
Meesha Shafi reveals why she deactivated her social media accounts

Meesha Shafi reveals why she deactivated her social media accounts

I deactivated my social media accounts because of threats, bullying and slander, says Meesha Shafi
Updated 03 May, 2018

A couple of weeks after Meesha Shafi alleged that Ali Zafar sexually harassed her, the singer has deactivated her Facebook and Instagram accounts.

The Speaker Phaar singer has faced cyber bullying after she accused Ali of "sexual harassment of a physical nature", in light of which, Meesha tells Images, she decided to close down all her social media accounts save for Twitter.

Images: You seem to have closed down your Instagram and Facebook accounts. Could you tell us why?

Meesha Shafi: They have been deactivated for very obvious reasons, one would think. The abuse, threats, bullying and slander that I have faced is the reason I felt the strong need to protect not just myself but my family, especially my two young children who were also being subjected to personal attacks online.

Also read: So OKB is the only celebrity who has something to say about the #MeToo movement in Pakistan

Images: Though some people from the entertainment industry have chosen to voice their support for victims of harassment, most have stayed silent. Why do you think this is? How does this make you feel?

Meesha: Believe me, I now know what it takes to speak the truth. And to expect the same from anyone would be expecting too much, it seems. The silence has been hurtful, no doubt. But I chose to stand up alone, and I’m not judging anyone.

Meesha says she deactivated her social media accounts because of threats, bullying and slander
Meesha says she deactivated her social media accounts because of threats, bullying and slander

Images: There have been a lot of rumours about you floating around on social media. Which rumour are you most surprised by?

Meesha: I don’t pay heed to rumours. The slanderous campaign against me has set back the progress of women speaking up and speaking out by hundreds of years. I don’t have some PR mechanism to counter rumours with rumours, slander with slander, trolling with more trolling. All I have with me is the truth. And I believe the truth is a very powerful thing.

Also read: More women step forward to accuse Ali Zafar of sexual harassment

It’s very easy to malign a woman, but all this orchestrated noise against me is designed to take the focus away from other crucial facts. Such as, all the other women who spoke up. By making an example of me, this propaganda is showing women that they should stay silent.

Images: Have you been in touch with Ali Zafar and his team? What's next for you on that front?

Meesha: I have left this side of things to the experts in the legal field that I have engaged.


