
Reham Khan bashes Hamza Ali Abbasi for tweeting against her upcoming book

Reham Khan bashes Hamza Ali Abbasi for tweeting against her upcoming book

She says he could only have obtained her manuscript through theft or fraud and that he's been bullying her for a year
Updated 02 Jun, 2018

TV host/actor/full-time PTI loyalist Hamza Ali Abbasi surprised Twitter last night when he claimed that he has read the manuscript of Reham Khan's upcoming book.

He described the book in some unflattering terms. No surprises there.

But how did he get his hands on the manuscript? That's what Reham Khan would like to know:

Reham has earlier said about her book that it is mainly about her life as a journalist and mother, but mentioned that PTI chief Imran Khan features in it because he was once a part of her life, "albeit an unpleasant one".

Hamza's tweet unleashed trolls in full force, who accused Reham for furthering the agenda of PTI rival PML-N. But Reham says that she's used to these bullying tactics:

As proof, she even published an alleged email conversation between her and Hamza in which he informs her of PTI's possession of her emails:

Hamza retaliated with what he says is a hacked email exchange between Reham and Interior Minister and PML-N leader Ahsan Iqbal:

Whatever the truth behind the matter is, it's been great publicity for Reham's book!


Irfan Jun 02, 2018 04:56pm
Why Hamza Ali abbasi interfering in this matter.? What ever she wants to do let her do. It is her right. She had suffered alot because of imran khan.
Daud Jun 02, 2018 05:46pm
@Irfan Why doesn't she publish it ? Why does she want to publish it on the eve of elections? Isn't there a deliberate plot to malign IK ?
M. Saeed Jun 02, 2018 06:04pm
We the public want to know everything, good or bad, about Imran Khan and his party before elections. All voters are of mature age and deserve the right to make their own judgement before casting their votes. They can easily sift through the whole juggernaut of write and wrong and arrive at their decisions, without guidance by the likes of Abbasi & co.
Khan Houson Jun 02, 2018 06:16pm
Shows a typical PTI worker's behavior. Threat people if they say anything against their leader. Reminds me of old MQM's culture.
Frankenstein Jun 02, 2018 06:23pm
@Irfan She is a strong lady. she has spent ample time in UK so don't say a divorce will wreck havoc on here. and if she is disturbed by divorce(which is Normal and natural) and so does Imran. Don't try to demean her just because she is a women.
Frankenstein Jun 02, 2018 06:25pm
Interestingly Reham has hidden her email and not of Hamza. lets assume Hamza was right about here email then most probably it would have same email id. So in case something comes out she can simply deny that
Frank Jun 02, 2018 06:32pm
Imran lucky to have gotten rid of her.
kash Jun 02, 2018 06:51pm
if hamza did this, she should file a proper criminal complaint and than its the duty of law enforcement to investigate the whole thing and than do what is needed. thats all. When the book comes out in the market if IK thinks its just not true he can do the same thing against reham.
Mansoor Tirmizi Jun 02, 2018 07:04pm
Both are playing wrong here.
UZI Jun 02, 2018 07:08pm
Cheap publicity for the book
Ahmad Kainth Jun 02, 2018 08:01pm
@Irfan Imran Khan has also suffered since he gave divorce... ironically no body sees his plight who has not said any thing since divorce...
Ayman Gheith Jun 02, 2018 10:26pm
Pathetic behaviour by Hamza, should be ashamed of himself
Sab Se Pehle Pakistan Jun 02, 2018 10:32pm
It was the darkest day in Imran Khan and PTI's political history when he decided to marry Reham Khan. This was bound to happen. Surprisingly she waited till elections to release her book. This says a lot about her intentions. Now PTI has to wait for the outcome of the second darkest day when Aamir Liaquat joined PTI. Now wait for the second surprise.
Optimistic Jun 02, 2018 11:46pm
Why politicians are trying to malign each other before elections. It hurts the supporters on either side
MM Jun 03, 2018 12:01am
It is conspiracy, she is planning to publish book at a time when elections are to be held next month. PMLN for sure has offered her millions in this regard.
Tamza Jun 03, 2018 12:11am
The release of the book should be delayed till after elections
Neo Jun 03, 2018 12:21am
@Frankenstein. Her being a woman has nothing to do with it. Anyone can see for sure her intentions with the book release date.
Neo Jun 03, 2018 12:24am
@Irfan. Since this book is about her life. Change the book publish date and take out the part about IK. Then you can see how many books will be sold.
Sabir Jun 03, 2018 12:40am
Imran Khan is not some king that people defend him openly. Rehman Khan was his wife she knows Imran Khan more than Hamza. He should mind his own business
Khan Jun 03, 2018 12:47am
It is a matter of shame for Hamza to clash with Rehaam !
Aamir Jun 03, 2018 01:16am
Hamza is again doing cheap activities to get coverage. Let the book come and then go to court!
MA Jun 03, 2018 01:31am
Dirty Pakistani politics. Shame
manzer Jun 03, 2018 01:31am
If Hamza Ali Abbasi actually wrote what is mentioned here then it is clearly blackmailing.
Amjad Durrani Engineer USA Jun 03, 2018 02:08am
