
PIA has dubbed its new service 'premier', but passengers treat it like trash

PIA has dubbed its new service 'premier', but passengers treat it like trash

Is this an isolated incident or does it indicate our general lack of respect for public spaces?
Updated 18 Aug, 2016

Amid much fanfare, Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) earlier this week launched its 'Premier' service for flights to London.

With a revamped livery, dapper new crew uniforms and an expansive in-flight entertainment system with 250 channels, the impressive customer reviews Premier received came as no surprise.

Not all PIA customers treat the service as 'special' though.

In photos shared by PIA spokesperson Danyal Gilani, the inside of a Premier plane looks like a war zone on its arrival in London from Islamabad on Wednesday.

The passengers made a big mess of the place
The passengers made a big mess of the place

The floor is strewn with a variety of litter — food crumbs, cups and even a pillow with wool sticking out.

Moreover, according to Gilani, some customers admired the lotions in the airplane lavatory a little too much: they sneaked off the plane with two full bottles.

"This is what our new A-330 looked like upon arrival in London yesterday," the spokesperson wrote as he shared the photos on Twitter.

Talking to Images, the PIA spokesperson remarked that while the airline routinely cleans every plane, not every type of stain can be removed easily.

"Passengers should not treat these planes like public buses," he said.

"We request our valued customers to take care of this new aircraft as if this is their personal property and value this excellent service being provided by PIA Premier, which is for their own comfort without any extra charges," he added.

Some social media users found nothing wrong with the photos, commenting that it was, after all, the airline's responsibility to clean up the cabin after each flight.

However, the spokesperson's comment may point to a larger problem that extends beyond airlines — that, in general, common decency is scarce in Pakistan and people rarely think to clean up after themselves. Cases in point? Public urination and a culture of littering are rampant in Pakistan.

PIA Premier, which was started after the national carrier acquired three planes from Sri Lankan Airlines on a wet-lease, currently has six flights scheduled for London per week, three each from Islamabad and Lahore. Later, with addition of more aircraft, the service will be expanded to other destinations.

The aircraft is equipped with LCD screens along with flat bed service for business-class passengers.

A complimentary limousine service for PIA Premier business-class passengers is offered upon their arrival at London's Heathrow Airport. The service will be available within a radius of 25 km from Heathrow Airport.

The Premier service has so far been lauded by most passengers. Even the CEO of aviation giant Boeing, according to Maryam Nawaz, "appreciated" Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif for his "efforts to revamp PIA" and expressed his desire to become a part of this reformation.


