Here's what Surf Excel's Neki tree campaign did this Ramazan
Surf Excel's Neki tree finally stands tall and fully blossomed in the heart of Dolmen City Mall Karachi.
We've been spotting a ton of celebs lending support to the little tree that grew with neki pledge notes.
Here's what all happened this weekend:
Celebs, entrepreneurs and students came forward to make promises of doing, at the very least, one good deed every day. They also talked about the effects of heat wave and how planting more trees in the city can bring a massive change in the weather conditions in the future.
1. Shaista Wahidi, Ahsan Khan and Nadia Hussain pinned their neki pledges up

The concept of the neki tree revolved around pinning good deeds to a tree during the blessed month of Ramazan, symbolic of making these deeds grow through the year.
2. Ahsan Khan helped us understand why the campaign is so important
Many different celebs visited the tree during the last two weeks, pledging their support as well as encouraging people to come forward and take the concept of #eknekirozana forward.
Last week, we saw Ayeza Khan, Bilquis Edhi and Anoushay Ashraf pin their nekis to the tree, while this week Nadia Hussain, Shaista Wahidi and Ahsan Khan lent their support to the campaign.
3. People were encouraged to plant more trees
The Neki tree is a campaign hosted by Surf Excel that aims to highlight the importance of creating bigger impact all around by pledging to do good deeds all throughout the year.
The campaign also involved raising awareness on tree plantation. Everyone who visited the tree got a bag of seeds to plant in the neighbourhood, to increase greenery and counter the effects of heatwave in the city.
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