
India needs benevolent dictator to set it right: Om Puri

India needs benevolent dictator to set it right: Om Puri

The veteran actor believes that after a dictatorship of 10-15 years, democracy can be restored.
09 Oct, 2015

Veteran actor Om Puri didn't mince his words when he lashed out at the incumbent Indian government and said that the country needs a benevolent dictator to set it right, reported The Indian Express.

But before people could jump to conclusions and draw daggers, Puri clarified his statement: "Don’t get me wrong, but I feel India needs to earn its democratic status. Let there be a benevolent dictator, a fair and strong leader who can run this country and then, in 10-15 years, restore democracy."

The actor who has made a name for himself in both Bollywood and Hollywood was invited to Chandnigarh Press Club along with with writer-producer Santosh Bartiya and city-based actor Amit Sharma from upcoming film Hogaya Dimaag Ka Dahi, who stood by his words.

Puri also spoke at length about the need for a more progressive society: “Gandhiji said, there is enough for everyone’ need, but not everyone’s greed. Look around you… our population is 120 crore, our poverty line is shameful, there is greed and corruption, and we are all becoming selfish, careless and irresponsible citizens who don’t deserve democracy. Compare yourself to the West… how they have resurrected and progressed in spite of World Wars, and then look inwards. It’s tragic how we’ve damaged ourselves."

The actor was also disappointed that films addressing such subjects do not manage to do well at box office because of lack of celebrities and limited promotion.


shubs Oct 09, 2015 01:57pm
Om Puri means well but his remedy is naive and juvenile.
Saurabh Oct 09, 2015 02:00pm
There is no such as a benevolent dictator
Imtiaz Oct 09, 2015 02:11pm
Send him to Pakistan and learn from examples of dictatorships which we suffered.
Notes of a Madman Oct 09, 2015 02:21pm
This is what i have been sayiing since a decades.
haris Oct 09, 2015 02:25pm
@Saurabh Read about Singapore.
Atanu Dutta Oct 09, 2015 02:34pm
Well said Om sir. It was Netaji who first introduced this idea , hats off to you sir.
Akram Oct 09, 2015 02:35pm
Om jee, be careful what you wish for.
Akram Oct 09, 2015 02:36pm
@Saurabh "There is no such as a benevolent dictator" Wanna bet?
Ranga Oct 09, 2015 02:44pm
The word "benevolent dictator" is an oxymoron.
tamil Oct 09, 2015 02:45pm
@Saurabh Yes Modi can become one, I fully support him.
M. Emad Oct 09, 2015 03:00pm
Narendra Modi could be the India's 'benevolent dictator' to set it right.
auginpk Oct 09, 2015 03:06pm
@Saurabh Dear you are absolutly right that there is nothing like benevolent dictator. As an actor Mr.Om Puri is one of the best, but probably he needs a benovalent dictator for his own self.
Charu Oct 09, 2015 03:07pm
Fully agree, and I can do without the benevolence part...just and reasonable should be just fine...we Indians are a "Lawton ke bhoot" ... With the level of education in larger sections of population, people cannot even choose what's right for their own lives let alone a nation.... Besides with the humongous diversity, you need an iron fist to rule and get things done. The problem is once the generation has been equipped for democracy....the rulers don't want to let go
Parvez Oct 09, 2015 03:28pm
He has shown grave concern and anxiety ........... hopefully people will take it in the correct context .
Hemant Oct 09, 2015 03:29pm
Mr. puri, you are good actor, kindly do. It become expert on political science.. Dictator and being benevolent is diametrically opposite personality... Can you please give one such example?? We do not want to become Pakistan,,, we are happy the way we are... When you take antibiotic for common cold, it would not work when typhoid arrives...