Naveed Aug 18, 2016 03:11pm
That is normal. The main thing is to keep it top class. People do it in all airlines, and if one is travelling with small kids, they generate a lot of mess.
Ali (CA) Aug 18, 2016 03:14pm
I suppose the situation maybe be better on a London to Pakistan bound flights. There is no sense of trash among Pakistani population. Even I saw the elite throwing trash everywhere.
A. A. Aug 18, 2016 03:17pm
I have seen TV screens scratched with sharp objects, with initials and graffiti on PIA planes. I have never seen that on other airlines. There is hardly any basic civic sense on majority (and I dare say majority here) who travels on PIA. Not PIA fault, its our OWN fault! Suggestion: PIA should fine heavily anyone seen vandalizing the plane, leaving the toilet un-flushed, or garbage thrown on the cabin floor.
Mullah Aug 18, 2016 03:19pm
Very well said "in general, common decency is scarce in Pakistan"
Heera Aug 18, 2016 03:21pm
I would not travel with Pakistani living in England, they are used to trashing, i would only travel with Pakistani Canadians, very clean.
chishti Aug 18, 2016 03:21pm
Shame, and where is "Safai nisf eeman hay"
art kp Aug 18, 2016 03:25pm
Passengers act like they're on bus in multan, with kids crying non stop and passengers acting uncivilized but as soon as they land in London, they start , speaking in English and become law abiding. Pathetic.
Muhammed Ali Aug 18, 2016 03:28pm
Maybe they should start a tanga service for the people who cannot behave themselves or cannot control their children.
Umer Aug 18, 2016 03:29pm
We as a nation need to to take some ownership.
Hashim Malik Aug 18, 2016 03:29pm
Maybe the passengers should be made to watch educational videos on civility as mandatory part of flight entertainment.
shampee Aug 18, 2016 03:30pm
This shows our mindset, when we are abroad we strictly abide by rules but our country we just litter.
suresh Aug 18, 2016 03:36pm
What can I say, if your passenger are illiterate, uncouth and dirth, this is what you will get.
edwardian Aug 18, 2016 03:41pm
Since, while booking, the airline has all personal details including names, addresses and passport numbers. 1. The airline can take the person for any damages to the court, both in the UK and Pakistan or asked to pay the airline the damages and administrative charges. PIA needs documented proof with inflight photographs 2. Ban the individuals in future from travelling in future or for certain years. 3. Since we have been ruled by white people and have slave mentality, keep white English speaking cabin crew for premier service. Our mentality is such that we are at our best behaviour in front of goras. Point 1 and 2 above information should be cautioned on their itinerary/ticket to the passengers in advance before travelling. One should design needs as per the people who are using it. Dunda all the time
Adnan Anwar Aug 18, 2016 03:41pm
PIA should lookup the passengers seated on the aisle and send them legal notice alongwith the cleanup bill and also bar the passengers for life on any PIA flight. I know this sounds insane but Pakistani people have a habit of doing this when not travelling on foreig airlines.
Arslan Aug 18, 2016 03:42pm
Unfortunately majority of our nation lack basic manners and etiquettes. Lack of proper upbringing by parents and education are the main reasons.
Dr.MM.Khan Aug 18, 2016 03:44pm
The inside of the plane reflects the habits of the society. Why are we surprised ?
S Khan Aug 18, 2016 03:44pm
Why are they utilizing the plane only 11 hours a day, that's just too less. A330s will prove very beneficial as they are very economical and manufactured by state of the art Airbus Industries. They should immediately open routes to Frankfurt and CDG. I see the german working behind the scenes. Kudos...
Sachin Aug 18, 2016 03:44pm
Cheap mentality of passengers....
Jawaid kamal Aug 18, 2016 03:47pm
Simply pethatic ,It is our mindset or what that we do things like this. Keep things clean ,is it too much to ask ?by the way getting sick and tired of hearing name of MNS in every thing.
wellwisher Aug 18, 2016 03:47pm
foreign airlines put junk planes on India route.Reasons are same
ASAD IQBAL Aug 18, 2016 03:47pm
The passenger can easily be identified by seat information, the best PIA can do is to deny the passenger next time travel citing the exact reason. People generally litter thinking they would'nt be identified or caught.
Ashar Kazmi Aug 18, 2016 03:50pm
This is disgusting on customer part. As stake holder in shape of customer, it is our moral, ethical and national obligation, that we use our assets with dignity and honor. As a nation we need to develop this. Civic Sense should be introduced and taught as subject and exercised in our curriculum. Despite numerous flaws in present government, this is a commanding initiative by NS govt. and must be duly appreciated.
asif Aug 18, 2016 03:51pm
I work for the airline industry and have seen bedsheets and pillows on the floor but have never seen anything as dirty as this on a plane
Awan Aug 18, 2016 03:53pm
The premier service is for the rich people of Pakistan. This is how they treat the general public and this is their way of life. They think they are born to rule. Majority have no etiquette what so ever. Since their childhood they see servants around looking after them. So it is not a surprise for me. They know the poor slaves will be there to clean their leftovers.
Aisha Aug 18, 2016 03:53pm
Is it PIAs fault that the nation treats the airplane as it treats its own roads.
Rizwan Khan Aug 18, 2016 03:54pm
Tamilselvan Aug 18, 2016 03:54pm
looks like the saying " old habits die hard" for most of the passengers of PIA. They should note that they are the ambassadors of their nation when traveling outside their country and should not bring bad repute to their nation be it terrorism, welfare, shop lifting or littering in public or stealing stuff from plane bathrooms .
Skkk Aug 18, 2016 03:55pm
I strongly believe there should be fines for littering everywhere-Singapore has the highest fines in the world despite 100% education, higest computer and net usage and being a Developed nation. Gradually people will learn.
Nabz Aug 18, 2016 03:56pm
The issue here is that I've noticed that people from Pakistan, don't really respect each others belongings. Whereas the Pakistani's that live overseas have been brought up differently 'culturally' and know how to respect each others belongings, that is the difference. It's a shame that on a new plane, people are treating it like this. People should just leave things as to how they would like to receive it.
Harmony-1© Aug 18, 2016 03:56pm
"Passengers should not treat these planes like public buses," said PIA spokesman. Even public buses shouldn't be abused like that. 'Cleanliness is godliness'.
Rizwan Khan Aug 18, 2016 03:59pm
I have to admit to the unacceptable attitude of our fellow passengers. By paying £700 they think they have bought the plane and can do anything with it. The children are let loose to destroy the plane in any way they want. I’ve seen kids pulling the control panel out of its socket trying their best to pull it out completely, jumping up and down on the food tray so it breaks etc. etc. Parents do not bother to stop them at all. Adults spoil the cabin and the toilets in their own way. Most passengers are UK citizens, well aware of how to behave in public spaces, not sure what happens when they are in PIA plane or in Pakistani consulate! I'm sure they wouldn't dare to do the same in Emirates or Etihad that they would otherwise use. They know they can pay the price for misbehaviour. I have hardly seen the usual PIA cabin crew collecting rubbish at regular intervals during a long haul flight; it is a common sight in UK even on local flights
dave smith Aug 18, 2016 04:00pm
I have never see such mess on a flight I have used. The people that make such mess, if they were flying with Arab airline or western airlines they would have been charged for clean up. Do not want to generalise, but it shows to some extend how these people must live in their own homes. Ones behaviour speak a lot about ones environment. PIA should in the future inform their passenger not to litter their planes.
Mohammed murad Aug 18, 2016 04:00pm
Well look at Pakistani cities even the richest areas have trash everywhere. There is no sense of civic duty. People are just used to living in squalor. They may clean their house but just over the house boundary it is a mess. So it needs to start at home and city and the public places. This always amazes me that the follower of the religion which clearly focuses on cleanliness live in such filth. Sorry but as Muslim it is embarrassing. If you want measure community sense of cleanliness visit their bathrooms.
Mahmood Aug 18, 2016 04:01pm
The Premier Service will soon turn to Pathetic Service. I would not be surprised if the Sri Lankan crew throw up their hands in frustration, at the bad behavior of these passengers and go on strike.
