
Updated 06 Mar, 2019

Mawra Hocane and Uzair Jaswal just made a trip to London to attend their graduation.

The two attended their convocation ceremony of University of London and took to Instagram to share the news.

"A few moments in life are just so intense & profound that in that very moment one doesn’t know what to do with it . I truly didn’t think I would ever graduate alongside my career but today while I walked on that stage all I felt was gratitude, so much gratitude for living this life, for having the best of all worlds, for all the Love & prayers all of you say for me, for all the faith my faculty has always shown in me! I’m just so so thankful!" wrote Mawra.

The JPNA 2 actress also thanked her parents for supporting her through it all.

"These two humans looking at me with the shining light in their eyes on my graduation day trumps all the joys & emotions I have ever felt in my entire life."

She adds, "Mama I hope you know that you’re my inspiration & my strength, you’ve pushed me to achieve more & more in life. You’re the backbone of our family! We are who we are because of your vision & persistence. I can never put to words how you have selflessly nurtured & loved all of us! Love you!"

Mawra got her LLB while Uzair Jaswal got a Bachelors in International Relations. And Uzair is just as happy about his achievement.

"It's been a long time coming, proved to be a little tough due to my little side endeavours (I like to do a bit of acting in between and I dabble with music too sometimes)," he shared.

"But for real. I am super stoked and really humbled by today. I couldn't have done it without my parents being there by my side every step of the way and my teachers being so patient with me and so supportive of me!"


Sawabi Mar 06, 2019 12:36pm
Lol they did external course. Not the same as studying in London
Ahmad Mar 06, 2019 01:40pm
@Sawabi At least they did something. Why you people have to be so mean anyway?
hamid shafiq Mar 06, 2019 01:49pm
@Sawabi currentlu UK institutes require money and they sale the degrees.
Raza Mar 06, 2019 01:53pm
@Sawabi You are a very bitter person. The lady is a successful actress and arguably more difficult to study and work. Now why don't you just be happy for people instead?
Gordon D. Walker Mar 06, 2019 03:06pm
Good for them... Gordon D. Walker Canada
HaKiM Mar 06, 2019 04:37pm
That's a degree from a well known proper university. Contrary to a lot of fake degree- holders in Pakistan including ( Dr.? )Amir Liaqat. Btw, why is he still called Dr. eventhough his degree is fake?
fayazchohan Mar 06, 2019 04:59pm
@Sawabi you don't remember how u failed so many times...then u graduatted.....but we did not say anything to u....
jat Mar 07, 2019 01:44am
Law school is law school, especially one which is internationally accredited. Stop hating, and do something w/your lives.
Fahad Ali Mar 08, 2019 06:44am