
30 Sep, 2018

Last week, Tanushree Dutta alleged that her Horn Ok Pleassss co-star Nana Patekar sexually harassed her on the set of the film 10 years ago.

Nana Patekar has since, laughed at the allegation, claimed to have sent her a legal notice and now said that he will hold a press conference regarding the issue.

However, Dutta in an interview with ANI revealed that she has yet to receive a legal notice, saying that she is in talks with her lawyers that Patekar needs to "step up his game".

"Given the recent developments, I am putting together a team of lawyers and advocates to defend my interests. Also contrary to claims made by Nana Patekar's lawyer, I have not received any legal notice. So bluffmaster Gogo needs to step up his game a bit here," she said.

"...Instead of making empty threats to intimidate me into silence, send me a legal notice and then you will see what I will do with it," added the actor.

Dutta went on to say, "This is the story of countless millions in our country who are still waiting justice because they got dragged into a web of legal mumbo-jumbo and were silenced into submission.They make a mockery of not only our judiciary but also our esteemed constitution by trying to disrupt a persons freedom of speech by such threats."

The actor also hopes India's Bar Association will take legal action against Patekar. "The lawyer along with his client should be questioned and taken to task. I've a humble request to bar association of India to call out and take action against him and other such people who help perpetrators further harass their victims and witnesses in the name of law,"

On Friday Patekar said that he is "in process of a sending legal notice to Tanushree Dutta, as she has made false allegations and has spoken untruth. We will send the notice later today which will basically a notice seeking apology for her statements making allegations."

Tanushree had alleged that during a song sequence Patekar "was grabbing me by the arms, pushing me around then he would ask the choreographers to move and teach me how to dance, and the next thing I know he wanted to do was an intimate sequence with me. It was ridiculous."

She has since gained support from Bollywood celebs.


Alba Sep 30, 2018 04:54pm
He is a sad old man.
pervez Sep 30, 2018 07:32pm
When are men going to understand the meaning of NO?
FIDA SAYANI Oct 01, 2018 02:32am
Tanushree Dutta, you are a gutsy lady, taking a man to task in a moth eaten society is not easy. On the U-tube, when man like Amitabh Bachhan, Aamir Khan and Salman Khan were confronted with the story, the first two did not respond and the third one said he is hearing it for the first time. What a immoral bunch of trio. Even most of the female actresses have avoided the issue, except for Priyanka Chopra, Twinkle Khana, Richa Chadda, Sonam Kapoor and Farhan Ahtar amog the male actors. Even Shabana Azmi is missing.
Toqir Oct 04, 2018 11:40pm
these two man need 2 get punished for the wrong doings they shouldn't think thay can get away because off the postions there in. seriously i dont believe dutta is lieing and she is telling the truth the first couple off films she made were abit sexy and this were men like these think girls like her are easily useable.thats were there wrong i also can say i think this case is 1 off many thst haven't been reported yet and i would want other woman 2 cum foward and testify against the 1s beening challenged..more women should support dutta and the rest should follow