A FAN Oct 09, 2015 03:55pm
He is best in acting he should not show his mediocrity discussing politics. It can be at best his opinion. We are a great nation.
kuttathi Oct 09, 2015 04:02pm
He has a point.We have too much freedom in India and most of the people can't take any new laws without criticism.In China what ever the Govt decides,people don't have any choice but to obay.There should be something in between.
sudhir Oct 09, 2015 04:31pm
@haris Singapore has done phenomenally as an economy, courtesy Lee Kuan Yew. But the common Singaporeans have not really benefitted by it. Most of them get minimum wages which is around 2500 sing dollars. They get a very basic housing. The people who are thriving there are the elite, the people who hold the power and expatriates who are paid well. Ordinary Singaporeans are a sad lot. The slog and get underpaid and they'll have to work till they are 72.
Murali Oct 09, 2015 04:50pm
Ompuri shab, before comenting on anybody, please keep your House in order. First start from your House / Family
zs Oct 09, 2015 04:56pm
People are already seeing the disasters of modi in india so wishing for anything good.
bryan Oct 09, 2015 05:10pm
Yes we all feel that why is the nation like this, why are we punching below our weight, how do we get non issues on main stream and waste time and resources over it. Benevolent dictators come with a high amount of risk of future- since dictatorship is not given but snatched. May be one can be a benevolent dictator but what about times after him. The future gets too risky in such a situation- but the present would seem good. I can relate to the frustration of Mr Puri- Look at the comments about Indians- Not more than 1% people in the nation are trouble makers- but they are the image and opinions are formed on their action. Nowhere does the tolerant version of this nation comes out. Dictatorship will kill tolerance
AW Oct 09, 2015 05:19pm
He meant Benevolent dictator not just any dictator. Come to think of it, his proposal makes sense not only for India but also for Pakistan. Atta-Turk was such example for Turkey
Azhar Oct 09, 2015 05:21pm
@Ranga. In fact "benevolent dictator " is not an oxymoron. Ayub Khan is an example, Musharraf in another. They were more benevolent than most of our "democratic " leaders.
Satt Oct 09, 2015 05:26pm
India needs a strong democrat not a benevolent dictator.India needs another Gandhi but more intelligent.
BRILLIANT Oct 09, 2015 05:30pm
This is a very good solution. Indians and indeed all those of the sub continent do not appreciate what it means to be free due to long years of subjugation under monarchs and colonial powers. A dictator like Ataturk will reform these people.
Scratching my head? Oct 09, 2015 05:40pm
@Akram The idea of a benevolent dictator came from family models. A family having a benevolent father and rest as recipients works well in growing family. But how we can apply this whole concept to benevolent dictator at country level. Just thinking and scratching my head while going to my office?
Ram Oct 09, 2015 06:11pm
I agree we should bring most experienced Dictator alive General Pervez Musharraf after all he is from Delhi
Vectra Oct 09, 2015 06:37pm
This shows OM Puri knowledge of a how society works albeit -ve
Hulagu Oct 09, 2015 07:49pm
Problem is that power is corrupt. Dictatorship comes with extreme power and will corrupt anyone. It has been repeated again and again across the world. The right answer is to have a benevolent PM and benevolent politicians.
Sangat Singh Oct 09, 2015 07:55pm
Puri Sahib, baat to theek kahi hai but where to find a benevolent one?
Rahul Oct 09, 2015 08:38pm
Yes I agree. And not just India but it's neighbors too.
Agha Ata Oct 09, 2015 08:43pm
At least one wise man on this earth has indirectly agreed with what has been going on in Pakistan.
Reddy Oct 09, 2015 09:18pm
Om Puri Saab, Can't agree more. These are exactly my thoughts, India needs a good dictator for 25 yrs. Set house in order, Bring in a meaningful Constituition. Current doc, is a worthless piece of shiyte. Indian society has become more and more corrupt. If we compare how country was in 70s and 80s, to now.. things have become worse. BTW, i like DAWN more than Indian Express or any other indian sites (ju nk)
Harinder Oct 09, 2015 09:37pm
Indians will never accept any Dictators how so ever benevolent he may be. India is the land of free people who can choose the way they want to lead their lives.
