
08 Mar, 2017

Among the various programmes planned for International Women’s Day, to be observed on Wednesday, there is also going to be the Paxi, which is the first women-exclusive taxi — “for women and by women”.

Paxi seeks to provide women with safe public transport options
Paxi seeks to provide women with safe public transport options

By this the Paxi Pakistan Company means that the taxis will be driven by women and they will have women passengers only. And this service will be introduced in Karachi on Women’s Day, helping women feel safe when hailing a cab. Women face a lot of issues during transit owing to the unfriendly environment in buses or any other form of public transport. But having a mode of public transport catering to them alone can solve many of their transport issues.

Paxi is starting with 10 drivers, referred to as ‘pilots’, but intends to expand to Lahore and Islamabad in the next three to four months followed by other parts of the country. “Our pilots are housewives, young women, students, too,” shares CEO Sheikh Mohammad Zahid.

According to Sheikh Mohammad Zahid, Paxi Pakistan’s CEO, they are starting with 10 drivers, referred to as ‘pilots’, but intend to expand to Lahore and Islamabad in the next three to four months followed by other parts of the country. “Our pilots are housewives, young women, students, too,” he said.

Asked if the women required commercial licences to drive the cabs, the CEO said that was only needed for driving heavy vehicles. “But we do train our pilots. Although we have 10 female pilots to begin with, there are many more enrolled with us for training. They, too, will be inducted soon,” he said.

The CEO also explained that the service could be accessed through four modes such as hailing a cab on the road, the phone app, call centre and SMS service. The latter two involve providing one’s name and phone number so that the dispatcher is able to verify the call or message and issue a four-digit PIN so that when the cab reaches the customer she can ask the pilot the code to book or initiate a ride. She will also have to provide her name and number when hailing a cab on the road in order for the pilot to be able to feed it in the system.

“It only takes a few seconds,” he said. “And the call centre, SMS and just stopping a cab are options for those who may not have smartphones,” he added.

He said that the verification would also help as they have accident insurance though each vehicle has a medical kit and a fire extinguisher.

Other than the women-exclusive service, Paxi is also going to launch a motorbike taxi for single commuters who don’t have to be female and a normal cab service on the lines of Uber and Careem that anyone can access. The date for their formal launch is said to be March 23 but there will be an orientation ceremony for the pink taxi and its pilots at the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides’ Headquarters here on Wednesday.

Earlier, in December 2016, Careem had also added about seven women captains to their ride-sharing service in Karachi and Lahore.

