
We’re a patriarchy teetering on the edge of fundamentalism, says Feryal Ali Gauhar

We’re a patriarchy teetering on the edge of fundamentalism, says Feryal Ali Gauhar

The filmmaker/writer talks about the pressures and perversions associated with women’s portrayal in the media
08 Mar, 2016

With International Women’s Day upon us, several attempts are being made to incorporate women into the professional mainstream of Pakistani society. Milestones such as Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy’s double Oscar win offer hope, but is it too soon to celebrate?

To understand the pressures and perversions associated with women’s portrayal in the media, Dawn spoke to Feryal Ali Gauhar, a political economist, filmmaker, author and celebrated television personality and asked her what more can be done to improve the situation.

Dawn: In your experience, what challenges do women face as members of the media, particularly as filmmakers and authors?

Feryal Ali Gauhar: In the electronic media such as television, women have largely been objectified, and have rarely held editorial posts. Even when they are owners, they cater to the prevailing forces of the market and encourage programming which garner or yield revenue.

Women in the media may be making waves, but not necessarily for the right reasons. The challenges women face stem from patriarchal attitudes towards women who are considered to be at the bottom-end of the dominance-submission dynamic.

Women are seen and treated as ‘victims’ and ‘objects’ and are divested of active power. This is reflected in not only entertainment programmes, but also current affairs and even news broadcasts. There are exceptions of course, but it is really too early to celebrate.

I would like to see the day when women who bring charges of sexual harassment against a male colleague are treated with respect and not disparaged, unlike the alleged perpetrator who is often lionised for his ‘guts’ and ‘bravado’. As far as writing is concerned, I believe women have a more level playing field and the physicality of being a woman does not interfere with how her writing is received or perceived.

Dawn: Mainstream Pakistani TV shows and films still seem to write women as stereotypes. Why do you think this is and how can this be changed?

Feryal: Clearly, the content of television and film scripts must be contextualised within the society which produces them. We are a patriarchal, feudal society, teetering on the edge of the abyss of narrow, obscurantist and fundamentalist interpretations of Islam, where the positioning of women is almost echoed by older, more conservative theological frameworks.

The legitimacy of women in such societies is derived from her relationships with men – as a daughter, mother, wife, sister. A woman on her own is seen outside of the paradigm, and is perhaps considered a threat to the ‘normative values’ preached by these ideologies.

It is therefore comfortable for creators of such programming to perpetrate the formation of images, which are seen as desirable in this context, and to disparage those which challenge these notions.

In the cinema in particular, the two diametrically-opposed images of women, i.e. the ‘sati savatri’ or vestal virgin, is seen in contrast to the vamp or the ‘fahasha’.

This situation can only change if more writers, directors, producers consciously insert the alternate images through the fissures of these cardboard cut-out images which are neither human nor humane.

Dawn: Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy’s Oscar-winning documentary has garnered some criticism for showing the “negative side” of Pakistani society. In your experience, what role can documentaries play in addressing issues that have been ignored?

Feryal: It is a well-known adage that bad news sells – this is tragic, but then tragedy has a voyeuristic quality to it that is not necessarily matched by the sharing of joy.

But that is not to say that Sharmeen exploits this voyeuristic aspect of the media in her work. I commend her highly for choosing her subjects wisely. My work on a feature film – Pezwaan, or The Nose Ring, was also based on a true story of an honour killing. It was on location in Kohistan, the first and only time a film had been shot there.

But there were no private channels in 1994 that could have aired it, and it was heavily censored by PTV when it was screened after a struggle of over two years.

However, I do not seek the acknowledgement of western audiences as I make films for the people I work with. I am not in the business of reforming society, rather, I use several mediums to express my concerns – if my work generates interest and debate, all the better.

Dawn: Your work has focused significantly on poverty and the environment – can you talk about how you found these two key issues impact women specifically?

Feryal: Women are the poorest segment of any population in societies where stratification has resulted in gross inequities and injustice based on gender. Women are also the repositories of traditional knowledge, often derived from their very special relationship with the environment.

As nurturers of their families, they reflect the nutritive role of the environment when it is respected and cared for. With poor decision making on the part of leadership which is largely male, or where the vision is certainly not “feminist”, the resulting degradation of the environment is tantamount to the rape of the earth.

This is reflected in the deteriorating social environment for women where their security, the security of their persons and body, is jeopardised by the very fact of them being women, or powerless. Without the engagement of women in the nurturing of the earth, communities shall continue to be impoverished.

