
Ali Zafar sends Rs100 crore legal notice to Meesha Shafi, Meesha responds

Ali Zafar sends Rs100 crore legal notice to Meesha Shafi, Meesha responds

Ali has demanded that Meesha deletes the tweet that contains her allegations against him and issues an apology
Updated 25 Apr, 2018

Musician/actor Ali Zafar's legal counsel has sent singer Meesha Shafi a Rs100 crore defamation notice for the sexual harassment allegations she made against him on Twitter last week.

In a statement on Twitter on Thursday, April 19, Meesha accused Ali of sexually harassing her on more than one occasion. She wrote, “I have been subjected, on more than one occasion, to sexual harassment of a physical nature at the hands of a colleague from my industry: Ali Zafar [...] It has been an extremely traumatic experience for me and my family [...] I feel betrayed by his behaviour and attitude and I know that I'm not alone.”

Ali denied the allegations in a statement on the same day, "I categorically deny any and all claims of harassment lodged against me by Ms Shafi."

In the legal notice, a copy of which is available with Dawn, Ali has demanded that Meesha deletes the tweet that contains her allegations against him and issues an apology on Twitter, failing which he will file a Rs100 crore defamation suit against her.

Speaking to Images, Meesha's lawyer, Barrister Muhammad Ahmad Pansota shared: "We have received the notice and are examining its contents. The contents of Meesha's statements with regard to Ali Zafar are based in truth, and therefore we dispel this notice."

He also tweeted about it, adding that "allegations of sexual harassment against Ali Zafar are based on truth thus the issue of defamation doesnot arise at all."

This is a developing story and will be updated accordingly.