Khalid Aug 18, 2016 04:02pm
How shameful. What a nation we are?. Don't know how to behave in a plane. Don't have any manners. Don't know how to use a toilet. Don't respect anyone who is not as wealthy as we are. Don't respect any other religion and yet act so proud. What are we proud of?.
Khan Aug 18, 2016 04:05pm
This is how our peoples makes Pakistan proud !!!!!
AK Aug 18, 2016 04:08pm
@Hashim Malik hehehe and it will be only entertaining
SHAHRUKH RASHEED Aug 18, 2016 04:09pm
I m working in 8 years in hospitality industry in Australia dubai and now in Doha. In my opinion some guests and passengers are doing those kind of rubbish. However im not accepting from Uk Board Passengers They should respect pakistani public properties like PAKISTAN Premier Airline or PIA . Imagine if they do those rubbish in other airlines they got fine and bad attitude . Also there is Inkeepeers Law in hospitality industry PAKISTAN PREMIER should implement this Law. Incase if passengers or guests stealing or damaging public properties. Thank you Shahrukh Rasheed
Syed Hadi Aug 18, 2016 04:10pm
This is always happening in local and international flights of our National and private sector air line , but the same people will behave like good passengers in international air line due to their strict rules and regulation.These sort of behavior become our airlines on back wards , But the Management of PIA have to maintain the standard of Premier service like day one. We are waiting for the real implementation of PIA 's old slogan " La jawab Service Ba kamal Loug ". Pakistan Painda Bad
AK Aug 18, 2016 04:13pm
I think the best way to deal with it is one must clean after their self that might make a difference since some people litter simply with the idea that they dont have to clean which is a popular one in PAKISTAN!
M. Siddique Aug 18, 2016 04:16pm
I guess it also tells about the quality and mannerism of the passengers. I think it is time for self pondering by passengers and the PIA staff as well.
Ordinary Pakistani Aug 18, 2016 04:18pm
Its good to see PIA trying to improve its service, which was long overdue. It would be challenging as I find fellow passengers generally inconsiderate and misbehave with staff, who reciprocate. I think they need to show a video after the safety video of what service to expect and expected behaviour from passengers to educate them.
Aquib Hashmi Aug 18, 2016 04:20pm
And one wonders why they have the maintenance staff... Move on man
gustaakh Aug 18, 2016 04:21pm
PIA's current fleet of Boeing 777s aren't that old either - they were bought brand new during Musharraf's time. Today, the entertainment system doesn't work, many remotes/phones are missing, seats are in bad shape etc. I have travelled on other airlines with older 777s which are in superb condition in comparison. The travelling public and PIA are both responsible for the ruin and lack of maintenance. Sri Lankan airlines will receive back 50 year old aircraft when the lease runs out ! Unless they become property of PIA at end of lease.
Yasir Aug 18, 2016 04:22pm
Well, PIA is not the only airlines to compete for Pakistan's business. Emirates, Etihad, Qatar, etc are doing a phenomenal job working with the 'same' Pakistanis. Complaining for clients' behaviour is futile, and regressive, when in fact the problem lies in the absence of a robust management that is meant to take care of such petty issues as and when they arise. I hope the PIA, having spent billions on this premier service, did not forget to induct a couple of PKR 20k/month housekeepers.
Pakistani Aug 18, 2016 04:24pm
Replica of national culture
Mustafa Aug 18, 2016 04:25pm
In one way it is satisfactory that all illiterates are travelling to London. On other side this is the national character and on top of that we have very simple scapegoat "Govt is incompetent and corrupt".
Azmeen Aug 18, 2016 04:28pm
It is sad to note but not a surprise. Passengers need to take care of this sophisticated plane while Plane crew need to be more vigilant in keeping the plane tidy throughout the travel, not waiting for the ground staff at the destination to clean the mess.
syed shafiq ul hassan Aug 18, 2016 04:31pm
To Imran khan Sahib ! This nation doesn't need "Insaaf " or "Ehtesab " , indeed they need education first , Beg for it pls !
peace Aug 18, 2016 04:34pm
send a bill for cleaning up the mess to the passengers in the seats with pictures as proof what they did. Also make it "CLEAR" that such action will be taken to those who create litter and/or damage, should e part of agreement they sign!
Rosina Aug 18, 2016 04:37pm
You can change the appearance of a PIA plane in overnight; it will take decades to change the habits of the Pakistani passengers, if ever -- including the pilferage of low cost lotions.
inzy uk Aug 18, 2016 04:40pm
I used Pia solely because it direct flight to Lahore, generally PIA is expensive flight, no thrills, very basic, lack of customer comfort, don't care attitude amonst the staff, but now this new service plane has come about,,,,,,,,,,,please give it a chance, keep it clean, i really hope things have changed so i can start using PIA again.
Hassan Aug 18, 2016 04:40pm
What type of passengers travelling is major thing, not all but many Pakistani passengers from England treat PIA very badly though using regularly, what a shame but they dont have civic sence. I am not from Karachi, but found Karachi sector passengers are more civilized than other, especially Islamabad sector is crap, majority uneducated people from kashmir region, sorry to say but its fact
Umair Aug 18, 2016 04:41pm
When we take resposibility to clean.our homes why not our streets and our homeland
dr. abdullah mahmood Aug 18, 2016 04:42pm
Bizarre, but strange that it is coming from an official of the airline, and that too an airline whose toilets are blocked on 14 hrs flight to Toronto often. but surprise comes when an airline official tries to make fun of its own passengers that too openly on social media. I remember recently PIA made accused one of its customer of demanding a ticket by posting stale sandwich fotos on Facebook. PIA shouldn't insult its customers in public, there are other ways to teach them, yes they should be ashamed of what they did but you don't go officially on web to accuse your own customers. This is even more pathetic then what the customers did. I guess the Govt and PIA management are trumpeting too much out of proportion about this service and were expecting some applauds in return which is not happening because there is a lot of hollowness about this "Premier" service which will come to limelight soon enough.
M. Malik Aug 18, 2016 04:42pm
And why we wonder why Pakistanis have a bad reputation abroad... If they behave like this even after living for decades in the West, than you can imagine where they came from.
zac Aug 18, 2016 04:44pm
as a Pakistani I despise travelling with fellow Asians from anywhere in world - very uncouth people
Skeptic Aug 18, 2016 04:47pm
A Pakistani could live in the West for decades, acquire millions in wealth, but he will never have class! Premier or otherwise!
Iftikhar Husain Aug 18, 2016 04:53pm
It is the job of the crew to teach the passenger how to use facilities. I other international air lines the crew are well trained and advise customer.
khilari Aug 18, 2016 04:54pm
It's the general attitude of people which sets the habit of community. We are a laid back, lazy people and love to show it everywhere, even in skies. Time to change if you want to survive in 21st century.
Ahsan Sarfraz Aug 18, 2016 04:55pm
@Naveed Well if they are taught not to make mess - I am sure they wont. Would you tell them to make a mess at home and litter in your living room or bed room? -- By paying a fair for the trip people should stop believing that they own the plane or the PIA staff - This is one of the primary basic things taught at school -
Mahmood Aug 18, 2016 04:56pm
Money cannot buy you class or manners... They could even afford to travel on First Class on Emirates A380, and I bet they will walk away with soap, shampoo, lotion, perfume, towels, bath robe, slippers and perhaps even the blankets and sheets!
Desi Aug 18, 2016 04:58pm
All other airline flying Desi passenger are putting up with this. That is their job to keep the plane clean while travelling. Please all of you do not blame our people for that.
Perwana Aug 18, 2016 05:00pm
@A. A. I agree with you. PIA should not only fine such people but also blacklist them. They can either be banned from travelling with PIA or pay more fare than normal. I have travelled with other airlines on the very same route and no one creates mess like they do on PIA. Mess shown on these pics looks like done purposely. It's hurting. Shame on whoever did it. Such people don't deserve to travel by an airline. They should be transported on trucks instead.
Logicaldude Aug 18, 2016 05:08pm
PIA that's a good start. Keep it up. It has been a long time since I travelled with PIA, I can guarantee one thing they have the best cabin staff of any airline in the world.
