
Pond's pays tribute to Pakistani women and launches mentoring program for women entrepreneurs

Pond's pays tribute to Pakistani women and launches mentoring program for women entrepreneurs

Ponds Miracle Journey is all prepped to mentor young women and turn their struggles to strength this year.
Updated 08 Mar, 2018

Every year Pond's Miracle Journey comes up with newer ways to recognise the efforts, courage and strengths of Pakistani women in all spheres life.

This year, the journey takes a look at the lives of different celebrities - artists, chefs, actors, singers, journalists, designers, entrepreneurs - and tells us how each of these celebrated women have realised their dreams.

Pond's is also enabling 330 of its mentors to pick younger women who they believe are miracles in the making. These young women will be able to seek advice and guidance on business ideas and learn from women who have successfully turned their struggles to strengths.

Here's a glimpse of what Pond's miracle celebs have to say to you this Women's Day:

Women do so much and are rarely acknowledged for the million different roles they juggle every day. Here are a few motivational notes we've made out of the campaign this year:

1. Women manage miracles and do so with finesse

Our miracles are not limited to bringing and nurturing life in this world. Women know best how to balance their limited opportunities in infinite ways to create a sound future for themselves and everyone around us.

2. Women make the hardest struggles look easy

Our lives may be generously peppered with difficulties and hurdles, but we know there's nothing stopping us from reaching our goals.

3. Women are dreamers with a plan

It is never easy to dream, target and achieve goals in life. But, women are born with the ability to fight everything that dims their shine. We are dreamers with a plan. We're go-getters.

About Pond's Miracle Journey

Pond’s Miracle Journey is a mentoring platform for women which is now entering its fifth year. This year the Journey seeks younger women who'd be paired up with past Miracle women so they benefit from their enriching experiences and success stories.

For more information on this year's Pond's Miracle Journey, sign-ups, mentors and past campaigns, head over to Pond's official facebook page and website.

This content is a paid advertisement by Pond's Pakistan and is not associated with or necessarily reflective of the views of Images and


Kiran Mar 08, 2018 09:56pm
I'm also want to do something for people
Kiran Mar 08, 2018 09:57pm
I want to do something for people.
jaredlee67 Mar 09, 2018 04:40am
This youtube clip of Ponds is only for those women who are well to do. The real women of Pakistan who don't rely on Pond's support are the ones who quietly work in their small towns and villages without seeking any attention of media. They have the real beauty, and Pond's can't even come close to that beauty. Here beauty means not looks, but inner charm, courage, smartness, and inner zen. And it seems that Pond's needs to learn from our village women about how to be humble than the other way around. I'd like my nation's women (and men) to be humble and not arrogant. Our own values will prepare our women (and men) for future and not values of some other culture.