
Never worry about log kya kahenge: Amitabh Bachan's epic letter to his granddaughters

Never worry about log kya kahenge: Amitabh Bachan's epic letter to his granddaughters

"Don't let anyone make you believe the length of your skirt is a measure of your character," he says. You go, Big B!
05 Sep, 2016

Like most grandfathers, Big B is also full of wisdom, great life advice and inspiring words that he wants to share with his grandchildren.

Perhaps it was his upcoming movie Pink, a social thriller reflecting on gender disparity that motivated him to pen an open letter to his granddaughters, Navya Naveli, 18, and Aaradhya, 4, about the struggles of being a woman and the boxes the world tries to place you in.

Here's the letter that the 73-year-old actor wrote:

"My very dearest Navya & Aaradhya,

You both carry a very valuable legacy on your tender shoulders – Aaradhya, the legacy of your great grandfather, Dr Harivansh Rai Bachchan and Navya, the legacy of your great grandfather, Shri H P Nanda.

Both your great grandfathers gave your present surnames celebrated fame, dignity and recognition!

Both of you maybe a Nanda or a Bachchan, but you are also girls, women! And because you are women, people will force their thinking, their boundaries on you.

Aren't Navya and Aaradhya just the luckiest granddaughters? —Photo courtesy:
Aren't Navya and Aaradhya just the luckiest granddaughters? —Photo courtesy:

They will tell you how to dress, how to behave, who you can meet and where you can go.

Don’t live in the shadows of their judgement. Make your own choices in the light of your own wisdom. Don’t let anyone make you believe that the length of your skirt is a measure of your character.

Don’t let anyone’s opinion of who you should be friends with, dictate who you will be friends with. Don’t get married for any other reason other than you want to get married.

People will talk. They shall say some terrible things. But that doesn’t mean you have to listen to everyone. Never ever worry about – log kya kahenge.

At the end of the day, you are the only one who will face the consequences of your actions, so don’t let other people make your decisions for you.

Navya – the privilege your name, your surname offers you, will not protect you from the difficulties you will face because you’re a woman.

Aaradhya – by the time you see and understand this, I may well not be around. But I think what I am saying today shall still be relevant.

This may be a difficult, difficult world to be a woman. But I believe that it is women like you that will change that.

It may not be easy, setting your own boundaries, making your own choices, rising above people’s judgement. But you, you can set an example for women everywhere.

Do this and you would have done more than I have ever done and it will be my honor to be known not as Amitabh Bachchan but as your grandfather!

With all my love

Your Dadaji, your Nana."

We're not crying, you're crying!