mohammed saleem Aug 18, 2016 05:08pm
I think we Pakistanis are the dirtiest nation on the earth . You go on the Buses , Trains , Public parks any public place you will see this litter scattered all around . Dust bins are provided almost every where but no body use them whether they are children or grown ups .They will just throw the rubbish on the floor but not in the dust bin .
Bilal Aug 18, 2016 05:17pm
For everyone claiming that this is normal NO IT IS NOT. The difference in Emirates flights traveling to any part of the world vs traveling to/from Pakistan is vey visible as well. Toilets are unflushed, food thrown on the floor, passengers do not listen to safety announcements to sit in their seats till the seat belt sign comes off. So it is a problem with our nations mindset not the airline
bkt Aug 18, 2016 05:20pm
@Yasir > In other airlines also when Pakistanis are treated strictly, they don't return to travel on that airline. Most of the rude passengers come from small towns and rural areas in the north east or Central provinces of Pakistan. They don't know how to behave and perhaps need a lesson on what sort of behavior is and is not acceptable? They are not dumb people but a little guidance is needed.
m h Aug 18, 2016 05:24pm
The people need educating with a big stick
Putho mamon, karachi Aug 18, 2016 05:25pm
Most people from third world countries has this hygiene and civility problem, so according to many surveys westerners don't like to travel with them.
Zubaida Khan Aug 18, 2016 05:35pm
@Hashim Malik mayb r they should be charged for the dammage!
Muhammad Mushtaq Aug 18, 2016 05:37pm
@A. A. highly recommended.
Mahmood Aug 18, 2016 05:37pm
@Yasir Except the ones traveling on PIA are in class of their own, that you don't normally see on Emirates, or Eitehad!
Muhammad Mushtaq Aug 18, 2016 05:40pm
This is shameful and embarrassing. These same people when travel on other airlines behave well.
usman Aug 18, 2016 05:41pm
yesterday, i was made to wait for 2 hours at islamabad airport. Than it was announced that my flight to karchi is going to Lahore first to drop some passenger. Not just that it needs to be re-fueled at lahore before leaving for karachi. the planes dont make any difference, the planning and services does. PIA is doomed by its design, not by leased aircrafts
Rajesh Punjabi Aug 18, 2016 05:42pm
We do not deserve such cleanness, not yet civilized, shame on our people.
IB Aug 18, 2016 05:46pm
most Pakistanis going to London are not well educated and mostly belong to small villages and same is true for many Pakistanis who had immigrated there... Its always a bad experience on flights to London
Roussou Aug 18, 2016 06:00pm
Have cc tv in the cabin to catch the culprits. Enough is enough.
Smart Solution Aug 18, 2016 06:03pm
PIA staff has to be courtious and PIA passengers have to be behave properly with the staff. Works both ways.
Mudassar Aug 18, 2016 06:04pm
Mr Naveed all respect to you educate your kids not to create mess in the first place, Its not acceptable, respect of public property is stressed in all countries and you will be surprised how other nations treat public places and property. Abuse is not accepted in the Western world and people confront it not condone it. No excuses full stop. This is a disease in Pakistan where littering is accepted as a norm and every thing is blamed on the government and citizen refuses to carry any responsibility.
Saleem Aug 18, 2016 06:07pm
I believe for long hauls you will always have issues with trash, toilet over flow etc.. which is quiet common. Regarding cultural issues yes but its also a bit like customer awareness instead of customer blaming.. for example many airlines distribute only food perishables that are not messy... Or for example air crew does frequent collection of trash/garbage and cleanup of washrooms etc... Frequent travelers will not liter often but new travelers, kids will tend to garbage more.. otherwise small routes in domestic areas or Dubai flight example when labor is moving or Haj flights will tend to liter more but this is related to customer awareness which is also airline responsibility... If PIA has issue with customer tardiness on the route they could always provide fancy garbage bags to each customer at start of flight or something similar...
Masood Aug 18, 2016 06:16pm
PIA stewards should get DOUBLE the salary for putting up with such hooliganism. And these were planes just acquired by PIA. No wonder they hate us in UK, US and the rest of civilized world.
Fawad K Khan Aug 18, 2016 06:19pm
No, this is not normal. I have seen Pakistani travelers behaving well when in other places and completely losing it when they enter their plane or airports. People need to be reminded about cleanliness, manners and discipline.
kash Aug 18, 2016 06:32pm
the initiative is good but why only 25km on limo. I live in luton which is 37 miles from Heathrow airport. Are they just gonna drop me off at watford
Javed Aug 18, 2016 06:35pm
@A. A. to gauge the civic sense of any nation, just watch how traffic merges from two lanes to one, simple!
Seedoo Aug 18, 2016 06:36pm
@Naveed Your thinking is emblematic of an average Pakistani. Don't take responsibility for your own actions and your kids. The last time I visited Pakistan after 25 years, I was saddened to see how filthier Karachi is now compared to back in the 80s when it was still considered a dirty city. People need to learn to take care of their environment. This is common courtesy. People will keep their own houses clean, but the moment they step outside their homes, their attitudes change, I don't know why. When I came to the US, the very first thing I noticed was that our neighbor after mowing his lawn, came out with a broom and swept the areas of the street (yes street) adjacent to his lawn where the grass clippings had flown to. Once he was done, there was no grass clippings to be found on the street.
khan Aug 18, 2016 06:40pm
Discusting and diplorable behaviour of passengers. They will never dare to litter an aircraft of a foreign airline - if they even think such a out rages behaviour airline will fine them n they cannot cross immigration before paying fine or cleaning it. Shame of these individules
M.Malik Aug 18, 2016 06:44pm
This was just the inaugural flight.. Imagine if the service lasts even six months, what the planes may look like - Pakistan Railways or Public Buses!?
Hamid Shafiq Aug 18, 2016 06:45pm
My first experience with PIA in 2004 when PIA bought brand new Boeing 777 from USA. My flight from Karachi to Manchester, after the flight you cannot imagine the people make the plane to dirty place imagine baby diaper underneath the seats, tissues, disposable cups and so on every garbage present on floor some people sleeping near partition at some time I feel i travled in economy class of railway bogie really worst condition and see Emirates all people take care of garbage and at the end air hostess collect all garbage but it's not crew fault it's fault of Pakistani passengers shame on this act of passengers
Ghaznavi Aug 18, 2016 06:45pm
PIA should team up with Pakistan Tourism department and come up with a package that with purchase of tickets to Pakistan , includes free domestic tickets to tourist attractions all over Pakistan.
kash Aug 18, 2016 06:46pm
Staff should also do a bin/ clear up round at least 30 minutes before landing
Mahmood Aug 18, 2016 06:47pm
I bet the Sri Lankan crew were trained to expect this behavior from Pakistan passengers... And they remain unimpressed, perhaps even amused to realize that Sri Lankans are far more civilized, better educated and respected around the world. 'Pakistanis - Great People to Fly with'??
kash Aug 18, 2016 06:50pm
@Dr.MM.Khan The plane is brand new. only manufactured in 2014
Sonny Afridi Aug 18, 2016 06:51pm
Have a heart and have some class for gods sakes! What is wrong with the people who show no manners or cleanliness
kash Aug 18, 2016 06:52pm
@Awan The rubbish shown is in economy class, am sure the business class seats were well clean
Imran Aug 18, 2016 06:59pm
Pakistani People ( Including me ) need to have sense that by trashing our National Airline we show how we are grown up and how our parents train us. everything starts from Home........
Reality Bites Aug 18, 2016 07:06pm
I can see someone with an unruly child creating a mess on their seat, but unfortunately, the desi passengers have a mentality that since we are paying more its ok to exploit and waste. Same mentality goes when the crew and cabin staff is treated like servants. It will take some more generations of the educated, to bring civility to our society.
khan idris Aug 18, 2016 07:07pm
i am retired airline will be a good idea that pia show them a video how to keep the cabin clean and how to use toilets and the flushing system.
siddiq karim Aug 18, 2016 07:09pm