M.Saeed Oct 09, 2015 09:42pm
What he means is not not necessarily a military but any dictatorship where a dictator is a genius mind, robust in build to survive 15 years and result oriented in every approach. He might make a few mistakes but would have mind, means and and courage to correct. In the end, he is bound to succeed in a big way. But, the important question is, where to find such a dictator?
Satyam vada Oct 09, 2015 10:13pm
Is he talking about a bollywood movie he is directing? He thinks the dictator will quit whenever Om Puri wants? Yeah, right! He thinks it is OK to suspend civil rights for 10-15 years for the sake of progress? Is in't that itself a regression from whatever little progress we made? West he is giving as example didn't progress through dictatorship. Does he see the contradiction? He should stick to talking on topics realated to films.
Bhaijan Oct 09, 2015 10:18pm
@Imtiaz Imtiaz Sahib our Politicians have made us suffer much more than Dictators. Except of course Zia. During Ayub country industrialized profusely till Bhutto meddled in and nationalized most of it. Ayub's fault: 65 war. PPP and Sharifs looted till Musharraf. His big mistake: NRO. Then PPP and now PMLN flouting the nation in the name of Democracy.
Others Oct 09, 2015 10:36pm
Hope he sticks to acting..
kashmira Oct 09, 2015 10:50pm
The term "Benevolent dictator" is oxymoron. There is no such thing. A most benevolent dictator will grow into demon in a very short time. Wasn't Hitler benevolent before the holocaust? Pakistan's history is full of benevolent dictators.
Rashid Ishaq Oct 09, 2015 10:54pm
So finally I see a true person who is not exaggerating to praise Modi for nothing
JET LEE Oct 09, 2015 11:53pm
Perhaps they are unaware that in India, everybody has the "right to speak". So let him express his views. Don't forget that he is the good actor not thinker.
Gurpreet Singh Sabharwal (USA) Oct 10, 2015 12:01am
Dictator & benevolent are contradictory terms to a great extent.
Tariq Amir Oct 10, 2015 12:04am
I think as a Pakistani I have more experience in this matter. Because we have endured four dictators and all of them claimed to be very benevolent. But see what they have left behind, a trail of destruction.
mo Oct 10, 2015 12:26am
Brovo yes lee quaan, mahtir mohammad are modern dictators. strong leaders have made nation not strong democracy just to remind you ,Britain is a democracy of 20th century . and what about Modern china dictator. Brovo Om puri
Khwaja Oct 10, 2015 01:00am
It is a truth. To make things better a serious actions are the results. History and Psychology tells us that nature of a human can not be stopped but can be changed. The lust of power is the most dangerous thing. A dictator in India will bring a change in the world. That will bring great tensions among the neighbours.
Naveed Oct 10, 2015 01:14am
It should not be Mr. Modi as he will antagonize minorities, as he has with his beef policy.
Aditya Oct 10, 2015 01:17am
@Akram yes, I wanna bet
MATHU Oct 10, 2015 01:44am
By benevolent dictator Om Puri means a big stick to beat people.
Rehan Oct 10, 2015 02:09am
@Imtiaz what You have suffered in dictatorshio n what have You gotten in this sham democracy
shokolokobangoshay Oct 10, 2015 02:15am
India, a land of many religions will never have a dictator because current populationshave
Changez_Khan Oct 10, 2015 03:00am
Every word Om Puri said has a lot of weight, people in India must pay attention to his words and wake up. India has NO democracy, Nill, Zip, big Zero. Right now the hardcore bigots are running the country.
romm Oct 10, 2015 03:43am
@Imtiaz He meant dictator like Suharto, Mahateer and Putin... not like Zia. .
romm Oct 10, 2015 03:47am
@Ranga As per webster online western dictation are. Russians had democrat like Yelstin now they have dictator like Putin. But West never Mocked Yelstin despite being corrupt, dishonest and Alcoholic head of the state because He suited them
nasiroski Oct 10, 2015 04:15am
The means he suggested may be wrong but what he is saying carries a lot of weight and it is also true for Pakistan as well, People on both side of the border need to change themselves if the region has to progress.
