
Sadia Jabbar's latest web series shines a light on Pakistan's rishta culture

Sadia Jabbar's latest web series shines a light on Pakistan's rishta culture

Shameless Proposals will explore seven different kinds of proposals through the lens of arranged marriages
07 Nov, 2018

It's no secret that Pakistan has a bit of a toxic rishta culture.

As soon as women "come of age", they are introduced into the shaadi market and basically treated like a commodity; Sadia Jabbar's upcoming web-series aims to shine a light on this mindset that is so ingrained in our society.

Talking to Images, Jabbar shares: "The theme for Shameless Proposals revolves around how a woman is made into a product and sold off in the rishta trade in our society. When families come with rishtas, they're told to accept the girl as is but also told that they'll do whatever is necessary to appease them. We'll explore seven different kinds of proposals through the lens of arranged marriages."

"Another thing we're going to show in this is that today's Pakistani urban girl is not the sort to stay silent, she wants to speak up and she finds that window. Now women are questioning the premise that their looks are the deciding factor or that just because a guy has a good job, that seems to be enough. Or are we going to look at how compatible two people are, how similar their mindsets are? Why aren't these fundamental issues addressed?" she added.

The producer also elaborated on how the web is a good medium for covering taboo topics.

"The format of a web-series is really good for raising your voice about such issues and it doesn't cost as much either. The platform of television is very different, it's TRP driven and geared towards a different audience. Similarly, theatre and film is a different genre altogether."

Shameless Proposals has been written by Saji Gul and Atlas; Sadia Jabbar will co-produce alongside Tahseen Shaukat and Hunny Haroon will direct.


alba Nov 07, 2018 04:07pm
Just because a guy has a good job, that is not enough. Most Chinese women will not marry a man who has been divorced.
rehan Ashraf Nov 07, 2018 04:55pm
What about Men, They are also displayed as Product. The features which counts is income.
R Nov 07, 2018 05:24pm
No fair colour is fair enough to reject at first sight. Chand si bahu is mandatory as well:)
Maha Nov 07, 2018 05:51pm
7, I have been subjected to 43 girls go through alot. I like this effort, we need to change the mindset.
maverick Nov 07, 2018 06:01pm
when it comes to men it is about how much he earns no matter how. When it comes to girl it is about her looks. This is the pet rule. Not everyone follow it but mostly go by this way. It has become more like an agreement where men with hefty pockets can get the beautiful girl and I have seen girls like 20 years old of demanding well-settle men. I am not going to criticise anyone but there urban people girl or boy know their price very well
Omer Masud Nov 07, 2018 06:30pm
The truth is much more simple than what meets the eye. Women are like commodity for the families with potential to finance enterprises. Having practiced long enough to become a cultural habit.
Skd Dube Nov 07, 2018 06:45pm
Farhan Nov 08, 2018 01:07am
Another rishata culture is Cousin marriages, no one openly talk against this.
Irfan Nov 08, 2018 05:19am
The question remains that who are the proponents of this rishta culture? Why, after going though the same herself, when a woman becomes the mother of an eligible son decides to continue the cycle of mostly loveless arranged marriage through this obnoxious rishta charade?
Kanwal Nov 08, 2018 09:43am
Women should be all rounder or jack of all trades. besides good looks, they should be properly educated but not a doing a job because a segment of society believe that working women very clever and independent. Sometimes, in laws consider it their right to decide about the career of a lady. Moreover, a woman must be of young age, have strong and rich family ready to support her through thick and thin after marriage. In case, if women supports her spouse financially by doing job , her spouse does not take responsibility to help her better half in house management. In short, A "Complete Package" is required in form of a "wife" , it does not matter what are credentials of a guy.
abc Nov 08, 2018 10:25am
I'm really interested to know the artist of that cover?
MUHAMMAD ADNAN AHMED Nov 08, 2018 12:49pm
Sometime Proposal is like a bargaining
Raza Nov 08, 2018 04:23pm
@rehan Ashraf...well said
Pkashm Nov 08, 2018 09:00pm
@Farhan it's a taboo in India. We can't even marry in same village
Ayaz Nov 10, 2018 09:31pm
Any information on how or when to watch this series? Thanks.