Desi Twitter unites to roast Game of Thrones for its final season
Even after THAT second last episode, these guys could still teach Dany a thing or two about burns...(sorry not sorry)
Updated 19 May, 2019
Game of Thrones is coming to an end.
After nearly a decade of playing with our emotions, killing off beloved characters, messing up character development (cough Jaime Lannister and Daenerys Targaryen cough) and a lot of destruction, it's time to say bye to Westeros. But before we do, desi Twitter's got lots of thoughts.
There's been a lot of talk on social media about how this season's been a little all over the place and lazily written.
If you're not caught up (what are you even doing with your life?), we're giving you a warning: this post is savage and full of spoilers:
They weren't lying when they said Jon Snow knows nothing...
He knows how to "fall back" though
And then there's Bran who knows too much yet does nothing
Accurate representation of us during the Long Night battle:
Good to know we weren't the only ones expecting more action...

Makes so much sense why Sansa can't keep a secret
But she's still emerging as a solid contender for the throne.
Midway through the season, Winterfell is basically looking all too familiar to us
Who else feels personally attacked by this tweet?
Brienne deserved to live happy ever after with Tormund. Jaime did her dirty!
Us waiting for the finale knowing full well Dany is a goner:
This pretty much sums up where we are at this point: