
An open letter to Ahsan Khan: that creepy meme shouldn't have been shared

An open letter to Ahsan Khan: that creepy meme shouldn't have been shared

Because making light of rape culture is what got us into this mess in the first place.
07 Jul, 2016

Let's be clear: Pakistan has a problem when it comes to rape and child abuse.

Not only that it exists, but that you're not allowed to speak about it, you're not allowed to have an open discussion, and people are embarrassed and feel queasy just saying the word 'rape'.

In fact, women are made to feel ashamed and are victimized if they even open their mouths. Most of them are encouraged to keep silent about abuse in their lives for whatever ridiculous reason the family comes up with at the time. A few months ago, some 280 children (mostly under the age of 14) were not just raped, but also filmed in Kasur and those videos were used to blackmail their parents. Terrible times we live in.

In this context, between the saas bahu dramas and Jeena ke ma baap nahi hai, TV drama Udaari is probably the best serial to watch these days.

The message that child abuse is WRONG has been presented brilliantly by the entire team; especially writer Farhat Ishtiaq, director Ehtesham Ud Din and actor Ahsan Khan, who plays Imtiaz the molester. I myself wrote a piece on how fantastic Udaari is and how important it is to get this issue out there in a responsible, yet sensitive manner.

So when I saw the following meme shared on social media by Ahsan Khan, I was first perplexed and then horrified; I, for the life of me, cannot understand why Khan would defeat the purpose of the very message his team set out to give!

Ahsan Khan's joke did not go down well with Udaari fans.
Ahsan Khan's joke did not go down well with Udaari fans.

Now, I’m all for a great meme, (though Jeena's ma baap nahi hain memes are getting old), but this is no joke. You can’t play the character of a child molester to send a message about child abuse and then go share offensive memes which make light of said character's twisted desires, saying “it is just a drama.”

Dear Ahsan: you have offended the very people you are trying to help in your message. To your credit Ahsan, you deleted your post after a comment made by writer Vasay Chaudhry, but I’m wondering why you were motivated to share this in the first place?

I saw many artists from our industry laugh at the meme above when you shared it and they should all be ashamed of themselves (you know who you are so I won’t name names). I realised this right here — this attitude that sexual violence is 'not a big deal' and something to be laughed off — is why rape, rape culture, child abuse, and sexual abuse are not taken seriously in countries like Pakistan.

My sincere thanks to Vasay Chaudhry for being the one artist who condemned the post:

And my thanks to Saba Hamid for agreeing.

Ahsan, you are not only a fantastic actor, but are now known as a philanthropist. You have an obligation and a responsibility to not just your fans, but to everyone, to stand for what is right. I hope you apologize for sharing the post and will do whatever you can to condemn these irresponsible acts.


