
Pemra issues guidelines to TV channels for Ramazan transmissions

Pemra issues guidelines to TV channels for Ramazan transmissions

The statement asks TV channels to be mindful and respectful when airing content during the holy month.
Updated 04 May, 2017

With Ramazan right around the corner, Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) issued a statement to TV channels on Thursday asking them to follow a set of guidelines for all Ramazan transmissions.

The statement, released in three parts on Twitter for Ramazan transmissions, TV shows and dramas, asks TV channels to be mindful and respectful when airing content during the holy month, while also keeping in mind sentiments of the audience.

The statements reads, TV channels should be wary of the subject matter aired, sensitive issues like sectarian differences and violence should be avoided. And in cases where audience sentiments have been hurt, immediate action should be taken upon viewer complaints.

Also read: Ahmadi persecution, blasphemy law and other things Hamza Ali Abbasi will discuss on his bold Ramazan show

In what might be a reference to Amir Liaquat's ramazan show in which he gave away orphaned babies to couples in the audience, the Pemra notice mentions that no orphaned children are to be handed away to audience members on any TV show.

Dancing, singing and exercising have been prohibited as is the tossing of presents to audiences. TV channels have been requested to ensure that the content be as such that there is a difference between regular transmissions and Ramazan transmissions.

Morning shows cannot speak against Pakistan, the law or the armed forces, nor instigate talks which speak ill of the country.

Speaking on Ramazan transmission specifically, Pemra has asked for the following: 1) Shows to be scripted as opposed to impromptu scripts for ratings, 2) No vulgar language, topic or subject matter should be discussed, 3) People who lack knowledge of religion should not be asked to appear as guests on shows preaching to the public, 4) Dress code should be taken into regard and, 5) Non-Ramazan transmissions will air after 9pm.

For dramas airing during the month of Ramazan, TV channels must ensure that; 1) The content does not insult any individual's dignity or profession, 2) Black magic is not promoted, 3) Dress code should be taken into regard, 3) No bedroom scenes, kissing or hugging between the opposite sex, 4) No scenes showing drug or alcohol consumption, 5) Family matters should not be shown in a negative light and, 6) Matters pertaining to divorce should be treated sensitively.

Morning shows have been asked; 1) To only invite guests with expertise on topics of discussion, 2) Not to highlight family problems on TV, for example between husband and wife or wife and in-laws, 3) Not to prompt guests or audience members to dance or sing, 4) Not to utter vulgar statements, 5) To be mindful of attire, 6) Not to belittle or show any individual in a negative light and, 7) To invite scholars and knowledgeable persons as guests as a learning experience for children.

The statement concluded saying, Pemra will take strict action against any persons or channel found in violation of these guidelines.


Sameer May 04, 2017 07:09pm
The current regime is confused.
Secular Pathan May 04, 2017 07:35pm
There will be a lot of madness on TV
Ali May 04, 2017 07:45pm
Picture of Mr. Ramzan on the article was great :-)
Hassan May 04, 2017 07:50pm
How very smart of dawn by publishing picture of Amir Liaquat. That certainly caught my attention.
Hassan May 04, 2017 07:51pm
Finally some good work by PEMRA
Roy May 04, 2017 08:15pm
Let us see the implementation and the faith they have got.
Princess_of_DHUMP May 04, 2017 08:40pm
No fan of morning shows or Ramzan transmission but why are tv channels and audience being spoon fed on what or what not to watch?
Shampee May 04, 2017 08:57pm
Hope this all is implemented too
Nayaab khan May 05, 2017 01:25am
An excellent initiative by PEMRA HOWEVER, these restrictions/ rules should not be limited to the month of Ramadan. Practicing and preaching Islam hasn't been confined to Ramadan only; these things such as the assumption of alcohol, vulgarity and the constant dramatization of divorce should not be used and shown the way it is on Pakistani television. We have so much more class and grace, don't be such imbecilic people.
Umer May 05, 2017 04:06am
Hoping some working body can make some rules like these for the elected / selected members of both the houses. Lol n.a..
kaneezfatima May 05, 2017 09:23am
finally, PEMRA has considered it and taken notice for Ramzan Transmission. i am glad to read the rules, going to be followed.
VISHwa May 05, 2017 09:28am
No singing or dancing. How sad!
Jawaid Islam May 05, 2017 09:31am
Good measures, TV show hosts run wild, regardless of conservative norms our society should have. We do not have to follow channels from the neighboring country nor their bold attire etc.
anurag May 05, 2017 09:38am
If all that is said is banned then there will be no TV.
analyses May 05, 2017 10:19am
Number one on the list should be no Aamir Liaquat in any telecast. Please!
Zeeshan May 05, 2017 11:20am
Good approach from PEMRA.
i2i May 05, 2017 11:35am
If we honestly it Ramadan transmission, morning shows, talk shows.. from politicians to bureaucracy (civilian and military) each and every section of our society mirror our true potential and intellectual level. This is what we are try to live with it.
Sana May 05, 2017 03:50pm
Totally support the PEMRA guidelines. Hope they are followed in letter and spirit.
Lahori kid May 05, 2017 09:15pm
FINALLY! I wish these all points gets implemented but if not, this point, " Shows to be scripted as opposed to impromptu scripts for ratings" should be forcibly duct-taped on channels' faces!