Global citizen May 03, 2018 09:36am
Really shameful comments aimed at meesha. The matter, I believe is sub judice now. Ali needs to prove his innocence. Meesha please hang in there.
Tariq May 03, 2018 09:54am
It is in her own interest to stay LOW for while to safeguard her from torture that might come through social media.
Zak May 03, 2018 09:54am
Meesha has , by the bold act, brought this issue, to the fore. Ali needs to prove himself innocent. I am sure both people are suffering same opinionated abuse. Let it run its course and come to conclusion.
Haider May 03, 2018 09:54am
Being a media personality and a celebrity she does deserve to be judged: Otherwise get out of the limelight if you have no stomach for it.
Hasan May 03, 2018 10:15am
Meesha should have guts to face the backlash after accusing someone.
H May 03, 2018 10:19am
Very ad to hear that. However she should have spoken as soon as the abuse happened. The delay has created complications. Now the case is in court and she will have to prove it. Lets see. Brave lady.
Talha May 03, 2018 10:21am
No one has the right to malign or threaten Meesha but Ali Zafar is innocent until proven guilty. People need to hold their horses and let the courts decide who is right and who is wrong. Whoever is proven wrong in the court then needs to be punished according to the law.
Abid May 03, 2018 10:29am
@Global citizen Ali doesnt have to prove his innocence... It is Meesha who has to provide evidence and convince courts that why she kept on appearing very comfortable with Ali in pictures later on..and didn't declare him a sex offender right away. What took her so long and why other people present in that jam session cannot second her allegations.
Imran Ahmed May 03, 2018 10:41am
It takes a lot of courage for a woman to speak out in this patriarchal society with a twisted sense of justice. I, for one, believe her accusations simply because she has nothing to gain personally and a lot to lose by speaking out. The slander and personal attacks on her character are simply shameful, there is no excuse for them.
Nasir Askar May 03, 2018 11:56am
@Zak I think its the other way round. She has to prove the allegations. What if someone accuses you. You would always want the person to prove the allegations. Why a change of heart for Meesha
Saad May 03, 2018 12:08pm
@Zak Burden of proof is never on the accussed. Ali doesnt have to probe himself innocent. Meesha needs to probe Ali guilty.
umair May 03, 2018 12:17pm
@Global citizen No he doesn't need to prove his least he shouldn't have to. Literally everywhere in the world, including Pakistan, it is the duty of the accuser / prosecutor to prove the crime has been committed. You can't just accuse someone of something and not expect for cries of proof. I mean she chose to accuse him online, just publish the "proof" she claims to have, online too to make the "harassers" go away
Zak May 03, 2018 12:20pm
@Abid Takes time to gather guts, considering the consequences that follow, which is happening. But Pakistani women are tough. Let’s leave it at that and let it be resolved without causing pain to both parties.
akram May 03, 2018 12:24pm
disgraceful comments, I wonder if they would be so brazen if it was their sister or daughter or mother that had been sexually harassed. Meesha I stand with you, it takes brave women to go down the path you are heading down. You will find the courage to do the right thing for all Pakistani women. Pakistan has to change, and frankly you have been thrust into a situation where you can be part of this change. But it's not going to be easy. A struggle much like the suffragettes awaits.
Ahmad May 03, 2018 12:35pm
You did good Misha. More power to u.
Global citizen May 03, 2018 01:23pm
@Abid The court case has been filed by Ali not meesha. The onus lies with the prosecution to convince the judge that meesha's version is incorrect. That's what I meant when I said Ali has to prove his innocence. She has the right to break her silence whenever she feels comfortable doing so. It's not for you or me to judge why she waited so long, or why others have chosen to stay quiet. Let the courts decide.
Well wisher May 03, 2018 01:33pm
@Global citizen She has to prove in the courts of law that her allegations possess credible evidences.
Sabir May 03, 2018 01:38pm
Meesha is lying. If she is right why deactivate her Social media accounts to face the world. She is making other women look weak.
Ayesha May 03, 2018 01:44pm
When a woman shouts out that she she is being harassed or subjected to torture, all stand and start condemning the accused. Why do we condemn without checking the evidenc?Is it always the woman who is right?she can lie to , can't she? Just because she is a woman does not mean she is right. Men can be targeted too. So, let's wait and watch what the courts decide.
Arbaz Ahmad May 03, 2018 01:56pm
Both of the parties might have avoided all of this undue diverse attention and there would have been more perceived credibility in the claims being made by the plaintiff, if this matter had been taken in the court of law rather than social media from the very first day.
Kishan May 03, 2018 02:33pm
Not taking sides here but Meesha you should have gone to the courts and filed a case instead of using social media to slander Ali (innocent until proven). You invited public and media trial. IF people can put emotions a side and for a second imagine that Ali is not guilty, imagine the headache Ali has gone through for nothing. You guys are mature, please go to courts and act rationally.
Sam May 03, 2018 03:23pm
@Global citizen : No, that is not correct. Meesha must prove his guilt. In the law, you are innocent until proven guilty. Get off the high horse and stop supporting one gender just because the accuser is female. I guess you forgot the point where all other celebs and the organiser of the show on which she apparently says he harassed her on, says, no such thing happened in front of them and her working with Ali was purely by her own will. Please tell me, why would one wish work with a guy who has harassed you in the past? Let the truth come out, and if proven that Ali is guilty, then punish him. Media slander is her game apparently because she knows she cant prove it in court.
SaeedS May 03, 2018 04:16pm
Meesha - is the name of awareness and the new movement in Pakistan! Hats off to you!
A. A. May 03, 2018 04:40pm
Two questions that should have been asked: 1. your response to legal notice 2. your response to females that came out in support of Ali Zafar
Samyukta May 03, 2018 06:26pm
@Hasan She is alone. Thousands have called her every nake from the dictionary. For a crime that has no witnesses, no evidence, you have any idea if how many women in the sub continent look up at her?! Including many of us elite, super-educated women like me, having done nothing to entice/flirt/“asked for it”. It is supreme gaslighting by the collective patriarchy and I would love for this to be the movement that does not finish until the last man standing has come to heel.
Peanut May 03, 2018 06:29pm
Meesha should've thought before making a false accusation. She is notorious for blackmailing coworkers. Now let's see what she can prove in court.
B May 03, 2018 06:53pm
@Imran Ahmed I agree with you 100%
AA May 03, 2018 09:41pm
@Zak how is he supposed to prove his innocence?? What would be the mechanism?
Asif Nawaz advocate May 03, 2018 10:01pm
well,instead of making it an open secret and a talk of the town meesha should have opted to exhaust the legal avenues,voicing her concerns with such vehemence that too when she seems to have nothing up her sleeves except bald allegations against the accused will surely end up making herself a laughing stock Even if judged in the context of legal provisions relevant to the controversy meesha seems to be at the loosing end on the contrary ali zafar has a good case against her with a bulk of probative and worth relying evidence of defamation against meesha
nk May 03, 2018 10:27pm
salutes to Meesha for speaking out. Ali Zafar should be ashamed at what he did and he should be punished by a court of law. All producers should boycott him and all advertisement agencies should also cancel their contracts with him.
Ahmed May 04, 2018 12:04am
@Global citizen sorry but u r wrong mesha have to prove as she defame him and Ali has lodge case of defamation so now in court mesha will either prove her claim of harassment or will pay compensation which court will decide
Moth May 04, 2018 02:39am
Certain job requires to do courses on sexual harassment. Theose courses tells us what is harassment and what is not. Pakistani men should do that course once they become adult. They should know how to approach women with respect and dignity. Ms. Meesha Shafi stay firm .
Usman Ul Haq May 04, 2018 06:31am
@Zak no i think mesha should not be exempted she also needs to prove her allegation other wise she should take them back.
N abidi May 04, 2018 07:34am
She needs to show up in court. She needs to apologize on social media, this is why she is running away! What did she thinks,that she can accused someone,whose wife she was friend with ,without given proff!
Najum May 04, 2018 09:52am
Dramas. She'll be back in a week or two.
Amin Ansari May 04, 2018 12:25pm
I believe Meesha is telling the truth.
SuNdas May 04, 2018 04:40pm
i dont no who is innocent
Jonsabhi May 05, 2018 06:02am
It takes a lot of guts...hang in there and protect yourself and family, dear Meesha