
Celebrities call for justice after the rape and murder of 6-year-old Zainab from Kasur

Celebrities call for justice after the rape and murder of 6-year-old Zainab from Kasur

Zainab's parents had gone to perform Umrah and, according to the family, were scheduled to return that very day.
Updated 17 Jan, 2018

It's not often that we're at a loss for words but we're honestly struggling here.

Zainab, a 6-year-old little girl from Kasur went missing on 4 January, when she was allegedly abducted. Her body was found on Tuesday by the police. She had been raped and strangled and left in a trash heap.

Read: Justice for Zainab: LHC chief justice takes notice of 6-year-old's alleged rape, murder in Kasur

Zainab's parents had gone to perform Umrah and, according to the family, were scheduled to return that very day.

The incident has sparked outrage on social media regarding the government's failure to punish the culprits, aiders, abetters of the 2015 Kasur child abuse case as well as abysmal protection of minors in the region.

Upon hearing the news, celebs were grief-stricken and took to Twitter to express their condolences, using the hashtag #JusticeForZainab as a call to action.


ukasha rajpoot Jan 10, 2018 04:50pm
please do something and save our children...
Akbar ali Qau Jan 10, 2018 05:22pm
No punishment, No fear. Zainab Murder could have been prevented if the Culprits involved in the boys' sexual scandal would have been punished. Mahira Khans 's tweet is much appealing
Arif Jan 10, 2018 05:30pm
Indeed a shameful and sad day for us.
Aban Usmani Jan 10, 2018 05:44pm
Sad Sad Sad Even more sad to know the boys victimised in Kasur are imprisoned and the perpetrators at large
Observer - Canada Jan 10, 2018 05:48pm
11 little girls like Zainab were abducted, raped and killed within a span of one year in Kasur (Source: the daily Jang Jan 10 2018) What did the police and other investigation agencies do? They all need to be held accountable for their lack of interest or action in arresting the perpetrator. Their jobs must go en masse.
Mudassar Jan 10, 2018 06:20pm
we are indeed a medieval society living in the times of 7th century tribal justice systems. Its a shame!!
RationalBabu Jan 10, 2018 08:08pm
@Mudassar : Will anyone raise this issue in Parliament? Will any of the Mullahs or Religious Scholars raise this issue with their followers?
Aman Jan 10, 2018 08:22pm
the culprits must be caught at first priority of the government of Pakistan, if they fled country every country should help pakistan to catch them and make an example of them for the world let alone Pakistan!
N_Saq Jan 10, 2018 10:06pm
It is not just about Zainab, it is about police, justice system and Pak as a whole. Fix the system and not just address isolated incidents because pain is felt when justice is not carried out. It does not matter how big is the crime because a crime is a crime and the criminals must be punished whether rich or poor and that the same law applies to all instead of one set of laws for the rich and another for the poor. Also only catching and punishing the poor and looking the other way when it comes to rich and powerful or letting the rich go scot free will not solve anything. If u do not focus on all criminals then the rich criminals will keep creating many more poor criminals. Every crime should count and criminals punished no matter how small is the crime. If you break the law then you must be punished whether you are rich or poor, there should be no distinction when it comes to breaking the law because the law is the law. Unless this mentality sets in the society nothing will change.
Farhan Jan 10, 2018 11:10pm
When no one from influential circle push for DNA test in such matters then how come justice will be delivered? Our laws are insufficient to protect children, women and minorities.
Nadeem Jan 10, 2018 11:38pm
Public hanging for the security personal responsible for law and order in the area will ensure that this will not happen again.
Bashir Elwin Jan 11, 2018 12:28am
Capital punishment for the culprits.
Josephina Jan 11, 2018 01:23am
This is Pakistan. Here Benazir got shot and no one knows who did it. Mashal khan got lynched by the mob and no one remembers him today. People were set on fire in Baldia factory and no one got hanged, Model town 14 people were shot on live TV and no one cared, bomb was exploded in Quetta church and there was no one accountable. Shame on the rulers. Shame on everyone who votes for them.
Javed Jan 11, 2018 01:55am
Celebrity interest is welcome. Maybe this is the one thing that will make the govt. deliver good governance.
Zak Jan 11, 2018 03:56am
To all commentators, treat this as a criminal heinous crime by a demented evil lunatic, but do not talk as if it the nations fault. 210million people live here in decency and peace, 1 or 50 or 100 do not represent a nation.
Changez Khan Jan 11, 2018 05:16am
Time is for severe exemplary action against the evils living among us.
Fazal Karim Jan 11, 2018 05:22am
No matter what celebrities and public leaders say , public will vote for PML(N) in Punjab. This is the problem with this nation.
Pakistani Jan 11, 2018 08:52am
Very sad to hear about child abuse. This is not going to stop until criminals are taken out of our society by hanging them. Shame on all abusers and people who have the authority to do something but do not. The children need protection and adults need education on how to save our children. This is a wake up call for the fake democracy and the self proclaimed representatives.