Muhammad Anwar Khan Oct 10, 2015 04:44am
Mr Z A Bhutto writes -India is united under hallo ballao of democracy..
Jaswinder Singh Oct 10, 2015 05:16am
I totally agree with him.
SUNIL Oct 10, 2015 05:35am
Snail paced progress in seemingly anarchic democracy is better than strides made under inhumane iron fist.
Venkatanarayana Doddi Oct 10, 2015 07:34am
History says most of the countries prospered during the benevolent dictatorship only.
someone Oct 10, 2015 07:35am
Well sir, if dictator ship was a solution, Pakistan would have been developed country since 1965. It is not. I think we need to learn a lesson from it.
Siddhartha Oct 10, 2015 07:35am
Too late. It could happen 60 years ago. One can not start democracy after 10-15 years of dictatorship. Every one failed. India is the only poor and developing country where democracy survived. Rests are all western countries. Only thing we need now to stop corruption, educate people and control the population growth.
hussain Oct 10, 2015 07:52am
@Imtiaz as if democratic leaders have taken the country on the path of socio economic prosperity....they have looted and plundered
Temo Shanko Oct 10, 2015 07:57am
There are no benovalent dictators. Education and democracy is the only answer
India Oct 10, 2015 08:39am
"Power Corrupts, Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely", There is nothing called as a "benevolent dictator". Despite this,I believe we need a dictator because we do not respect are freedom and take it for granted. We need some disciple in our country and a able nationalistic dictator is the best way.
Bemused Oct 10, 2015 09:54am
On puri played Zia ul Haque-- didn't think he'd be carried away by his role
Abdul Wani Oct 10, 2015 10:33am
He is the same person who fought with a traffic policeman for stopping him for violating a traffic signal and also supported Sanjay Dutt .
ali Bilgrami Oct 10, 2015 12:22pm
@A FAN keep on dreaming about greatness. It will take a thousand years to get there
point of view Oct 10, 2015 12:51pm
I guess, he is preparing some sort of background for his movie... We get what we deserve. M happy with democracy, change is slow agreed.. But post economic reforms, pace of change has gone up. The statement that we need more progressive society is very true. We need to work on education & include specific subjects of gender equality, religious & regional tolerance right from 3rd,4th standard, change would be visible in 20 years. Our poverty % has fallen significantly to 12/13%, which mr. Puri is clueless about. But there are areas which are poorer than others & we are a country with medium human development parameters. In essence, picture is not as grim as mr. Puri paints ( may be for his movie, if there comes a movie where he portrays a non resident indian, I guess picture would be more rosy!), but we are still 20/25 years away from being a developed society. For a country of 125 cr, change would bot be swift. Lets work & let the govt also do its job, they are also doing good..
Shridhar Subrahmanyam Oct 10, 2015 12:57pm
Naive and brainless people think that some kind of a messiah will appear as a benign dictator and solve all the problems of the nation state. Most dictators end up violating human rights and lining their pockets and making millions for their heirs. They leave the nation much poorer than what they found.
Rehan Oct 10, 2015 01:38pm
He is a great actor. His personality speaks his wisdom. Instead of taking his advice , showing rebelliiusness would keep you running in circles. I think what he thought is also applicable for Pakistan!
Indian Oct 10, 2015 03:56pm
I think Modi with few corrections can be the Person. Kejriwal does not have it in him to lead a if gulf increases fuel price he might sit on dharna or may accuse opposition of sajish
Avijit Roy Oct 10, 2015 05:12pm
I agree, Om,
vijay Oct 10, 2015 06:49pm
Om, People who live in glass houses do not throw stones at others.
Sanjoy Sankar Guha Oct 10, 2015 07:21pm
Yes I agree completely. But how will you manufacture this fair and benevolent dictator?
