
Updated 01 Aug, 2016

"#ShukriyaPakistan for educating me," she writes on Twitter.

It's a rare sight when tourists engage with fans and followers to change perceptions, they usually let their photos and captions do the talking. But former Goodwill Ambassador to Pakistan, Cynthia D. Ritchie isn't one of them.

Hey from Cynthia!- Photo courtesy: Cynthia Ritchie's Instagram
Hey from Cynthia!- Photo courtesy: Cynthia Ritchie's Instagram

She didn't just settle for picture uploads to document her travels, she addressed questions and changed perceptions - all through Twitter.

Having travelled across Pakistan - KPK, Skardu, Sindh and Lahore, to name a few - Cynthia took to Twitter to share her photos and engage in a Q&A with inquisitive souls.

People asked if she experienced a change of perception post her travels, to which she couldn't stop gushing about Pakistan and its people.

Cynthia at the police training facility in KPK
Cynthia at the police training facility in KPK

It all started when she was invited to visit the country back in 2010. She finally decided to give Pakistan a go.

And boy, was she left spellbound.

Cynthia travelled everywhere, from Kashmir (left) to Rawat Fort in Punjab (right)
Cynthia travelled everywhere, from Kashmir (left) to Rawat Fort in Punjab (right)

From people who live in Pakistan and have never travelled the country (us included!) to people with security concerns, she happily took everyone's questions.

Others invited her again to see places she missed the first time around.

Perhaps the best thing about her tweets was that her pictures uploads were all followed by hashtag #ShukriyaPakistan.

Funnily enough, she was immediately invited across the border.

Here's her two cents for tourists who wish to visit Pakistan:

She now plans to document her travels in Pakistan for a good cause by producing a docu-series about the nation, and capturing “the true spirit of Pakistan," to educate people on a global platform about the beauty, hospitality and kindness of Pakistan.


