
Your favourite PlayStation game just might be the next summer blockbuster

Your favourite PlayStation game just might be the next summer blockbuster

Sony has launched PlayStation Productions to adapt all their exclusives into feature films
23 May, 2019

Looks like Sony has a theory on how to end the video game movie curse; make the movies themselves.

The company has launched PlayStation Productions to adapt their own video games into movies. With sister company Sony Pictures, helping with the distribution, the production house already has it's first few projects in line.

"We’ve got 25 years of game development experience and that’s created 25 years of great games, franchises and stories," says chairman of Worldwide Studios at SIE, Shawn Layden, who will be overseeing the new enterprise. "We feel that now is a good time to look at other media opportunities across streaming or film or television to give our worlds life in another spectrum."

Sony hasover a 100 titles so we have a lot to be excited for
Sony hasover a 100 titles so we have a lot to be excited for

Sony Interactive has been on a roll with it's PS4 exclusives, with last year's God of War winning countless accolades, including multiple Game of the Year awards, while Sony Pictures is still on a high after their movie Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse won it's own fair share of awards. So, it's a pretty good team if you ask us.

With each game perfecting the art of storytelling more and more, it makes sense to see them take the reigns on any movie production. Although we have to say, we hope they don't make a God of War movie because that deserves an epic series.

Asad Qizilbash and Shawn Layden
Asad Qizilbash and Shawn Layden

PlayStation Productions will be head by Asad Qizilbash according to whom, "Instead of licensing our IP out to studios, we felt the better approach was for us to develop and produce for ourselves... One, because we’re more familiar, but also because we know what the PlayStation community loves."

We don't wanna get our hopes up but this just might actually be the end of the video game movie curse, which is that there is no such thing as a video game being adapted into a movie and giving it justice!

"You can see just by watching older video game adaptations that the screenwriter or director didn’t understand that world or the gaming thing," Layden added. "The real challenge is, how do you take 80 hours of gameplay and make it into a movie? The answer is, you don’t. What you do is you take that ethos you write from there specifically for the film audience. You don’t try to retell the game in a movie."

Okay, we now have our hopes up. Could this mean there could be a Horizon: Zero Dawn movie that we can actually be excited for? Please say yes!


Abbujan May 23, 2019 11:55am
As much as I deplore the idea of games being adapted into movies, being a long time gamer I wouldn't mind giving these people a shot or two. They themselves have delivered us some great and memorable titles and have established a unique name for themselves in the market (esp in term of exclusives). So I hope dearly that they put the same heart and passion into these projects so they can be close to (if not as) good as the originals they are intended for.