problem is with pakistani people. go look at masajids in the usa where most users are pakistanis. then look at the churches. look at the maintenance and you will be shocked. there are definitely exceptions. on the whole muslims are not very clean and do not follow hygiene. all this is because of lack of secular education and resources and over population. stinginess is prevalent which is also against islamic edict. shame on us.
Saifuddin Takhtawala Aug 18, 2016 07:09pm
Unfortunately, we have no civic sense. We are ready to blame others but we are least bothered to look in our own backyard. PIA should assign Air Marshalls to monitor the passengers.
TariqCanada Aug 18, 2016 07:10pm
I have personally noticed this mess in flights from Canada to Pakistan by most of the inconsiderate people. There must be a criteria to have selected people in Premier; no infants, no nursing moms, illiterate people and even educated inconsiderate $tds. I would suggest FINE for messing around and give advance notice that if Crew found someone not complying will be Fined for USD 500 then you will see the difference as those people do not deserve Premier without premier mind set
SHIRAZ Aug 18, 2016 07:14pm
@Naveed Kids make mess when their upbringing and training, they are not taught etiquette and manners.
siddiq karim Aug 18, 2016 07:15pm
why should we accept trash in buses in multan or anywhere else. we blame others especially the brits for our problem. go look at their cities and how they kept the cities clean whenthey ruled india. definitely better than what we are doing.
M Y Aug 18, 2016 07:21pm
Pia management and pia' s passengers are like each other. How to educate them, both sides need lot of time and efforts/ training .Pia staff they are not qualified they got the job, And every one knows how! Regarding passengers, catch them on the spot when they are doing any nonsense, things like throwing trash etc.And warn them seriously. At arrival again tell them to behave them self next time - Also praise them for their company, flying with pia.
saeeds Aug 18, 2016 07:21pm
Finally something about real culprits people and Awam instead of blaming on government or politician.
Sherry Aug 18, 2016 07:25pm
Its not normal to make a mess while u r travelling,we gotta educate our self before we get on board,there are people who will clean the airplane once it reach to its destination!they all will think negative about us and our culture!we gotta tell people this is not a bus in karachi,Lahore or pindi please if you get a nice service act properly.whenever i travel back to Pakistan with someother airline i always see the faces of cabin crew when they serve to our Pakistani people such a disgrace to us so plz for God sake!learn some manners before u step in. Thanks
Shah8 Aug 18, 2016 07:37pm
It is mainly passengers with small kids travelling PIA, so mess can happen. The thing PIA need to realise is that the passengers do not need them and they need passengers to survive. There are many middle eastern airlines that are doing a much better and safe job in providing a good service. That is the only reason PIA is being revamped is b/c of competition. Please understand your loyal customers, who give you business, stop mourning and work a bit harder. At the same time passengers should no doubt be more considerate.
Jerry Aug 18, 2016 07:39pm
PIA: You have seat numbers and passengers name who were sitting there. Take them to a British court and file for damages. Nobody will dare to mess the plane again. The flights carrying labour to Gulf States are the worst. Pakistan needs nation building, We need to instill some civic sense in our public. Standing in line and waiting for your turn, throwing trash in trash bins, respect for elders and women and children, all of this has to be enforced strictly for few years and then this will become a norm.
Iqbal Ali Aug 18, 2016 07:47pm
You can't change the society overnight. So stop complaining and PIA should look at ways how to instantly clean a mess and keep the lavotries clean through the flight.
CALCUTTA MAN Aug 18, 2016 07:57pm
"The PIA spokesperson remarked that while the airline routinely cleans every plane, not every type of stain can be removed easily. "Passengers should not treat these planes like public buses,"" So basically the PIA spokesperson believes it's okay to litter public buses?
Khan, Canada Aug 18, 2016 08:01pm
I recall Lee Kuan yu of Singapore, he banned chewing gum and install hefty fine for any body throwing litter. See Singapore is among cleanest cities. Poor performance from people and Govt.
ismail Aug 18, 2016 08:11pm
What PIA failed to do was not to send the "Bhangi" or cleaner on the flight. one bhangi to clean the mess of elite people and keep the flight clean. Bad planning PIA
khan Aug 18, 2016 08:13pm
They are not Jahil labourers from FATA, These are educated Jahil from London. Flying the Pakistani way. ........
Talat Aug 18, 2016 08:14pm
This picture describes the country. Anyone who tries to justify it, is a pure Pakistani.
Sachin Aug 18, 2016 08:16pm
@wellwisher bro where India has come here? BTW I have traveled hundreds of times on domestic and international flights of India and I never saw such things
Ikram Aug 18, 2016 08:19pm
Did the PIA management look at the cleanliness of the whole country. The condition the plane was left in should not have surprised them had they done their homework.
Lahore kid Aug 18, 2016 08:29pm
When people fly with kids, its bound to happen, maybe PIA should consider providing foods that make less of a mess. People aren't going to change, but that is a lot of trash, desi people zindabad.
Habib Aug 18, 2016 08:31pm
Two decade of travelling world wide give indication to me the complainer PIA staff are incapable of maintaining the flight during a long journey however it does not permit we as passengers of flights to make place as garbage bag and fly with attitude of typical rider mentality of throughing rabish anywhere
anony Aug 18, 2016 08:37pm
Although I agree that the airplane will be messy on arrival and it sthe cleaning crew's responsibility to clean up, we ARE one of the least considerate people on earth. If we drop some wrapper on the floor, we consider it a dent to our ego to pick it up with our own hands.
Ahmer Aug 18, 2016 08:44pm
We keep on saying that our governments and authorities are incompetent or corrupt but we at the root level are the same. Our officials hail from the very same people which are us, then why do we foolishly expect that they will be better or there will be a change in the country?
Khawar Aug 18, 2016 08:50pm
@Naveed and that is your excuse for littering in public? Should we have more signal free corridors just because people can not learn to stop at stop lights... or single lane roads with fortified concrete barriers on each side just so people can drive in their lanes...
pk Aug 18, 2016 09:36pm
@Naveed Why normal.... do you allow children to do at home. What itwill take to pick up your mess and give it airline person.
MIke Aug 18, 2016 09:47pm
Don't want to stereotype but people from the subcontinent tend to shut their eyes and senses to filth. Seem to have an extremely high tolerance for pollution and filth around them. Kids are never educated and coached while growing up , discipline starts at home not in public places. Respect for privacy, comfort and convenience of others means nothing to most in that part of the world. Peripheral vision does not exists for a majority of people & an individual's personal space in public has never been heard of. I am sure several people must have smoked on flight and forget about the toilets!!!! Love to see a picture of that .
pk Aug 18, 2016 09:57pm
@Arslan You hit the right cord. No basic civic sence.
OSD Aug 18, 2016 10:01pm
I recently travelled on a foreign airline and the staff were neither courteous nor helpful. But none of the Pakistani passengers complained and on the contrary sat in silence for the whole journey. But when people are traveling on PIA, they go on a rampage and treat the staff with contempt. It is wrong to hold the PIA staff at fault when we as passengers never uphold standards of etiquette.
pk Aug 18, 2016 10:04pm
@Hassan Uneducated people have greater civic sence educated people who are being pempared by workers serving them. They believe they have class but they do not have.
Ali Bokhary Aug 18, 2016 10:14pm
Perhaps Pakistanis should not be allowed to travel on PIA premier. The target market should only be foreigners. Let Pakistanis get what they deserve ie PIA traditional.
R.Kannan Aug 18, 2016 10:28pm
While I can relate to some of the issues, I do not understand the comments "Passengers should not treat these planes like public buses,". Both are means of transport. It is important to inculcate a cleanliness culture which cannot be done by treating bus & plane differently.
jUSA Aug 18, 2016 10:36pm
Put a statement saying ,at end of the flight , we will make you clean the plane or take credit card number and charge them for cleaning......... everything will be fine
KARIM HUNZAI Aug 18, 2016 10:47pm
@dave smith I agree with you,
Asif Kamil Aug 18, 2016 11:00pm
