
I only spoke up when I had no other choice, says Meesha Shafi

I only spoke up when I had no other choice, says Meesha Shafi

On TV and in a statement the pop star addresses claims regarding her pending harassment case and immigration to Canada.
Updated 30 Apr, 2019

On Monday night popstar Meesha Shafi appeared on a talk show with TV anchor Shahzeb Khanzada to speak about the sexual harassment allegations she had made against fellow musician Ali Zafar in April 2018 and the social media storm that followed.

In the days before Shafi's TV appearance, Ali Zafar held an impromptu press conference outside court and featured on several TV shows himself, saying Shafi had accused him of harassment for personal gains. He also stated that he and his family were suffering due to the claims Shafi made against him.

In a subsequent interview with TV host Shahzad Iqbal, Zafar tearfully reiterated his position, adding that Shafi has attempted to destroy his career by running a social media campaign against him.

In her conversation with talk show host Shahzeb Khanzada, Shafi spoke about the details of her harassment claim, saying that after the alleged incident took place she was confronted with a situation where she would have to work with Zafar in a professional setting, which she did not want to do.

She says she had initially tried to resolve the matter without bringing it into the public eye.

"I told [Zafar's] representatives that I don't want a controversy and I don't want to make this public. I asked his representatives if he could step down from the project."

Shafi said that when she contacted Zafar's representatives to discuss the matter they also asked whether she would accept an apology. Shafi said she communicated that she could consider it.

"The response I received from him was 'come to my house and speak to me'," says Shafi.

Shafi also spoke about what she said prompted her to ultimately take to social media with her complaint: "When I spoke up to people about what happened, and when nothing was resolved I felt great frustration... I wondered why are we teaching our children to confide in us if they are abused if I myself, at a senior position in my career, confided in people around me and nothing happened."

Shafi also addressed Zafar's claims that the harassment claim filed against him had been dismissed. She said: "When I went to the ombudsperson with my complaint they said to me: 'You are not his employee and he is not your employer.'" Shafi continued: "I have never been anyone's employee. I haven't done anything besides being self-employed. And there are many women like me, who are self-employed. If we are taking steps to combat sexual harassment, why are sexual harassment laws not available to self-employed women?"

Shafi says that since she made her harassment claim in 2018, she and her family have faced cyber bullying, slander and character assassination.

"Everyone knows what the backlash against me has been. It's happening in public. And I've endured it because I know that change doesn't happen easily," Shafi said.

Also on Monday, Shafi's legal team released a statement in response to claims made by Zafar and his legal team in the preceding days, saying: "In the sexual harassment case filed by Meesha, Ali Zafar has not been exonerated by any forum and the matter is pending in the Lahore High Court."

The statement further clarified: "Ali Zafar's statement that Meesha made sexual harassment allegations against him in order to get international fame and so as to get Canadian immigration is false and defamatory. His insinuation that Meesha wants to get recognition like Malala is equally condemnable as it appears that Ali Zafar believes that Malala made up a false story to get fame and immigration of a foreign country. Malala - the world’s youngest Nobel laureate and Pakistan’s pride is an inspiration to millions of young girls, women and men across the world and it is shameful what Ali Zafar thinks about her."

"The attacks against Meesha and other women who have spoken up are being perpetrated for a singular purpose, and that is to silence everyone speaking about sexual harassment. Meesha is now more determined than ever to seek justice for herself through the legal system of this country, and will not be silenced no matter what Ali Zafar attempts to throw her way," the statement added.