Sanjoy Sankar Guha Oct 10, 2015 07:23pm
@M. Emad Modiji benevolence requires plastic surgery.
kkk Oct 10, 2015 07:48pm
all reader judge his feeling in wrong prospect for example India has 125 crore population now and it may be exceed 250 crore in near future it will eat up recourses like water food development. we need strong chemotherapy mean adopt one child policy like china has forced on its citizen . but politician in India would not want to implement this for the sake of vote bank politics . and many narrow minded selfish religious origination and mob will protest on street with violence. need a honest dictator who can take more decision in the interest of nation. may we human want a superman send by god to solve the problem
Gaurav Arya Oct 10, 2015 08:30pm
Be careful for what you wish for. You may get it.
SFA Oct 10, 2015 08:50pm
Om Puri Sir, you are truly one of the greatest actors of the Sub-continent and you have a huge fan following in Pakistan. I share your pain and anguish but benevolent dictators who undertake nation building like Lee Kwan Yu are a very rare breed. I wish we could find one in Pakistan!
Sasa Oct 10, 2015 09:12pm
I propose the name of Mamtaji as a benevolent dictator of India. She has all quality that you need to be a strong leader of secular India as she believes in secularism and progress of whole India.
Pavan Devatha Oct 10, 2015 09:27pm
Well, Indira Gandhi tried being that, Benevolent dictator. We are still suffering from her doses.
Saeed Oct 10, 2015 10:10pm
May be he has recent experience of Musharraf in mind. But Musharraf was not a dictator in nature, he happened to be dictator de jure.
george Oct 11, 2015 12:03am
@M. Emad But he ain't
george Oct 11, 2015 12:06am
@Azhar Bless you. You are absolutely right!
mazhar Oct 11, 2015 12:46am
@Imtiaz Mr stop maligning your motherland whatever the case is today we are standing and we shall rise again
Oshkosh, London Oct 11, 2015 03:05am
Him and his commends are old school.
komal s Oct 11, 2015 06:49am
@kuttathi We need dictatorship, we need to bring British back are all immature suggestions. You can bring about changes while being democratic. For a brief time we had so called benevolent dictatorship called emergency. We all know what happened. On Puri should focus on acting.
N. Oct 11, 2015 06:56am
People looking for a dictator are looking for others to have this dictator and not for themselves. However, a dictator doesn't run the show all by himself or herself. There is an entourage of people who once again want to dictate and not be dictated. Would y'all call Margaret Thatcher a benevolent dictator? The world has always been governed by a group of people who knew weaknesses of masses and how to consolidate power. If one appeared to be the One, there were a host of like minded people surrounding and manipulating the rest.
dv 1936 Oct 11, 2015 07:36am
Ask the British to come back and give the common the rule of law.
Kumar Oct 11, 2015 09:30am
@Reddy Have you read Indian constitution? Which part do you find is junk? It's great social document as per US constitution expert Granville Austin. Om puri talks about benevelont dictator. Let me tell you every dictator has his own limitations. He cannot go against people's wishes. Let's take our very beloved neighbour's example. However strong dictator musharaff was he could not succeed in polio campaign. Democracy is a bloodless revolution. It takes time but will lead to eternal happiness. Dictators will nothing but force people to do things as per his wishes which may or may not be moral. It would require people to rise in concord and think in concord.
Agha Ata Oct 11, 2015 10:51pm
Finally, we have found at least one wise man, according to us, in the whole world who has indirectly agreed with all the nonsense that our history can never throw away.
Saurabh Oct 12, 2015 02:14pm
@haris Good. But an exception. Succeeded at a small scale. Any other example? Not quite.
Bupi Oct 12, 2015 02:50pm
No individual can progress it's always collected Leadership that helps when one becomes Dictator he knows no human suffering. Collective leadership is always & will remain best. It's like four wheels of vehicle if one get punchered its replaced. Do think Mr Om ji.
AIZA Oct 13, 2015 03:07am
@Hulagu The best comment!
Nadeem Oct 13, 2015 03:32pm
To all Indians: don't even think of going that way. Four dictatorships in Pakistan, and the country is a certified mess.