
Dangal star Zaira Wasim breaks down after facing harassment on flight

Dangal star Zaira Wasim breaks down after facing harassment on flight

A teary-eyed Zaira recorded the incident on her Instagram story
Updated 10 Dec, 2017

Aamir Khan's Dangal co-star Zaira Wasim faced harassment on Air Vistara's flight Saturday night and made sure to document it.

On her Instagram story, the actor shared an image of a foot stretched out on her arm rest. She described that while she was sleeping on the two-hour flight from Delhi to Mumbai, she woke up to a foot rubbing against her back and neck.

"... right behind me one middle aged man made my 2-hour journey miserable," she wrote in her Insta story before she dived into details of what ensued.

"It was all chill till I felt somebody brushing against my back while I was half asleep. I ignored it the first time. Blamed the turbulence for it. Until I woke up to this unpleasant sight of his beautiful foot rubbing my back and neck," she added.

"It continued for another 5-10 minutes and then I was sure of it. He kept nudging my shoulder and continued to move his foot up and down my back and neck," described Zaira.

"Guess he couldn't sit like a civilised human being."

Though Zaira couldn't record the harassment due to dim lights on the place, she recorded a video of herself as soon as she landed in Mumbai. She was visibly upset and shaken by the incident.

"I just landed and you know the whole irony of this is [that] this is not done at all. This is not how people should be made to feel," said the actor as she burst into tears.

"This is terrible. No one, no one will help us if we don't decide to help ourselves. This is the worst thing."

Air Vastara was quick to respond, and shared on Twitter that they "are carrying out detailed investigation and will support Zaira in every way required. We have zero tolerance for such behaviour."

Update: The airline apologised to the actor and explained that the crew was not aware of the on-goings as the incident took place "during final descent when they were seated for landing."

Reportedly, she was not the only one onboard the flight to have faced the same ordeal.


