These women pinned up their pledges on the Neki tree in Karachi this weekend
Surf Excel planted a tree in the heart of Dolmen City Mall Karachi in an attempt to take their #EkNekiRozana campaign forward and encourage good deeds all across the country.
This weekend various celebs, philanthropists and visitors joined hands with Surf Excel and pinned up their promises of promoting kindness and perseverance all around them.
Here's who we spotted

Few of our favourite Pakistani women, Bilquis Edhi, Anoushay Ashraf and Ayeza Khan, showed up at the event to create awareness about the campaign.
They encouraged visitors to make real promises of doing one good deed everyday this Ramazan and all year round.
Here's a glimpse of what Ayeza Khan had to say about her neki pledge:
Celebs like Hassan Rizvi also stopped by to lend support to the campaign while snapping some insta worthy photos.
Pinning nekis and planting real trees
Each of the celebs and visitors played their part in contributing to the growth of the Surf Excel tree by putting up pledge notes with the hope of turning the seemingly barren tree to a fully blossomed one.

In order to encourage visitors to plant real trees across the city, little bags of seeds were handed over to everyone who visited the Neki tree to help them contribute towards plantation and understand how important it is to care for the environment.
Bilquis Edhi, Ayeza Khan and Anoushay Ashraf stressed on the importance of fighting environmental issues, particularly the unforgiving heat wave that cripples the city every now and then, and playing a significant role in bringing back Karachi's fuller, greener self in the years to come.
This content is produced in paid partnership with Surf Excel Pakistan.