Originally published in Dawn, March 8th, 2017


zahida Mar 08, 2017 09:46am
wove! Idea is brilliant but how much is the idea successful, time will tell. Pakistan is a place where travelling for women is a hell. They have to feel special before travelling. Those who have their own cars and are accompanied by their male members are lucky. The real issue is for those who travel in public transport and particularly in buses. The unfriendly environment, the way men are staring women pins up one with feelings of guilt at her own existence.
acharya Mar 08, 2017 09:56am
Good initiative. Ultimately people to defend themselves in dumb government and safety machineries.
amna Mar 08, 2017 09:56am
very good initiative! fingers crossed for more to come :)
Einstein babar Mar 08, 2017 10:22am
West is turning back to stronger family system and we are moving to a tested and failed system of pushing women out of their homes
MIRACLE Mar 08, 2017 10:27am
Great initiative! must be applauded, come around on a very befitting day - World Women's Day. Kudos to the administration.
Reader Mar 08, 2017 10:28am
Very good for the female population. for the drivers (pilots) and passengers. Safety is foremost. In Pakistan society there is tremendous scope in all walks of life, to better themselves, and indeed better society, this will help in providing much needed income and provide a useful transport for the ladies.
Malik tariq Lahore Mar 08, 2017 11:15am
Wonderful idea & development by sins govt. Although it adds to gender discrimination however in present scenario it is a positive step in write direction. Thumb up for CM Sind.
Concerned Pakistani Mar 08, 2017 11:36am
@Malik tariq Lahore It is nothing to do with Sind government. It is a private service.
Awes Mar 08, 2017 12:03pm
@Malik tariq Lahore this is a private venture and business, why are you praising CM Sindh ?
a Mar 08, 2017 12:03pm
I don't think this can go too far, but good luck. A much better way is women's only buses, upto half of local buses in all big cities should be reserved for women.
Tiny think tank Mar 08, 2017 12:04pm
An amazing endeavor,but Karachi traffic is nothing except mess.The crazy traffic, and heavy pollution these women may got sick. Anyway there's no harm in trying.
CHAndio. Mar 08, 2017 12:11pm
Wow ! Love my Karachi.
Safoora Mar 08, 2017 12:25pm
Shahzad Mar 08, 2017 12:47pm
Pathetic idea. The world is going for a unisex societies and we are creating the gaps. We as Pakistanis always put a blame on separating out females from mainstream of everything, this taxi service is another way of marginalizing women. There is a need to put things, ideas or businesses where females are included with other segments of the society, rather than putting them away in a guise of "women empowerment". Another thing, if the company is up to women empowerment, couldn't they find any qualified women in Pakistan to head it rather than giving it to another sheikh. I wish if such ideas get tested and discussed with professionals and those who are working for women rights before rolling them out.
Shahbaz Azmi Mar 08, 2017 12:52pm
A timely step in the right direction towards empowering women. Best wishes to the company for its success!!!
Salman Ahmad Mar 08, 2017 01:20pm
Wonderful ...... Godspeed guys .... Wish you all the best !
Asfand Iqbal Mar 08, 2017 01:26pm
Sindh CM has to be praised otherwise it could be stopped on any legal issues as was the case with Uber and Careem
Abdulla Hussain Mar 08, 2017 02:05pm
Good effort, appreciated.
Chris Roberts Mar 08, 2017 02:12pm
It's very sad to see that it isn't safe for women to travel on public transport or use regular taxi service. Given the way things are, this type of service will be of help. The down side is that this will reinforce segregation based on gender. Though it may seem like a herculean task, there really needs to be some kind of campaign aimed at challenging the prevailing mentality and working towards eliminating gender bias, and encouraging men to behave themselves and not act worse than animals at the mere sight of a woman. Perhaps ad campaigns where men are on the receiving end could help. This is very uncivilised behaviour and also very disheartening to see.
Nasir Mar 08, 2017 02:12pm
@zahida: The problem lies with men's intimidating attitude towards women. Women should not feel intimidated for being pinned-up. They must feel proud for drawing attention of wicked men who see women as sex objects. Men must learn from the teachings of Islam to restrain looking at women with dirty looks.
Nasir Mar 08, 2017 02:16pm
I hope the project is successful, althogh I have resevations about its economic, finacial and business viability. Good luck.
Thoroughthinker Mar 08, 2017 03:02pm
After Pink rickshaw failure, this is not very good idea to repeat a failure.
Rkhan Mar 08, 2017 03:13pm
Do we have any measure/arrangement of security and safety from street criminals of both lady passengers and pilots for this appreciable facility??
Abid Mar 08, 2017 04:05pm
That is Just a rhetorically shared opinion with a little knowledge gain though the social media about an effort to make society women isolated.... I don't understand ur rational discussion here that how come it will make society goes different way other then rest of the world when it come to women ? A lot of people feel safe for their women or specially their daughters to be picked up and driven safely to their destination specially when established company is well organised and reputed... ur opinion is to me a totally irretiinal.. thanks
Abid Mar 08, 2017 04:34pm
That's utterly misconception in ur mind about safety of woman in Pakistan .. it's irrational opinion based on irretional experience... I can tell and assure u that Pakistan is 100 % safe place for women to travel anywhere any time... all stories are fabricated so pls don't leave ur rhetorical views . Thanks
zerqa Mar 08, 2017 05:16pm
Very nice and convenient for ladies. Wishing all the best to our Lady Paxi Pilots. God Bless!
sameer Mar 08, 2017 06:46pm
Very nice initiated, hope for its success.
OZ Mar 08, 2017 07:00pm
@Einstein babar Are you suggesting that women should not go out off their houses?
Ali Mar 08, 2017 07:12pm
Transportation is a huge problem in Karachi for men and women. While this sounds like a good idea it contributes to road congestion. Women & Men both need to get to work. A women's bus would have been a better idea.
faraz ahmed Mar 08, 2017 07:28pm
this is good job , because govt sindh is totally expired and there is no convinience for ladies here
IMTIAZ ALI KHAN Mar 08, 2017 09:39pm
Very nice so happy to hear that. Empowerment of women essential step towards a industrialized South Asia. Good job friends!! :)
junaid Mar 08, 2017 10:38pm
Qaisar Mar 08, 2017 10:39pm
It was tested in Dubai and failed because woman drivers will not in interested in luggage handling. You have to handle your luggage yourself. Woman driver usually drive slowly, will be frightened with any emergency situation. At least I will be very uneasy sitting in a car which is being driven by a lady driver. Im sure others feels the same.
Princess_of_DHUMP Mar 09, 2017 03:26am
Quick question: Who will change the wheel if the tire gets punctured. No pun intended. There are now hundreds of thousands of women who now drive in country but most of them including my mother and sister do not have even the basic idea about how to properly maintain a car. Even being able to check tire pressure, oil gauge, water level, brake oil helps. I hope the company trains the women on these basic aspects at-least. I would encourage other woman drivers too to learn these basic tricks.
AYZA Mar 09, 2017 04:02am
Hooraaay! GIRL POWER : )) Nice to see female driven Pink Taxis in Karachi! Thank you Shazia and for this very cooool article!
KHK Mar 09, 2017 04:32am
What if a woman has her husband or(companion)with her?
worthless wealth Mar 09, 2017 06:06am
Will it (transportation by pink taxis) be available after sunset till at least midnight? Then how about dangerous areas, the areas where there are no street lights, the area where load shedding is being carried out, and the areas with side and or bye lanes difficult to get an access or thorough passage! There are other risk elements involved in this venture! Therefore, precaution is better than cure!
Faizan Mar 09, 2017 10:29am
brilliant initiative. We need to empower our women to the extent that they stand equal to men.
MAHAM Mar 09, 2017 10:52am
Good initiative. Beneficial for women as in Pakistan there should be part time opportunities for woman as well.
Ali Vazir Mar 09, 2017 12:36pm
Excellent idea! The more needed is a "Pinkshaw " as mostly women are more comfortable in a Rickshaw than a Taxi, and most probably it is supposed to be economical. Someone do it now, or soon I will be launching once I get settled back in Pakistan :)
Zala Mar 11, 2017 11:22pm
Women's only buses will be good idea. For starters this service is appreciated.
KIS Mar 14, 2017 07:46am
The Irony is that the women only Taxi Service Company's CEO is a MAN, :)