
Sahir Lodhi defends his onscreen outburst, continues to miss the point

Sahir Lodhi defends his onscreen outburst, continues to miss the point

The host says no one paid attention to the latter part of his show where he apologised for his actions
Updated 01 Jun, 2017

A video clip of Sahir Lodhi interrupting and then lecturing a female guest on his TV show Ishq Ramzan went viral in the past few days, and the TV personality now asserts that those who are criticising him are misguided and unfair.

During yesterday's show Lodhi brought up the incident and claimed that no one was talking about how he had later apologised to the woman he'd interrupted. "No one ran the clip where I asked for forgiveness."

Lodhi has often claimed that he's unfairly treated by the media and his critics, saying: "I have survived doing what I want to do despite all the criticism and accusations."

However, during his defense, just as in his apology, he continued to miss the point that his guest was never criticising Pakistan's founder in the first place. He also seemed to not understand why it was offensive that he interrupted her, despite making it very clear that he himself hates being interrupted.

Case in point: in this clip, at the beginning of his talk, Lodhi overhears someone whispering in the audience and shuts them down. "Please tell this person to stop talking," he says to someone off camera. "Please stop talking."

We guess Sahir Lodhi hates interruptions - unless he's the one causing the disruption, of course.


Ardeshir Jun 01, 2017 12:01pm
Saqlain Jun 01, 2017 12:14pm
Mr Lodhi, Whatever you said, you said alright!!! U donot deserve to stop someone in middle and she was not abusing like politicians. U must understand before talking and commenting. U must must learn how to behave on media.aplogising after abusing someone is not the right way to live a life.
john lodhi Jun 01, 2017 12:49pm
This hypocrite ridiculing women on live television is the most disturbing thing I have seen in the last few days. He is an embarassment to the Lodhi family. The chinese frog needs to lead by example rather by rating.
Saqib Jun 01, 2017 01:02pm
Can we get off our high horse, what he did was within reason and proportionate. He also treated the women with respect during the show and conducted himself very well.
SamunderKhan Jun 01, 2017 01:06pm
So invite a guest interrupt her during her speech, insult and accuse her of something she did not commit and then say "SORRY"? and then give her first the prize because you insulted her not because she deserved it? how condescending. No Sahir Lodhi should be reprimanded for his insolent behavior, he should be sacked, along with producers of the show.
Faraz Jun 01, 2017 01:53pm
Some people deserve a high five, in the face, with a chair.... over and over again.
Fair opinions Jun 01, 2017 02:03pm
Pemra has already took notice of this programme. Sahir Lodhi is a talkative guy, and talkative guy often had a slip of tongue. He may be warned and directed to be cautious on sensitive subjects. His apologies may be accepted if possible.
Philosopher (from Japan) Jun 01, 2017 02:07pm
He needs to learn some etiquettes before going on air.
Mani Jun 01, 2017 02:24pm
All TV Channel's care about is eye balls on screen. They don't care about quality, morals, values, right or wrong. They just want to put up ads between their shows to feed their greed. Sahir Lodhi show is a perfect example.
Bilal Jun 01, 2017 02:27pm
@SamunderKhan Your comment is as deep as your name. Well said.
Muhammad Zeeshan Jun 01, 2017 02:59pm
When you guys would realize it was all scripted, and always in these third class shows for that matter.
R Azhar Jun 01, 2017 03:54pm
Sahir Lodhi made a mess of it! Nowhere in the speech was criticism of the Quaid e Azam implied. Rather it was directed at us, the Nation, what a mess we have made of Quaid's beloved Pakistan. The judging panel too didn't get the point either or were too scared to contradict Sahir.
Thoroughthinker Jun 01, 2017 04:04pm
To err is human and and real man must accept his fault. Only then he can correct the wrong. To own one's fault is one of the bravest things a man can do.
khan Jun 01, 2017 04:53pm
He should be black listed, such mentally retarted should be seen on tv