
Rishi Kapoor has something to say to the Pakistani cricket team

Rishi Kapoor has something to say to the Pakistani cricket team

The actor took to Twitter to let out his cricket fever and let's just say, it was interesting
15 Jun, 2017

Rishi Kapoor is a fine actor but we're more fascinated by his presence on social media.

The actor took to Twitter to post about his cricket fever. But things got weird when he posted about Pakistan's latest win.

Okay so we believe Rishi Kapoor loves blue and it's not just an India cricket team thing. There are a few puns on the word blue here and they're just a few too many. What does "Get ready to be blued" even mean?

Oh well. All's fair in love and cricket. After all, many Pakistanis got into the spirit and joined in the conversation, which the Kapoor and Sons actor really admired.

Such fun banter and good sportsmanship can cricket even more fun! May the best team win!


Chnakya Jun 15, 2017 11:21am
Nothing wrong in it, he is just supporting his country and expecting non-abusive responses from Pakistani cricket fans.
mumtaz shah Jun 15, 2017 11:43am
India is still not in finals, one mre match. I wish BD winner today and comes in the final. Pride hath fall.
Varun Jun 15, 2017 11:45am
Everyone loves their country and want them to win. At the end its a game one will win one will loose , the world will not end for sure . Enjoy the win and hope the next 2 games are played with good sportsmanship and everyone have fun :) Take care Thanks
Rogers Evans Jun 15, 2017 11:47am
What if Rishi"s are blown out by Green Bangladesh ? He must not count out the Green tigers of BD. Qualify for the Finals first.
Sympathiser Jun 15, 2017 11:52am
Only the best team wins.. After all it is only a sports.. Let us enjoy the mother of all matches.. India Pakistan cricket match ... Good luck to the match event
Apoorva Jun 15, 2017 11:54am
Pakistan has really played well during the last 3 matches .Hope the final , if India reaches there , should be a thriller
helloworld Jun 15, 2017 11:58am
Lets not put pressures on our teams. We all want to win but lets hold on since we are emotional people on each side.
Andy Jun 15, 2017 12:12pm
There is a limit upto which one can outperform oneself. And Pakistan has reached that limit having beaten 3 teams out of which two are far far superior to it. So finals will go to the opponents- India or Bangladesh. Of course India is the overwhelming favourite for a berth in the finals.
rich Jun 15, 2017 12:25pm
@mumtaz shah India is still not in finals, one mre match. I wish BD winner today and comes in the final. Pride hath fall. here in india many suported pakistan against SA and England, commentators as well as ordinary people offcourse when india plays any team we want india to win if bangla plays well they will win today no issue but personally i will put my money on india it is atleast 60:40 in india favour but in cricket anything is possible ur wishies are like horses
SHABIH UL hASAN Jun 15, 2017 12:26pm
Very over confident Mr. Kapoor, this is not filmy. Please wait for your team to be in the final since BD team is no more novice to the cricket. Dont forget we are already there.
secular Jun 15, 2017 12:28pm
This is nothing but a cricket tournament. Don't take this seriously. This is only entertainment.
zahid Jun 15, 2017 12:28pm
Let the good cricket WIN
jamal Jun 15, 2017 12:33pm
attention seeker and nothing else. He and many like him use social media to show their nationalism after all hyper nationalism is selling like hot cakes in India. The more you bash Pakistan the more you become sweet child of saffrons
ga Jun 15, 2017 12:35pm
Come Sunday and he will be turning green with envy with two green teams on the field.
Rationalbabu Jun 15, 2017 12:43pm
@jamal Can you not see this is not Pakistan bashing? It's just good natured banter from a guy who is well known for his sense of humour.
Ahmed Jun 15, 2017 12:53pm
