
"Why do we need to hide anything related to periods?" asks Akshay Kumar

"Why do we need to hide anything related to periods?" asks Akshay Kumar

The Padman actor shared that menstruation should not be something to be ashamed of
05 Jan, 2018

Akshay Kumar's upcoming film Padman focuses menstrual hygiene and the actor is actively voicing his opinion on the subject without holding back.

At a recent promotional event, the Bollywood actor emphasised that not only should tax on sanitary pads be exempted but they should also be free.

"Why just cut down on GST? I think women should have free access to sanitary napkins. This is their basic necessity. It is about menstrual hygiene and not luxury," said Akshay.

He stressed that if hitting puberty is celebrated then there is no reason for women to be shunned for it or made to feel ashamed of periods.

"It is unfortunate and I am ashamed to say that 82 percent [of] women in India have no access to sanitary pads and they are treated as if they are outsiders and are made to sleep in the veranda."

The star added, "When you celebrate the fact that a girl has hit puberty, the girl, who is already going through a physical and hormonal change, will feel that something good has happened to her and she will be more confident and secured. I don't understand why we Indians think that we need to hide anything related to periods."

"Wearing pink panties with a sanitary pad was not at all challenging and shameful for me. I did it with complete ease," said Akshay Kumar

Akshay had to wear a pink underwear with a sanitary napkin in the film and he had no qualms about having done so nor was he embarrassed of it.

"Wearing pink panties with a sanitary pad was not at all challenging and shameful for me. I did it with complete ease," he said. "You guys feel it is a challenge, but it is the most natural thing. The day you guys will stop seeing it as a challenge, more women will be comforted. So I don't think my role in the movie is challenging, or that we are talking about a sensitive issue. I am glad, I am seeing more and more people discussing sanitary pads on social media. That's a victory in its own way."

What made him upset was the treatment of women due to the taboo surrounding periods and the lack of menstrual hygiene afforded to them, "Since the last couple of years, I have been meeting women. The biggest problem for them is their periods. It is not only because of the physical pain that they go through, but people around them make it a taboo. They do not have personal hygiene at all which is disheartening. It is shocking and shameful that we treat our women like this."

"Like many other social issues, religion is definitely one of the reason menstruation is seen as a taboo," said the 50-year-old actor.

Which social issue is next for the Bollywood actor? Dowry, it seems.

"I have not thought of any cause right now. But recently I met a fan and she asked me 'After Padman, what's next?' and I asked her to tell me what I should make my next film on, and in a very stern voice, she said, 'make something on dowry!'. She said it so strongly that even I got thinking."

Padman will hit screens Jan 25.


AHR Jan 05, 2018 01:46pm
it shouldnt be a tabboo, but should be treated the same way as all bodily wastes i.e. urine, faeces, semen. You know what it is but you dont flaunt it in peoples face
Owais Abbasi Jan 05, 2018 02:42pm
Is their any scarcity of women to cast a lead for a film highlighting feminist issue? A typical example of male-dominated society where again man is being showcased to highlight women's issue.
Khan Jan 05, 2018 03:04pm
@Owais Abbasi Kindly look at the story and background of the story before making such a comment. This is a real life story of "Arunachalam Muruganantham" who developed low cost sanitary pads for women.
rakshat Jan 05, 2018 03:11pm
@Owais Abbasi This movie is being made from a real man's story. You need to check facts.
karanpreet Jan 05, 2018 03:20pm
@Owasi Abbasi This movie is based on true events, not a fiction.
bk Jan 05, 2018 03:30pm
@Owais Abbasi : too narrow minded
nitin Jan 05, 2018 04:36pm
@Owais Abbasi do you something the day male starts understanding and taking part in feminism is the day women get their rights.
nitin Jan 05, 2018 04:37pm
@Owais Abbasi women understands their rights but its time for men needs to understand
RACHIT BHATNAGAR Jan 05, 2018 05:08pm
@Owais Abbasi kindly read about PAD MAN on internet, you'll understand why this movie is leading a male character. It's not about male dominance in Bollywood but a biopic on a person who revolutionize sanitary napkins among rural women
Raj Patel Jan 05, 2018 06:45pm
@Owais Abbasi Why don't you ask your sister or mother or any women relatives to take up the cause and she will be famous in Pakistan.
Samia Jan 06, 2018 04:57am
In desi culture period is considered a taboo talk. All due to backward thinking and thought process. These taboos leads to avoidable social and health problems. I have been dealing with this as a child and now as wife in our environment where my husband is supportive but others don't understand. Many consider menstruation as dirty not a regular part of female physiology. In my 30's as doctor, I feel I have bigger role to play, I tell my patients to talk about at home, we must not to be ashamed of it as this will create more problems for them. Ignorance is not going to solve health problems, it will only make it bigger. Solutions are simple but change is a daunting task in the extremist environment we will live in. Only by setting new standards for equality can we move forward into new horizons where equality and education should be must.
AM Jan 07, 2018 02:05pm
@AHR, First of all, semen is not a bodily waste so it doesn't fall under the same category of urine, excreta or menstrual secretion. And for the last three, we need to talk more and more to maintain health and hygiene of the society. As women are normally considered " less human" in many parts of third world countries, we need to take care on their issues most. Bollywood is marching ahead. Are you coming?
rabindra Jan 07, 2018 08:29pm
@Owais Abbasi , The movie based on real story of Arunachalam Muruganantham who is happened to be a male. There is no way to bring women to play the role of male character. Indeed, this is a male dominated society but i believe this movie will so far display that there are good number of males who are concerned about the health issue of women and too support the gender equality. A lot of works to be done in the society to bring male and women are equals not only by constitution but also in practices.