
Won't do a Bolly flick "just to be seen," says Priyanka Chopra

Won't do a Bolly flick "just to be seen," says Priyanka Chopra

The Baywatch actor isn't worried about losing her audience in India
Updated 02 Jul, 2016

With overseas projects like American TV show Quantico and her Hollywood debut Baywatch keeping her busy, Priyanka Chopra has had no time for Bollywood.

But she isn't worried about losing her audience at home.

"There have been actors male and female who have taken a sabbatical, whose films haven't come up in two-three years. I don't think that if they (audience) won't see me (in Bollywood films) they will forget me. I am not an insecure person," Priyanka said, reports Times of India.

"I don't think I have to do a film (in Hindi) just to be seen," she continues. "My show Quantico comes every Saturday you all can see me onscreen. Even my film Baywatch will be releasing (next year in summer)."

She promises that her Hollywood debut Baywatch will have a big release in India;

"We will be getting entire cast here (in India). Today entertainment medium has become broad. I am an Indian actor first before anything no matter where I go in the world."

So is there no room for Bollywood on Priyanka's agenda at present?

"If I get a good project and if I have time I will do it (Hindi film). Till the time audience would like to see me I will do films. If they would not like to see me I would come to know," comes the reply.


Ash Jul 02, 2016 11:52am
Funny! This is exactly how 'epitome of kindness' laden beauty contest winners start in Bollywood - to be seen!