win or loose in games, no problem. just do not kill each other people or army jawans. they have family, too
Abdulla Hussain Jun 15, 2017 12:53pm
Such a big actor such a cheap and non sporting comment. Get ready for the golden shoes
Changez Khan Jun 15, 2017 12:54pm
Rishi Kapoor is an outstanding actor, he has great sense of humor.
CRICKET LOVER Jun 15, 2017 12:55pm
WE WILL "BLUE" YOU AWAY. This is how he reflects himself. I shall take it as his sense of humor.
Deepak Jun 15, 2017 01:05pm
India will easily beat Bangla tigers... likhwa ke le lo mujhsey.
D.K. PAMNANI Jun 15, 2017 01:10pm
Where is wrong when any citizen is supporting his/her country.
Badshah Jun 15, 2017 01:11pm
love and respect from Pakistan. you are far away different than Sehwag and Abhijit..
D.K. PAMNANI Jun 15, 2017 01:15pm
Let us play for cricket only. Win and loss, no problem. Cricket wins only with better team played on particular day.
Jawad Pakistani Jun 15, 2017 01:22pm
Everyone love their country but indians take it to different level because they are insecure for love of their country .
Jawad Pakistani Jun 15, 2017 01:24pm
@D.K. PAMNANI ......nothing wrong with supporting his country but why mention Pakistan?
israr Jun 15, 2017 01:33pm
get ready to be green washed today inshaAllah by Bangladesh ... I remember similar situation and Bangladesh beat india in semi final like situation back in 2012 asia cup ... lets see if that happens today as well
Haris maqsood Jun 15, 2017 01:37pm
You guys sure seem over confident! How can you be so sure that you'll beat the Bengal Tigers?
Haris maqsood Jun 15, 2017 01:39pm
@Deepak You sure seem to be over confident! How can you be so sure pal?
Despoinna Jun 15, 2017 01:46pm
Good to see you wearing our color blue? I don't get this part.
Khan Jun 15, 2017 01:53pm
What's up with Indians showing attitude? We have hammered them on cricket for most part and yet we never boasted about our team. He like many Indians have already brushed off Bangladesh and without playing a single ball in the semi final, they are already dreaming of playing the final. We hope them to be in the finals as it's a payback time.
Khan Jun 15, 2017 01:54pm
@Varun you need to be humble even if you want to win.
syed Jun 15, 2017 02:17pm
@Varun i second you
Sandeep Singh Jun 15, 2017 02:35pm
By comments i can see that Pakistanis fear India in final and wishing BD to win
Vijay Ramlu Jun 15, 2017 02:43pm
I love Risi Kapoor
syed shahzad bukhari Jun 15, 2017 03:54pm
Most of the Indian male film actors are respectable in Pakistan and Rishi is one and top of them.
Dia Jun 15, 2017 04:59pm
@mumtaz shah Just a couple of more hours to see your face frown for commenting this ;)
edward singh Jun 15, 2017 05:07pm
Cricket can have surprises like Pakistan and England game. Fans do not overreact -- await final-- best team will make it !! Have a sport spirit !! the world is not ending !!
Asif A Shah Jun 15, 2017 07:15pm
Rishi Kapoor is a cool guy. He has a right to be loyal to his team. For Pakistan, I hope for the best.
SHYAM Jun 15, 2017 07:52pm
Pakistan played well and deserved a win. I admire the way they came back. But I am sure India will win.
imtiaz faruqui Jun 15, 2017 08:28pm
Good sprit should prevail on each side . Not win or loose.
Desi Jun 15, 2017 09:16pm
Both Indians and Pakistanis are taking this cricket match too seriously. Remember it's a game, one team has to lose no matter what and it is not the end of the world. Just hope it is a competitive game and enjoy it. Congratulations to winners and chin up to losers for reaching to finals, in advance
Proud panjabi Jun 15, 2017 09:23pm
@ga ki hoya? Puttar? I support Pakistan too, but I am not retarded!!!
mohammad H Khan Jun 15, 2017 09:27pm
Politics should not be mixed with game or sports...Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game...
ShokeT gulam Jun 15, 2017 10:39pm