Well not surprised ! This is our masses unfortunately.
Najam Saeed Aug 18, 2016 11:09pm
@Naveed Great philosphy - don't stop train or prevent the kids from making a mess, consider it normal, and expect the airline to clean it up because it is their job. You need to learn to take some responsibility.
Vic Aug 18, 2016 11:14pm
It is simple to control-----first of all---do not allow food items from outside into the aircraft in the carry on baggage--. If food items are found---put the carry on baggage into the luggage hold. Maybe the aircraft needs Cleanliness Police on the aircraft---which makes occasional rounds walking down the aisles and fine for littering.
Hemant Aug 18, 2016 11:18pm
You need to have an educational session for all the travelers before they board the plane. They should show a video how other airlines travelers travel world over.. Singapore trained their citizen by forcing them by innovative punishment.. Passengers should be allowed to leave aircraft only after they collect every thing from the floor. Clean up toilets and keep all the items at their location..
Ali Aug 18, 2016 11:29pm
Making mess like this is not a normal thing, the people who believe this is normal should consult some doctor please. I have traveled many international flights but havnt seen mess ever like this. You are not suppose to eat peanut in the plan, and through the trash any where you want in the plane.
Tariq, Lahore Aug 18, 2016 11:33pm
Any property 'deliberately' vandalised by any passenger/s, PIA should take then to task !
from India Aug 18, 2016 11:38pm
@wellwisher Where is this coming from? Foreign airlines to India operate all kinds of brand new aircraft, including the A380, B787 and B747-8i
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Aug 18, 2016 11:39pm
The passenger population on PIA flights must improve their behavior, attitude and practices and handle themselves in a responsible fashion.
Noor Aug 18, 2016 11:44pm
Very astonished to see dearest labor class travelling to GCC is much than these guys travelling to europe..actually someone should ask them if u fly with emirates or qatar airways will u do same???? Embarrassing........
Iqbqal Jan Aug 18, 2016 11:48pm
Sadly upper and middle class Pakistanis who travel by airlines have never done any cleaning in their own homes, it is done by their servants who are responsible for keeping the house clean. They are not brought up to keep their homes clean. Cleaning is a menial job for them hence they do not understand how to keep their homes tidy and clean without servants. When a Bagumsab or her family travelling in Pakistan owned airline they take it as their own home and behave exactly the way would would behave in their home. Unfortunately Pakistani society is not as yet fit to live in 21st century and they behave as if they are living in 12th century.
Farouk Salehjee Aug 18, 2016 11:49pm
Shame , Shame on some few bunch of Pakistanies you dont deserve anything good ! Surprisingly you dont do this kind of mess when you travel on other carriers Stop blaming PIA all the time.
Fazeel Mehboob Aug 19, 2016 12:29am
Great effort by Pakistan's officials to bring that great service to Pakistan. Its not the right time to discuss the negative of it. I think, Pakistani people will get some time to get familiar to the proper use of this service. The administration of this service should start some sort of induction briefing before take off. By doing this, we will see a positive change after short while. Lastly, appreciating for this excellent service
zmuk Aug 19, 2016 12:36am
The article left out the most important thing: Price Range for Premier London/Domestic flights. That's the 1st thing anyone interested in flying Premier will look for.
Freeman Aug 19, 2016 12:46am
We always love to complain for the mess we ourselves are responsible the most. Pathetic is pretend all sort decency seeing "dunda". Don't know when will we start feeling the responsibility of freedom.
Salman Aug 19, 2016 12:50am
People's who use this service is majority british born Pakistanis from north part, the streets where they live are worst than residential part of Pakistani cities. They have no education and live there life on benifits.
Dude1 Aug 19, 2016 12:56am
Shame!! I guess that is what they do.
V.Bhatia Aug 19, 2016 12:58am
If this is the caliber of people who ride PIA, any thoughts and desires I had of riding PIA have evaporated
Syed Mohammad Husain Aug 19, 2016 01:00am
PIA is making a great effort to regain your business. I hope you will continue to use it as much as your convenience allows. We have Muslims mostly travelling on the airline and their kids are normally not restrained once inside the aircraft. The lavatory is also used for the prayer 'wazoo', leaving it soiled with water on the floor and even overflowing outside of it. Children are often bathed by their mothers in them. After relieving ourselves there, we are normally in the habit of using water which messes up everything similar to the bathing of children. PIA puts up with all this. It is time you also made some effort to live a civilized life.
Samosa Eater Aug 19, 2016 01:03am
Dear PIA, Great job on the wonderful new service! Quit publically complaining about your customers that bring you revenue. Only s small % are a problem, Adjust your business model to address the challenges. Mess can be cleaned up (hire more cleaners) , but if someone trashes the plane equipment or seats, charge them a repair fee. Hotels in US do the same thing. Google up the issue, you'll get good ideas on how to address this. Good luck
V.Bhatia Aug 19, 2016 01:03am
"Passengers should not treat these planes like public buses," he (Mr. Danyal Gilani) said. Right there is the source of the problem. Why would you expect and condone littering in public buses even?
Hamid Aug 19, 2016 01:06am
Passengers who don't have the basic common courtesy for the airline staff should be fined. Even if you have kids or are on a long haul flight, there is absolutely no excuse to act like a bull in a china shop. Control your "jungli" kids or clean up after them. Simple! Keep it up PIA, you are on the right track.
Khalid Aug 19, 2016 01:09am
Any flight going to and fro from Pakistan is "cattle herding"
101Times Aug 19, 2016 01:31am
What would we expect from a people in general being this happened in Pakistani Airline? And no, this doesn't happen in all airlines, whomever said this below needs to travel more often! I suggest PIA track down the passengers in those seats and review the issue with them directly. Make it public, people have to be held responsible for their actions!
Saleem Akhtar toor Aug 19, 2016 02:04am
Priorities my friends priorities! And I may sound Utopian! We need to spend a few billions more on education and civic/ moral awareness each year to save the future of these projects (airlines, metros, transits, roads, parks) worth trillions! These trillions will go down the drain far quickly at the hands of an a relatively larger mass of uneducated, unaware and unhealthy people. An aware, healthy nation is what we need to strive for.
zaffar Aug 19, 2016 02:07am
very shocking to see the mess these so called rich passengers behaviour. They lack education.
Umer Salahuddin Aug 19, 2016 02:18am
All passengers should be fined because they not only made destruction but also bring bad name to Pakistan. I hope PIA has contact information of all passengers.
Khan Aug 19, 2016 02:24am
The better way to avoid such circumstances is to design the offering according to the nations custom. For Pakistani's it will be more appropriate to offer food that creates less mess and easier to clean. e.g. food with no stew and avoid offering rice etc.
suchbaath Aug 19, 2016 02:33am
Does wearing designer suit changes the person to be courteous? If so then PIA is right, and national dress needs to be changed so all Pakistanis be courteous. Otherwise extensive training and upbringing of staff is needed to help serve passengers, instead spending on uniform. If PIA worried about passengers behavior, then put a warning that all flights have live recording, and will be broadcasted over TV, as part of new Comedy show "Ha'wai Ikhlaq" .Hope this warning bring restrain from the passengers, and crew.
Anil Sharma Aug 19, 2016 02:38am
Hi Pakistani bros,Yaaro hum donoe kub sudharaingay.Recently travelled from Delhi to Melbourne.It was as pathetic as here.It was problem visiting the loo after one of our kind had used it.If the loo was being used by someone else the next one would stand outside the door lest anyone else precede.At the end of the journey the litter was strewn as here.Jo bhi ho hum ek hain!
NASR Aug 19, 2016 02:47am
Well announce before the flight of the dismal picture after a flight and warn the passenger that they are on camera and will be cited on trashing. Learning starts from a mothers cradle or lap and I think our mothers are not doing that. The schools are only run for huge profit so why do they care to teach the new generation and the result is sorry to say "A rowdy society without any ethical and responsible behavior"