It is sad and pathetic to see people washing out their dirty linen in public. Events connected to one’s personal & private life must not be discussed so ballantly and in threadbare details in media, which is beside being disgusting but is revolting too. One feel further degraded to see such exposition coming out after a considerable lapse of time, precisely engineered to be read by everybody during elections. A marriage by all means is a social contract & if it does not work out to the expectation of either party, sanity demands to get out of it as soon as possible. In this case this is what precisely happened. To bring out Skeltons from one’s closet for any rhyme or reason, is an excercise completely in bad taste and one must refrain from it. The rabbit is out of the hat already, & one can feel sorry for this event to be thrashed out for its motive when it is to be used by a rival political party to carry out character assination of the other becoming relevant incoming elections.
Amer Jun 03, 2018 02:29am
Fake email thread exposed. Kham vs khan!!!
Akber Jun 03, 2018 03:27am
At least it proves that PTI has hackers in their ranks.. Hacking is a crime and Mr. Hamza Ali should be questioned by authorities that how he got control of someone's private email and account and to what extent... we are not safe with such ppl existing around us
Guest2018 Jun 03, 2018 03:30am
Ms Khan claims that her book is about her life as a journalist and mother, and there is reference to her short lived marriage to Imran Khan ' albeit unpleasant'. It would be interesting to note how many people buy her book to read up on her high powered career as a bbc weathergirl, or her indepth and sharp interview skills on the many current affair shows she has hosted! Truth be known, Ms Khan is going to sell her book soley on her 10 month marriage to IK. The timing, and content designed to try and damage his reputation. Well Ms Khan, you should credit the pakistan public with a bit more intelligence. I forsee extracts of the book being published by a uk tabloid.
gullu Badsha Jun 03, 2018 04:23am
@Irfan, today people know her only because of Imran Khan. She was a nobody before she married IK. BTW how did she suffer because of IK.
gullu Badsha Jun 03, 2018 04:26am
@M. Saeed, as she has the right to malign IK just before the elections Abbasi has the right to say what he wants to defend his leader.
Waheed Jun 03, 2018 05:24am
In any conflict the truth is always the first casualty. IK has behaved in a dignified manner since divorcing her. Since his divorce it has become apparent that he probably made the right decision. Reham Khan has many objectives in her life and is hell bent in achieving them through any means necessary. In contrast Jemima Khan has behaved in an impressive and impeccable manner after her divorce. Both parties should behave in a dignified way after their divorce. Perhaps some people like Reham Khan find it hard to do that; who was completely unknown until she married IK . People have devious agendas and want to fulfill them by any means necessary but hate others exposing their modus operandi!
DIPARATE Jun 03, 2018 05:38am
Is it legal to hack and publish other people's mail? What does cyber crime law says about that. Hope the is a suo moto.
Zaid Noorsumar Jun 03, 2018 05:39am
Hamza Ali Abassi is blackmailing her. It's exactly the sort of vicious tactic PTI accuses its political opponents of using. Now let's see how the top brass deals with this issue. Even IF - a big if - Reham's book indeed has any false allegations, they can point out specific issues with the content and rail against her all they want but threatening to blackmail her is disgusting.
Dr Gohar Jun 03, 2018 06:18am
@Irfan She has suffered?? In what way?
Zargony Jun 03, 2018 09:12am
It's a trend to accuse any one any time on social media without giving any evidence. Just like Ms. gulalai , yet didn't hear anything about her filling any complaint against IK.. If there are proofs then she should file complaint without playing. I would say there should be something behind why she(RK) is publishing her book on such crucial moments.
S. Salik Jun 03, 2018 01:53pm
How difficult it is to make a fake web-based email. Gmail in this case. But Hamza needs to tell the world, how did he get hold of the unpublished text of the book.
Aslam Khan Jun 03, 2018 02:42pm
What is the point of writing a book after a failed marriage which lasted for months. There is certainly a hidden agenda and she is used to defame Imran Khan.
Saad Jun 03, 2018 04:22pm
A Fake Book.
Shahram Jun 03, 2018 06:26pm
A bad written book needs a good written advertisements. Publicity stunts wont fool us, the smart people of Pakistan.
Saleem Jun 03, 2018 09:56pm
We all knew it before publishing this book. If she publish or not we are with khan....
k k tiwari Jun 04, 2018 11:28am
She has every right to expose truth
Moona Jun 05, 2018 07:47pm
Interesting how PTI is getting all worked up about a book that hasn't yet been published! It would be hilarious if Reham's book turns out to be totally innocuous when it does come out.
Vijay B. Jun 06, 2018 09:34am
Hamza Ali Abbasi is using his name and fame to score brownie points with IK. May be he is hoping to be rewarded with a ministership or an ambassadorship?
Zak Jun 06, 2018 11:31am
@M. Saeed We alraedy know who was IK and still people love him just because he is honest and not corruot like otgers. These below the belt tactics to malign someone never works.
Baqir talpur Jun 07, 2018 11:11am
If that plan text is what hamza think how a "hacked" email looks like then i think he deserve to be in PTI