Surya kant Dec 10, 2017 10:41am
Bad behaviour of a pervert
Jared lee Dec 10, 2017 10:44am
Please don't make these things public. Just speak to the airline and get it resolved. There are other important issues in life that women and men face that we would like to focus on. Life has its struggles, so face it without fear, but posting everything does not mean resolving it.
Farhan Dec 10, 2017 11:00am
Why did she not slap that guy
Don Rugdee Dec 10, 2017 11:11am
I suppose a three month period at Sahiwal will do the owner of the foot some good.
Haider Dec 10, 2017 11:19am
Why did she let this happen for such a long time?
guidestar Dec 10, 2017 11:21am
I think the training of movie Dangal gone futile. She should have at least grabbed the bad guy's foot and thrown him out of the plane...
Mirza Dec 10, 2017 11:23am
She could have called the crew and changed her seat asap.
Karim Dec 10, 2017 11:28am
why did she not stupid can u be...
Disgusting Dec 10, 2017 11:29am
Utter nonsense by this woman. This doesn't happen and what stopped her from reporting to Aircrew!
MT Dec 10, 2017 11:32am
Surprise, she waited to rub again and madethe vedio to show the public instead of shouting or calling crew to help her. She's a star atleast she should have such courage instead of crying outside.
Lost cause Dec 10, 2017 11:49am
Sorry for her. She should have shown coverage and brought the incidence to notice of cabin crew. This fellow can be easily identified and should not be spared.
Putin Dec 10, 2017 12:05pm
Why did she keep quiet so long? She should have sought help from flight attendants who are anyway walking to and fro though aisle throughout the duration of the flight.
SHIBAN KISHEN GANJOO Dec 10, 2017 12:21pm
She should have slapped and spitted at this pervert there and done. Feel very sorry for this little girl
Citizen Dec 10, 2017 12:55pm
individual incident. story appears that all males are doing harrasment. she should have immediately acted upon it instead of disclosing in public.
Hulagu Dec 10, 2017 01:05pm
All sisters, mothers and daughters, please take out your sandals and start beating the crap out of such perverts immediately!!!
Optimistic PK Dec 10, 2017 01:29pm
Hope she gets justice
Smash Dec 10, 2017 03:18pm
She seems like an educated girl. She was in a plane and I am sure there were other people around. Why didn't she raise an alarm or summon the crew. If thought that way then this seems like a story aimed at staying in news.
Sajjad Dec 10, 2017 03:44pm
This is totally insane and unacceptable.
anum Dec 10, 2017 03:52pm
desi men are somehow a constant disappointment.
Majid Dec 10, 2017 04:53pm
So many blaming the victim here.. such a sorry state.
sANA Dec 10, 2017 05:23pm
Why didn't she tell airline crew? She says 'no one will hel p if we don't hel ourselves' then why not ask for help?
moona Dec 10, 2017 06:01pm
Why did she take it silently?
SUDHAKAR, USA Dec 10, 2017 06:56pm
Her story sounds, totally disputable. Why did she not help herself first by raising her voice then and there?
Dr.Abrar Ahmad Dec 10, 2017 07:59pm
Sexual harassment is not uncommon during flights. So theree should be arrangements of cc camera to identify the offender ; and bring them to face justice.
RAHMAN SHAIKH Dec 10, 2017 08:27pm
Moral of the story : Dim lights should not be the norm on planes as this attitude would not have been possible if full lights were on.
SR Dec 10, 2017 08:41pm
Zara - next time use one of the dao pech on pervert and break his bone.
Hello Dec 10, 2017 08:59pm
Sorry to hear that. But actress should have shouted at the harassing passenger "Don't" at the time. Than others would take notice. Definitely airline staff would do something, to move that harassing, ugly coward passenger to other seat. One can give a general advice to all being harassed, sexually or otherwise, Don't be quiet or put up with it. Shout and yell loudly, so others would hear it and come to your help.
Khan Nasir Dec 10, 2017 09:04pm
@anum sorry my dear, I have been living in “non desi” land for over 30 years and I can assure you that “non desi” men also very disappointing. It’s not desi or non-desi thing. It’s more of a civility issue and majority of desi men are more civil towards women in general than the non desi ones.
Shaukat Dec 10, 2017 09:47pm
@sANA ,She is a little girl and she was travelling alone, might be scared. This is sexual harassment, airline should identify the pervert by his allocated seat number.
Vorshal Handa Dec 10, 2017 10:19pm
Unfortunately, we have the same culture in the subcontinent, and sometimes, this is noticed elsewhere too. Zaira Wasim should have called the air hostess and reported the matter. At least that person would have learned this is not the way to sit in an aircraft.
Hyderabadi Dec 10, 2017 11:25pm
@Khan Nasir Well said nadir Bhai, they can be called as males not men as men don't do these things to women and am a proud desi just lime you. We the men are taught to behave respectfully towards everyone.
Awais Ali Dec 10, 2017 11:45pm
Too bad. She should slapped the guy.
Jaj Dec 10, 2017 11:49pm
She did not react instantly and the guy took advantage of that. She could call flight attendant and demand removal of that person from her row. Matter could also be reported to police for action. It does not help to be a cry baby and one must respond to harassment in appropriate manner.
tappu bhai Dec 11, 2017 01:23am
frustrated Endians not even tolerating celebs
zorro Dec 11, 2017 01:47am
Apprehend the low 'SOB' bring him out to the open market place and publicly flog him; as a lesson to others that they cannot get away with this kind of behavior.
gullu Badsha Dec 11, 2017 01:52am
Why on earth did she not call an Air hostess and lodge a complain. Not that I am trying to justify that terrible action from an uncivilised person.
Uday Kulkarni Dec 11, 2017 02:52am
The latest news is the 39 year old guy has been identified and arrested by Mumbai police who is an executive with a company . The name is withheld but should have been publicly shamed and needs to be punished because it is very difficult to prove these type of behaviours unless there is CCTV or camera support to nail such culprits. This guy must be sacked by his employer not withstanding the law taking its own course of action.
Abdul Bhatti Dec 11, 2017 03:07am
- Sexual harassment in any form or case cannot be tolerate
Vajasrava Dec 11, 2017 05:30am
Put him on no flying list. Lesson for other potential perverts.
Ajay Dec 11, 2017 09:10am
That's one side of the story.the guy saying he was tired and he touched zaira by mistake in sleep.he also apologized for this in plane itself.why didn't she called the crew members.may be she wants to get in news
Siva D Dec 11, 2017 09:31am
Well, the good news is that the creep has been identified as Vikas Sachdev, a Mumbai-based ad exec and has been arrested. Hope he will be pawing concrete with his foot soon in a dingy prison cell.
Einstein babar Dec 11, 2017 04:27pm
why people are deciding without listening to the accused
Piyush Dec 11, 2017 05:53pm
Why didn't she poke her hairpin or something into that "beautiful foot" instead of enduring it? Let the uncle shout.
Jamil Soomro, New York City Dec 12, 2017 08:45am
Why has Aamir Khan so far not commented on Zaira's sad ordeal in the Airplane?
naresh Dec 12, 2017 04:42pm
@Shaukat Dont agree with your statement, ofcourse, i dont blame zaira, check the facts. she was travelling with her mother and the alleged culprit's relative's version is different on this topic. Ofcourse, the police will get to the details.
Fiqa Dec 12, 2017 10:41pm
@Ajay the guy was sleeping by putting his feet up? Looks like he has no manners.
Changez Khan Dec 12, 2017 11:25pm
Some people will never learn to respect others because they are born with the ugly habits.
Basharat Qamar Dec 13, 2017 07:42am
@Jared lee Please don't take it as non issue, it is a big deal. That is the reason many people don't feel it safe to send their kids on board alone. This guy must be addicted to doing this quite often.he should be punished by at least to some extent.
umar makhdumi Dec 13, 2017 01:42pm
All sympathies with Zaira. But why did she not raise a hue and cry during the flight? Her celebrity status would definitely have helped her in this moment of crisis. Extreme punishment should be meted out to the culprit.
Naima Dec 15, 2017 08:52pm
Such incidents are frequent on public transports, these perverts try to find vulnerable targets usually children and women.