NASR Aug 19, 2016 02:57am
"We request our valued customers to take care of this new aircraft as if this is their personal property and value this excellent service being provided by PIA Premier, which is for their own comfort without any extra charges," PIA please have look at your people in your country. They cannot Take care of their hygiene themselves, how can they take care of their personal property and let alone PIA.
m khan Aug 19, 2016 03:04am
sad to see such a picture,These people will behave differently when in London !
Mukul Aug 19, 2016 03:04am
they are not used to luxury like this so don't know how to manage
Tilakaratne Aug 19, 2016 03:14am
As a staff from Sri Lankan Airlines,I am very sad of the way our new air craft are being used by PIA . I am more angry with my managers who is responsible to give these planes to such a country with excuse to save our airline.
Alba Aug 19, 2016 03:32am
Pakistan needs a better class of people.
sohni j Aug 19, 2016 03:37am
@Naveed : as stated in the article itself our own Pakistani grown up public also behave like babies and kid.......
Asim Malik Aug 19, 2016 04:01am
There is no justification in this. People take national airline for granted. I hate to be bearer of bad news but I do agree with the comments from PIA that people in Pakistan do lack the norms of decency. I have traveled a lot and have utilized many airlines. Pakistani's are a different specie when outside of Pakistan. They know how to make a queue and follow the rules and dare not do such acts when travelling on international carriers from the fear of being thrown off the plane. But when you arrive in Pakistan and see same people act differently, it's mind bogling
Ekaram Aug 19, 2016 04:02am
@Naveed It is not normal. Period! People do not do it in all planes. Come and check out Delta, American, United, Southwest et al. Atlanta
Tauqeer Aug 19, 2016 04:35am
Usually it is an airline that causes inconvenience to the people and brings them undeserved disrespect and shame.Here, it is other way around.
Mwaqar Aug 19, 2016 04:53am
@Naveed Dawn, this is the classic example of Pakistani society, where people think , ''THIS IS NORMAL ''. What a shame.
shamsher Aug 19, 2016 05:03am
@dr. abdullah mahmood . Now the question is not what we are, but can done to overcome such follies; should we go backward and amalgamate or at least make with India which is fast moving forward in spite of facing immense hurdles , and or should we abandon our faith which is blocking our path to move up ward toward progress
Nangyal Aug 19, 2016 05:33am
Atleast they have not slashed the seats with cutlery knives, have seen that happen in Pakistan.
Khalid Aug 19, 2016 05:44am
@Naveed kids don't have to make mess neither they will make it in all airlines not like this
concerned Aug 19, 2016 06:12am
First paragraph reads" 'With a revamped livery, dapper new crew uniforms and an expansive in-flight entertainment system with 250 channels, the impressive customer reviews Premier received came as no surprise. What is livery ? Is it lavatory, does any one use spellcheck ? Or, am I the only dinosaur around ?
Agha Ata Aug 19, 2016 06:15am
PIA should have some qualified people with good aesthetic sense to work on its images.
Arij Aug 19, 2016 06:19am
The picture of trash on the floor of the plane is pretty much the same after any PIA flight. One reason could be the general lack of consciousness about keeping our surroundings clean. We are an uncouth, misbehaving, uncultured,hypocritical and indisciplined people.
gia Aug 19, 2016 06:19am
Install cameras and start holding people responsible for their destructive actions. Cameras are pretty cheap now
Ather Aug 19, 2016 06:40am
Shame on the elite class of the country. I am sure they will never do this in a foreign airliner.
Taimur Khan Aug 19, 2016 06:41am
We have to provide our masses with basic education before we provide them with premier service and bus service.
Malik Aug 19, 2016 06:44am
Passengers of the plane would remain ill mannered when roads will be constructed in place of educating people. No need to cry. Now face the music.
Malik Aug 19, 2016 06:48am
No need to cry for ill manners when you are not educating children
Tariq Aug 19, 2016 07:52am
I would like to felicitate PIA for trying to make a come back towards its lost glory by launching their premier version. My only concern is that they must continue to be consistent in providing quality services no matter what government comes. I hope its a long term planning. The above pictures are not intriguing to raise concern about passengers, it happens when one is travelling with families and kids in economy class. At least I have seen the worse in Emirates. Unless passengers have done damage to permanent fixtures like LCD, seats etc than its a concerning issue.
GA Aug 19, 2016 08:07am
Inspect the seats and fine the passengers before they disembark if it's as messy as shown in the pictures.
Qaiser Aug 19, 2016 08:19am
most probably it is our educated class
Shakil Aug 19, 2016 08:39am
I live in Toronto...This is our common habit. Destroying others property is in our blood.Because we have totally forgotten our religion. Thanks Muhammad shakeel
Shakil Aug 19, 2016 08:42am
@Sachin I totally agree with you. Muhammad Khan Toronto
Taimoor Ashraf Aug 19, 2016 08:45am
Islamabad to London means Mirpur to London essentially and anyone who has lived in UK will tell you how "civil" the Mirpuris are.
Hopistan Jack Aug 19, 2016 08:50am
@Dr.MM.Khan well said sir, well said!
illawarrior Aug 19, 2016 09:02am
Of course there is always SOME litter, but the pictures shown here are completely unacceptable. Anyone who thinks that is "normal" needs to re-examine their standards. I have NEVER been on a flight that looks like that when disembarking. Most people show a bit more respect.
Bozo Aug 19, 2016 09:05am
Accidents can happen during a long flight especially children do make litter in the plane so I don't think it matters.
Ashutosh Mishra Aug 19, 2016 09:08am
Sadly, I have to report nearly the same sort of behavior in Benares, India flight from Mumbai. And the new train introduced for Benares was treated in the same way by us Indians. And I even picked up a fight, well almost, with two idiots on the tarmac who were walking back to the airport building after the flight arrived. But, how many can I fight?? We are Indians. We will continue to be this way, shameless!!!
Naveed Aug 19, 2016 09:10am
whats the use of all this complaining?? clean up and move on like a commercial operator should do
Shivarpit Aug 19, 2016 09:24am
The lack/absence of education in addition to lack/absence of empathy towards fellow humans and animals has now manifested as an acceptable anti-social conduct in people from all strata in Pakistan - rich or poor, educated or illiterate and everyone in between. This behavior is practiced inside Pakistan as well as when these individuals travel/immigrate to other countries. It will take a concerted effort for at least 3 generations to wipe this mentality clean.
samrendra singh Aug 19, 2016 09:26am
never seen any thing like this in my life , i have travelled a lot in last few years .
Komal S Aug 19, 2016 09:26am
@TariqCanada Ok Mr. Premier human being. You sound like the British, where the first class was reserved for the whites and 3rd class for Indians. All it needs is little education. PIA should come up with creative ways to educate people, it is their job, instead of whining.
Syed Nazim Aug 19, 2016 09:27am
Action not rituals.
samrendra singh Aug 19, 2016 09:28am
@Naveed i have travelled a lot in last few years, never in my life i have seen any thing like this, not even 10% of this, i travelled with air india, british airways, swiss air, Emirates, thai malaysian and many more airlines .
M. ASIF Aug 19, 2016 09:31am
Feel so embarrassing. Look at our roads , sidewalks and other public places, all reflect uncivilizes attitude of people. We need to educate people to behave. Ettiquettes...the code of polite behavior come with education. We, at every step, remind all classes of passangers to show manners and civilized and positive attitude in private and public life.
Nicole Aug 19, 2016 09:40am
Perhaps adding a $50 dollar refundable fee ( once your assigned seat and monitors are returned in the same manner ) applied may I mean just may deter some of these abusive travels to caution ... The hotels here in the USA charge a 50-100 dollar fees (of course depends where you stay) ... And most everyone gets that back and is also extra vigilant not to destroy or abuse anything
Mr. Tunaari Aug 19, 2016 10:04am
Thrash pickup and Thrash removal is the JOB of the Airline. Airlines should either supply them with thrash bags or the Hostess needs to go around collecting garbage. I see it as a failure of PIA or the Wet Leasing company who failed to ensure cleanliness in the plane. Good, Bad and Ugly passengers comes to every Airline with every nationality and not just Pakistan.