Cricket is a sport and a gentleman's sport hence the point every one must see is which team performs better in terms of batting and bowling rather than India or Pakistan! The mindset must be focused on who plays better! Pakistan defeated England the favorites in England, India defeated Bangladesh by 9 wickets .... May the best team win!
Dr. rafiq khan Jun 15, 2017 11:00pm
What an odd tweet.
sri1 Jun 16, 2017 01:36am
@mumtaz shah "India is still not in finals, one mre match. I wish BD winner today and comes in the final. Pride hath fall" Well-deserved pride versus adamant pride to hold on to past glory. Let us see which one wins - numbers this decade point to only one nation.
Ajaya Dutt Jun 16, 2017 01:52am
Let the best team win. "Get ready to be blued" is not in a good taste. Rampant use of "Arch rival" and "Arch enemy" in Pakistani media is almost childish and amusing, but irritating also.
Bhagubhai Jun 16, 2017 02:03am
@mumtaz shah LOL!! India is now in final and will win barring weather in England which may be crucial and hence toss.
Bhagubhai Jun 16, 2017 02:07am
@ga Daydreamer?
Saqib Jun 16, 2017 02:34am
Fine actor, grew up watching his films. Good fun tweets and not malicious like other Bollywood actors who get too political and end up hurting the sentiments of fans across the border.
ak4pk Jun 16, 2017 02:45am
Rishi dear, that lovely smile on your face says it all. Enjoyed the "BLUE" joke, you are really funny. But deep down you must know, come what may, win or loose, brothers will always be brothers.
Tamilselvan Jun 16, 2017 04:46am
@mumtaz shah . Sorry your wish was not fulfilled and the better team won and will meet Pak in the finals. Again may the better team win!
Zuhaib Jun 16, 2017 05:03am
may the cricket spirit overwhelm all biases we are carrying each day in all forms of life
Wasi Jun 16, 2017 05:04am
Rishi!you know what are you saying?who are you to make us wear blue?we are great in green not in blue.Team India get ready to be greener we are coming for you.
Mansoor Jun 16, 2017 05:12am
India vs pakistan final watch on sunday
faisal Jun 16, 2017 05:59am
Rishi Kappor must see a psychologist .
a ali Jun 16, 2017 06:44am
i thought you color should be an orange as per the flag not blue... again you stole the color... as you said everything is fair in love and cricket... so let be in good spirit... chose orange, better.
Roshan nigrekar Jun 16, 2017 06:53am
@Rogers Evans Your bad
Pakistan Jun 16, 2017 08:24am
@rich bro we have supporting India as well for this final.....I pray Pakistan wins the of luck for both the teams
Imran Malik Jun 16, 2017 09:28am
If an Indian is passionate about his team he has the right to be. I am Pakistani and I hope we can blow India apart in Champion Trophy final on coming Sunday. It will be fun. We have Street fighter type Captain and we wish him best.
m h kayani Jun 16, 2017 01:21pm
It is only game, keep on playing with LOVE not hate, one day may be could lead to good brothers living next door. Rashi is just good man and decent person from decent family.
Chengiz Raja Jun 16, 2017 06:11pm
Rishi Kapoor is a brilliant actor and a genuine nice guy. Respect to you Sir and look forward to a great match!
Akber Lakhani Jun 17, 2017 10:17am
There is nothing wrong if as an Indian you express your love and hope for your team's win. But why bring colour in between?! Don't you know that your players are BLUED already even before they play and get defeated by Pakistan?!?! Isn't said this much is, is 'much enough' for you to understand?. Akber Lakhani
samson Jun 17, 2017 10:21am
@mumtaz shah on what basis u say bangla desh will win,see the ranking and past record,INDIA has ipl , do they have , which attracts the best players in the world ,india plays in that and they get the best local guys , because of huge money
samson Jun 17, 2017 10:26am
@SHABIH UL hASAN india has the best teamin the world , because of infrastructure, huge money involved, if u hope bangla will defeat india , it is like india beating brazil 10/0 in football
humie Jun 17, 2017 04:48pm