Zak Aug 01, 2016 05:32pm
Amazing. Thank you for your spirit of goodwill.
Madeeha Mahmood Aug 01, 2016 05:53pm
Great to hear positive views of Cynthia for her Pakistan's visit. Looking forward to read her book.
OPTIMISTIC PAKISTANI Aug 01, 2016 06:01pm
fawad Aug 01, 2016 06:31pm
have you visited shandur pass and bamborat valley of kalash????
fawad Aug 01, 2016 06:33pm
respected madam!! Please you should add videos of folk to show it to Americans as they should know about our culture beside what they perceived of pakistani nation as terrorist as it hurts because in reality there is no such sense in pakistan.
Titan Aug 01, 2016 06:35pm
She obviously traveled with security, something which most people can't or want to do.
Nabiha Aug 01, 2016 06:39pm
Shukria Cynthia for your positive views ... I would love to see the northern parts of Pakistan... Definitely on my bucket list
imtiaz ali khan Aug 01, 2016 06:47pm
God bless you. Thank you things will get better like the 70's full of tourists. Prayers for you beautiful soul.
Syed Zafar Kazmi U.S.A Aug 01, 2016 07:06pm
Pakistan is tourists' paradise and was so until late 70s when democracy was overturned and the heinous face of dictstorship disfigured the sweet, beautiful face of a country that was tolerant, loving and respectful to all.
Reader Aug 01, 2016 07:40pm
Yes, the best way to understand each other and the world around you is to see for yourself. We have to open up to others and others have to open up to us. Have a open mind. Two weeks back I visited the Lake Districts in the U.K. and the scenery was like heaven on earth. Pakistan is bestowed with matchless natural beauty, we have to learn to appreciate what we have, and share it with the world.
anony Aug 01, 2016 07:49pm
Please do come back again to Pakistan. You will be amazed by how many new things one encounters during each visit.
SNKN Aug 01, 2016 08:09pm
Cynthia you are v welcomed in Pakistan and thank you for your coverage of this most beautiful country and its cultural diversity, exoticism, vibrancy and hospitability... And thank you for for telling the world that there is so much more to Pakistan than what the world is made to believe about this amazing country God bless
Robert USA Aug 01, 2016 08:25pm
Reminded me of my travels across Pakistan. Fantastic scenic country with kind hospitable people. One of my most favourite countries for visiting.
Zak@ Aug 01, 2016 08:27pm
@Titan she had no security, just her camera crew and translator.. She was respected and cared for ,
Nadeem, USA Aug 01, 2016 08:37pm
Amer Rao Aug 01, 2016 08:50pm
Did you try Pakistani Mangoes @CynthiaDritchie
Abdullah Aug 01, 2016 09:04pm
@Titan no she didn't. more than half the pictures she's not with any security personnel.
Faiza GR Bhatt Aug 01, 2016 10:28pm
thank you so very much and i hope you are also able to publish a book on your travel through Pakistan.
Tihseen Aug 01, 2016 11:07pm
Most phatans including me do not care about west perception about us , but at least you changed my perception about Americans which i thought before were all biased and racist. Thanks Cynthia you are a real human.
AMBARR Aug 02, 2016 02:09am
Thank you Cynthia. It would have been far better if million people like u come and visit Pakistan but with out invitation.Henceforth ttp and and people with similar views owe us a great deal of thanks!
peace Aug 02, 2016 02:47am
thank you for your goodwill visit, this also shows to the Pakistani people that all Americans are not arrogant most Americans are loving, caring and open minded. Her visit to Pakistan was beneficial for BOTH people.
Salman Aug 02, 2016 03:22am
Positive side of the story :)
farooq Aug 02, 2016 03:26am
A lot of white people travel to Pakistan. Why is this so special? If one White woman traveling to Pakistan is news, that means the situation is not as good as we think :)
worthless wealth Aug 02, 2016 03:57am
Ms. Cynthia exceptions are always there, and you are one of them by virtue of various reasons. It is a matter of record that western countries have time and over again advised or warned their citizens to keep away from the area/s you have visited. Anyway, it is nice to learn that you enjoyed the trip and back home safe and sound, wish you all the best for your next trip.
Akhtar Quraishi Aug 02, 2016 04:32am
I have been living in US almost 45 years and love of Pakistan takes me 2 or 3 times-to the country of my Birth. But all the talk about criminal activities prevent me to take my wife to this beautiful place with me most of my trips. My utmost desire and prayers are that this stigma of security can be rid from our country and common people of Pakistan can live freely like the eletes lives. And country can use the resources to give chance to commoners to see this Diversify beautiful hospitiable people and cultures. Hope more and more foreigner can feel safe and visit our country. May Almighty bless this country and people.
Sonny Afridi Aug 02, 2016 05:46am
Very down to earth and interesting person. We welcome her again anytime. Glad she also saw Azad Kashmir region
Fakhar Masood Aug 02, 2016 06:42am
We heartily thank Cynthia for visiting our country and for giving such a positive feed back. I hope that Pakistanis would treat every visitor the same way although there will be few like Cynthia sister. May be should go back and visit Gilgit and Kaghan. Shukarya Cynthia
Aneela Zia Aug 02, 2016 06:58am
Shukriya Cynthia for showing the world true picture of Pakistan. Unfortunately the world knows us as terrorist, narrow minded, uneducated religious extremists because of the media. I wish that more people can do what you have done to bring about the truth.
Satyameva Jayate Aug 02, 2016 07:12am
Her impressions are too lop-sided to be easily taken as propaganda.
Samad Chaudhry London Aug 02, 2016 07:20am
Really glad to read your travels in Pakistan and that you liked the country. Pakistani hospitality has no equal and the country itself is beautiful. Thanks Cynthia
Amjed Jaaved Aug 02, 2016 08:01am
Amazing! Why I haven't traveled my own country that much. Could I do so at 68? Oh missed years! Why no Cynthia came 50 years earlier?
Asad Baig Aug 02, 2016 09:22am
Stay Blessed and Shukriya Cynthia D. Ritchie.
Althaf Aug 02, 2016 09:35am
@ZAK she was with a whole crew including security. U can see the crew recording in most of the pics. Nonetheless she should be very brave to do it. The scenery is beautiful tho.
anum Aug 02, 2016 10:07am
i wish pakistanis were as nice to local women :)
Shahbaz Ahmed Aug 02, 2016 10:12am
@Aneela Zia Agree with you..
Faisal Hamid Aug 02, 2016 10:27am
Shukria Cynthia & TEAM !
irfan Aug 02, 2016 10:31am
We really appreciate your views about Pakistan & people, We hope it will be helpful in eliminating the negative perception about Pakistan & its people ... we have the most beautiful country & most hospitable, loving & caring peope Shukriya Cynthia DRitchie ( Thanks a lot )
yaqub Aug 02, 2016 11:09am
Thank you Cynthia.
Einstein Babar Aug 02, 2016 11:17am
@Robert USA Thank you
Habib Aug 02, 2016 12:44pm
Feeling proud by by reading positive about my country
Adil Aug 02, 2016 12:56pm
The Real Picture of my country......
Kamran Khan Aug 02, 2016 01:25pm
Cynthia is a very lovely person!
shamsul Khondoker Aug 02, 2016 01:32pm
One of the best and beautiful country in the world. Almighty Allah bless Pakistan. Wonderful true comments.
Tamur Aug 02, 2016 01:39pm
@farooq situation is projected as not good. use of media all over the work to promote negative image. where as country's own media is playing no role to promote the positive image.
T.AHMED Aug 02, 2016 01:58pm
Lol I am always so happy whenever any Westerner comes to Pakistan. We Pakistanis madly love Westerners.
UT Aug 02, 2016 09:24pm
YES! More of this! Muchas Gracias Cynthia! My visit last winter was also very welcoming....and safe. IA, be well. Looking forward to reading more about your travels.
sami Aug 03, 2016 01:32am
Actually she is more beautiful than pakistan. Nah not actually...her sweetness cannot challenge the beauty of Pakistan's northern areas....but anyway next time she should visit gwadar !
Jawad Aug 03, 2016 09:12am
Incredible appeasement if you ask me.
Maqsood Aug 03, 2016 10:28am
Saleem qureshi Aug 03, 2016 06:28pm
I applaud your effort. It's inspiring and encouraging for our people who are generally gone hesitant to travel to the area you have visited rightly through fear of terrorism and poor law and order. Our family invite you to visit karachi & Sindh in Pakistan.
Anwar Khan Aug 03, 2016 07:08pm
Thanks for being so kind and responsive to the true beauty and feelings of Pakistan . It will be such a pleasure receiving you and all those who venture to see unmatched natural beauty, foods and people
Ali Gauhar khan Aug 03, 2016 10:28pm
Great thinking.great human.great personality. Nice to hear good view about pakistan and put the reality of a common pakistani before the world. Thank you so much
Ali Gauhar khan Aug 03, 2016 10:30pm
Sachin Aug 05, 2016 05:22am
I wish to visit Pakistan. The land of my ancestors -north Sindh. Beautiful place and beautiful people. Unfortunately the partition violence and the politics after that has spoiled our relations. I have high hope that one day the we will have easy visas and easy travel across border. I want to see the house of my great grandmother. Till then plz keep posting pictures.