Muhammad Adnan Aug 19, 2016 10:20am
There is no reason throwing away eatables or other stuff. It is illogical to say ground staff will clean upon arrival. No decency as a muslim. I have travelled and see how elite class as well as normal people behave with the stewardess while serving.
the fake ZAK Aug 19, 2016 10:21am
"Passengers should not treat these planes like public buses," he said." So pakistanis can litter in Buses ??
Farooqi Aug 19, 2016 10:30am
Zia Aug 19, 2016 10:42am
Perhaps PIA should hire jamadaars to service inflights. Jarroo in one hand and a Lotaa in another. Shameful behaviour by the passengers. Anyone ever think that the lack of competency of the staff maybe the result of the behaviour of the travellers. Over and over flight after flight.
jasim Aug 19, 2016 10:42am
@Naveed this is definitely not normal. I've flown in various airlines and people even with children don't this much mess. It is the desi culture; disregard for others and wrong etiquette is just some of the traits we like to boast about. At least people need to learn to flush after they use the facility.
Sarwat Aug 19, 2016 10:53am
@Naveed parents need to train their kids, but parents are also uncouth.
Sara Aug 19, 2016 11:08am
@Sarwat I agree.
SiD Aug 19, 2016 11:08am
we as a nation are just AMAZING! cannot respect our own space and certainly cannot respect space and place of others. I suggest put up hefty fine to passengers who litter this much and only then release their baggage and clear their immigration. Such a shame!
julius machado Aug 19, 2016 11:30am
This seems to be the common trait in the subcontinent. I am from Mumbai, and even in India, littering in public places, spitting on railway platforms etc is rampant. If children do it, it cannot be an excuse because its the parent's responsibility to teach them good manners. I also do not appreciate one phrase used in the above write up. ( "Passengers should not treat these planes like public buses," he-PIA Spokesman- said) Why should public buses also be littered? Its time we- Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis - give up our "trashy" habits and be more civic conscious.
fida USA Aug 19, 2016 01:04pm
The passengers who travel on PIA are the same who dump garbage on the streets of Pakistan, spit on the street and have no respect for law and order. Does any one stops at the red light signal. Generally the people of Pakistan lack discipline.
SIKANDAR KHAN Aug 19, 2016 01:22pm
@julius machado ..MY DEAR I FULLY AGREE
Dhruvesh Aug 19, 2016 01:47pm
Yaar, why are we guys fighting with each other? Hum to bilkul ek jaise hain!! In India, this is the same habit specially in Northern States.
Usher Aug 19, 2016 02:15pm
Scarcity of civic sense is rampant in our country. In my opinion only machinery which can bring effective changes on grass root level is local government system. If we allow our local government system to evolve we can have improvement in all forms of life.
Amin Aug 19, 2016 03:05pm
yes its a bad habit but if you are in service industry you have to face such situations often. . .and i think the plane doesn't have only two seat rows. . .
zrizvi Aug 19, 2016 03:29pm
@Naveed having chlidren dosent mean we dont accept our responsibilities. In Other countries children travel too but i never seen or heard of a mess like that before .
zrizvi Aug 19, 2016 03:30pm
@fida USA well said bro
Nighat Ali Malik Aug 19, 2016 04:01pm
The airline is providing a service, and trying really hard to provide a good one at that. We as a nation are typical parhe likhe jaahil as it is inexcusable to even think that this is okay and expected on a long flight. Children at pre-nursery are taught to clean up after themselves. The airline staff is not meant to be our personal maid and butlers. These people should be fined. As far as stealing lotions is concerned.. im speechless..
hassan Aug 19, 2016 04:24pm
@kash : Yeah, take a taxi from Watford ...... :-)
Atif Aug 19, 2016 04:26pm
They should offer this service from Karachi to London. More civilised crowd I suppose
Mushahid Aug 19, 2016 06:47pm
A whole generation has grown up without any exposure to learning manners and etiquette! With passing away of a generation of elders who used to teach values and manners to the next generation...the new generation is clueless in terms of values, manners and etiquette!
imran Aug 19, 2016 06:57pm
PIA tries but our passangers trash the plane, try using the toilets after a couple of hours in the air, they should fine passangers in my opion.
TariqCanada Aug 19, 2016 07:01pm
@samrendra singh are you travelling in your own jet
Faisal Faruqi Aug 19, 2016 08:12pm
Our national literacy rate is reflected in our public behavior as well. Unfortunately, this should be no surprise to anyone.
Sanjeev Aug 19, 2016 08:37pm
They should provide diapers to the passengers.
Nusrat Aug 19, 2016 08:59pm
@TariqCanada I am a Pakistani born in Canada. I traveled on a plane, nursed my 4 month old son, changed his diaper and disposed of it in the correct location, and nowhere did you see any kind of mess left behind. You want to know why? Because I have manners unlike a lot of PIA travelers. My mother in law took a PIA flight and someone dumped a diaper into the toilet causing it to clog. All of the passengers had to be disembarked and they took another flight a day later. It's not infants and nursing mothers that are necessarily the problem. It's the problem of Pakistanis in general who are filthy and greedy everywhere they go.
DesiMan Aug 19, 2016 09:08pm
@Naveed I've seen parents pick up after kids. Kids learn from parents. Littering is not normal.
hammurabi Aug 20, 2016 07:41am
@chishti Cleanliness has nothing to do with beliefs. Its aesthetic sense which matters.
Masood Aug 20, 2016 08:26am
Littering inside the plane should be declared a criminal offence. Clear warning inside the plane should be posted. Only strict discipline would lead to change in habits after some time Littering is an offence punishable with hefty fine and same rules should apply to the National Airline!! Strict behaviour therapy is required to achieve desired results!!!
Sara Aug 20, 2016 09:41am
@Arslan You are so right.
Sara Aug 20, 2016 09:55am
@Harmony-1© They are doing it because the plane is wet leased from Sri Lankans and they are darker in color. Pakistani should be ashamed of them selves that we have to lease planes from Sri Lanka. Sri Lankans are on top cause they work hard and are taking care of their country. Being Sri Lankan is not a wear word.
Imran AB Aug 20, 2016 11:16am
We all know about the majority of the passengers who travel between Pakistan and UK ...
Jamaluddin Aug 20, 2016 02:14pm
Education should reflect through our behaviours. We get our car washed after a long journey. But are pathetic when it comes to government property. Decency should prevail.
Muhammad Idrees Aug 20, 2016 03:00pm
This is unfortunate that some of our Pakistani community behaves same way in all PIA flights. However when they travel in Qatar, Saudia, Emirates. , Gulf and Kuwait airlines on Gulf routes they prove themselves to be the most well behaving people simply because the crew is not Pakistani nationals and have the power to offload them and handover to police and they are aware of the consequences. I think it is a bad mindset to damage our own national interest and people should be educated for that with heavy punishment for violators. It is just unfortunate be it new train, metro bus, plane or hospital, we see such behaviors rather than appreciating it and bein thankful. These days we see in note on toilets 'please leave it clean for next user' and users take it as their duty to do and leave it clean. Q
iqbal Aug 20, 2016 03:31pm
i think with this mess and litter in aircraft passengers are saying we want dc3 dakota. we did exactly same with Hitachi rail car service when launched in late sixties. pia mgmt relax and don't cry my father who was one of pioneer of rail car service also did not cry but did mention it to his child which is me.
Jamaluddin Aug 20, 2016 08:39pm
Most of the passengers would be expatriate Pakistanis. They would criticise every thing happening in Pakistan. Would criticize its system. But litter the plane by which they are going back to their new homeland. Is this what they have learnt in their new homeland? Please do not criticize your old homeland and its system.
Syed Rizvi Aug 21, 2016 06:46am
People want to make themselves feel at home.
kash Aug 21, 2016 07:27pm
I am disgraced to see that people behave like animals, it is disgusting. They would not do this on other airlines. The individuals that treat property like this should be fined or banned from traveling, these individuals are a disgrace to their nation. When will they learn to respect other peoples property, people that treat this like their home are a disgrace to other Pakistani's. Is this the example we wish to set and show other world airlines, shame on the people who did this.
kash Aug 21, 2016 07:47pm
@edwardian - you are right