husband in a Pakistani Play "KHASS" serialised on UTube. The main Character in the play behaved exactly as your husband. I recommend your Husband therapy with a Shrink on a regular basis for six months and assessment of his anger management after the period. I also recommend one hour daily physically exercise to use his toxic adrenaline
anne Jul 24, 2019 03:21am
@Waqar Khan It doesnt matter what the reason unless it is for self defense, hitting anyone is wrong. Especially in marriage, no matter how big or enormous the issue is hitting a woman is never the answer. Everything can be properly communicated without resorting to physical violence.
Tahir Chaudhry Jul 24, 2019 06:01am
These monoesters should be behind bars.
A Jul 24, 2019 06:52am
@M. Saeed , nikahnama should be common not special. Bare minimum protection must be mandatory. Anything additional should not nullify required protection. Because of weak law system, mullas have field day. Girls are scared of mullas as many of them are abused in their childhood by same mullas or have heard of the stories. They also have seen parents don’t have spine to fight the mullas.
A Jul 24, 2019 06:54am
@Waqar Khan , man should not hit his Wife for any reason. Period.
Thegreatkhali Jul 24, 2019 07:18am
@Waqar Khan when is it an acceptable reason to hit your wife ?Please enlighten us good sir
imtiaz Faruqui Jul 24, 2019 08:03am
My comments are not published in this newspaper, because they are scared of the truth, as a Child I saw DAWN newspaper on our doorsteps of my grandfather and then my father's residence early in the morning . As an American I learned to speak the truth , as a Pakistani Newspaper you may like it or not I don't give a dam.
CityDweller Jul 24, 2019 08:16am
Wishing you a peaceful life ahead. It is shocking how the guy fooled everyone with his depression drama, whilst in the background committing ugly crimes. He will be jailed soon.
Sara Jul 24, 2019 09:23am
It's the worst country for women. Women in that country has no rights. Are u kidding me. Why do u think that country is in stone ages cause they have no respect for females.
Scary Jul 24, 2019 10:19am
This man should be convicted and his property seized and given to her victim who happens to be his wife. That should give warning to others.
Jokes Aside Jul 24, 2019 11:36am
@Scary Restrain your hormones, friend. Let due process take place.
Ali S Jul 24, 2019 01:36pm
@Waqar Khan This kind of thinking is deadly. "She must have done something to deserve that" is that what you're saying? There's no excuse for physically beating up your wife. Some men don't need an excuse - would you look for an excuse if it was your daughter at the receiving end? There are multiple witnesses to this case and Mohsin Abbas Haider should be treated like the monster that he is.
Faisal Salman Jul 24, 2019 02:53pm
So now she is a bigger celebrity than her husband? I believe this is always a publicity stunt which is probably planned by two parties (for common or mutual benefit) to attract some focus of the extra emotional and sensitive social circles of our society. Everybody is going to comment only and trying to see one's own face in their mirror but in the end, if the issue is genuine, they have to resolve it themselves.
The Joker Jul 24, 2019 10:42pm
@ Waqar Khan : " ...I am from New York....I'm not sure a man would just hit his wife for no reason..." Who let you enter New York? Is being in New York a qualification that would add weight to your twisted statement? If women were physically stronger and taller than men, would you have dared to hit your wife even if you had a reason, going by your twisted logic?
asad khan Jul 25, 2019 01:10am
@Mrs.khalil Becausee 99% of the time its the man who is the batterer.
asad khan Jul 25, 2019 01:14am
@Faisal Salman Your thinking is not rational.