Ahmed Mobeen Jul 07, 2016 01:50pm
promote what is liked and accepted, don't promote what's not accepted and condemned.......
aslam shaikh Jul 07, 2016 01:51pm
High intelligence of our stars who we try to copy blindly...
Shehzad Jul 07, 2016 01:55pm
Agreed with the writer, play a responsive role for the society, don't be Imtiaz in real life.
Mani Jul 07, 2016 02:04pm
Most of these media ppl have really low IQs hence the quality of most programming out there. It's an aptitude problem stems from watching too much Bollywood.
joe Jul 07, 2016 02:58pm
Insane that he chose to share this.
Jawad pakistani Jul 07, 2016 02:58pm
He's a great a actor and girls in Pakistan blindly love this man.
HUMA Jul 07, 2016 03:01pm
I mean he is given such a big responsibility by playing this role, at first point. And this could be a joke!? This is not a joke. Its sad. Very hypocrite.
Pashtun Jul 07, 2016 03:04pm
It is very dangerous to present a disgusting issue in dramas. Risk of more people to get attracted. Real life villians learn different methods from movies. To stop evils in society state has to give strict punishments in the presence of society and Islamic system is the based one for eradicating all evils. But the leaders and elites are the biggest hurdles as they would not be allowed for corruption then.
Hassan Jul 07, 2016 03:08pm
Totally agree with the writer for bringing out a very pertinent point. The guy who did this and was trying to be funny only brings out his immaturity and probably lack of education. I guess the industry needs to enrol educated actors.
Mariam Jul 07, 2016 04:17pm
Super distasteful and truly shows lacks of recognition of the problem on the actors part . This is not a joke .. And there is no lighter note crap with child rape / Abuse or any rape : abuse for that matter
Stehman Jul 07, 2016 04:24pm
Ihsaan Khan needs to explain this offensive meme ,why made him do this ....maybe he should go and meet the victims who ho through it and see how they are shattered forever ,I think he has young children how would he feel if someone did that to his children and then started poking fun too
Hassan Jul 07, 2016 04:34pm
There is no such thing as bad publicity.
Rida Jul 07, 2016 06:46pm
We also need to condemn the person who actually made this meme!
Naila Abidi Jul 07, 2016 08:53pm
I have been wondering seriously that the ones who feel so offended by the drama Udhari have perhaps something to hide....just a thought....
Naila Abidi Jul 07, 2016 08:55pm
@Shehzad true...I think Ahsan Khan by playing this role is doing justice to his profession....he is letting the world know that such monsters are living write amongst us....
Ali Ahmed Awan Jul 07, 2016 09:34pm
You may say that its a little bit out of line but he was just trying to be funny. You should give him credit for doing such a role cause it takes a lot of courage to do such a role, and he did it only to raise awareness about this issue.
hirni Jul 07, 2016 09:53pm
Proves that he only takes Udaari as a drama and his paycheck. Does not care about the message it wants to spread....I hope he does not have any daughter
gp65 Jul 07, 2016 10:16pm
@Mani "Most of these media ppl have really low IQs hence the quality of most programming out there. It's an aptitude problem stems from watching too much Bollywood." Seriously? So now Bollywoood is responsible for he lapse of judgment of a Pakistani TV star?
raf Jul 07, 2016 10:17pm
completely agree with the author and truly distasteful. How old is Ahsan Khan again?? 13???
Safir Siddiqui Jul 07, 2016 11:24pm
While depicting a social evil,utmost care should be exercised to avoid repulsive scene.Many things could be conveyed unsaid,that is the art of drama.The director should not forget that such plays are seen by families,nasty scenes embarrasses the whole family.So be careful,don't cross the red line.
aliya Jul 07, 2016 11:35pm
@Pashtun Real life villians get ideas from thousand different ways.. this was happening way before udaari was made.. There are thousands of children in Pakistan getting abused and don't even know about that it's 'abuse' (like the child in udaari didn't even realize what's happening to her is wrong).. It is society's responsibility to spread the message and there's no other better way than drama.. cuz that's the largest medium in Pakistan.
Pakistani Jul 08, 2016 12:54am
@Pashtun I don't agree with you I think it will spread awareness in society about child sexual abuse, we all know it but doesn't care much to watch carefully what's going on with our kids dramas like this will make parents realize that the culprits are mostly people whom they trust and will be extra cautious about their children.
Saima Naseem Jul 08, 2016 01:58am
What an awful awful thing to share. Does this man know that sexual abuse in childhood scars a person for life , taints their relationships and their ability to care for the future generations. Just shows what little some people think. Horrible.
raf Jul 08, 2016 02:40am
@Ali Ahmed Awan I think you need to understand what this article is about. No one is talking about his acting skills. We are talking about his immaturity about this topic. One can play a great role as an actor, but in real life he/she can be a completely something else, and his tweet shows how immature he is. Hope you get it.
Raju Jul 08, 2016 03:49am
Very true, why did you write Ahsan, what were you thinking buddy??
aslam shaikh Jul 08, 2016 03:53am
High character of our stars who we try to copy blindly...
Tanveer Ahmad Jul 08, 2016 04:33am
Freedom of expression! He has shared what he found humorous. You have expressed your distaste. Thats about it. You have no right to say he "shouldn't have shared that".
Yawar Jul 08, 2016 04:43am
@Shehzad Agreed it was a mistake and corrected as soon as it was called out. As far as the lesson for us this character provides is that not only should one not be an Imtiaz in real life, but one should be brave enough to call out and confront without any hesitation such creepy people.
viney mehra Jul 08, 2016 06:36am
well great thing is we are discussing it .It will bring some realization for all of us in society .
goggi Jul 08, 2016 09:59am
This creepy meme is a warning sign for all, "every man is a potential (child)rapist or a murderer, because he possesses the appropriate organs for this purpose!"
saqib mughal Jul 08, 2016 12:28pm
He needs a good slapping down from udaari production time and everyone that follow him in social media. These celebs need to learn gone are the days when they could say and do anything without consequences
Syed Jul 08, 2016 12:32pm
Dramas are entertainment & showing obscene behaviour only encourage s people to enact them , may not agree , but its simply vulgar not art.
SJ Jul 08, 2016 12:48pm
It kills me when I think of the girl playing the victim of sexual abuse in "Udaarri".
Umair Jul 08, 2016 01:04pm
I saw a post like this on a social forum and it creeped the hell out of me how can just someone makes a laughing stock out of an issue so serious like this. Our society is infected by diseases like child abuse and rape and this is the same society which makes fun of incidences like mukhtaran mai case and kasur child abuse case. Sad and Shame!
Ahsan Jul 08, 2016 02:28pm
How can their be a lighter note when it comes to child abuse and rape? He just killed the whole point of the drama serial.
Angel Jul 09, 2016 11:14am
It shows that how seriously he takes this evil....please stop highlighting that he has sacrificed his image by accepting that role. He is an actor, getting money and fame what else you expect...he should apologize for his act...freedom of expression does not mean to spread all kinds of evils.
MUHAMMAD ALI Jul 10, 2016 12:53pm
Nothing to be amazed, they are all "ACTORS" after all. One cannot expect them to be same or support a cause in this matter, as they appear on screen and this applies for all those appearing in talk shows and ramazan transmissions. All they want is fame and money.
zakhta Jul 11, 2016 03:33pm
These dramas may help parents to become vocal and come forward to protect their children from sexual abuse. I wish parents in Pakistan get some courage to speak up and bash those culprits hiding in the form of relatives, teachers, neighbors etc. Because when an adult cannot show courage to stop this crime, how can a child speak for himself? Think about it. Many of our innocent kids suffer this ordeal everyday and we're the one blind, deaf and silent on this gruesome crime.