KT Apr 25, 2018 01:33pm
Seems more like cult to gain cheap publicity.
Ahmed Apr 25, 2018 01:42pm
Having worked in mixed environments for decades, I feel such allegations are a normal routine where blackmail by women is ofen seen. A respectable gentleman also has a reputation and any allegations without proof should not be taken seriously. Meesha Shafi should bring some concrete proof to support her allegation. In the absence of such proof, she owe an apology to Ali Zafar.
Nasir Askar Apr 25, 2018 02:04pm
Why a billion. Why not a trillion dollars
Shahbaz Ahmed Tarrar Apr 25, 2018 02:15pm
Truth revealed after the time is worthless...and should be too
Zak Apr 25, 2018 02:19pm
Two great talents, now muddied in this. Sad. But let this issue be dealt with for the whole industry.
Anand Apr 25, 2018 02:55pm
The criminal sends a legal-expense bill to his victim
Jalbani Baloch Apr 25, 2018 03:00pm
These very personal nature problems should not be highlighted in media. Why Ms. Meesha Shafi remained silent for such a long time and did not protest at the time of incident or soon after it happened. I don't say whether she was harassed or not, but can say that her belated complain against the attitude of Mr. Ali Zafar vindicates him of any such charge.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Apr 25, 2018 03:07pm
Has anybody in South Asia ever shown the guts and the grit to accept their faults or mistakes?
Sarfraz Apr 25, 2018 03:16pm
If he is not guilty such a big defamation notice will not be sent. This along with multiple women accusing him proves that he is a serial offender
Right Apr 25, 2018 03:26pm
@Sarfraz I agree with you. Such a big amount means this Ali is the guilty here.
Rubina Apr 25, 2018 03:33pm
@Sarfraz I agree with you. the only thing he's worried is his upcoming movie and his reputation in Indian film Industry.
Retired Apr 25, 2018 03:53pm
Offender or not, the way he was named and shamed on Twitter with news going viral within hours is not the way to proceed in criminal cases. Did the accuser send any legal notice to Ali? Was any petition submitted in court? Did she hire any counsel before making these accusations? I believe Ali has a strong defamation case over here, unless harassment can be proven without any reasonable doubt!
Kaka Apr 25, 2018 04:09pm
Off course she will not be having a vdo for assault does this mean hes innocent?
Salman Yousaf Apr 25, 2018 04:11pm
@Sarfraz what is your logic for saying this?
ga Apr 25, 2018 04:11pm
@Sarfraz - Multiple women are supporting him too. We cannot make this judgement.
kash Apr 25, 2018 04:21pm
I think Meesha making it up, she just wanted to join the #metoo bandwagon. Maybe Meesha has a grudge on Ali Zafar, maybe she missed out on psl opening/closing ceremony. These harassment allegations have gone too far.
SkyHawk Apr 25, 2018 04:38pm
Cheap publicity stunt by Meesha and Co.
Vijay B. Apr 25, 2018 04:44pm
I believe her, Women do not just blame someone out of the blue. Ali Zafar is just trying to intimidate Meesha Shafi with this mega libel suit.
The right wrong Apr 25, 2018 05:16pm
There is no way to know who is telling the truth here. Its his word against hers. We should avoid speculations based on own perceptions. May the justice be served.
Abdulla Hussain Apr 25, 2018 05:33pm
Both should be subjected to lie detecting polygraphic test.
asad Apr 25, 2018 05:44pm
just take a lux style awards. tht they give mini hugs n face touches irrespective of gender then why they r complaining if they have very narrow boundaries of harassment and non-harassment
Pervaiz Ahmed Apr 25, 2018 06:12pm
She should have done that right after harassment. Buying time to complain is bit murky
fairplay Apr 25, 2018 07:16pm
the accused who claim innocence should have 50 percent higher financial penalties if and when convicted
Khan Apr 25, 2018 08:31pm
If Meesha Shafi is lying then what about many other women who are coming forward with similar allegations? He does not seem to be clean.
Khan Apr 25, 2018 08:33pm
He should be banned from national events such as PSL to save the image of the country.
Irfan_Sydney Apr 25, 2018 08:37pm
@Nasir Askar I like your comments. I burst into laughter when I read your comments.
Azad Apr 25, 2018 09:12pm
Haven't other women also come out and accused Ali Zafar of sexual harassment? So all the women are liars and the guy is honest?
Sid Apr 25, 2018 10:40pm
Women extremely rarely risk being called victim of sexual harassment as society in South Asia generally blames woman. Ali Zafar is exposed and he should be disregarded by the society to make an example. Pak laws aren't as upgraded as India's when it comes to women safety. We made many many ammends after Nirbhaya and making more now. You guys wake up.
Honesty Apr 25, 2018 10:52pm
@Ahmed If she does not have concrete proof then it is going to cost her a lot.
Logic Apr 25, 2018 11:18pm
@Ahmed Should she have a body camera attached to her Shame on you for supporting a beast What if this happened to your family member
Logic Apr 25, 2018 11:19pm
@kash Shame on you
Syed Anjum Ali Apr 26, 2018 12:26am
Well done All Zafar. You are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law and no one has the right to run a media trial against you.
JA-Australia Apr 26, 2018 03:20am
If there is no court-admissible evidence and it comes down to "he said she said", it will be hard to prove harassment.
white noise Apr 26, 2018 04:05am
this is clear case of bullying when a woman speaks up
Hmmmmm Apr 26, 2018 07:24pm
I think, unless more women are out there who speak up against him, there might not be enough evidence for this trial.
M. Saeed Apr 26, 2018 08:42pm
@Nasir Askar, you know, there is a fee attached corresponding to the amount claimed.
Mansoor Tirmizi Apr 27, 2018 07:07am
Respect and regard must be established at every possible cost. Sexual harassment must be avoided at every possible cost. So it should not be a big deal for men and women to never touch each other at all. After all respect and regard are worth-saving.
S.A.Khan Apr 27, 2018 11:50pm
Litigation will finish both Litigants and enrich the Lawyers. Meesha Shafi will be subjected to cross examination in the Court. Dont follow Hollywood. Settle with an apolgy and undisclosed agreed damages.