Hes just a guy backing his team with a little banter.. whats the issue?
Rashid ibrahim Jun 18, 2017 10:40pm
It was an extent cricket win which came all because of great determination and believing in the team spirit and against all odds. Pakistan cricket can beat any team on their day. It also proves the kind of cricket talent Pakistan posses even when they are side lined by all. The world should now realise that they cannot ignore Pakistan cricket.
Syed Rafiq Jun 18, 2017 11:08pm
No, India is GREEN with envy!!!!!!
ruby Jun 19, 2017 12:23am
Anything to say now Rishi sahab :)
Saeed Akhtar Jun 19, 2017 01:37am
Most enjoyable game. Loved PK win.
Yasir Jun 19, 2017 04:14am
@Varun you have my respect brother
Abdulla Hussain Jun 19, 2017 06:12am
I love you Rishi Kapoor for your blue prediction, your blue has melted and then evaporated.
Maria Manahil Jun 19, 2017 06:53am
Now what!!!!Please congrat Pakistan. l just want to say " you love your country l agree but you should not insult others or underestmate a weak opponent. we still respect Indian players.they r our heroes and will remain our heroes. "with due respect
Amir Akhtar Jun 19, 2017 08:03am
Now blue is GREEN
Hakim Jun 19, 2017 09:46am
I have supported Pakistan for their flair and unpredictability and exciting style in cricket. I cursed and screamed at the Pakistani team playing India the last time two weeks or so ago, but seeing them play S. Africa, Sri Lanka and then England, I had no doubt that Pakistani bowlers and batsmen were displaying confidence and discipline to the extent that I firmly believed that they'd thump India. It became obvious they'd beat India once Amir removed their top three batsmen by his smart bowling. I truly believe that although Misbah was a steady and stabilizing factor for Pakistan, Sarfraz will bring confidence and much needed aggression to the Pakistani side. He proved in the final today, what Pakistan with its young talent can do from here on. More power to Pakistan.
fjk Jun 19, 2017 10:26am
Rishi! you are a hero on and off the screen, you have given millions of your fans across the border cherisable memories of your brilliant acting! wish and your family the best, keep up your jolly script, it's just a game, and leave it at that!
Amina Jun 19, 2017 02:02pm
Come on guys, no need to be so stern towards Rishi Kapoor. He didn't say anything evil. This is fine. I don't follow Hamza Ali Abbasi nor I have seen any of his dramas. I have just heard about him. His tweet about Rk passed through my eyes in the news, which was pretty unpleasant. No need to pass such comments Hamza.
Aaifa Jun 19, 2017 03:02pm
@Andy you were saying ?!
HAMMAD AHMED Jun 19, 2017 03:55pm
To my dear, Rishi Kapoor Sahab. "ghuroor ka sar neecha"
syed ahmed Jun 19, 2017 05:50pm
@Amina Agree.
Sarim Alvi Jun 20, 2017 12:10pm
You have been my fav actor even in the days when AMITABH , VINOD and the others ruled. Abundance of talent and always stood his own. When i read your tweet even i was stumped on how can a man o your intelligence pass a comment like this - I guess the media had a bigger role in making it sound very negative and manipulated it big time. I guess your next tweet clarified on your intent. We are an emotional nation and react very very emotionally to any anti Pakistan sentiment or statement but than also mature enough to take things in perspective
sajjad khan Jun 20, 2017 04:44pm
Dying actor taking last breaths for attention on any coast, Freaking Big country small minds and Hearts...
MIRZA I. AHMED Jun 22, 2017 01:50am
Sportsmanship is above all these petty matters. Supporting your favourite team should be FUN not PUN. See how whole-heartedly Indian captain Kohli accepted outstanding effort by Pakistani team!? That's his great sportsman spirit. Why can't we be like our sportsmen?
Azmeen Jun 22, 2017 01:42pm
It is natural that an Indian will support India team and a Pakistani will support Pakistan Team. Nothing wrong in it.