
Poet Kishwar Naheed slammed the Aurat March, and then Twitter slammed her

Poet Kishwar Naheed slammed the Aurat March, and then Twitter slammed her

The feminist icon said activists should keep their culture in mind so as to not go astray like "jihadis".
13 Mar, 2019

Renowned poet and feminist Kishwar Naheed recently came under fire online for her misplaced remarks about this year's Aurat March.

While speaking at the Sindh Aurat Tanzeem celebration for Women's Day, the writer made some very confusing remarks about the gathering of women that took place across Pakistan on Women's Day.

Confusing because Kishwar Naheed herself is no stranger to challenging dominant patriarchal and cultural norms; after all, it was her provocative poem Hum Gunahgar Aurtein ('We Sinful Women') that helped put her in the literary spotlight.

Naheed said she disapproved of the slogans spotted at the march, pointing out 'Lo Baith Gayi Sahi Se' among others; she said she believes feminists should be keeping their culture and traditions in mind so as not to go astray like "jihadis". Sure, that's totally a relevant parallel.

Twitter was clearly disappointed:

Many men used her remarks to further hate on the Aurat March:

To that we say:


Shahida Mar 13, 2019 05:22pm
When someone says the truth. ..Well said Kishwar Naheed
Feminist Who ? Mar 13, 2019 05:33pm
Feminists criticizing another feminists for having an opinion on feminism
Omar Mar 13, 2019 06:35pm
Well to be true some of the comments were way out of proportion or should I call it unethical. I am by all means supports equal treatment for both genders but tha sort of messages I saw was literally discusting to say at least.
Moeen Mar 13, 2019 07:16pm
Kishwar Naheed made sense. She guided very well. I say, rightly heading Council of Art.
Jab Mar 13, 2019 10:07pm
Legit intellectuals like Kishwar Naheed see right through the hypocrisies of self-righteous pseudo-liberals leading the Aurat March. Kudos to her for speaking her mind regardless of the pushback from the self-entitled feminists
Pakistani Mar 13, 2019 10:09pm
Blind fans of "Aurat March" cant handle any criticism. No bettee than the other types of blind fans. Simple and clear comments from the protest, what was confusing out it ?
Daanish Mar 13, 2019 10:49pm
Poet is right. She has a brought respect for her opinion.
Ardeshir Mar 13, 2019 11:09pm
The esteemed lady is right. Disregard the keyboard whiners.
AAKIL Ishtiak Ahmed Mar 14, 2019 12:28am
some slogans, perhaps not carefully thought through, trivialized the real issues
AR Mar 14, 2019 12:46am
Thats the issue with these liberal western influenced feminist s they think only they are right any one who dissents with their views needs "correcting". Kishwar Naheed was right about the cultural views and vulgar posters at display
Basharat Qamar Mar 14, 2019 03:11am
So sad to see that women tried to highlight non issues in their Aurat March. They should have asked for better treatment for the under prevailed women across Pakistan. More schooling for girls, more job opportunities, harassment at workplace etc etc. Instead they picked non issues. If women don't know their real issues then who will help them???
Akil Akhtar Mar 14, 2019 03:36am
Kishwar Naheed has said the right thing....the placards are mostly vulgar and do not serve women rights.....
sadia zafar Mar 14, 2019 05:47am
Than you Kishwar Naheed for reflecting maturity and true meaning of feminism
El Cid Mar 14, 2019 07:26am
Kishwar Naheed is right
Amber Mar 14, 2019 07:55am
Kishwer naheed is 1000 % right.3 tweets against by her the so called women rights champion is no slamming.millions are supporting her.
Uzi Mar 14, 2019 09:07am
This is what separates a mature intellectual like Ms. Kishwar and a sociologist who thinks everything is a social construct to oppress women. Kudos to Ms. Kishwar for standing her ground.
ZZQ Mar 14, 2019 09:27am
I believe Kishwer Naheed did well. Indeed (despite being a supporter for Women Rights), I believe many of the slogans were vulgar and pointless. These slogans alienated the supporters and distracted from the real issues of Women Oppression like Underage Marriages, Dowry, Honor Killing, Vani, Tribal Culture and domestic violence etc.
Ethesham Mar 14, 2019 09:30am
Wow! It's the first time i have seen such a post which started from a biased point of view and ended telling a neutral point of view. If you people were really opened to discussion then you should have simply interviewed her and posted that rather than your opinion in fact i should say judgement.
Hasan Mar 14, 2019 09:41am
It seems media shows biaseness towards the other opinion likewise the immense given to Aurat March but no coverage to mard march with genuine slogans. However social media give immense support and importance to that march. Media should also look into this matter and help in create balance.
SIAK Mar 14, 2019 09:57am
The trollers have only exposed their real faces...instead of giving logical arguments, they have resorted to abuses and affronts...some liberals, huh..
SIAK Mar 14, 2019 09:59am
'Lo Baith Gayi Sahi Se' type slogans were great disappointments and sadly trivialized the whole cause. I agree with Ms Naheed.
Shaharyar Mar 14, 2019 10:59am
The banners / slogans held by women in Aurat march were despicable and did not highlight the issues of women. The other confusing aspect is many people are thinking what was this Aurat March about? Womens are doing jobs in Pakistan and doing all the stuff they want!
EM Mar 14, 2019 06:15pm
Kishwar Naheed is a feminist and she was speaking at a feminist platform. So I would classify that as a debate and dialogue amongst feminists. Pseudo-progressive men and women can stop trying to appropriate her remarks for their agenda. As a feminist, she has a right to criticize as she has given years to the movement. I don't think she 'slammed' anybody and feminists definitely don't need to 'slam' a fellow feminist. Argue,debate, disagree.
riz1 Mar 14, 2019 08:25pm
@Shaharyar "Womens are doing jobs in Pakistan and doing all the stuff they want!" A few urban women in rare companies do not represent all Pakistani women. One should see outside Pakistan to understand.
Laila Mar 15, 2019 04:00pm
It is her right to disagree with the movement but to force on to other women her own perception of culture and traditions is wrong. Not every woman will share her approach. It is their right too to have a different view and to do things differently. A healthy society invites open and free dialogue and criticism is needed to evolve.
abu.ashhad Mar 16, 2019 02:54am
behtreen !!! very mature.