aslam khan Apr 30, 2019 01:34pm
If someone not physically harmed or forsed in a situation. Otherwise intelligent adult can just ignore and avoid problem people from their life.
fairplay Apr 30, 2019 01:38pm
It took great courage to speak up, thank you for taking the first, difficult step.
Jehengir khan Apr 30, 2019 01:42pm
Go girl go.....take the matter to court.....let him pay for his act...
Insaafian Apr 30, 2019 01:55pm
As a fan of AZ, i did not appreciate him making the Malala reference. Shame on Ali!
bhaRAT© Apr 30, 2019 01:59pm
This is tip of the ice berg like #MeToo. Meesha Shafi stay resolute brave lady, we are with you. Ali Zafar insinuating that Malala made up a false story to get 'fame' is highly condemnable.
asgher Apr 30, 2019 01:59pm
both should go to to court and settle this.
Khurram Apr 30, 2019 02:19pm
Bravo Meesha Shafi for standing up. Ali Zafar is doing all kinds of acting to shift the topic, but he has not yet answered a simple question that why Meesha Shafi has accused him and what is his response to the exact incident. Either it never happened or a mild form of that happened but there is something. His only response so far is I don't know why she is accusing, ask her! That's funny because we all know that Ali Zafar must be fully aware why Meesha Shafi is after him. Noone, especially someone who is famous herself, starts accusing someone else just out of the blue. There has to be a motive. In case it is not sexual harassment by Ali Zafar and the event told by Meesha never happened, then the ball is in Ali Zafar's court to tell the truth what he believes is the reason for Meesha Shafi's serious allegations! His lack of clarity in this matter is the most telling and supports Meesha Shafi's stance that its harassment which he can't admit.
Asad Apr 30, 2019 02:38pm
You are a brave person. I stand with you a 100 percent
Preface Apr 30, 2019 03:24pm
They should both volunteer to take a polygraph test. The one who 'refuses' to take it, is guilty.
Aleem Apr 30, 2019 03:28pm
Go girl go. Sexual harassment has got to stop and people need to take a stand
Zain Hasan Apr 30, 2019 03:33pm
I know from personal experience. It is extremely difficult for victims to speak up. Their brain often blocks the experience to save them from trauma/depression. Also they are afraid to speak up since the society will judge them and instead of getting them justice, they will be blamed for either dressing inappropriately, or being too friendly and inviting attention. I have been a huge fan of Ali Zafar's talent, but the fact that so many victims have come forward against him, makes me lose all respect for him. I just hope and pray that justice prevail.
Newborn Apr 30, 2019 03:45pm
That cry drama he pulled on the TV proves he was lying. His wife has no choice but to support him for the sake of her family.
Zullu Apr 30, 2019 04:15pm
Her word against his
Adeel Saleem Apr 30, 2019 04:20pm
Dont know who is wrong or right, justice may prevail.
Aslam Shaikh Apr 30, 2019 04:28pm
The core problem with a harassment accusation is the proof needed by the court. The evidence, in most cases, is sort of anecdotal. And the existing laws are not really exhaustive enough to include every form of harassment including the sexual one experienced by anyone at the hand of anyone. If the accused had some degree of decency, he could have settled the matter before it got public. Now that the whole thing has taken a course, one can only hope that justice will prevail.
Aslam Shaikh Apr 30, 2019 04:40pm
@Zain Hasan I share your feeling losing respect for him ever since he started attacking her in every possible way including other forms of harassment like tyrannizing her brother on a music portal.
j Apr 30, 2019 04:41pm
Unfortunately truth is now being judged on the basis of popularity instead of facts.
Shahid Apr 30, 2019 04:46pm
Simply ignore them both.
Aftab Apr 30, 2019 04:52pm
No one's guilty unless proven. Arguments from both sides should be heard equally.
Sabir Pakistani Apr 30, 2019 05:02pm
I believe in Meesha , Meesha is not the kind of woman who would go out public to get famous by all this. Ali Zafar must have done this. Shame on him. He thinks he is super star and therefore is allowed to harass women. We support Meesha.
Zainab Apr 30, 2019 05:07pm
Go and fight for it....
Changez Khan Apr 30, 2019 05:21pm
Stop this daily nonsense drama on TVs and this should not be a news on daily basis.
Umair Apr 30, 2019 05:22pm
she is lying i heard her interview and her tone
Tony Apr 30, 2019 05:40pm
Why you did not appear in the court?
Tamanna Apr 30, 2019 06:00pm
Its more like a personal publicity of her.
Al Apr 30, 2019 06:00pm
@Insaafian He is entitled to his opinion! You should respect it just as you respect his going to India.
Must learn Apr 30, 2019 06:18pm
@asgher .Absolutely. Please stop this mess.
Toronto_Pathan Apr 30, 2019 07:17pm
Anyone with half a brain who watched this interview on GEO would know Meesha had NO credible answer and kept dodging questions and couldn't give any solid evidence. If she is soo passionate about her complain than she should make sure she pursues with the court and not run away from it!! Unfortunately when a woman cries foul in Pakistan everyone gangs up against the accused and becomes the judge and jury.
Shahid Apr 30, 2019 07:31pm
The judiciary should listen to both Ali and Meesha in a closed doors session and if there is proof of sexual harassment then Ali should be punished. But if the honourable Judges find no proof and only blackmail by Meesha then she must be punished. Please do not delay this case any more as it is doing more damage to the industry.
Sami Apr 30, 2019 08:04pm
Why she did not talked to Ali zafar directly instead of his representatives? The matter could have been solved internally instead of bringing it in public. If Ali zafar has does anything wrong he shall be punished.
Sayyar Khan Apr 30, 2019 08:18pm
After reading his comments about comparing this case to Malala. I am sure he is guilty.
Captain Apr 30, 2019 08:20pm
Both parties do not have any proofs for their claims .....Alas.....
Ahmed Apr 30, 2019 08:51pm
Excellent job by the interviewer I believe. Journalists take notes
Sadia Khalil Apr 30, 2019 08:55pm
@aslam khan No, the psychological damage is way more than a physical one. It's a nightmare that will disturb you for a long time.
Jimmy Apr 30, 2019 09:25pm
Its very difficult for victims; especially women to come forward in a male centric society like Pakistan and openly talk about abuse. Secondly, its pretty much unprecedented for a woman to come forward like Meesha has. Thirdly, AZ talks about Meesha and other women to gain something from all of this. What is there to gain?
Nasir Hameed Apr 30, 2019 09:40pm
Well you have to remember that her case got struct down in the court once. Now the appeal is pending. Which means for now Ali Zafar stands exonerated. On social media there just seems to be overwhelming support for Ali. I am all for Women's right and harassment free work environment for women but Meesha's actions are hurting the cause more than they are helping.
Umar Bin Ayaz Apr 30, 2019 10:32pm
I think we need to consider Ali Zafar's stance on whole situation as well.
Sunny Apr 30, 2019 11:00pm
There is an obvious problem of misogyny in public around the world but when will our media cover the obvious rise of misandry?
Zak Apr 30, 2019 11:09pm
I think Ali Zafar should take first step and sort it out with Meesha. Both are great artists and this is harming the nation.
Faraz Apr 30, 2019 11:12pm
Prove it or on move on.
A. Ali Apr 30, 2019 11:19pm
her statement, body language and her allegations altogether are mismatch.. a novice will remain so. for a shortwhile if she is right why she stayed silent until ## metoo$$ ?
A. Ali Apr 30, 2019 11:19pm
@Jehengir khan ... you are witnessing her allegations ?
Sid Apr 30, 2019 11:28pm
@aslam khan shame on you.
RIZ Apr 30, 2019 11:30pm
Someone like Meesha Shafi not helping women but hurting their cause and making it difficult for someone who will have genuine complain.
Sid Apr 30, 2019 11:31pm
I don't play Ali Zafar songs on YouTube anymore. All the power to Meesha Shafi. Get this guy to pay for his pathetic deeds and make him an example across south asia. If our courts can't punish them, let people do.
Naveed Khan Apr 30, 2019 11:39pm
Because of legal lacunae, harassment proving is almost impossible!
imran May 01, 2019 12:13am
is this a news worthy of putting on the front page?
yasser khan May 01, 2019 04:05am
Its so easy for me to say this but Meesha don't give up this good fight. Most men don't know boundaries and are super entitled.
Faisal May 01, 2019 04:29am
I cannot tell who is telling the truth here and its really hard to prove. Court will have to see trends and patterns involving Ali Zaffar's professional life and try to establish and motive here. If nothing else at least it will be a reminder to all those who think they can do it and get away with situation.
Jonathan Menezes May 01, 2019 06:28am
Anyone with half a pea brain who watched Ali Zafar on interviews on TV would know Ali Zafar with his timely crying is trying to gather his fan base behind him . and kept auditioning for a sympathy role with his wife like she know he did the nasty . If he is so passionate to be innocent than he should how does he explain the other women ? he should not run away from it!! Unfortunately when a woman cries foul in Pakistan everyone gangs up against them and becomes the judge and jury.
Factum May 01, 2019 07:58am
The problem with these cases are that it's one person's word against the other. Unless the complainant can bring some evidence the Zafar cannot be found guilty. A wintess or text messages or phone call recordings (many apps are there for recording calls) or video recording. I am not trying to speak against anyone but trying to say what the legal system is. If we only go by the words of the complainant it would like openening up a Pandora's box
Akil Akhtar May 01, 2019 08:33am
Who is she and her fame seems to have come from these allegations only....
Joe May 01, 2019 08:28pm
@Jehengir khan She did and lost. They have appealed in LHC, but do not have any evidence/witness to support the claim.
Anonymous May 02, 2019 06:34pm
@Akil Akhtar Have you been living under a stone all these years?
Mehkan May 03, 2019 02:41am
@Joe This is a false statement! Please clear your facts. She did not lose anything yet. The court has dismissed the case due to technical issue regarding the fact that Meesha was not an employee of Ali Zafar when the harassment happened. That is why she has appealed. Get your facts straight, and if you are unsure, stay silent, for that is the way of the morals.