waleed fakhar Sep 05, 2016 02:30pm
this is what i believe on too.
S. Haider Sep 05, 2016 02:31pm
An excellent advice to granddaughters. This letter is love, affection, but also a road map for a long struggle. This letter is indirectly addressed to men in South Asia, who determine the rights and limits of women freedom.
Pankaj Sep 05, 2016 02:45pm
Great!!!! letter..this is not just for Navya & Aaradhya..this is for all girls on earth..struggling for life..
SQ Sep 05, 2016 02:45pm
If all grandparents in South Asia start giving similar values to their children, not just daughters but also sons, the abuse of women would soon come to an end. There was a similar essay written by President Obama, addressed to his daughters. I wish all fathers and grandfathers of girls in the world started thinking like this.
Huma Sep 05, 2016 03:06pm
Excellent !
sam Sep 05, 2016 03:09pm
beautiful advice.
fida USA Sep 05, 2016 03:29pm
The words are beautiful and to the point. This advice is good for all the grad daughters of the world.
Waleed Sep 05, 2016 03:47pm
I like his handwriting as well as the advice.
Jahangir Zehri Sep 05, 2016 04:40pm
Words of a True Grand Father
Rob Hutchinson Sep 05, 2016 05:28pm
I agree to the extent that it aims to remove the inequality between girls and boys but important "Listening" is important and in the life you have to listen to lot of things which you don’t necessarily like. “Making your own choices” does not mean you completely ignore the feedback (positive or otherwise) you get from people who care for you.
Huma Sep 05, 2016 05:43pm
Such a beautiful hand writing and advice
Awesome Lyrics Sep 05, 2016 05:46pm
That is some really lovely handwriting if that's his real handwriting. Offcourse, the message is so profound. Every parent and grandparent should leave behind a legacy for their new generation, something that can inspire them to become a good human being first.
Ash Sep 05, 2016 05:59pm
@Rob Hutchinson That is obvious, Rob. Listen everybody but do what you want to do on the basis of values inherited as well as what you learn with your experience.
John Sep 05, 2016 07:34pm
With due respect sir, the approach seemed utopian an unrealistic to me, keeping in view the *** crime rate in India.
Truth prevails Sep 05, 2016 08:20pm
Salute to the living legend !!
Aga Khan Sep 05, 2016 09:26pm
As ever AB has words of wisdom. No wonder every desi - both in India and Pakistan loves and respect him. May god bless you, Sir.
Ahmad Sep 05, 2016 09:53pm
@John You would be surprised to know but this crime rate is more in western countries, check google if you don't believe. In developing countries only big problem is inequality between genders.
mehkan Sep 05, 2016 10:02pm
That is how my father helped us grow. We all made our own choices. Whether good or bad he taught us to guage our choices and never regret. I have made my own choices and i have never cared for anyone outside of my parents and siblings, because noone outside your actually family really knows who you are and what you are. Very powerful advice. All fathers and grandfathers should be such.
Proud Pakistani Sep 06, 2016 02:38am
Sir,You are currently one of the greatest personalities on the planet and the advice you have given can only be given by someone who has seen the ups and downs of this world. We in Pakistan love you as much as any Indian could do as you have been a house hold entertainer for decades. We pray for your health. love and respect from the whole Pakistani nation.
De facto singers Sep 06, 2016 04:20am
@Rob Hutchinson . Log Bhaut kuch kahengay. India has great moral values.
Zahida Sep 06, 2016 06:57am
Excellent, very motivated and it's a Bitter Truth.
Jawad pakistani Sep 06, 2016 08:03am
Amitabh bachchan wrote my thoughts in this letter.
Samzhr Sep 06, 2016 08:47am
Mr.Bachan expressed just like Bollywood movie script , nothing special in his advice to his own g.daughters. Hello aMit ji please advice your Nandas & Bachans not to visit disco pubs. At least little pretty Aradhya will do good job, not like your daughter in law.
DG Sep 06, 2016 04:13pm
@Samzhr After reading your comment, it looks like the letter was writtern keeping in mind "people" like you !
Faraz Rizvi Sep 06, 2016 04:19pm
Absolute superstar ... Amith G .... in movies as well as in real life. God bless.
D.K. PAMNANI Sep 06, 2016 04:47pm
Super star is an experienced personality and has seen the world. Whatever, he has written for his granddaughters is well thought. He has shared his experience wish to tell his grand children.
mayank Sep 06, 2016 08:28pm
@Ahmad dude The only reason you would find more crime rates in Developed countries because they report the crime their and police file a report unlike India & Pakistan. Do you know in Germany more than 200,000 rape cases were filed while their total population is only 80 million while in Indian only around 65,000 total cases were reported out of 1.2 billion. Do you think its even remotely possible and true???
Ahsan Gul Sep 07, 2016 06:39am
Good directors made him a super star as an actor say what he is told in movies. Since he has worked in many movies and has done many roles, he remembers a grandpa role also and good lines. So, do not make him bigger than a man. We all have potentials to achieve for given a chance.
Ravi Sep 07, 2016 09:19am
Nice..though the letter is heavily inspired by Steve Jobs quotes.
Bimal Singh Sep 09, 2016 05:49pm
It shows the other side of Amitji and his advice and feelings for his grand daughters, very learned, well educated and affectionate and passionate grand father. He is a living legend and may GOD give him long life.
Farooq Sep 09, 2016 06:33pm
With due respect, why the letter is released in media. Seems like a publicity stunt.