And amongst the poorest, it shall always be women who suffer the most, perpetually pregnant, poor, and powerless. The relationship of women with the environment is a key to moving communities out of poverty, as much as the need for women to be able to make decisions regarding their own bodies and fertility is crucial to empowering them in a meaningful and sustainable manner.

Originally published in Dawn, March 8th, 2016


madhusudan Mar 08, 2016 12:43pm
Faryal aapa very beautiful. She was in Chandler grahan.
Suren Sahni Mar 08, 2016 12:46pm
Echoing the plight of women in third world countries
madhusudan Mar 08, 2016 01:07pm
Faryal aapa looks beautiful.
Hamid shafiq Mar 08, 2016 01:12pm
Feryal time media and current media is totally different. so i agree his comments
Parvez Mar 08, 2016 02:58pm
Can only agree with her views........and those who disagree with her do so using religion as a cover but their objective is anything but religious.
Indigo nation Mar 08, 2016 03:51pm
She is correct.
Sivaram Pochiraju Mar 08, 2016 04:05pm
I agree with Feryal Ali Gauhar almost entirely except her opinion regarding Sati Savitri. I think she is confused about Savitri. Savitri challenged Yama, the God of death and won so that Yama had no choice but to restore life of her husband and hence she is called Sati Savitri, the ultimate wife. As such she has nothing to do with the Vestal Virgin. In India, women are somewhat better placed in cities but still a long way to go. However Hinduism doesn't have any kind of fatwa and it's flexible. However the mindset of men is yet to change completely, which is true in all parts of the world including the much advanced countries. Unless and until men fully appreciate and respect women, things won't improve that easily. Hence women, educated women in particular should shirk their inhibitions and start challenging the society in the interest of all women and for the betterment of society at large.
abdullah Mar 08, 2016 04:30pm
Women in pakistan want to work in corporate world but at the same time want different rules for them.such as they should be treated in a diff way compare to the male colleagues.its equality ladies get over it and consider it to be a norm and if you cant take it .please stay at home.your boses are not your parents that you expect favours from them.
Salim Khan Mar 08, 2016 05:44pm
She is right. We have no respect for women. In our society a woman is an object and that's it.
samunder Mar 08, 2016 05:59pm
Lets see how these rich social workers treat their house servants! especially the female servants who are not allowed to eat and sit with them on same table.
S Mar 08, 2016 07:03pm
@abdullah what exact favors a woman wants from her "bosses"? Do you wanna elaborate on that part? Oh, and, by the way, a woman generally JUST wants and expects and hopes for respect from the male counterparts.
Equality Mar 08, 2016 08:47pm
Ms. Gauhar's replies are amazing. Relevant and informative and good source for policy makers.
Rev. Eldrick Lal Mar 08, 2016 09:53pm
Thank you for speaking about the plight of women in Pakistan
N_Saq Mar 08, 2016 10:17pm
Very smart woman!
Zak Mar 08, 2016 11:23pm
Totally disagree with this ladies views. Everywhere women are stereotyped, including Pakistan. But first women PM in muslim country was in Pakistan, first fighter pilots in Asia. They are way ahead.
Lulu Mar 08, 2016 11:45pm
"Show Biz star" is not a disparaging term
Mrs. Phannay Khan Mar 09, 2016 05:10am
@samunder You know her servant(s)?
Muhammad Ayub khan Mar 09, 2016 09:57am
she is an acknowledged leadership of women Rights who do believe in women active participation and empowerment in our society. Feryal has highlighted and debated on the women various social issues in the News press media intellectually with her deep expressions . Her efforts for women rights would be appreciate in the mainstream of Pakistani society.
Thoroughthinker Mar 09, 2016 03:20pm
Feryal's introduction from her bio states: "An animal rights activist, Feryal cares for an astounding eighteen cats, seven dogs, three goats, and one donkey".
Thoroughthinker Mar 09, 2016 03:30pm
Famous Feryal Quote: “ I would much rather talk to my donkey Sanober, than feign interest in the lives of women of means, who are often merely mean women,”
amin Mar 10, 2016 01:02am
i am also a women libber.but unforunately in pakistan women liberty is mistaken as gender bending,lauditism and meritriciousness thanks to born again religious mentality among pakistani men
Ajay Vikram Singh Mar 10, 2016 03:56am
"We’re a patriarchy teetering on the edge of fundamentalism." - Very well said Feryal. I cant think of better way of putting it in one sentence.