
04 Jun, 2018

ICYMI, Hamza Ali Abbasi and Reham Khan have been locked in a Twitter feud over her upcoming book.

A lot has happened over the weekend: Reham and Hamza each posted what they alleged were genuinely incriminating email exchanges of the other's. (FYI, Reham has been accused of furthering PML-N propaganda against ex-hubby Imran Khan and Hamza has been accused of threats and intimidation against Reham).

Throughout the fight, Reham has been her savage self, telling Hamza to 'bring it on', legal action, proof against her and so on. And she also cracked a joke at his expense, saying she didn't cast him as the hero in Janaan and that he isn't NA49 material, Na49 being a constituency for the National Assembly of Pakistan comprising of the South Waziristan Agency.

And he did not like that.

It was enough for Hamza to leak contents of the 'manuscript' he has of Reham's book.

And while he is adamant about showing to the world what Reham's book says...

...what he really wants to know is why Reham is being so cruel to him.

Who's coming up on top? Has Reham sent Hamza a legal notice? Only time will tell.


Moth Jun 04, 2018 05:32pm
Business is business and some business are brutal.
Babu Jun 04, 2018 05:36pm
Publicity stunt.
Pakistani Citizen Jun 04, 2018 05:39pm
It is Mr. Hamza who is irrelevant; not Ms. Reham ... so this fight will benefit both!
Irfan Jun 04, 2018 05:57pm
Now things are getting too much!!!!
M. Saeed Jun 04, 2018 06:00pm
Abbasi himself invited the bull to thrash him.
M. Saeed Jun 04, 2018 06:05pm
Between the two, who needs the publicity?
Desi Jun 04, 2018 06:29pm
These are nobodys who constantly crave for publicity and think they are important.
ahmed Jun 04, 2018 06:40pm
Reham and Hamza please bring a stop to these exchanges. They are harmful to all. Have a Chai together and seek peace.
ga Jun 04, 2018 06:56pm
I bet Reham released this book because PML will cover the legal fees that will land her in crown court for slander. Would be really tragic for her if they back out last minute. No honour among crooks.
shak Jun 04, 2018 07:30pm
Hamza just leave here alone, she will pay
Safwan Jun 05, 2018 12:52am
What's wrong this guy?
sfomann Jun 05, 2018 12:58am
The fact that people are taking to write about IK instead of Sharif and Zardari, says a lot about what is going on. These people are getting money from the lossing PMLN and PPP and from overseas agencies that want to make sure that Pakistan never becomes a progressive state
Aamir Jun 05, 2018 01:21am
He will be future of Amir Liaquat :)
Irfan_Sydney Jun 05, 2018 07:26am
If IK is not worried about the book then why do all of his die hard supporters are using all of their energies to stop the book from being published ? In English they say where there is smoke , there is fire, and I can tell you there is a lot of smoke in these issues.
Sam Jun 05, 2018 07:57am
MrAbbasi Pokes his nose in politics a lot, doesn’t he get enough acting projects to keep his self busy?
Khan Jun 05, 2018 08:41am
The fight is between Imran and his ex wife ! Why Hamza Abbasi is poking his nose ? Does Hamza knows more about Imran more than his ex wife ?
Pro Democracy Jun 05, 2018 08:43am
Before elections Hamza Ali Abbasi is going to put IK and PTI in lot of trouble with such immature acts. Good for people of Pakistan
Anwar Jun 05, 2018 09:05am
They both deserve each other. I'm having fun!
salman Jun 05, 2018 10:32am
What stuff Reham has posted against Wasim Akram, Imran Khan and others are really disgusting and it even more deplorable to see english media backing Reham Khan over this rather than condemning it. We only that liberals in media has got beef and jealousy against Imran Khan since many years but bringing this into your profession just depicts how biased and agenda oriented this media.
saher Jun 05, 2018 10:56am
Where are the ethics of this society?
Aamer Jun 05, 2018 03:12pm
Sorry but Janan was a very boring movie. Glad Hamza wasnt signed for any of the roles in that movie.
Zk Jun 06, 2018 11:24am
This book is below the belt third class way of defaming a respected one. It must be condemned.
Moth Jun 06, 2018 06:16pm
This is one classic case where you can put dots together and get some clues about the evil forces behind this book. Hamza role is like a Pakistani Spiderman who could see evil hands behind the book and trying to save the country from unforeseen dangers.